RBSE Class 6 English Grammar Passive Voice
RBSE Class 6 English Grammar Passive Voice
Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 6 English Grammar Passive Voice
(1) Active Voice (कर्तृवाच्य) – इसमें कर्ता (Subject) प्रमुख होता है। इसलिए इसे कर्तृवाच्य (Active Voice) कहते हैं।

उपर्युक्त वाक्य में Sheela Subject है जिसकी क्रिया का प्रभाव Object (rice) पर पड़ता है। अतः यहाँ Verb (cooked) कर्तृवाच्य में है। अत: Sheela सक्रिय (Active) कर्ता है।
(2) Passive Voice (कर्मवाच्य) – इसमें कर्ता (Subject) निष्क्रिय (Passive) होता है । इसमें कर्ता को प्रधानता न देकर कर्म (Object) को प्रमुखता दी जाती है। Passive Voice में कर्म (Object) की प्रमुखता के कारण इसके verb को कर्मवाच्य (Passive Voice) में रखते हैं। इसमें verb (क्रिया) पर कर्म (Object) का नियंत्रण रहता है।
Active से Passive बनाने के नियम
(1) Active से Passive Voice बनाने के लिए Subjective Case के Pronoun को Objective Case में तथा Objective Case के Pronoun or Subjective Case में बदलना पड़ता है जो आपस में इस प्रकार से बदलते हैं।
(2) HelpingVerb ‘be’ का प्रयोग निम्नानुसार होता है –
- Simple Present Tense – is/am/are
- Simple Past Tense – was/were
- Simple Future Tense – shall/will + be
- Present Progressive – is/am/are + being
- Past Progressive – was/were + being
- Present Perfect – has/have + been
- Past Perfect – had + been
- Future Perfect – shall/will + have +been
(3) ‘be’ Form के प्रयोग के बाद दी गई क्रिया की IIIrd Form का प्रयोग होता है।
(4) कर्ता को कर्म के रूप में अन्त में रखने से पहले by का प्रयोग करते है
Passive of Simple Past Tense :
Exercise 1
Change the following sentences into Passive Voice :
निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को Passive Voice में बदलिये।
- The head clerk checked the entries.
The entries……….. - The clerk gave her a passbook,
She…………… - A computer made the entry.
The entry……….. - She deposited money in the bank.
Money ………. - The manager attested her signatures.
Her signatures…………. - Her mother asked her to deposit the money in the bank.
She…………… - Jyoti handed five thousand rupees to the cashier.
Five thousand rupees………… - She filled the form.
The form………… - The cashier deposited the money.
The money…………….. - She used a cheque book to withdraw money.
A cheque book…………….
- The entries were checked by the head clerk.
- She was given a passbook by the clerk.
- The entry was made by a computer.
- Money was deposited in the bank by her.
- Her signatures were attested by the manager.
- She was asked to deposit the money in the bank by her mother.
- Five thousand rupees were handed to the cashier by Jyoti.
- The form was filled by her.
- The money was deposited by the cashier.
- A cheque book was used to withdraw money by her.
Passive Voice of Present Continuous Tense
Exercise 2
Change the following sentences into Passive Voice.
निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को Passive Voice में बदलिये।
- Rani is reading a book.
- I am writing a letter.
- She is putting on a new dress.
- He is driving a car.
- I am watching TV.
- We are carrying a luggage.
- He is drinking tea in a glass.
- She is riding a horse.
- They are singing a beautiful song.
- She is cleaning utensils.
- A book is being read by Rani.
- A letter is being written by me.
- A new dress is being put on by her.
- A car is being driven by him.
- TV is being watched by me.
- A luggage is being carried by us.
- Tea is being drunk in a glass by him.
- A horse is being ridden by her.
- A beautiful song is being sung by them.
- Utensils are being cleaned by her.
Exercise 3
Change the following sentences into Passive Voice.
निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को Passive Voice में बदलिये।
- She is playing tennis there.
- He is closing the door.
- Someone is knocking at the door.
- A peon is opening the door.
- He is shaking his head.
- They are playing hockey.
- They are telling the truth.
- I am cooking food.
- Someone is following us.
- They are drinking milk.
- Tennis is being played there by her.
- The door is being closed by him.
- The door is being knocked at.
- The door is being opened by the peon.
- His head is being shaken by him.
- Hockey is being played by them.
- The truth is being told by them.
- Food is being cooked by me.
- We are being followed.
- Milk is being drunk.