RB 9 English

RBSE Class 9 English Short Paragraph Wrinting

RBSE Class 9 English Short Paragraph Wrinting

RBSE Class 9 English Short Paragraph Wrinting

Outlines पर आधारित Paragraph लिखते समय ध्यान देने योग्य बिन्दु

1. दी गई Outlines को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़ें।
2. Outlines को समझकर उचित Title (शीर्षक) लिखें, यदि प्रश्न में दिया हुआ नहीं है।
3. वाक्य छोटे, सरल एवं शुद्ध होने चाहिए।
4. प्रस्तुतीकरण आकर्षक एवं प्रभावी होना चाहिए।
5. यथासम्भव दी गई Outlines के अनुसार ही वाक्य बनायें।
6. वाक्यों की क्रमबद्धता का ध्यान रखें।
7. Outlines में दिए गए सभी संकेतों (Hints) का प्रयोग करते हुए वाक्य बनायें।
8. Punctuation Marks तथा Capital Letters का उचित प्रयोग करें।
9. प्रश्न में दी गई शब्द-सीमा में ही Paragraph लिखें।

I. Speech Type Format and Explanation (प्रारूप एवं व्याख्या)

1. Title ……….  Speech का शीर्षक लिखना है, जो प्रायः प्रश्न में दिया हुआ मिलेगा।
2. Formal Address. औपचारिक सम्बोधन करना है।
3. Thanks for Invitation … निमंत्रित करने के लिए आयोजकों को धन्यवाद दिया जाता है, परन्तु इसका प्रयोग किया जाना आवश्यक नहीं है।
4. Short Introduction …….. स्वयं का संक्षिप्त परिचय दिया जाता है।
5. Announcement of the topic ……. जिस विषय पर Speech दे रहे हैं
6. Development ………….. Speech का विकास किया जाता है, जिसमें Comparison (तुलना), Contrast (विपरीतार्थक), Facts (तथ्य), Proof (प्रमाण), Statistics (सांख्यिकी) आदि शामिल करते हैं। गद्यांश एक से ज्यादा हो सकते हैं।
7. Conclusion …….. निष्कर्ष में Warning (चेतावनी), Suggestion (सुझाव), Appeal (अपील) आदि का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
8. Formal Thanks …….. अन्त में सभी को धन्यवाद देते हैं। .

Question 1.
You are Tulsi/Tulsi Ram of class-IX. Write a speech in 60 to 80 words to be delivered by you on ‘Teacher’s Day’ in your school. You may take help of the following outlines :
Potter ………… clay ………… pot ………… make ………… the students …………. personality ………… guide …………. educate …………. affectionately …….. suggest …………. books ………… methods …………. build up …, talented …………. skilful …………. help ………………. healthy ………… expect ………… society …………… teacher ………… thanks.
Teacher’s Day Respected Principal, worthy teachers and my dear school fellows.
Today I, Tulsi/Tulsi Ram, express my views on : Teacher’s Day.
A potter moulds the clay into desired pots. In the same way a teacher makes the students a perfect personality. S/he guides the students. S/he educates them affectionately. S/he suggests good books and methods to build up talented and skilful persons. S/he also helps them to be healthy.
We cannot expect a good society without the help of a teacher.
Thank you.

Question 2.
Write a speech on ‘Increasing Rate of Crime Among Youth’ in 60 to 80 words to be delivered by you in the morning assembly of your school. You may touch upon the following outlines:
Comes across ………… news items ………… youth ………… gruesome crimes …………. kill ………… few rupees …………. chain snatching robbery …………. common ……………. incidents ………… committed ………….. expensive ………… habits …………… spend ………….. hotels ………… drugs ………… mobile phones …………. vigilant ………… keep an eye ………… activities.
Increasing Rate of Crime Among Youth
Good morning Everybody. :
I, Mamta, the student of class-IX stand before you to speak on ‘Increasing Rate of Crime Among Youth’. Recently, you must have come across shocking news items involving youths in gruesome crimes. A traveller was killed just for a few rupees. Chain snatching and robbery have become very common incidents these days. The crimes are committed for bad and expensive habits. They spend in hotels, on drugs and mobile phones.
Parents should be vigilant and keep an eye on their children’s activities.
Thank you.

Question 3.
You are required to speak on ‘Pollution’ in the school morning assembly. Prepare your speech taking help from the following points in 60 to 80 words :
Pollution — air — water — noise — environmental
Source of Pollution — traffic — garbage — industries
Ecological balance — falling of trees — building of factories — congested localities
Suggestions — Plantation — shifting of factories and mills — pooling..
Worthy Principal, teachers and dear students.
Today I stand before you to speak on pollution.
We are suffering from four types of pollution – air, water, noise and environmental. Main source of pollution is traffic, garbage and industries. Smoke and waste pollute the environment. Felling of trees, building of factories and congested localities have created danger to ecological balance.
We should plant more and more plants. Factories and mills should be shifted. Car pools can control emission level.
Thank you.

