Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Solutions Prose Chapter 1 His First Flight
Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Solutions Prose Chapter 1 His First Flight
Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Solutions Prose Chapter 1 His First Flight Questions and Answers
For the sake of students we have gathered the complete Class 10th English Solutions Prose syllabus and provided on the pdf. Refer the chapter wise Tamilnadu State board Solutions for Class 10th English Solutions Prose Chapter 1 His First Flight Questions and Answers. Topics and start the preparation. You can estimate the importance of each chapter, find important English Solutions Prose grammar concepts which are having more weightage. Concentrate on the important grammar topics from Samacheer Kalvi Solutions for Class 10th English Solutions Prose Chapter 1 His First Flight PDF, prepare well for the exam.
His first flight Warm up:
1. Marco Polo. Christopher Columbus, Ibis Battuta, Amerigo Vespucci, Xuanzang. Ferdinand Magellan. Bartolomeu Dias, Herodotus. Captain James Cook. Vasco DeGama What is common among these individuals? Browse Internet or refer books and share some information about them.
Marco Polo was an Italian merchant, explorer, and writer, bom in the Republic of Venice. Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer, navigator and colonist, who completed four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean under the auspices of the Catholic Monarchs of Spain. Ibn Battuta was a Muslim Moroccan scholar and explorer, who widely travelled the medieval world.
Amerigo Vespucci was a Florentine merchant and navigator, who made at least two transatlantic trips to the New World, voyages that inspired cartographer Martin Wardseemiiller to label the new continent “America” in 1507. Xuanzang was a Chinese Buddhist monk, scholar, traveller and translator, who travelled to India in the seventh century and described the interaction between Chinese Buddhism and Indian Buddhism during the early Tang Dynasty.
Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan set out from Spain in 1519 to discover a western sea route to the Spice Islands. En route he discovered what is now known as the Strait of Magellan and became the first European to cross the Pacific Ocean. Bartolomeu Dias was a Portugese navigator whose 1487-88 Atlantic voyage around the southern tip of Africa opened sea routes between Europe and Asia.
Herodotus is the ancient writer and reporter called “The Father of History.” He was a colorful writer and commentator; his most famous work, The Histories, remains a widely-read account of ancient facts and legends of the Persian invasion of ancient Greece.
Captain James Cook was an English naval explorer whose expeditions in the 1770s charted much of the lands of the Pacific, including New Zealand, Australia and Hawaii. Naval commander Vasco da Gama’s 1497 expedition from Lisbon opened a route to India and led to Portugese dominance of the Eastern spice trade.
2. Discuss, why it was considered as an adventurous and dangerous thing to travel in those days?
Those days it was considered as an adventurous and dangerous thing to travel because there wasn’t any means of instantaneous communication while travelling
3. Mahatma Gandhi. Che Guevera. Guru Nanak and Gauthama Buddha are some of the famous personalities and thinkers who made extensive journeYs to understand life. Do you think journeys can be life changing?
Yes, Journeys can be life changing since you gain a lot of experience while travelling and meeting different people who follow different traditions, religious practices, food habits and culture.
4. Share a memorable trip from your life.
One of my memorable trip is to Matheran near Navi Mumbai. It is a pollution-free hillstation and you travel up the mountain top either by walk or on horses and ponies. No vehicles are allowed and even your daily needs are brought by wheelbarrows. It is this part that really pains your heart to see men pulling and pushing wheelbarrows. It is a rare sight to see the sunset and the sunrise at different points. The mountain train is also a treat to our eyes apart from the scenic beauty we experience every moment.
5. Have you ever been on an adventurous journey? If yes. Share your experience
My adventurous journey is to Darjeeling when the sun plays truant most of the time and you are at the mercy of nature. Many a times, the tour plan turned topsy-turvy and we had to pitch tent in the thick forest and pray to stay safe.
6. That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind Neil Armstrong – Discuss
Armstrong personally meant that for being just one man, all that was required was “one small step” from the lowest stair of his spaceship’s ladder, and suddenly he was standing on the Moon. But for humanity as a whole, Armstrong served as a representative: when he stepped onto the Moon, at the same time it was humanity touching the Moon. It was a total advancement for human technology, ambition, and wonder.
7. Have you ever seen a bird making it’s first ever attempt to fly?
No, I have not seen it but I surely can imagine the number of failed attempts before it succeeds.
His First Flight InText Questions
Question (a).
Why did the seagull fail to fly?
The young seagull hesitated and feared to fly. He thought that his wings would not support him. Hence the sea gull failed to fly.
Question (b).
What did the parents do, when the young seagull failed to fly?
The young sea gull’s parents regularly taunted him for his cowardice and threatened to leave him alone starving at the ledge unless he flew away.
Question (c).
What was the first catch of the young seagull’s older brother?
The first catch of the young seagull’s older brother was herring, a type of fish.
Question (d).
What did the young seagull manage to find in his search for food on the ledge?
The young seagull managed to find a dried piece of mackerel’s tail at the far end of his ledge.
Question (e).
What did the young bird do to seek the attention of his parents?
The young bird stepped slowly out to the brink of the ledge and standing on one leg with the other leg hidden under his wing, he closed one eye, then the other, and pretended to be falling asleep. He would trot back and forth from one end of the ledge to the other, his long gray legs stepping daintily to seek the attention of his parents.
Question (f).
What made the young seagull go mad?
The young sea gull’s mother tore at a piece of fish that lay at her feet, and then scraped each side of her beak on the rock. The sight of the food on the mother’s beak maddened the young seagull.
Question (g).
Why did the young bird utter a joyful scream?
The seagull was quite hungry and yearned for food. When he saw a piece of fish in the beak of his mother, the sight was quite tempting and suddenly dived at the fish forgetting that he didn’t know how to fly and uttered a joyful scream falling outwards and downwards into space.
Question (h).
Did the mother bird offer any food to the young bird?
Yes, the mother bird offered a piece of fish to the young bird.
Question (i).
How did the bird feel when it started flying for the first time?
The bird was seized with fear for a moment and could feel the tips of his wings cut through the air. The next moment he was fearless, though felt a bit dizzy, flapped his wings to soar up and down with a joyous scream.
Question (j).
What did the young bird’s family do when he started flying?
The family saw the young seagull making his first flight and floating on the ocean. They flew and landed on the water just ahead of him. They were beckoning to him with a shrill voice. They were praising and rewarding him by offering scraps of fish to him.
His First Flight Textual Questions
A. Answer the following questions in a sentence or two.
10th English His First Flight Question Answer Question 1.
How was the young seagull’s first attempt to fly?
