Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Science Geography Solutions Term 2 Chapter 1 Resources

Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Science Geography Solutions Term 2 Chapter 1 Resources

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Science Geography Solutions Term 2 Chapter 1 Resources

Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Science Resources Textual Evaluation


A. Match the following.

Samacheer Kalvi Guru 6th Social Science Question 1.

Natural resource Minerals
International resource Sustainable development
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Air
Non-renewable Manufacturing
Universal resource Ambergris
Secondary activities Forest


Natural resource Forest
International resource Ambergris
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Sustainable development
Non-renewable Minerals
Universal resource Air
Secondary activities Manufacturing

B. Fill in the blanks :

  1. Sugarcane is processed to make ___________
  2. Conservation of resources is ___________ use of resources.
  3. Resources which are confined to certain regions are called ___________
  4.  ___________ resources are being used in the present.
  5.  ___________ resources are the most valuable resources.
  6. Collection of resources directly from nature is called ___________


  1. Sugar
  2. careful
  3. Localise d resources
  4. Actual
  5. Human
  6. Primary Activities

C. Write short notes on the following :

Social Science Term 2 Question 1.
Renewable resources.

  1. Resources once consumed can be renewed with the passage of time are called renewable resources.
  2. (e.g.) Air, Water, Sunlight.

Samacheer Kalvi Guru 6th Social Science Term 2 Question 2.
Human resources.

  1. Human resources are group of individuals who use nature to create more resources.
  2. Example: Doctors, Teachers, Scientists.

Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Guide Term 2 Question 3.
Individual resources.

  1. Based on ownership, resources can be classified into Individual resources, Community-owned resources, National resources and International resources.
  2. Individual resources are resources privately owned by individuals? (e.g.) Apartments.

Samacheer Kalvi Guru 6th Social Science Book Back Answers Question 4.
Tertiary activities.

  1. Tertiary activities are those which render services to production and distribution of goods.
  2. Example: Banking, Trade, Communications.

D. Give brief answers for the following:

Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Term 2 Question 1.
What are resources?

  1. Resource is anything that fulfills human needs. When anything is of some use it becomes valuable. All resources have value.
  2. The value can be either commercial or non-commercial.

Samacheer Kalvi Guru 6th Social Question 2.
What are actual resources?

  1. Actual resources are resources that are being used and the quantity available is known.
  2. Example: Coal at Neyveli.

6th Social Term 2 Question 3.
Define abiotic resources.
Abiotic resources are non-living things. Land, Water, Air and Minerals are abiotic resources.

Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Science Solutions Question 4.
What is sustainable development?

  1. The present needs for resources are met.
  2. The conserving of resources for the future are balanced. It is sustainable development.

E. Give short answers to the following questions.

Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Solutions Question 1.
Differentiate universal and localized resources.
Universal Resources

  1. Universal resources are present everywhere.
  2. Eg. Sunlight and air

Localized Resources

  1. Localized resources are present in specific regions.
  2. Eg. Minerals

Samacheerkalvi.Guru Social Science Question 2.
Though human beings are natural resources, why are they classified separately?

  1. Education, Health, Knowledge and Skill have made human beings a valuable resource.
  2. So Human beings are classified separately. Example: Doctors, Teachers, Scientists.

Samacheerkalvi.Guru 6th Social Question 3.
Compare national and International
National resources

  1. National resources are resources within the political boundaries and oceanic area of a country.
  2. Eg. Tropical Forest Region of india

International resources

  1. International resources are all oceanic resources found in the open ocean. Resources found in the region can be utilised only after an international agreement.
  2. Eg. Ambergris.

Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Guide Question 4.
What is the difference between Man-made resources and Human resources?
Man-made resources:

  1. Natural resources are modified or processed by technology.
  2. All structures built by man

Human Resources:

  1. Groups of individuals use nature to create more resources
  2. Education, Health, Knowledge and Skill have made this.

Samacheer Kalvi Class 6 Social Science Solutions Question 5.
Write the Gandhian thought on conservation of resources.
Mahatma Gandhi blamed “human beings” for depletion of resources because of
(a) over exploitation of resources
(b) Unlimited needs of human beings. So, conservation is very important.

F. Give detailed answers for the following questions. (100-120 words)

Samacheer Kalvi Guru 6th Term 2 Question 1.
How are natural resources classified? Explain an three with examples.
Natural resources can be classified into different groups depending on origin, development, renewability, distribution, ownership etc.

(a) On the basis of orgin:
On the basis of origin, resources can be classified into biotic and abiotic resources.

  1. All living resources are biotic resources. Plants, animals and other micro organisms are biotic resources.
  2. Abiotic resources are non-living things. Land, water, air and minerals are abiotic resources.

(b) On the basis of development:
Based on the level of development, resources can be divided into actual and potential resources.

  1. Actual resources are resources that are being used and the quantity available is known, (e.g.) Coal mining at Neyveli.
  2. Potential resources are resources that are not being used in the present and its quantity and location are not known, (e.g.) Wind Energy.

(c) On the basis of distribution:
On the basis of distribution resources can be classified into localised resources and universal resources.