Question 4.
You are Prithvi/Prithvi Singh of class-IX. You have been asked to express the troubles created by traffic jams in the school’s morning assembly. Prepare a speech using outlines given below :
Traffic jams ………… create …………. havoc ………… caused by ………… parking ………… break down ………… accidents ………… work …………. railway crossing …………. stand …………. queue ………… wait …………. reach …… destination ……… ..keep ………… unoccupied.
Troubles of Traffic
Jams Honourable Principal, respected teachers and my friends. Today I, Prithvi/Prithvi Singh, want to throw a light upon how the traffic jams have created a real havoc in our life.
Jams are mostly caused by wrong parking, break down of vehicles on road, accidents, work in progress and railway crossing. One has to stand in long queue and wait for hours. We are unable to reach upto the destination in time.
We should keep the road unoccupied for others.
Thank you.

Question 5.
You are Satyanarayani/Satyanarayan of class-IX. Your school celebrates ‘Annual Day Function’. The Principal asks you to express your views on this occasion. Prepare a speech in 60 to 80 words using the following outlines :
occasion …………. enjoy ………….. rejoice …………. decoration ………… paper buntings ………… balloons ………… outstanding performance ………… prizes ……….. inspire ………… annual report ………… cultural programme ………….participants ………… organisers ………… enjoyment.
Annual Day Function
Respected Chief Guest, Principal Sahib, all the teachers and dear fellows.
I, Satyanarayani/Satyanarayan, want to express my views on this occasion.
We are very happy today enjoying the Annual Day Function. Our heart rejoices seeing decoration, paper-buntings and balloons hung everywhere. Students of outstanding, performance have got their prizes. It inspires other students to do the same. We all have known the annual report read by the Principal. Cultural programme is enjoyable.
I thank all the participants and organisers to avail us such a great enjoyment.
Thank you.

Question 6.
You are Nandi/Nand Kishore of class-IX. You were weak at English. You attended remedial classes. Your teacher asked you to deliver a speech on ‘Importance of Remedial Classes’ in your class in 60 to 80 words. You may take help from the following outlines :
Experience ………… arranged …………. weak students ………… helpful …… improve ………….join ………… recover ………… become easy …… understand …………. benefit …………. subject.
Importance of Remedial Classes Respected teacher, and all of my classfellows.
I, Nandi/Nand Kishore, want to tell you my own experience about the ‘Importance of Remedial Classes’.
It is very good that remedial classes are arranged for weak students in our school. These classes are very helpful to improve oneself. I was weak at English and joined the classes. I experienced that I recovered myself. Now English has become easy to understand for me.
We should be benefitted with the remedial classes of every subject.
Thank you.

Question 7.
It is estimated that in spite of the government’s banning child labour, over 12 lakh children are still employed in hazardous jobs. Look at the outlines given below and compose a speech in 60 to 80 words to be delivered at assembly hall of collectorate on the Children’s Day.
Ask — express — opinion — child labour — vice — Government laws — futile — easily — seen – hotels — factories — society — offices — houses — reliably — estimated — employed — hazardous jobs — earner — Eradication — poverty — essential.
Child Labour Honourable chairperson, the chief guest, other distinguished guests and all the employees.
I, Ruchi Kumari of class IX, have been asked to express opinion on child labour.
Child labour has become a great vice today. Government laws have become futile. Children can easily be seen working in hotels, factories, society, offices, houses etc. It is reliably estimated that about 12 lakhs children are still employed in hazardous jobs. They are forced by their parents to be earner for the family.
Eradication of poverty is essential.
Thank you.

Question 8.
You are Neeraja/Neeraj. You have been invited to deliver a speech on ‘Importance of Newspapers’ in a conference. With the help of given outlines prepare a speech in 60 to 80 words :
Chance …………. speak ………… mirror ………………… reflect ……. political ………… economic ……………. social ………… condition ………… latest news ………… country…………. world ………… government …….. programmes …………. policies ………… public …………. awakening …………. ills ………… trade and business …………. advertisements ………… important.
Importance of Newspapers
Honourable chief guest and all the respected audiences.
I, Neeraja/Neeraj, have been given a chance to speak on ‘Importance of Newspapers’.
Newspaper is a mirror which reflects the political, economic and social conditions. Newspapers give us latest news about the country and the world. The government programmes and policies are made public through newspapers. These bring awakening among people against ills. Newspapers help in trade and business through advertisements.
Thus, newspapers are highly important.
Thank you.

Question 9.
You are Chanderkanta/Chanderkant of class-IX. Prepare a speech in 60 to 80 words in ‘Dowry System’ which will be delivered by you in morning assembly of your school. You can use the following outlines :
society ………………… vicious grip ………………… treacherous ………………… dowry system …… torture ………………… marriages ………………… bring money …………………items  ……. fail ………………… burnt alive ………………… brides …………. driven out ………… divorce ………… start …………… movement …………. against.
Dowry System
Respected Principal, teachers and friends.
Today I, Chanderkanta/Chanderkant, want to highlight the Dowry System in our society. Today our society is in the vicious grip of treacherous dowry system. Many girls are tortured even after marriages to bring money and items from her father’s home. If they fail, they are burnt alive. Sometimes the brides are driven out of the house or divorce takes place.
So, girls and their parents should start a movement against it.
Thank you.