The young seagull was very hungry. So he dived at the fish that was in his mother’s beak. But he fell into space and became terribly afraid. His heart stood still. He could hear nothing for just a minute. The next moment he felt his wings spread outwards and began to fly up and down fearless into the sky.
10th English Unit 1 Prose Question Answer Question 2.
How did the parents support and encourage the young seagull’s brothers and sister?
The young seagull’s parents flew about with his brothers and sister perfecting them in the art of flight. They taught them how to skim the waves and how to dive for fish. When his older brother caught his first herring and devoured it, his parents circled around raising a proud cackle.
10th English Book Back Answers Question 3.
Give an instance that shows the pathetic condition of the young bird.
The young bird, starving for a day, finds a dried piece of mackerel’s tail at the far end of his ledge. He searches in vain the area where he was hatched and gnaws at the dried pieces of eggshell. He is in a pathetic state calling plaintively when he isn’t unable to reach his mother tearing at a piece of fish.
Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Book Answers Question 4.
How did the bird try to reach its parents without having to fly?
The young bird trotted back and forth from one end of the ledge to the other with his long grey legs stepping daintily, trying to find some means of reaching his parents without having to fly.
His First Flight Book Back Question And Answer Question 5.
Do you think that the young seagull’s parents were harsh to him? Why?
No, the young seagull’s parents weren’t harsh to him. They were just teaching him a lifetime learning experience which is vital for his survival.
10th Std English Guide Question 6.
What prompted the young seagull to fly finally?
The young seagull was extremely hungry and felt the heat because of starvation. His mother was standing on a little high hump on the plateau on the other side and tore at a piece of fish that lay at her feet, and then scraped each side of her beak on the rock and even flew across to him with it. He leaned out eagerly, tapping the rock with his feet, trying to get nearer to her as she flew across. The mother was very near to him with the fish in her beak. Maddened by hunger, he dived at the fish and managed to fly up and down into space with a loud scream.
English 10th Guide Question 7.
What happened to the young seagull when it landed on the green sea?
When the young seagull landed on the green sea, he completely forgot that he had not always been able to fly and shrieked shrilly, turning his beak sideways and crowed amusedly. He screamed with fright when he dropped his legs to stand on the green sea and sank into it.
Additional Questions
10th English Guide Question 1.
Why was the young seagull afraid to fly?
The young seagull hesitated and feared to fly. He thought that his wings would not support him.
10th Std English Guide Question 2.
Do you think all young birds are afraid to make their first flight, or are some birds more timid than others? Do you think a human baby also finds it a challenge to take its first steps?
Yes, all young birds are afraid to make their first flight. It is quite possible that some of them may be more timid than the others. A human baby also finds it a challenge to take the first step. Only after trials and errors of many months, the baby learns to take its first step.
10 Std English Guide Question 3.
“The sight of the food maddened him…” What does this suggest? What compelled the young seagull to finally fly?
The seagull was quite hungry and yearned for food. When he saw a piece of fish in the beak of his mother, the sight was quite tempting for him. He was maddened at the sight of the food and suddenly dived at the fish forgetting that he didn’t know how to fly. It compelled the young seagull to finally fly into space.
10th Standard English Guide Question 4.
“They were beckoning to him, calling shrilly.” Why did the seagull’s father and mother threaten him and cajole him to fly?
His parents, two brothers and his sister regularly taunted him for his cowardice. The seagull’s father and mother threatened that they would leave him alone starving at the ledge unless he flew away. In this way, they tried to cajole him to fly.
10th English Guide Pdf Download Question 5.
Have you ever had a similar experience, where your parents encouraged you to do something that you were too scared to try? Discuss this in pairs or groups.
Everyone has such experience at some time. I too had such an experience when my parents encouraged me when I was learning cycling. I hesitated and feared. I thought that I would not be able to hold and balance it properly. One day, my father made me sit on the bicycle and gave a push from behind. I cried but soon handled it properly and completed a circle without falling down. I learnt how to ride a bicycle on that very day.
English Guide For Class 10 Samacheer Kalvi Pdf Question 6.
In the case of a bird flying, it seems a natural act, and a foregone conclusion that it should succeed. In the examples you have given as answer to the previous question, was your success guaranteed or was it important for you to try, regardless of a possibility of failure?
In the case of a bird flying, it seems a natural act. Actually, it is not so. Every young bird has to learn how to fly. After constant efforts, he becomes perfect in flying. Even in my case, success was not a foregone conclusion. Constant encouragement by my parents and my own practice made me a perfect cyclist.
10th English His First Flight Question 7.
Where did the young seagull sit alone? What did he watch from there?
The young seagull was alone on his ledge. In the whole family, he was the only one who didn’t know how to fly. Only the day before, his two brothers and his sister had flown away with their parents. When he tried to flap his wings, he was seized with fear. Hence, he sat alone on the ledge watching his family flying over the sea.
10 Std English Question 8.
Why didn’t the young seagull take the plunge? What stopped him from doing so?
The young seagull was the only one in the family who couldn’t fly in the air. His brothers and sister had far shorter wings than his wings but they had already learnt the art of flying. He felt certain that his wings would never support him. So he was hesitant and afraid of flapping his wings and go deep in the air.
Samacheer Kalvi Guru 10th English Question 9.
Did upbraiding and threatening of his parents help him in flying?
The parents of the young seagull did try to teach his young one the art of flying. He wouldn’t simply move from his ledge. They would fly around him encouraging and challenging him to follow them. When he wouldn’t budge, his parents would fly around calling to him shrilly. They would upbraid and threaten to let him starve unless he flew away.
Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Guide Question 10.
How were his two brothers and sister different from the young seagull?
His two brothers and. his sister had far shorter wings than he had. But still they had flown away only the day before. He would watch his parents perfecting them in the art of flying. They were taught how to skim the waves and dive for the fish. The young seagull had seen his older brother catch his first herring and devour it.
10th Samacheer English Guide Question 11.
How did the hungry seagull try to pretend to attract his mother’s attraction?
The whole family had flown away. Only the young seagull sat alone on the ledge. He had not eaten anything since the previous nightfall. He stepped slowly out to the brink of the ledge. He stood on one leg. He closed his eyes pretending to be falling asleep. But all his tactics failed. Only his mother took notice of him. All others ignored him.
10th English Book Answers Question 12.
What was the mother doing standing on a little high hump on the plateau?
All others ignored the hungry young seagull. Only his mother was looking at him. She was standing on a little high hump. Now and again, she tore a piece of fish. The fish lay at her feet. Then she scrapped each side of her beak on the rock. She loved to tear the food that way.
10th English Book Back Questions With Answers Question 13.
Why did the young seagull cry “Ga, ga, ga”? Did her mother oblige him?
