Samacheer Kalvi 10th Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Algebra Ex 3.7
Samacheer Kalvi 10th Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Algebra Ex 3.7
Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 10th Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Algebra Ex 3.7
10th Maths Unit Exercise 3 Question 1.
Find the square root of the following rational expressions.


Samacheer Kalvi 10th Maths Exercise 3.7 Question 2.
Find the square root of the following
(i) 4x2 + 20x + 25
(ii) 9x2 – 24xy + 30xz – 40yz + 25z2 + 16y2
(iii) 1 + 1/x6+2/x3
(iv) (4x2 – 9x + 2) (7x2 – 13x – 2) (28x2 – 3x – 1)
(v) ( 2x2 + 17/6x + 1) (3/2x2 + 4x + 2)(4/3x2+11/3x + 2)