Question 10.
Using the following outlines write a speech in 60 to 80 words on ‘SUPW Camp’ held in your school. The Principal asked you to focus on it the next day in the assembly.
focus …………. held ………… diferent ………… programmes ………………… Cleaning ………………… school campus ………………… decorating ………….. divided into four groups ………… whitewash ………… paint ………… door ………… windows .. guide ………… happy.
S.U.P.W. Camp
Respected Principal, learned teachers and dear fellows.
I, Ram Kumar of class IX, have been asked to focus on ‘S.U.P.W. Camp’ of our school.
An S.U.P.W. Camp was held in our school from 2nd to 8th January. There were different programmes. Cleaning the school campus (Shramdan), cleaning and decorating the classrooms took place. Students were divided into four groups. One group whitewashed the room. Other group painted the doors and windows. The staff guided us.
We were very happy.
Thank you.

Question 11.
Your class planned to campaign against “Corruption’. Write a speech on ‘Corruption’ in 60 to 80 words which you will deliver in rally. You may touch upon the following outlines :
Corruption …………. soaring high ………………… sphere …………. root cause …………………. evils …………. a new scandal …………. unfold ………………… breaking news ………… wealth …………. main aim …………. involved …………. ultimately ruined ……… moral values ………… human society ……….. awareness ………… stringent laws …………..check.
Corruption Respected teachers, guardians and dear friends.
Today I, Preeti Gupta of class IX, want to express my opinion about corruption.
Now-a-days corruption is soaring high in every sphere of society. It is root cause of all the evils. Everyday a new scandal is unfolded and a breaking news is made. Wealth seems to have become main aim for the persons involved. Corruption has ultimately ruined the moral values of human society.
Only public awareness and stringent laws can check corruption.
Thank you.

Question 12.
Write a speech on ‘Modern Age Is The Age of Computers’ in 60 to 80 words for morning assembly of your school using the outlines given below :
used ………….. fields ………… factories ………….. industries ………….. medicines ………. Offices …………. banks ………….. railways ………….. tourism ………. records safe ………………… calculate …………. speedily ………………… expect ………………… lives.
Modern Age Is The Age of Computers Honourable Principal, worthy teachers and my dear friends.
I am Mohit of class IX. It is my proud privilege to speak on “Modern Age Is The Age of Computers’.
We are living in an age of computers. It is used in almost all the fields such as factories, industries, medicines, offices, banks, railways, post offices, transports, tourism etc. Computers keep records safe and calculate everything correctly. It works speedily.
Thus, the modern age is the age of computers. Today, we cannot expect our lives without computers.
Thank you.

Question 13.
Using the following outlines write a speech in 60 to 80 words on “Television for a seminar which you are to attend.
Television ………… wonderful ………….. gift …………. science ………………… useful ………. programmes ………………… watch ………………… films …………. dramas news …………………. entertainment ………………… knowledge ………….bad effects ………… essential item …………. family.
Television Honourable chief guest, other distinguished guests and dear friends. I, Savita of class IX, stand to express my views about “Television’.
Television is a wonderful gift of science to man. It is very useful. There are special programmes for students, children, ladies and farmers on television. We can watch films, dramas and news on it. It is not only a means of entertainment but also gives us knowledge. It has some bad effects also. T. V. has become an essential item in our family today.
Thank you.

Question 14.
Your school is organising ‘The World Environmental Day’. You have been asked to deliver a speech on this programme. So, write a speech in 60 to 80 words on ‘Importance of Forests’ using the following outlines :
important ………… human beings …………. birds ………… beasts ………… insects …. oxygen ………………… provide raw material ………………… invaluable rain ………… help …………… maintaining environmental balance …………. fuel …………………. food …………. shelter ………….. flood …………. soil erosion …………. incomparable.
Importance of Forests
Good morning everybody.
Today I, Neetu of class IX, I am to express my views on : Importance of Forests.
Forests are exceptionally important for human beings, birds, beasts, insects and the earth. Forests give us oxygen. They provide raw material for our factories. They cause invaluable rain. They help in maintaining environmental balance. They provide fuel. They provide food and shelter to birds, beasts and insects. They help in checking flood and soil erosion.
Thus, forests have incomparable importance.
Thank you.

Question 15.
You are invited in a seminar on ‘MNREGA’. Prepare a speech for the same in 60 to 80 words using the outlines :
Organisers …………. scheme of central government ………….. provide …………. employment ………… rural area ………… legal guarantee ………… legislation …… unskilled public manual works ………… purchasing capacity increased.
MNREGA Honourable chairperson, other distinguished guests, all the participants and dear fellows.
It is thankful to the organisers that they gave me, Mini of class IX, chance to express my ideas on ‘MNREGA’.
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MNREGA) is a scheme of central government which provide minimum 100 days employment every year in rural area with legal guarantee. It was enacted by legislation on August 25, 2005. Unskilled public manual works are done under this scheme. It has increased the purchasing capacity in rural areas.
Thank you.