When he saw his mother holding a piece of a fish in her beak, the young seagull became almost mad with hunger. He cried “Ga, ga, ga”. He begged her mother to bring him some food. When he saw his mother flying across to him with a piece of fish, he uttered a joyful scream. He started tapping the rock with his feet impatiently. He was almost within the reach of the fish but failed to get at it.
Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Book Solutions Question 14.
What did the young seagull do when he was maddened by hunger? Did hunger motivate him to dive at the fish in the air?
The young seagull saw his mother flying around him with a piece of fish in her beak. Maddened by hunger, he dived at the fish. With a loud scream, he fell outwards and downwards into space. Then he was seized with fear and his heart stood still. But the fear lasted only for a minute. The very next moment he felt his wings spread outwards. Truly, hunger motivated him to dive at the fish and flap his wings into the space.
His First Flight Story In Tamil Pdf Question 15.
How did the young seagull overcome his fear and soared gradually towards the sea during his first flight?
The young seagull had taken the final plunge. Maddened by hunger, he dived at the fish which his mother was carrying in her beak. With a loud scream he fell outwards and downwards. He was seized with fear and his heart stood still. But the fear lasted only for a minute. He overcame it. The next moment he felt his wings spread outwards. Now he was soaring downwards over the blue sea.
Samacheer Kalvi 10 Std English Guide Question 16.
Describe the seagull’s first flight.
The young seagull was very hungry. So he dived at the fish that was in his mother’s beak. But he fell into space and became terribly afraid. His heart stood still. He could hear nothing. But it only lasted for a minute. The next moment he felt his wings spread outwards. He began to fly and was no longer afraid.
His First Flight Book Back Answers Question 17.
How did his parents, two brothers and sister celebrate the first flight of the young seagull?
The family saw the young seagull making his first flight. When they saw him floating on the ocean, they flew and landed on the water just ahead of him. They were beckoning to him calling shrilly. They were praising and rewarding him by offering scraps of fish to him.
Tenth English Guide Question 18.
What is the message that Liam O’ Flaherty wants to give to the readers through the lesson, ‘His first Flight’?
Success can’t be taken for granted. One has to struggle to see success. The story of the young seagull is the story of overcoming hesitations, doubts and fears that stand between us and our success. Hunger makes him take the final plunge. This leads him to make his first flight and soar into the space.
B. Answer each of the following questions in a paragraph of about 100 – 150 words.
Question 1.
Describe the struggles underwent by the young seagull to overcome its fear of flying.
The Young Seagull was afraid to fly and was alone on his ledge. He was more frightened than his siblings. His attempts failed. He had taken a little run forward and tried to flap his wings. But that was all he could do. He felt that his wings would not support him. He failed to muster up the courage and fly. His parents taunted, scolded and threatened him to leave him starving at the ledge unless he flew away.
But nothing could make him fly. The seagull helplessly watched his parents flying with his brothers and sisters. The whole family went on taunting him for his cowardice. Only his mother was looking at him. She had picked a piece of fish and was flying across to him with it. He leaned out eagerly. The mother was very near to him with the fish in her beak. Maddened by hunger, he dived at the fish. With a loud scream, he fell outwards and downwards into space. A terror seized him.
His heart stood still. His mother swooped past him. He answered her with another scream. He saw his two brothers and sister flying around him. The seagull completely forgot that he was not able to fly. He let himself free to dive, soar and curve at will. He was shrieking shrilly. He saw a green sea beneath him.
He was tired and weak with hunger. His feet sank into the green sea and his belly touched it. He sank no farther. Now, his family was praising him and their beaks were offering him scraps of fish. He had made his first flight.
“Flying is learning how to throw yourself to the ground and miss.”
Question 2.
Your parents sometimes behave like the young bird’s parents. They may seem cruel and unrelenting. Does it mean that they do not care for you? Explain your views about it with reference from the story.
There is no doubt that sometimes parents do behave the same way like the young bird’s parents. ‘However all parental acts are for the betterment of the children though they may seem cruel and unrelenting. It doesn’t mean they do not care for us. It is the ardent wish of every parent that they may teach all skills to their young ones so that they may succeed in life. If the young ones don’t act then they also indulge in scolding, taunting and humiliating them to shed off their hesitations and fears.
This is exactly what the parents of the young seagull did when he failed to fly. They were successful in teaching the art of flying to his two brothers and sister. They also tried their best to embolden him to take the plunge. Particularly, the mother-seagull went on flying around him with a piece of fish in her beak. It was her attempt to tempt her starving son to dive at the fish and succeeded in her aim.
“At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive involvement of parents.”
Additional Questions
Question 1.
Yes the young seagull same at the beginning and at the end of the lesson? Compare and contrast the two kinds of the same seagull in the lesson.
No, the young seagull was not the same bird at the beginning and at the end of the lesson. In the beginning, the young seagull used to be all alone on his ledge. His two brothers and his sister had flown away the day before. He had been afraid of flying with them. Whenever he tried to flap his wings, he was seized with fear. He felt certain that his wings would never support him. His father and mother flew around calling to him shrilly. They were constantly scolding and taunting him.
They were threatening to let him starve on his ledge unless he flew away. However, the young seagull was more confident and sure of his success in the end. Maddened by hunger, he dived at the fish. After trials and errors, his wings spread outwards. He was soaring gradually downwards forgetting all his hesitations and fears. He could float on the ocean now. His success was welcomed by his family. They were praising him now and their beaks were offering him their scraps of dog-fish.
“Positivity, confidence and persistence are key in life – so never give up in life.”
Question 2.
‘All parental acts are for the betterment of the children.’ It is true. However, one has to make efforts through trials and errors shedding off one’s early hesitations and fears to succeed in any enterprise. Justify this statement by taking points from the lesson, ‘His First Flight’.
There is no doubt about it. All parental acts are for the betterment of the children. It is the ardent wish of every parent that they may teach all skills to their young ones so that they may succeed in life. First of all, they can learn all things which their parents have taught in life. If the young ones don’t act then they also indulge in scolding, taunting and humiliating them to shed off their hesitations and fears. This is exactly what the parents of the young seagull did.
They were successful in teaching the art of flying to his two brothers and sister. They also tried their best to embolden him to take the plunge. Particularly, the mother- seagull went on flying around him with a piece of fish in her beak. It was her attempt – to tempt her starving son to dive at the fish. And she succeeded in her aim. The young seagull did dive at the fish and it led to his success in the end.
“Parenting is not about meeting the needs of the offspring – but preparing them to stand on their own legs”
Question 3.
‘Maddened by hunger, he dived at the fish,’ says the narrator about the young seagull. Do you feel hunger was the main motivating force that made the young seagull take the plunge that taught him how to fly in the air?
