RBSE Solutions for Class 11 Economics Chapter 27 Constraints in the Economic Development of Rajasthan and Measures to Overcome Them
RBSE Solutions for Class 11 Economics Chapter 27 Constraints in the Economic Development of Rajasthan and Measures to Overcome Them
Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 11 Economics Chapter 27 Constraints in the Economic Development of Rajasthan and Measures to Overcome Them
RBSE Class 11 Economics Chapter 27 Text book Questions
RBSE Class 11 Economics Chapter 27 Objective Type Questions
Question 1.
The first five year plan was started in Rajasthan in
(a) 1950
(b) 1951
(c) 1981
(d) 1956
(b) 1951
Question 2.
What is the number of desert districts in Rajasthan?
(a) 10
(b) 15
(c) 12
(d) 5
(c) 12
Question 3.
Rajasthan was in the grip of famine in
(a) 1991-92 and 2002-03
(b) 1991-92 and 2003-04
(c) 1990-91 and 2002-03
(d) 1991-92 and 2000-01
(a) 1991-92 and 2002-03
Question 4.
What is the percentage of literacy in Rajasthan?
(a) 67.1
(b) 67.2
(c) 66.1
(d) 66.2
(a) 67.1
Question 5.
Which is a non-conventional source of energy?
(a) Only solar energy
(b) Only wind energy
(c) Both solar energy and wind energy
(d) None of these
(b) Only wind energy
Question 6.
Which are the obstacles in the development of rural areas?
(a) Child marriage
(b) Illiteracy
(c) Gender discrimination
(d) All these
(d) All these
RBSE Class 11 Economics Chapter 27 Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
On which side is the Aravalli mountain range situated in Rajasthan?
From the south-west to the north-east of the state.
Question 2.
What is famine?
When no water is obtained from monsoon, crops do not grow and there is no fodder for animals, such condition is called famine.
Question 3.
What is meant by regional variation?
Under regional variation, at some place, there is desert, at other place, there is mountain range, there is plateau in the south and plain in the east. Thus, the variation on the basis of dual-physical condition is known as regional variation.
Question 4.
What does dry agriculture mean?
Agriculture done with lack of irrigation facility and scarcity of rainfall in the state is known as dry agriculture.
Question 5.
Which type of industry requires low capital investment?
Small scale and cottage industry.
Question 6.
Plateau is found in which part of Rajasthan?
Plateau is situated in the southern part of the state.
Question 7.
Plain is found in which part of the Rajasthan?
Plain is found in the eastern part of Rajasthan.
Question 8.
Why is there lack of rainfall in the western districts of Rajasthan?
The Aravalli mountain range runs parallel in the western part of Rajasthan, causing lack of rainfall.
RBSE Class 11 Economics Chapter 27 Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Describe the geographical barriers in the economic development of Rajasthan.
Following are the geographical barriers in the economic development or Rajasthan :
- Huge desert
- Status of Aravalli range
- Uncertainty of monsoon
- Famine and Drought
- Regional variation
- Huge Wasteland.
Question 2.
How does economic infrastructure affect economic growth?
There is absence of transport facilities in deserted hills, beehad and dang areas. The state roads are in very bad shape and the state is largely devoid of railway lines. Transport services are the nerve of state’s economic development, but are still a challenge for the state.
Question 3.
Explain how social customs in Rajasthan hamper economic development.
Maximum population of Rajasthan resides in rural areas where many orthodox traditions are still prevalent-such as child marriage, dowry, gender inequality, un-touchability and black magic. Such a society proves to be a hindrance in the economic development.
Question 4.
Why industrialists don’t wish invest in Rajasthan?
Rajasthan has been the birth place of industrialists and industrial houses, but those houses never showed any enthusiasm towards investing in the state. The state has never been able to attract these houses or foreign investors. In view of the geographical status and lack of power, investors do not wish to invest in the state. Due to this, the industrial development here is dependent on the public sector. This is the prime reason for this state being industrially backward.
Question 5.
Why is there lack of rainfall in western districts of the state?
Due to the status of Aravalli mountain range, the amount of rainfall in the eastern districts of the state remains high. But in the western districts, the level of rainfall is very low because here, the Aravalli mountain range lies parallel to the monsoon, therefore it remains unable in stopping the monsoon here and so the monsoon proceeds ahead, without causing rainfall here. In the western part of Rajasthan, about 61 per cent of the total surface area is deserted.
RBSE Class 11 Economics Chapter 27 Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Describe the obstacles in the economic development of Rajasthan.