Question 16.
Your school is going to hold a function on ‘World Health Day’. Write a speech in 60 to 80 words to deliver on the occasion. You may touch upon the following outlines :
Wealth …………. healthy body …………. cautious …………. food …………. daily routine …………. get up early …………. morning walk …………. light exercises ………… fit …………. cleanliness …………. check up …………. prevent …………. diseases.
World Health Day
Respected Principal, worthy teachers and dear fellows.
Today we are organising a function on ‘World Health Day’ in which I, leaving of class IX, want to express my opinion. Health is wealth. A healthy mind dwells in a healthy body. We should be cautious to the food and daily routine of the life. We should get up early in the morning. We should go for morning walk. Light exercises are helpful to keep us fit. Cleanliness is necessary – for good health. Timely health check up prevents us from diseases.
Thank you.

Question 17.
“The Independence Day’ function is celebrated in your school. You have been asked to deliver a speech. So, prepare it is 60 to 80 words taking help of the outlines :
celebrate …………. national flag ………….. unfurl ………… national anthem ………… short speech …………. own constitution …………. enjoy cultural programme …………. …… enthusiasm …………. Indian citizen.
The Independence Day Honourable chairperson, respected chief guest, worthy teachers, all the present guests and dear fellows.
I, Meena of Class IX, want to express some of my opinions on ‘The Independence Day before you.
“The Independence Day’ is celebrated all over the country. The national flag is unfurled by the chief guest. We sing the national anthem. The chief guest and the Principal make a short speech. Our own constitution came in effect this day. We enjoy cultural programme on this day.
It is a day of enthusiasm for every Indian citizen.
Thank you.

Question 18.
You are Chetna/Chetan of class-IX. You live in a village. Write a speech in 60 to 80 words on ‘The Village Life’ with the help of following outlines :
population …………. village life ………… peaceful …………. nature …………green fields ………… simple life ………… friendly …………. ready to help …………. Work hard …………. fresh air ………… milk, ghee, vegetables ………….good life.
The Village Life Good morning, everybody.
Today, I Chetna/Chetan, would like to express my views on ‘The Village Life’.
Saventy percent population of India live in villages. Village life is peaceful. To live in a village is to live in nature. There are green fields outside villages. Villagers like a very simple life. They are friendly and ready to help one-another. They work hard in fields. We get fresh air, water, milk, ghee and vegetables in villages.
Thus, village life is a good life.
Thank you.

Question 19.
The Principal asked you to deliver a speech on ‘Advantages of Morning Walk’ in morning assembly. Prepare it in 60 to 80 words using outlines given below :
advantages …………. refresh ………… make ………… smart …………. cheerful …………. increase …………. efficiency …………. keep………….. diseases …………. peace and beauty …………. enjoy ………… chirp …………. cool and fresh ………….. natural oxygen …………. lungs and heart ………….. wealth of health.
Advantages of Morning Walk Worthy Principal, respected teachers and dear fellows.
I, Rani Kumari of class IX, stand to express my views on ‘Advantages of Morning Walk’.
Morning walk has a number of advantages. It refreshes our mind and makes us smart and cheerful. It increases our efficiency. It keeps the diseases away. In the morning, nature is full of peace and beauty. We enjoy the beauties of nature. Birds chirp. The air is cool and fresh. We get natural oxygen which makes our lungs and heart strong.
Morning walk costs nothing but gives a wealth of health.
Thank you.

Question 20.
You are to deliver a speech in your class-IX on ‘The Value of Time’ in 60 to 80 words. Prepare it using the following outlines :
Time and tide …………. valuable ………… same …………. rational successive …………. waste ………….. cost …………. lost ………… recovered …………. wisely and carefully utilization …………. success and happiness.
The Value of Time
Worthy teacher and dear classfellows. I, Samaya of class IX, want to focus on “The Value of Time’.
Time and tide wait for none. Time is the most valuable thing in life. It is same 24 hours for all but its rational use makes someone successive in life. Therefore, time must not be wasted at any cost. Time once lost cannot be recovered. Wisely and carefully utilization of time brings success and happiness.
Thank you.

Question 21.
You are Jhabri/Jhabar of class-IX. The Principal asked you to deliver a speech on ‘Smoking – A Silent Killer in 60 to 80 words in morning assembly. Prepare the speech with the help of outlines given below :
addicted………. aware …………. harmful effects………. causes …………. cancer ………… respiratory diseases …………. killer …………. drag ………….. death…………. gradually ……… inhale …………. suffer ………….. chewing tobacco …………. injurious.
Smoking – A Silent Killer Worthy Principal Sir, teachers and dear friends.
Today I, Jhabri/Jhabar of class IX, am going to deliver a speech on the topic
“Smoking-A Silent Killer’.
Today men, women and students are addicted to smoking. We should be aware of harmful effects of tobacco. Tobacco causes-cancer, respiratory diseases, asthma and other diseases. It is a silent killer. It drags you towards death gradually and silently. Other members of family have to inhale the smoke and suffer its ill effects. Chewing tobacco is also equally harmful.
Use of tobacco is injurious to health.
Thank you.