Food is the most essential ingredient that sustains all life – of humans, animals as well as birds. Hunger motivates many of their actions. The young seagull used to sit all alone on his ledge. Whenever he tried to flap his wings to fly, he was seized with fear. He felt certain that his wings would never support him. He had seen his older brother catch his first herring and devour it. It compounded his helplessness even more. He uttered a joyful scream when he saw his mother holding a piece of fish in her beak and flying quite near him.
He wondered why she didn’t come to him and offer that piece of fish to him. Maddened by hunger, he dived at the fish. With a loud scream he fell outwards and downwards into space. Then a monstrous terror seized him but only for a minute. The next moment he felt his wings spread outwards. He began to soar downwards towards the sea. The fear left him. He began to float on the sea. admiring family offered him pieces of fish flying around him.
“ Your hunger must be absolutely compelling in order to overcome the obstacles that will invariably come your way.”
Question 4.
Describe the humiliation and taunting that the young seagull faced from his family when he used to sit alone on his ledge without mustering his courage to fly in the air.
The young seagull used to sit on ledge all alone. He used to see his two brothers and sister flying around him. They had learnt flying only the day before. Not that he didn’t try before. He had come to the edge of the ledge and tried to flap his wings. But he became afraid soon. He felt certain that his wings would never support him. So he bent his head and ran away to the little hole under the ledge. His brothers and sister had far shorter wings than his own. But they succeeded flapping their wings and flew away.
He failed to muster his courage to take the plunge. His father and mother flew around him scolding and taunting him. They also threatened to let him starve on his ledge unless he flew away. The thing that compounded his agony was that his elder brother had caught his first herring and devoured it. His parents circled around his brother raising a proud cackle. On the other hand, the family had walked down the opposite cliff taunting him with his cowardice.
“There is no humiliation more abusive than hunger.”
Question 5.
Hesitations and fears play necessary parts in human life but we get success in any enterprise only when we overcome our doubts, hesitations and fears. Justify this statement in the light of the young seagull’s efforts to muster courage to fly in the air.
Nothing in life can be taken for granted. Skills have to be learnt in life with our own efforts. Parents can only help in teaching and encouraging us to learn things. But we have to learn them through our own efforts of trials and errors. Who doesn’t suffer from hesitations and fears in the beginning? It takes time to take the final plunge. So it happened with the young seagull. In spite of constant encouragements and motivations, he couldn’t muster the courage to fly.
He was certain that his wings would not support him. He faced regular taunting and humiliations of his family. They even threatened to let him starve at the ledge unless he flew away. But they say that necessity is the mother of invention. Maddened by hunger, he dived at the fish which his mother was carrying in her beak. He felt his wings spreading outwards. Finally, he soared to come down over the sea. When he floated on the sea, his family celebrated his success by offering pieces of fish to him.
“Life is a balance of fear and overcoming it.”
C. Change the parts of speech of the given words in the chart.


D. Read the following sentences and change the form of the underlined words as directed.
1. His family was screaming and offering him food, (to adjective)
The screaming family offered him food.
2. ‘The young seagull gave out a loud call, (to adverb)
The young sea gull called out loudly.
3. The bird cackled amusedly while flying, (to noun)
The bird cackled with amusement while flying.
4. The depth of the sea from the ledge scared the seagull, (to adjective)
The deep sea scared the seagull on the ledge.
5. The successful flight of the bird was a proud moment for the seagull’s family, (to verb)
It was a proud moment for the seagull’s family when the bird flew successfully.
E. Use the following words to construct meaningful sentences on your own.
- coward – I hate to be a coward for I have always been a bold person.
- gradual – There is a gradual increase in the water level at Mettur dam.
- praise – Sylvia is worthy of all the praise and honour.
- courageous – I hope to be courageous at all circumstances.
- starvation – People in Somalia die of starvation almost every day.
Listening Activity:
F. Here is a travelogue by the students of Government Girls Higher Secondary School, Pattukkottai after their trip to Darjeeling. Listen to the travelogue and answer the following questions.
A Trip to Remember Forever:
Our trip to this wonderful city, Darjeeling started with a breath-taking view. We parted the curtains of our hotel room and there it was, Kanchenjunga, the third highest mountain in the world! The entire range was in front of us in lull view, snow-capped and dazzling in the sun. Our trip started early in the morning the next day. We woke up at 4 a.m. and reached Tiger hill at 5 a.m. to view the sunrise as the place has earned international fame for the best sunrise view.
Tiger hill is situated at an altitude of 2590 meters and is 13 kilometers away from the city. Although Kanchenjunga was visible from the window of our hotel room, viewing it from tiger hill was a different experience altogether. It was not a very cloudy day so we were lucky enough to get a glimpse of the Mount Everest. After Tiger hill, we visited Senchal Lake which is another picnic spot nearby. We were told that the lake supplies drinking water to the city.
The next spot on our list was Batasia Loop, a spiral railway near Ghum. The loop is situated 5 kilometer from the city and is a gigantic railway loop where the toy train runs and takes a 360 degree turn. It is a beautiful place with manicured garden, streams and waterfalls. While travelling on the toy train, one gets a breath-taking view of Darjeeling’s scenic beauty.
We would suggest the toy train only for people with lot of patience as the train travels at a speed of 15 kilometers per hour and covers 14 kilometers in three hours which might be an utter disappointment for some. Altogether we had a memorable and enjoyable school trip with our friends and it will linger in our thoughts forever.
(i) Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
1. The students visited …………… city.
2. …………. is the third highest mountain in the world.
3. ………….. hill is 13 km away from Darjeeling.
4. The drinking water is supplied by …………… lake to the city.
5. After Senchal lake, they visited …………… .
- Darjeeling
- Kanchenjunga
- Tiger
- Senchal
- Batasia Loop
(ii) Do you think they had a memorable and enjoyable school trip?
Yes, I am sure they had a memorable and enjoyable school trip.
(iii) Name a few places that you wish to visit with your classmates as a school trip.
I wish to visit Andaman islands, Kashmir and Kathmandu with my classmates as a school trip.
(iv) State whether the following statements are True or False.
- As the sky was cloudy, they could get the glimpse of the Mount Everest.
False - The toy train covers 14 km in three hours.
True - Tiger hill has earned international fame for the best sunset view.
Speaking Activity:
G. Here is a dialogue between a father and his daughter. Continue the dialogue with at least five utterances and use all the clues given above.
Father: Hi Mary, it has been a very long time since we went on a trip. Let’s plan one.
Mary : Yes, dad. I am also longing to go. Why don’t we plan one for this weekend?