There are three obstacles in the economic development of Rajasthan:
1. National and Geographical Constraints :
- Huge desert :
In the western part of Rajasthan, about 61 per cent of the total land area of the state is deserted. It is surrounded by sand dunes. Due to being a desert, it is . difficult to develop everything such agricultural activities, industries, etc. - Status of Aravalli range :
Aravalli Mountain range is situated from the south-west to the north-east of the state. This divides the state into two parts. Due to the location of the Aravalli, the amount of rainfall in the eastern districts of Rajasthan remains high. But as the western districts come under the rain shadow region, they remain dry. In these districts, the amount of rainfall is very low. - Uncertainty of monsoon :
In the state, the only river that flows throughout the year is Chambal. Here, one has to depend upon the monsoon for water supply to fulfill the agricultural and other needs. - Famine and Drought :
The state has faced vicious famines many a times. In 1991-92 and 2002-03, the entire state faced the famine. In such condition, the state is forced to employ its resources for development in famine relief and to rescue the people from its ill-effects. - Regional Variation :
Rajasthan has many variations. On one hand, there is desert, while on the other hand, there is mountain range. There is plateau in the south and plain in the east. Due to all these variations, the state is unable to develop collectively. - Huge Wasteland :
In Rajasthan, desert, dang and beehad areas are lying as waste lands, which have a wide spread of thorny bushes. Such a land cannot contribute to the state’s production.
2. Economic Constraints.
- Lack of irrigational facilities :
Rajasthan is a state with the condition of water scarcity. The drinking water is always a problem in desert regions. In such a situation, it is very difficult to develop agriculture, animal husbandry and industrial development. - lack of agricultural facilities :
Due to the absence of irrigation facilities and lack of rainfall, the level of agricultural production is low. Additionally, farmers are also deprived of other sources of income such as animal husbandry, poultry farming, cottage industries etc. - Lack of modern technology :
Rajasthan is known as the Museum of Minerals. But, due to absence of proper technology, one cannot make appropriate tapping and usage of the minerals. - Lack of Energy :
The major reason behind this is unavailability of high quality coal and lack of water projects. For thermal power plants, good quality coal has to be bought from other states, and for hydroelectricity, alliances are to be made with other states. - Lack of sufficient investment :
In view of the geographical status and lack of power, investors do not wish to invest in the state.
3. Social Constraints :
- Population growth :
The rapidly growing population of the state is also serving as an impediment in economic development. The state’s decadal growth is much higher than that of India. Making resources available for an ever growing population is extremely difficult. - Level of education and literacy :
In 2011 census, the literacy level of state was 67.1 per cent. This is not an auspicious sign for the economic development of any state. Female literacy rate of the state was merely 52.71 per cent. - Orthodox social structure :
Maximum population of Rajasthan resides in rural areas where many orthodox traditions are still prevalent- such as child marriage, dowry, gender inequality, untouchability and black magic. Such a society serves as a hindrance in economic development.
Question 2.
Suggest remedies to overcome the obstacles coming in the way of economic development of Rajasthan.
For the economic development of Rajasthan, the joint sector should be developed, so that a better and a more practical pathway can be carved out of the exploitative nature of uncountrolled capitalism and the lethargy and incapability of the public sector.
- Dry farming should be encouraged :
Looking at the lack of rainfall and irrigational facilities in the state, encouragement should be given to the production of such crops which require less water, and along with this, drip-irrigation and sprinkler system should be practiced in large areas. - Development of activities supporting agriculture :
To improve the condition of farmers in the state, apart from farming, they should be inspired and assisted for performing animal husbandry, poultry, honeybee farming and establishing small scale industries. - Preventing the spread of desert :
Intensive tree plantation drive should be carried out in desert areas to prevent the spread of desert. Such trees should be planted in these areas which are according to the quality of soil and natural conditions. - Small and cottage industries :
They should be more developed as there is shortage of capital for the investment of large scale industries in the state. - Drought and Famine Management :
Water should be conserved to reduce the dependence on monsoon. Proper arrangement for construction and refilling of wells, ponds and johads should be made. - Development of non-conventional sources of energy :
Rajasthan has immense potential of developing non-conventional sources of energy such as solar energy and wind energy. - Attracting the investors :
The state government should try to attract investment from both foreign and domestic investors by providing them attractive facilities. - Development of basic Infrastructure :
The state government should develop basic infrastructure such as education, health, transport, communication, banking, irrigation and energy in the state. - Rate of population should be controlled and rate of literacy should be increased. For effective population control, emphasis should be laid upon schemes such as economic independence of women, family planning, family welfare, etc.
- In order to achieve development goals in the context of increasing liberalization, globalization and privatization, there should be proper coordination and cooperation between various agencies, boards etc.
Question 3.
Write an article on the obstacles and solutions in economic development of Rajasthan.
Rajasthan is a developing country. In order to speed up economic development of Rajasthan, the idea of planned development process had been adopted since 1951 in the form of first five year plan. The availability of drinking water has always been a problem in desert regions. In such a situation, it is very difficult to develop agriculture, animal husbandry and industrial development. Due to the absence of irrigation facilities and lack of rainfall, the level of agricultural production is low. However, farmers are also deprived of other sources of income such as animal husbandry, poultry farming, cottage industries etc.