Question 22.
You are Dineshi/Dinesh of class-IX. Your schoolmates frequently fall ill. Your class teacher asked you to deliver a speech on ‘How to Keep Fit in 60 to 80 words in assembly using the outlines given below :

fit …………. free from diseases …………. follow ………… rules ………… routine ………… get up early …………. walk …………. open air ………….. light exercises …………. eat fresh ………… bath …………. clean clothes ………… stressfree ………… happily
How To Keep Fit
Respected Principal and teachers and my fellows
Today I, Dineshi/Dinesh, want to focus on ‘How To Keep Fit.
A person can keep himself fit and free from diseases. S/he should follow certain rules and regular daily routine. S/he should get up early in the morning. S/he should go for a walk in open air. S/he should take some light exercises. S/he should eat fresh. S/he should take bath daily and put on clean clothes.
We should live stressfree and happily.
Thank you.

Question 23.
You are Nathi/Nathmal of class-IX. Write a speech on the topic ‘Right To Education’ in 60 to 80 words to be delivered by you in your school’s morning assembly using the following outlines :
implement … … … … central government …………. every child …………. get .. … … … right … … … … free and compulsory education ………… private school ………….. provide … … … … free … … … … admission ………….. weaker ………… Society … … … … fail ………… grades ………… provisions.
Right To Education
Respected Principal, worthy teachers and dear schoolmates. I, Nathi/Nathmal, want to tell you something about ‘Right to Education’.
Rajasthan Government has implemented the ‘Right to Education (RTE)’ act since March 29, 2011. Central Government implemented it in 2009. After this act every child of between 6 to 14 years has got a right to get free and compulsory education. Every private school is to provide 25% free admission to the students from the weaker society. No student will be declared fail. There will be grades instead of marks.
We should be benefitted with the provisions in the Act.
Thank you.

Question 24.
You are Rohitashi/Rohitashwa. You are to deliver a speech on the topic ‘Female Foeticide”. Write it in 60 to 80 words taking help of the following outlines :
Henious killing ………… girl child …………. womb …………. consider ……. liability ………… asset …………. believe …………. carry …………. name ……. property ………… future generation ………… forget ………… bring …………. world.
Female Foeticide . Worthy teachers and my dear fellows.
Today I, Rohitashi/Rohitashwa, want to draw your attention towards ‘Female Foeticide?.
Female foeticide is a henious killing of a girl child in the womb of a mother. People and families consider a girl as a liability and a boy as an asset. It is believed that the boy will carry their name and property to future generation.
We should never forget that a boy can never be brought into the world without a mother – a female.
Thank you.

Question 25.
You are Bhagirathi/Bhagirath of class-IX. Write a speech on ‘Harmful Effects Of Polythene’ in 60 to 80 words to deliver in morning assembly. You may touch upon the following outlines :
rubbish dump ………….. polythene ………… especially cows …………. eat garbage ……….. Swallow materials …………. wrappers …………. choke ………. respiratory system …………. stomach …………… death ………….clog the drain …………. should not be thrown ……….
Harmful Effects Of Polythene
Respected Principal, worthy teachers and dear friends.
Today I, Bhagirathi/Bhagirath, stand to express my views about ‘Harmful Effects Of Polythene’.
We see rubbish dump full of polythene, Animals, especially cows, eat garbage. Animals swallow materials like polythene bags and wrappers of food. Animals swallow materials like polythene bags and wrappers of food. The plastic material chokes their respiratory system and stomach. It can cause them death. Carelessly thrown poly bags clogs the drain Wrappers of chips, biscuits, other eatables and polythene should not be thrown on the roads or near drains.
Thank you.

II. Debate Type

Debate दो वक्ताओं (two speakers) या वक्ताओं के दो समूहों (two groups of speakers) के बीच तर्कशक्ति आधारित कौशल (skill) व योग्यता (ability) प्रदर्शित करने की प्रतियोगिता (contest) है। इसमें किसी बिन्दु (topic) के पक्ष (favour) व विपक्ष (against) में तर्क दिए जाते हैं।

Format and Explanation (प्रारूप एवं व्याख्या)
1. Greeting to the audience ……………………………. श्रोताओं का अभिवादन
2. Self Short Introduction …………….स्वयं का संक्षिप्त परिचय
3. Support (Favour) or Rejection (Against) of the motion  ……….. प्रस्ताव का समर्थन या अस्वीकरण।
4. Facts in support or rejection the motion ……………. प्रस्ताव के समर्थन या अस्वीकरण में तथ्य ।
5. Conclusion. ……………………….. उपसंहार/निष्कर्ष।
6. Thanks ………………… धन्यवाद

Question 1.
Debate the topic ‘Heavy Load of School Bags Should Be Banned’ and write your views in support of it in 60-80 words using the outlines given below :
The motion ………… parents, doctors and educationists ………… worry …………… weight …………… carry …………. provide …………. training ……… coolie in future ………….. apparent …………. physical torture …………. completely ………… banned.
Heavy Load of School Bags Should Be Banned
Honourable members of the jury, respected teachers and dear audience. I am Rakesh Swami of class IX of GHSS – phagi.
I stand here to support the motion-Heavy Load of School Bags should be banned.
All over the world parents, doctors and educationists are worrying about the weight of bags that children have to carry. They think that schools are providing the students training to be coolies in future. It is apparent physical torture for the students. It should completely be banned.
Thank you.