Father: Sure. Tell me, where shall we go?
Mary : Some place nearby but for at least two days.
Father: Hmm… I think we should go to the reserved forest nearby.
Mary : Yeah. I’ve never been to a forest. I have seen a forest only on the TV and movies. The forest is a good choice!
Father : OK. If we are going to the forest, we must list out what we should carry with us for two days.
Mary : I think we should carry suitable clothes like (1) ………………………………………………….. .
Father: What about the food? Do you have any idea, Mary?
Mary : Yeah. For food, I suggest (2) ……………………………………………………… .
Father: (3) ……………………………………………………………………….. .
Mary : (4) ……………………………………………………………………. .
- moisture wicking garments covering our hands and legs, hand gloves, gaiters, and head wear.
- we take dehydrated foods. A packet of instant coffee packets and tea bags, energy bars, chocolates, nuts, sandwich making materials, kaakaras (dry chappathi), cheese and cup noodles will be of great help.
- I think we need to wear proper trekking shoes and take our sleeping bags too. Do you think we need to take anything else?
- Yes dad, a torch light and mosquito repellent is a must. I think we are all set to go on our journey.
H. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
Bungee – Jumping
Bungee jumping is an activity that involves jumping from a tall structure while connected to a long elastic cord. The tall structure is usually a fixed object, such as a building, bridge or crane; but it is also possible to jump from a movable object, such as a hot-air-balloon or helicopter, that has the ability to hover above the ground. The thrill comes from the free- falling and the rebound. When the person jumps, the cord stretches and the jumper flies upwards again as the cord recoils, and continues to oscillate up and down until all the kinetic energy is dissipated.
Jumping Heights, located in Mohan Chatti village, in Rishikesh has been rated as one of the most preferred bungee jumping destinations in India at a height of 83 meters. It is the only place in India where bungee jumping can be done from a fixed platform. This is also India’s only fixed platform Bungee- performed from a professional cantilever, to separate it from entertainment parks, and create instead, an extreme adventure zone. The Bungee has been designed by David Allardice of New Zealand.
The Cantilever platform is built over a rocky cliff over-looking the river Hall, a tributary of River Ganges. Bungee-ing amidst the vastness of nature lends the experience an absolutely breathtaking quality. Jumping heights is well known for its safety measures and experienced staff. It costs around Rs 2500 per jump, a bit expensive, but totally worth the experience. The Bungee jumping experience has been set amidst the astoundingly stunning landscape of Rishikesh. To Bungee jump, one must be at least 12 years and should weigh between 40-110 kg.
Question 1.
What is Bungee Jumping?
Bungee jumping is an activity that involves jumping from a tall structure while connected to a long elastic cord.
Question 2.
Can Bungee be performed from a movable object? How?
Bungee can be performed from a movable object, such as a hot-air-balloon or helicopter, that has the ability to hover above the ground.
Question 3.
When do you think Bungee becomes thrilling?
When the person jumps, the cord stretches and the jumper flies upwards again as the cord recoils, and continues to oscillate up and down until all the kinetic energy is dissipated. Now, Bungee becomes thrilling from the free-falling and the rebound.
Question 4.
What is the experience when one falls off the platform?
It is extremely astounding, adventurous, stunning and thrilling.
Question 5.
Where is the Bungee jumping point located in India?
Bungee jumping point is located in Mohan Chatti village, in Rishikesh, India at a height of 83 meters.
Question 6.
What is the minimum age to Bungee jump?
The minimum age to Bungee jump is 12 years.
I. Prepare attractive advertisements using the hints given below.
1. Home appliances – Aadi Sale – 20-50% – Special Combo Offers – Muthusamy & Co., Raja Street, Gingee.
2. Mobile Galaxy – Smart phones – accessories – SIM cards – Recharge – Free Power banks on Mobile purchase – No.l, Toll gate, Trichy
J. Write a report of the following events in about 100-120 words.
1. ‘Educational Development Day’ was organized in your school on 15th July. The District Collector was the Chief Guest of the event. As part of the event, many competitions were Jield and the prizes were distributed to the winners and participants. It was a grand and successful event. Now, as the member of the organizing committee, write a report on the event in about 120 words.
Jawahar Higher Secondary School, Karuvalipat, celebrated the Educational Development Day on the 15th of July, 2019 in the school premises. As part of the event, many competitions were held from the morning for students. Primary School children actively participated in the Drawing Competition depicting Education Development Day. Oratorical contest on the topic, ‘The importance of education’ was held for students of Std VI to VIII.
A Debate on the topic, ‘Development is vivid only with an educated society’ was conducted for Std IX to XII Students. At 2 p.m., The District Collector, Ms. Yasmin Begum presided over the Valedictory function and addressed the students on the importance of being a literate. She encouraged students to pursue higher education and reach great heights. The Chief Guest distributed the trophies to the winners and all the participants were given certificates. It was a grand and successful event and a day to be remembered for ever.
Member Of The Organising Committee
Shanmathy Velayudham
Question 2.
You are the School Pupil Leader. You have been asked to write a report on the Inaugural Ceremony of English Literary Association of your school which was held recently. Write a report on the same in not more than 120 words.
Inauguration Of English Literary Association
English Literary Association was inaugurated in the Fathima Hall of St. Joseph’s convent on 19th June, 2019. Mrs. Thomas, the Choir Mistress led the choir to sing a prayer song. Sister Joan, Principal lighted the traditional lamp along with the Head of the English Department Mrs. Judy Enoch, the School Pupil Leader Beverley Shunker and the Secretary of the English Literary Association Vinnie Varghese. The Secretary welcomed the gathering and highlighted the aims and objectives of the association.
Sr.Joan advised the students to improve their communicative skills in English and motivated the students to refrain from using vernacular language in the school campus. The Special Guest for the inaugural ceremony was Mrs. Swamamala, a noted journalist. She was felicitated with a shawl and memento by the Vice Principal Mrs.Shyla Augustine. The keynote address by the special guest insisted in learning English as the universal and official language for communication in any country. The vote of thanks was given by Shanthini, a student of Std X. The event was compeered by Parvathi, a student of Std XL
School Pupil Leader
Beverley Shunker
Question 3.
You are the Coordinator of the Science Forum of your school. An event had been organized on account of National Science Day for the members of the forum. Now, write a report on the observation of “National Science Day” at your school.
National Science Day
National Science Day was observed by the students of Violet Matriculation Higher Secondary School on 28th February, 2019 to mark the discovery of the Raman effect in 1928 by Indian physicist Sir C. V. Raman. The Director of the District Science Museum, Mr.Shanthakumar presided over the function. This event, organized on account of National Science Day for the members of the forum was led by Mrs.Leema, Physics teacher of our school.