Due to the status of Aravalli, the level of rainfall in the eastern districts of the state remains high. But as the western districts come under the rain shadow region, they remain dry. In these districts, the level of rainfall is very low. In the western part of Rajasthan, about 61 per cent of the total land area of the state is deserted which cannot be put to any use. In the state, the only river that flows throughout the year is Chambal. Here, one has to depend upon the monsoon for water supply to fulfill the agricultural and other needs.
Due to lack of irrigation facilities in Rajasthan, there is also a lack of allied activities along with agriculture. As the possibilities of irrigation are extremely limited in the dry regions of the state, there is a need of giving more emphasis to conserve and sensibly utilize the available moisture. The form of crops should be such which is favourable to the availability of moisture, by which it would be possible to increase the production of crops. Under the economic development of the state, the joint sector should be developed, so that a more practical pathway can be carved out of the exploitative nature of uncontrolled capitalism and the lethorgy and incapability of the public sector.
More surveys should be done to identify the future possibilities of industrial and mining development in the state. Appropriate and sensible utilization of minerals should be done. There is need to pay attention on financial management in order to check the extravagence of financial resources and to increase employment. For this, a capable team of analysts and experts can be formed and the entire planning system can be strengthened. Economic development of a state takes place by the strengthening of edurational, healthcare and social structure along with basic infrastructure.
RBSE Class 11 Economics Chapter 27 Other Important Questions
RBSE Class 11 Economics Chapter 27 Objective Type Questions
Question 1.
When was the first five year plan adopted for the economic development of Rajasthan?
(a) 1951
(b) 1952
(c) 1956
(a) 1951
Question 2.
Lack of modern technology is which type of an obstacle?
(a) Natural
(b) Economic
(c) Social
(b) Economic
Question 3.
Large desert is which type of an obstacle?
(a) Economic
(b) Natural
(c) Social
(b) Natural
Question 4.
Rapid population growth is which type of an obstacle?
(a) Social
(b) Economic
(c) Natural
(a) Social
Question 5.
How much of the total land area of Rajasthan is deserted?
(a) 61%
(b) 65%
(c) 70%
(d) 60%
(a) 61%
RBSE Class 11 Economics Chapter 27 Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
How many obstacles are there in economic development of Rajasthan?
Question 2.
State one example of geographical obstacle.
Large desert.
Question 3.
Regional variation is what type of an obstacle?
Geographical obstacle.
Question 4.
State one example of economic obstacle.
Lack of energy.
Question 5.
Lack of agricultural allied activities is which type of an obstacle?
Economic obstacle.
Question 6.
How much of the total land area of the Rajasthan deserted?
61 per cent.
Question 7.
How many districts come under the desert region of Rajasthan?
Question 8.
In which year Rajasthan was firstly in the grip of famine?
In 1991-92.
Question 9.
What is the female literacy rate in Rajasthan?
Question 10.
State one solution to overcome the economic obstacles in Rajasthan.
Development of agricultural allied activities.
Question 11.
When was the first five year plan implemented in Rajasthan to provide momentum to economic development in the state?
In 1951.
Question 12.
State two examples of natural obstacles.
Status of Aravalli range, uncertainty of monsoon.
Question 13.
State two examples of economical obstacles.
- Lack of agricultural allied activities.
- Biased Policies of the central government.
Question 14.
State some social obstacles.
- Rapid population growth
- Orthodox social structure.
Question 15.
Which is the only river that flows throughout the year in the state?
Question 16.
Agriculture of Rajasthan is dependent upon what?
Question 17.
What is the condition of rainfall in the eastern districts of the state due to the location of the Aravalli range?
In these districts, the level of rainfall remains high.
Question 18.
Why do the western districts of Rajasthan remain dry?
Because they come under the rain shadow region.
Question 19.
Name the allied activities of agriculture.
Animal husbandry, poultry farming, cottage industries etc.
Question 20.
State two solutions to overcome the obstacles in economic development.
- Development of allied activities of agriculture.
- Checking the spread of desert.
RBSE Class 11 Economics Chapter 27 Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
State the dependence of monsoon in Rajasthan.
In the state, the only river that flows throughout the year is Chambal. Here, one has to depend upon the monsoon for water supply to fulfill the agricultural and other needs. If in any year the monsoon is not active, there is difficulty even in obtaining water for drinking. Crops in large regions are destroyed. The backbone of the state also breaks along with agriculture.
Question 2.
State the regional variation in Rajasthan.
Rajasthan has various variations in itself. On one hand, there is desert, and on other hand, there is mountain range, there is plateau in the south, and plain in the east, and due to all these variations, the state has not been able to develop collectively. Due to extreme regional variations, the state is forced to form different plans and policies.
Question 3.
Explain the lack of allied activities of agriculture.
Most of the state engaged in agricultural activities, which is itself dependent upon monsoon. Due to the absence of irrigation facilities and lack of rainfall, the level of agricultural production is low. However, farmers are also deprived of other sources of income such as animal husbandry, poultry farming, cottage industries etc. due to which the condition of farmers in extremely miserable because they are forced to sustain their living through less agricultural production in an extremely difficult manner.