Question 2.
Debate the topic “Heavy Load Of School Bags Should Be Banned’ and write your views in opposition of it in 60 to 80 words using the outlines given below :
An average …………. consist …………. different subjects …………. carry ………… textbook …………. notebooks …………. lunchbox ………….. water bottle …….. sports equipments ………….. great difficulty ………… banned.
Heavy Load of School Bags Should Be Banned Honourable members of the jury, worthy teachers and audiences. I am Karmesh of class IX of GHSS-Phagi. I stand here to oppose the motion : Heavy Load of School Bags should be banned.
An average school day consists of eight periods or classes. These are of different subjects. Each subject requires the children to carry a textbook and several notebooks. A student needs lunchbox, water bottle and sports equipments too.
Without these a student will have to face great difficulty in school. So, it should not be banned.
Thank you.

Question 3.
You are Sudesh Kumar of class-IX. Debate the topic “Joint Family is vanned. the Most Appropriate Way of Life’ expressing your views in favour of it in 60 to 80 words. You may use the following outlines :
An infant …………learn ………… know the culture ………… love ………… affection ………… pity …………. mercy ………… sympathy …….. help ………… compassion ………… check …………. thefts …………. robberies …………. anti social elements …………. desirable way.
Joint Family is the Most Appropriate Way of Life
Respected chairperson, honourable judges, members of the staff and dear fellows. I am Sudesh Kumar of class-IX.
I want to express my views in favour of the motion : Joint Family is the Most Appropriate Way of Life’.
An infant’s first school is his/her family. S/he learns everything from there. S/he knows the culture. S/he comes across to love, affection, pity, mercy, sympathy, help, compassion etc. in family. Joint family may check thefts, robberies and anti social elements.
Thus, the joint family becomes the most desirable way of life.
Thank you.

Question 4.
You are Sudesh of class-IX. Debate the topic “Joint Family is the Most Appropriate Way of Life expressing your views against of it in 60-80 words. You may use the following outlines :
A kind of crowd …………. personal attention …………. fast life ………… harm …………. progress ………… bestow ………… forcefully …………. forbid ………… create … … … … negative approach.
Joint Family is the Most Appropriate Way of Life
Respected chairperson, honourable judges, members of staff and dear friends.
I, Sudesh of class-IX, stand before you to speak against the motion on Joint Family is the Most Appropriate Way of Life’.
A joint family becomes a kind of crowd. No personal attention is paid to the members. In today’s fast life a joint family harms the progress of the children. Old people bestow their views forcefully upon other members. Elders forbid youngers to do anything.
Thus, joint family creates negative approach among members.
Thank you very much.

Question 5.
“Use of Mobile in Schools should be Banned’. Debate this motion and write your views in favour of it in 60 to 80 words. You may use the following outlines :
misuse …………. Watch …………. video clips …………. snap …………. attention ……… diverted …………. listen …………. audio …………. incline …………. crimes ………….. rays ………….. diseases …………. ban.
Use of Mobile in Schools should be Banned Honourable panel of judges, other distinguished guests and dear audience.
I, Ramu of class-IX of Aravali school-Dabla, stand to speak in favour of : ‘Use of Mobile in Schools should be Banned’.
Students misuse mobiles in schools. They watch video clips. They snap photographs. Their attention is diverted from study by the mobiles. They can often be seen listening audio in and around the classrooms. Students incline to the crimes with the help of mobiles. Its rays can cause diseases.
So, there should be complete ban on use of mobiles in schools.
Thank you.

Question 6.
“Use of Mobile in Schools should be Banned’. Deabte this motion and write your views in rejection of it in 60 to 80 words. You may use the following outlines :
need ……… human being ……… keep ……… in touch ………… parents …………… teachers …………. relatives ………….. friends ………….. send ………….. receive messages ………….. by internet connection ………… improve knowledge ………….. results …………. counselling …………… video conferencing ………….. allowed.
Use of Mobile in Schools should be Banned
Honourable panel of judges, other distinguished guests and dear audience. . .
I, Ramli of class-IX of Sarswati School-Dabla R. S., want to speak in rejection of the topic ‘Use of Mobile in Schools should be Banned
Today Mobile has become a need for every human being. A mobile handset keeps the students always in touch with their parents, teachers, relatives, friends and others. Students can send and receive messages. By internet connection students can improve their knowledge, see their results, do counselling, do video-conferencing and so on.
Thus, use of mobiles in schools should be allowed.
Thank You.

Question 7.
Debate on the topic ‘Desirability of Coaching Centres’. Write your opinion in favour of it in 60 to 80 words. You are Shivam of class-IX of TVB Jaipur. You may touch upon the following outlines :
Competitive world ………… good scoring ………… prepare ………… help …………. available ………… helping centres …………. extensive study …………. desirable
Desirability of Coaching Centres
Desire Worthy chairman, honourable judges and dear fellows.
Today I, Shivam of class IX of TVB-Jaipur, stand before you to speak for the motion on ‘Desirability of Coaching Centres’
Today’s world is a competitive world. In every examination each needs good scoring. A good scorer not only prepares through schools but also s/he takes help of others. Coaching centres are easily available helping centres for students. Extensive study is need of today.
Thus, coaching centres are desirable today.
Thank you very much.