The celebration included public speeches, watching the night sky, live projects, debates and many more activities. Every year, NSD is celebrated to widely spread a message about the Importance of science used in the daily life of the people. It is also celebrated to discuss all the issues and implement new technologies for the development in the field of science. The theme of the year 2019, “Science for the People, and the People for Science” was extensively discussed.
Coordinator Of The Science Forum
Rajalakshmi Venkataraman
Grammar Modals:
A. Complete these sentences using appropriate modals. The clues in the brackets will help you.
- When I was a child, I climb trees easily but now I can’t, (ability in the past)
- I …………….. win this singing contest, (determination)
- You ……………. buy this book. It is worth buying, (advice or suggestion)
- Poongothai ………………. speak several languages, (ability in the present)
- I swear I ……………. tell lies again, (promise)
- My father …………….. play badminton in the evenings when he was at college, (past habit)
- You ……………. do as I say! (command)
- ……………….. I have another glass of water? (request)
- Sibi has not practised hard but he ……………… win the race, (possibility)
- We ………….. preserve our natural resources, (duty)
- used to/could
- will
- shall
- can
- shall
- used to
- shall/ought to
- Could
- can/will
- should
B. Rewrite the following sentences by rectifying the errors in the use of modals.
1. Would I have your autograph?
Could I have your autograph?
2. I can be fifteen next April.
I will be fifteen next April.
3. Take an umbrella. It should rain later.
Take an umbrella. It may rain later.
4. The magistrate ordered that he might pay the fine.
The magistrate ordered that he must pay the fine.
5. Make me a cup of tea, shall you?
Make me a cup of tea, will you?
6. You may speak politely to the elders.
You must speak politely to the elders.
7. You will get your teeth cleaned at least once a year.
You should get your teeth cleaned at least once a year.
8. We could grow vegetables in our kitchen garden but we don’t do it now.
We used to grow vegetables in our kitchen garden but we don’t do it now.
9. Must I get your jacket? The weather is cold.
Should I get your jacket? The weather is cold.
10. Could the train be on time?
Will the train be on time?
C. Read the dialogue and fill in the blanks with suitable modals.
Dad : ……………. (1) …………. we go out for dinner tonight?
Charan : Yes, Dad. We ……………. (2) ……………….. go to a restaurant where I …………… (3) …………… have some ice cream.
Dad : OK. Then, I (4) be home by 7 p.m. Mom and you …………… (5) ………………… be ready by then.
Charan : Sure. We …………… (6) …………… My friend told me that there is a magic show nearby. …………….. (7) …………….. you please take us there?
Dad : We ……………….. (8) …………….. not have time to go for the magic show, I suppose. If we have enough time left, we ………….. (9) ………….. plan.
Charan : By the way …………….(10) ………….. we inform our gate keeper about our outing?
Dad : Yes, we ……………… (11) …………… so that he …………….. (12) ……………… be aware we aren’t at home.
Charan : ………….. (13) …………… I call up Mom and tell her about our plan today?
Dad : You ………….. (14) ………………. to. Otherwise, we might be in trouble when she returns home.
Charan : Hmm… by the time you come home in the evening, we ……………… (15) …………….. be waiting for you. Hope you ……………. (16) ……………… be late. Bye.
- Shall
- should
- can
- will
- should
- will
- Could
- may
- can
- should
- should
- will
- Shall
- ught
- will
- won’t
D. Read the following dialogues and supply appropriate modals.
Student : Can we leave our bags in the class during the break?
Teacher : Yes, you ………….. (1) ……………. but arrange them neatly.
Passenger : My child is 6 years old. Do I have to buy him a ticket?
Conductor : Yes, you ……………… (2) …………… It costs half of the price of an adult ticket.
Vani : Can we go for coffee after the meeting?
Yoga : No, I ……………… (3) ……………… I have to go home.
Salesman : When ……………. (4) ………….. I receive my order?
Customer : I ……………. (5) …………… assure you sir, the order …………….. (6) …………….. be delivered tomorrow.
Neela : Do you think I should write about my education background in the resume?
Preethi : Yes, you ……………… (7) …………….. You ………….. (8) …………….. get a better job.
- can
- should
- can’t
- can
- can
- will
- should
- will/may
Imagine you have been to Thanjavur recently. Based on your experience and the data given below about Thanjavur, suggest and guide your friend who wishes to visit Thanjavur and places nearby, using modals in your sentences.
E. Here are a few sentences already done for you. The clues given would be helpful to \make more sentences on your own.
1. I would suggest that you take the Uzhavan Express to Thanjavur from Chennai.
2. You will be more comfortable if you could book 3 tier A/C.
3. You could enjoy …………………………………………………. .
4. You should visit …………………………………………………. .
5. You mustn’t miss ………………………………………………. .
6. You can buy ……………………………………………………….. .
7. …………………………………………………………………………….. .
8. …………………………………………………………………………….. .
9. …………………………………………………………………………….. .
10. …………………………………………………………………………… .
3. the Kallanai Dam near Thanjavur
4. the Big Temple
5. the Museum in Thanjavur
6. Art Plates and Dancing dolls
7. Saraswathi Mahal, a library is a must to visit in Thanjavur.
8. You may take the Madurai Express to go to Thanjavur.
9. You should visit the church at Poondi near Thanjavur.
10. Don’t miss Thiruvaiyaru. You ought to experience its grandeur.
Active And Passive:
F. Change the following sentences to the other voice.
1. The manager appointed many office assistants.
Many office assistants were appointed by the manager.
2. You are making a cake now.
Now, a cake is being made by you.
3. That portrait was painted by my grandmother.
My grandmother painted that portrait.
4. Malini had bought a colourful hat for her daughter.
A colourful hat had been bought by Malini for her daughter.
5. They have asked me to pay the fine.
I have been asked to pay the fine by them.
6. The militants were being taken to prison by the police.
The police were taking the militants to prison.
7. His behaviour vexes me.
I am vexed by his behaviour.
8. Rosy will solve the problem.
The problem will be solved by Rosy, v
9. Our army has defeated the enemy.
The enemy has been defeated by our army.
10. The salesman answered all the questions patiently.
All the questions were answered patiently by the salesman.
G. Change the following into Passive voice.
1. Please call him at once.
Request him to be called at once.
2. How did you cross the river?
How was the river crossed by you?
3. No one is borrowing the novels from the library.
The novels from the library are not being borrowed by any one.
4. Will you help me?
Will I be helped by you?
5. Go for a jog early in the morning.
You are advised to go for a jog early in the morning.
6. Why have you left your brother at home?
Why has your brother been left at home by you?
7. Nobody should violate the rules.
Let the rules not be violated by anyone.
8. Someone has to initiate it immediately.
It has to be initiated by someone immediately.
9. Have you invited Raman to the party?
Has Raman been invited by you to the party?
10. Please do not walk on the grass.
You are requested not to walk on the grass.
11. Cross the busy roads carefully.
You are instructed to cross the busy roads carefully.
Let the busy roads be crossed by you carefully.
12. When will you book the tickets to Bengaluru?
When will the tickets to Bengaluru be booked by you?
H. In the following sentences the verbs have two objects namely Direct and Indirect objects. Change each of the following sentences into two passives using direct object as the subject in one and indirect in the other.
1. John gave a bar of chocolate to Jill.
(a): Jill was given ……………………………………………………………………………….. .
(b): A bar of chocolate was given ………………………………………………………. .
2. Pragathi lent a pencil to Keerthana.
(a): ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. .
(b): ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. .
3. Sudha told the truth to her friend.
(a): ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. .
(b): ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. .
4. They offered the job to Venkat.
(a): ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .
(b): ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .
5. The boss showed the new computer to Kaviya.
(a): …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. .
(b): …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. .
1. (a) a bar of chocolate by John
(b) by John to Jill
2. (a) Keerthana was lent a pencil by Pragathi
(b) A pencil was lent by Pragathi to Keerthana
3. (a) Sudha’s friend was told the truth by Sudha
(b) The truth was told by Sudha to her friend
4. (a) Venkat was offered the job by them
(b) The job was offered by them to Venkat
5. (a) Kaviya was shown the new computer by the boss
(b) The new computer was shown by the boss to Kaviya
I. Rewrite the following passage in Passive Voice.
A few days ago, someone stole Ambrose’s motorbike. Ambrose had left it outside his house. He reported the theft to the police. The police told him that they would try to find his motorbike. This morning, they found his motorbike. The police called Ambrose to the police station. The thieves had painted it and then sold it to someone else. The new owner had parked the motorbike outside a mall when the police found it. After an enquiry, the police arrested the thieves.
Ambrose’s motorbike was stolen by someone a few days ago. It had been left outside his house by Ambrose. The theft was reported to the police by him. He was told by the police that they would try to find his motorbike. This morning, his motorbike was found. Ambrose was called to the police station by the police. It had been painted by the thieves and then it was sold to someone else. The motorbike had been parked by the new owner outside a mall when it was found by the police. After an enquiry, the thieves were arrested by the police.
J. Write a recipe of your favorite dish in passive voice. Remember to list out the ingredients . of the dish you have chosen and their quantity. Use Simple Present tense to write your recipe.
Ingredients: A bottle of Mixed Fruit jam, A packet of Cheese slices, A loaf of Sandwich bread A box of sweetened Butter, A nonstick pan
- A pan with one teaspoon of sweetened butter is taken.
- Two slices of sandwich bread is taken and roasted slightly on both sides.
- A tablespoon each of Mixed Fruit Jam is spread evenly on one side of the sandwich bread.
- A slice of cheese is placed in between the two slices of bread.
- The comers of the bread slices are sliced and the bread slice is slit diagonally into two.
- The sandwich is ready to be served.
K. Write a report of an event held at your school using Passive voice. Use Simple Past Tense to’narrate the event.
The Annual day was celebrated by Glenmark Global School, on July 17, 2019 at the school premises with pomp and grandeur. The school was decorated elegantly by the staff and students. A stage was set up with a beautiful backdrop depicting the theme of the year. The welcome address was given by the School Pupil Leader.
The Chief Guest Mrs. Indira Janardhanan, CEO was introduced and felicitated by the Principal Mrs. Jeyanthi Radhakrishnan. Many cultural programs viz western dance, traditional dance, English Play, Tamil Pattimandram were all a treat to the eyes of the audience.
The Annual report was presented by the Principal. Prizes were given away to the toppers and many students who had brought laurels to the school in various competitions and contests. The Vote of Thanks was delivered by the Assistant School Pupil Leader.
His First Flight by Liam O’Flaherty About the Author:
Liam O’Flaherty, born on August 28, 1896, at Aran Islands, Ireland died on September 7, 1984 at Dublin. He is an Irish novelist and short-story writer. He became a popular literary figure with his best-selling novel, The Informer. The next novel Return of the Brute was also a great success. O’ Flaherty will be remembered as a major voice in the Irish literary renaissance and a founding member of the Communist Party of Ireland. He spent most of his time in travelling and lived comfortably and quietly outside the spotlight.
His First Flight Summary:
‘His First Flight’ is a story of hesitation, trial and error and ultimately succeeding the task. It is an interesting story of a hesitant and timid seagull learning the art of flying. While his two brothers and sistej master the art of flying, his fear and hesitation prevent him from doing so. His diving at the fish due to hunger, proves a blessing in disguise. After a shaky start, he spreads out his wings and starts flying upwards and downwards. That’s his first flight. Thus the message is conveyed by O’Flaherty that no one attains success instantly. Perseverance and continuous striving help one to succeed.
Fear to fly
The young seagull was alone on his ledge. His two brothers and his sister had already learnt the art of flying just a day before. He tried in vain because of his fear. He had taken a little run forward and tried to flap his wings but that was all he could do. He feared that his wings would not support him. So he bent his head and ran back to the little hole where he slept the previous night.
Threatened by Parents His brothers and his sister had wings far shorter than his own wings. But he failed to muster up courage and fly. His parents criticized, admonished and threatened him to leave him starving at the ledge. However, nothing could make him fly.
Parents perfected siblings The seagull helplessly watched his parents flying with his brothers and sister. They were perfecting them in the art of flying. They were teaching them how to skim the waves and how to dive for fish. The whole family went on taunting him for his cowardice.
Mother’s trick works His mother was looking at him. She had picked a piece of fish. She was flying across tp him with it. He leaned out eagerly. The mother was very near to him with the fish in her beak. Maddened by hunger, he dived at the fish. With a loud scream he fell outwards and downwards into the space. A terror seized him. His heart stood still. His mother plunged past him. He answered her with another scream. He saw his two brothers and sister flying around him.
Seagull flies!
The seagull completely forgot that he was not able to fly. He let himself free to dive, soar and curve at will. He was squealing shrilly. He saw a green sea beneath him. His parents, his brothers and sister were signaling to him with a shrill voice. He was tired and weak with hunger. His feet sank into the green sea and his belly touched it. He sank no farther. His family were praising him and their beaks were offering him scraps of fish. He had at last made it and it was his first flight.