Question 8.
Debate on the topic ‘Desirability of Coaching Centres’. Write your opinion in rejection of it in 60 to 80 words. You are Shivani of Class-IX of Rajvansh School, Jaipur. You may use the outlines given below :
multiply ………… proved …………. teaching shops …………. rosy paths ………… trap …………. net …………. find …………. misguiding ………… money making ……. aim …………. appoint …………. qualified teachers.
Desirability of Coaching Centres
Honourable chairman, worthy judges and dear fellows.
I am Shivani, a student of class IX of Rajvansh School, Jaipur. I want to speak before you against the ‘Desirability of Coaching Centres’.”
Coaching centres are multiplying day-by-day. These proved to be teaching shops only. These show rosy paths to the students and trap them into their net. Sometimes these are found ‘misguiding the students. Money making in only their aim. They do not appoint qualified teachers.
Thus, coaching centres should be banned.
Thank you.

Question 9.
‘Physical punishment to students should be banned’. Debate this motion and write your views in support of it in 60 to 80 words. You should use the following outlines :
sort of…………. violence …………. modern laws …………. society …………. disallow …………. dishonour …………. distort ………….psychology ………….. leave …….. permanently …………. banned.
Physical punishment to students should be banned
Honourable members of the jury, respected teachers and dear audience.
I am Ravinder of class IX of Public School-Chennai.
I stand here to support the motion : ‘Physical punishment to students should be banned’.
Physical punishment is a sort of violence. Modern laws and society disallow this. It is a dishonour of a student. It distorts the psychology of the punished student. Sometimes students leave school permanently because of it.
So, the physical punishment to students should be banned.
Thank you very much.

Question 10.
“Physical punishment to students should be banned’. Debate this motion and write your views in opposition of it in 60 to 80 words. You may take help of the following outlines :
terror …………. prevent …………. human being ………….. act …………. keep ………. slight ………….. academic books …………. entertaining …………. try ………. avoid ………….. prepare …………. allowed.
Physical punishment to students should be banned Honourable members of the jury, respected teachers and dear audience. I am Pummy of class IX of Airforce School-Chennai. stand here to oppose the motion “Physical punishment to students should be banned’.
A terror prevents human being to do many acts. In the same way a student should keep slight terror in mind about his/her teachers. Study or reading academic books is not entertaining. So, students try to avoid these.
So, to prepare students in a better way, physical punishment should be allowed.
Thank you.

Question 11.
Debate the motion on the topic “Should school examinations be made optional?’. Write your opinion in support of it in 60 to 80 words. You are Devesh, a student of IXth class. You may use the following outlines :
generate …………. fear …………. anxiety …………. tension …………… hearts of the students ….. … … lose sleep … … … … give up food …………. developed countries ……….. exist ………….. entertainment …………. pleasure ………… whole heartedly ………….optional.
Should school examinations be made optional?
Honourable judges, worthy teachers and dear fellows.
Today I,’Devesh of IXth class, am here before you to speak in support of Should school examinations be made optional?
The word “examination’ generates great fear, anxiety and tension in the hearts of he students. Students lose sleep and give up food in examination days. In most of the developed countries examination does not exist before level ten. Education through entertainment and pleasure is the need of today.
I whole heartedly support that school examinations should be made optional.
Thank you.

Question 12.
Debate the motion on the topic “Should school examinations be made optional?’ Write your views in opposition of it in 60 to 80 words. You are Pawan of class-IX. You may get help of the following outlines :
Examinations ………… test………….. abilities …………. intelligence ………… mental level ………… school syllabi ………….. hardworking ………….. creative …………. self dependent …………good careers ………… acquire ………… knowledge school education.
Should school examinations be made optional?
Worthy judges, teachers and friends.
I am Pawan of Class-IX.
I am here to speak against the motion ‘Should school examinations be made optional?
Examinations are only mode to test the students’ abilities, intelligence and mental level. Examinations are part of our school syllabi. Examinations make students hardworking, creative and self-dependent which are necessary to make good careers in life. Students acquire all-round knowledge through these.
Thus I support it to be an important part of school education.
Thank you.

Question 13.
‘Homework should be abolished’. Debate this motion and write your views in favour of it in 60 to 80 words. You may use the following outlines :
Burden …………. check ………… child’s physical …………. emotional, social ……. consume …………. free time ………… energy ………….. reduce playtime problem ……………. weak students …………. illiterate parents.
Homework should be abolished
Respected members of jury and dear audience.
I am Shivam, a student of class-IX of GHSS-Sanganer.
I stand here to favour the motion : ‘Homework should be abolished’.
Homework is a burden on children. Homework checks a child’s physical, emotional and social development. It consumes the student’s free time and energy. It reduces playtime of children. It is a problem for weak students and illiterate parents.
Thus homework should be abolished.
Thank you.

Question 14.
‘Homework should be abolished’. Debate this motion and write your views in rejection of it in 60 to 80 words. You may take help of the outlines :
Build — self-confidence – sense of achievement — check — child’s growth — ght-provoking — interesting – right spirit — deepen – understanding — quietly and privately — motivating task — essential part — education.
Homework should be abolished
Respected members of jury and dear audience.
I, Shivani of class-IX of GHSS-Neemkathana, stand here to oppose the motion ‘Homework should be abolished’.
Homework builds children’s self-confidence and sense of achievement. Homework does not check a child’s growth. It is thought-provoking. It is always interesting, if done in the right spirit. It deepens students’ understanding of topics of working quietly and privately. It is a motivating task.
So, homework is an essential part of education.
Thank you.

Question 15.
Debate the motion on the topic ‘Pocket Money Is Necessary for Children’. You are Naveen of class-IX of Rajputana School-Manyawas. Write your views in favour of it in 60 to 80 words. You may touch upon the following outlines :
Human being — need — purchase — market — like — attain — new thing — create confidence — dependent— save pocket money.,
Pocket Money Is Necessary for Children
Good morning everybody!
I am Naveen of class IX of Rajputana School-Manyawas.
I want to express my views in favour of : ‘Pocket Money Is Necessary for Children’.
A human being needs money every time. Children also need pocket money to purchase something from the market. A child like to attain every new thing seen by him/ her. Pocket money creates confidence in him/her. S/he is not dependent on others if s/he has money. Some children save pocket money.
Thus, pocket money should be given to every child.
Thank you.

Question 16.
‘Pocket Money Is Necessary for Children’. Debate the topic and write your views against it in 60 to 80 words using the following outlines :
Spoil — habit — resist — temptation — pocket — wise enough — spend — misuse — use — drugs and addiction.
Pocket Money Is Necessary for Children
Good morning everybody.
I am Chirag of class-IX. My school is GHSS-Mansarovar.
I stand to oppose the motion : ‘Pocket Money Is Necessary for Children’.
Pocket money can spoil the children’s habits. Most of the children cannot resist temptation when s/he has money in the pocket. Children are not wise enough to spend money. They may misuse it. Even they can use it for drugs and addiction.
Thus, I think that pocket money is not necessary for children.
Thank you..

Question 17.
Debate the topic ‘T.V. Viewing Is Harmful for Children’ and write your opinion in support of it in 60 to 80 words. You are Vedika of class-IX of Public School-Khetri. Use the outlines :
child’s mind — impressionable — programmes — study properly — homework pending — eyesight — crimes — harmful.
T.V. Viewing Is Harmful for Children
Worthy Chairman, respected judges and dear friends.
I am Vedika of class-IX of Public School-Khetri.
I am going to express my views in support of the motion : ‘T.V. Viewing Is Harmful for Children’.
A child’s mind is the most impressionable one. Because of T.V. programmes they do not study properly, homework lies pending and lose their eyesight. They are taken to crimes by T.V. programmes.
I, therefore, support the T. V. viewing is harmful for children.
Thank you.

Question 18.
T.V. Viewing Is Harmful for Children’. Debate the motion and write your views in opposition of it in 60 to 80 words using the outlines given below. You are Ravinder of class-IX of GSSS-Raipura Jageer.
growth — mental faculties — reasoning power — grasp the subject — educative entertainment — widen — understanding — fellow feelings — mutual love — cooperation – socially useful.
T.V. Viewing Is Harmful for Children
Respected judges and dear audience.
I am Ravinder of class-IX of GSSS-Raipura Jageer.
I stand before you to oppose the motion : ‘T.V. Viewing Is Harmful for Children’. T.V. viewing helps in the growth of mental faculties, reasoning power of the and grasp the subject well. It is a wholesome educative entertainment. It widens understanding, fellow feelings, mutual love and cooperation. There are many socially useful programmes on T.V.
So, I disagree that T.V. viewing is harmful for children.
Thank you.

Question 19.
‘Mobile Towers Are Harmful’. Debate this topic and write your opinion in favour of it in 60 to 80 words using the outline. You may take help of the following outlines :
silent killer — radiation — instances — cancer — hypertension — kidney failure — Irritation — stress family — remove. .
Mobile Towers Are Harmful Worthy judges and dear schoolmates.
I am Naresh of class-IX of Tilak School-Jaipur.
I am before you to support the motion : Mobile Towers Are Harmful.
Mobile towers are silent killers. The radiation affects the people living nearby. Many instances of cancer, hypertension and kidney failure have been found in the areas of mobile towers. Irritation and stress is common in the neighbouring families.
I, therefore, support that mobile towers should be removed.
Thank you.

Question 20.
‘Mobile Towers Are Harmful’. Debate the motion and write your views in opposition of it in 60 to 80 words assuming yourself Jai Naraini of class-IX of Kotputli. You may take help of the following outlines :
Essential thing — human being — imagine — rumour — spread — media — diseases — exist — radiation — prove — scientifically.
Mobile Towers Are Harmful
Worthy chairperson, respected judges and dear friends.
I am Jai Naraini of class-IX of Kotputli.
I express my view against the motion  ‘Mobile Towers Are Harmful before you.
Today mobile has become an essential thing for a human being. We cannot imagine life without mobile. It is a rumour spread by the media that mobile towers are harmful. Diseases also exist in those area where there is no mobile tower nearby. Radiation by mobile towers has not been proved scientifically till the date.
Thus, I can say that mobile towers are not harmful.
Thank you very much.

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