The story arrives at a conclusion that nothing is impossible. Fear is the impediment to success. Shed the fears and succeed in whatsoever you desire.
His First Flight Glossary:
Choose the most appropriate synonym of the underlined word.
1. The young seagull was alone on his ledge.
(a) sill
(b) window
(c) nest
(d) lift
(a) sill
2. The great expanse of sea stretched a long way down.
(a) express
(b) expense
(c) stretch
(d) vision
(c) stretch
3. He felt certain that his wings would never support him.
(a) curtain
(b) screen
(c) sure
(d) unsure
(c) sure
4. His brothers and his little sister ran to the brink.
(a) bark
(b) sea
(c) water
(d) edge
(d) edge
5. He failed to muster up courage to take that plunge.
(a) dust
(b) gather
(c) strength
(d) marvel
(b) gather
6. He saw his brothers and sister perfecting in the art of flight.
(a) achieving
(b) trying
(c) finishing
(d) balancing
(a) achieving
7. He saw his older brother devour his first catch.
(a) consume
(b) devein
(c) divide
(d) smell
(a) consume
8. His parents circled around raising a proud cackle.
(d) cough
(b) screech
(c) walk
(d) tackle
(b) screech
9. The whole family walked about on the big plateau.
(a) highland
(b) pinnacle
(c) lake
(d) valley
(a) highland
10. All his siblings laughed at his cowardice.
(a) weakness
(b) craze
(c) cooperation
(d) awkwardness
(a) weakness
11. He even gnawed at the dried pieces of eggshell.
(a) gasped
(b) annoyed
(c) chewed
(d) devoured
(c) chewed
12. He then trotted back and forth from one end of the ledge to the other.
(a) trailed
(b) scurried
(c) jolted
(d) rolled
(b) scurried
13. His long gray legs stepped daintily to reach his parents.
(a) elegantly
(b) drearily
(c) dancing
(d) lethargically
(a) elegantly
14. The ledge ended in a sheer fall of precipice with the sea beneath.
(a) steep
(b) gentle
(c) clean
(d) distant
(a) steep
15. The precipice was sheer.
(a) cliff
(b) precipitation
(c) effervescence
(d) recap
(a) cliff
16. His father was preening the feathers on his white back.
(a) picking
(b) cleaning
(c) screening
(d) wilting
(b) cleaning
17. She was standing on a little high hump on the plateau.
(a) mound
(b) dip
(c) hollow
(d) table
(a) mound
18. Her white breast thrust forward.
(a) shove
(b) burst
(c) backward
(d) thirsted
(a) shove
19. The sight of the food maddened him.
(a) light
(b) bring
(c) blight
(d) view
(d) view
20. He scraped his beak now and again to whet it!
(a) rubbed
(b) screened
(c) wet
(d) sharpened
(a) rubbed
21. He uttered a low cackle.
(a) expressed
(b) screamed
(c) mocked
(d) udder
(a) expressed
22. She screamed back mockingly.
(a) admiringly
(b) scornfully
(e) meekly
(d) brightly
(b) scornfully
23. He kept calling plaintively.
(a) plainly
(b) blatantly
(c) sadly
(d) palpably
(c) sadly
24. She was just opposite to him, abreast of the ledge.
(a) well-informed
(b) tuned
(c) approved
(d) disapproved
(a) well-informed
25. His mother had swooped upwards.
(a) swung
(b) leapt
(c) fell
(d) danced
(b) leapt
Choose the most appropriate antonym of the underlined word.
1. The sun was now ascending the sky.
(a) soaring
(b) rising
(c) mounting
(d) downhill
(d) downhill
2. He ran a little forward to the brink of the ledge.
(a) centre
(b) brim
(c) threshold
(d) bridge
(a) centre
3. He waited a moment in surprise.
(a) weighted
(b) sat
(c) began
(d) astonished
(c) began
4. He felt the heat because he had not eaten since the previous nightfall.
(a) warmness
(b) coldness
(c) seat
(d) hearth
(b) coldness
5. He searched among the rough, dirt-caked straw nest.
(a) coarse
(b) smooth
(c) bumpy
(d) blunt
(b) smooth
6. He failed to muster up courage to take that plunge.
(a) dive
(b) climb
(c) fall
(d) plume
(b) climb
7. Between them, there was a deep, wide crack.
(a) cavernous
(b) dip
(c) narrow
(d) shallow
(d) shallow
8. Maddened by hunger, he dived at the fish.
(a) surfeit
(b) famine
(c) appetite
(d) heat
(a) surfeit
9. He even gnawed at the dried pieces of eggshell.
(a) parched
(b) dehydrated
(c) fresh
(d) new other.
(c) fresh
10. He then trotted back and forth from one end of the ledge to the
(a) scurried
(b) sauntered
(c) tracked
(d) rolled
(b) sauntered
11. As he passed beneath her, he heard the swish of her wings.
(a) underneath
(b) below
(c) above
(d) finite
(c) above
12. The next moment, he felt his wings spread outwards.
(a) centrifugally
(b) inwards
(c) beautifully
(d) aloft
(b) inwards
13. He flapped his wings and soared upwards.
(a) downwards
(b) inwards
(c) outwards
(d) lethargically
(a) downwards
14. The precipice was sheer.
(a) steep
(b) gentle
(c) effervescence
(d) recap
(b) gentle
15. The wind rushed against his breast feathers.
(a) gushed
(b) relaxed
(c) flushed
(d) plumes
(b) relaxed
16. He completely forgot his inability to fly.
(a) overlooked
(b) remembered
(c) ignored
(d) disregarded
(b) remembered
17. His parents had landed in front of him.
(a) visible
(b) detectable
(c) behind
(d) anterior
(c) behind
18. They were beckoning to him, calling shrilly.
(a) summoning
(b) signaling
(c) dismissing
(d) requesting
(c) dismissing
19. He was tired and weak with hunger.
(a) scrawny
(b) puny
(c) week
(d) view
(d) view
20. Hqwas floating on it.
(a) flowing
(b) fluctuating
(c) flinging
(d) strong
(d) strong
21. His family was screaming and praising him.
(a) diluting
(b) adulation
(c) exaltation
(d) fixed
(d) fixed
22. She was standing on a little high hump on the plateau.
(a) mountain
(b) dip
(c) hollow
(d) highland
(c) hollow
23. He scraped his beak now and again to whet it!
(a) rubbed
(b) blunt
(c) wet
(d) sharpened
(b) blunt
24. The great expanse of sea stretched down a long way down.
(a) short
(b) lengthy
(c) straight
(d) vision
(a) short
25. He felt certain that his wings would never support him.
(a) nearer
(b) forever
(c) surely
(d) always
(d) always