  1. When resources are present in specific regions, they are called localised resources (eg.) Minerals.
  2. Some resources are present everywhere. Such resources are called universal

Samacheer Kalvi 6 Social Guide Question 2.
How can resources be conserved?
Conservation of Resources:

  1. Careful use of resources is conservation of resources.
  2. Due to the rapid increase in population the resources are being utilized at a very fast rate.
  3. To avoid this we need sustainable development. The sustainable development can take place when
      • Wastage and excess consumption is prevented
      • Reusable resources are recycled
      • Pollution is prevented
      • Environment is protected
      • Natural vegetation and wild life are preserved.
  4. The easiest way to conserve resources is to follow the “3R”s : Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

6th Social Guide Samacheer Kalvi Question 3.
What is resource planning and why is it necessary?
Resource planning is a technique or skill of proper utilization of resources. Resource planning is necessary because,

  1. Resources are limited, their planning is quite necessary so that we can use them properly and at the same time we can save them for our future generation.
  2. Resources are not only limited, but also they are unevenly distributed over the different parts of the World.
  3. It is essential for the production of resource to protect them from overexploitation.

Samacheer Kalvi Guru 6th Guide Question 4.
Explain the primary, secondary and tertiary activities.
Primary Activities:

  1. According to the human needs the substances (biotic resources) were collected by the ancient men and preserved for use.
  2. For his basic needs (food, clothing and shelter) he collected things through activities.
  3. The activities like hunting, food gathering, fishing and forestry are called “Primary Activities”.
  4. Later when food became scarce they had to cultivate and that became agriculture.
  5. Mining became one of the leading primary activities.

Secondary Activities:

  1. Natural resources are modified or processed by technology. Ex : sugarcane 2 sugar
  2. This transforming of raw materials into finished goods is called “Secondary Activities”.
  3. Man’s skills and ideas are the basic requirement for secondary activities.

Tertiary Activities:

  1. Tertiary activities are those which render services to production and distribution of goods.
  2. These are concerned with the distribution of primary and secondary products through a system of transport and trade.
  3. Example: Banking, Trade and Communications

G. Statements and inferences:

Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Book Solutions Question 1.
Statement : Solar energy is the best substitute for thermal energy in tropical regions.
Inference 1 : Coal and petroleum resources are receding.
Inference 2 : Solar energy will never deplete.
Now choose the right answer.
a) Only conclusion 1 follows.
b) Only conclusion 2 follows,
c) Neither 1 nor 2 follows.
d) Both 1 and 2 follow.
(d) Both 1 and 2 follow

6th Samacheer Kalvi Social Guide Question 2.
Statement : If you don’t conserve resources, human race may become extinct.
Inference 1 : You need not conserve resources.
Inference 2 : You need to conserve resources.
Now choose the right answer
(a) Only conclusion 1 follows
(b) Only conclusion 2 follows
(c) Neither 1 nor 2 follows
(d) Both 1 and 2 follow
(b) Only conclusion 2 follows

Samacheer Kalvi 6th Guide Social Question 3.
Statement : Man switched over to agriculture.
Inference 1 ; Food gatherers experienced scarcity of food.
Inference 2 : Food gathered was not nutritious.
Now choose the right answer.
a) Only conclusion 1 follows.
b) Only conclusion 2 follows,
c) Neither 1 nor 2 follows.
d) Both 1 and 2 follow.
(a) Only conclusion 1 follows

H. Given are three suggestions to conserve resources: Write the 3Rs in suitable places:

  1. Giving your childhood cycle to your neighbour
  2. Using a flush that consumes less water
  3. Melting used plastic to lay roads


I. Cross word puzzle


Across left to right

  1. A development that balances time
  2. Energy from the sun
  3. All resources that belongs to country


  2. SOLAR

Across right to left

  1. One of the 3Rs


  1. REUSE


  1. A resource found everywhere
  2. An international resource
  3. A resource provided by nature
  4. A resource restricted to specific areas



J. Mark the following in the outline map of India

Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Science Guide Question 1.

  1. Neyveli
  2. Bay of Bengal
  3. Arabian Sea
  4. Forest region of Tamil Nadu
  5. Indian Ocean
  6. Iron mining in Kanjamalai (Salem)


K. Identify the different economic activities and fill the table given below

Activity – 1
Circle the resources that are not necessary for gardening. Soil, Seeds, A piece of Land, Computers, Saplings, Flower Pots, Manure, Textbook

Activity- 2
Which region/continent does each of these animals belong to?


  1. Penguins: They are found in Antarctica, South Africa, Australia. Penguins are not generally fans of hot weather.
  2. A Lion Asiatic Lions live in India’s Gir Forest. African lions live in Central and Southern Africa.
  3. Tigers originate from the Asian continent especially in Thailand, Indonesia, Laos, China, Malaysia, Russia, Nepal, Myanmar. There are Chinese and Bengal tigers.
  4. Elephants are found in Africa as well as Asia. African elephants have the ears shaped like the African continent, where Asian elephants have smaller ears.
  5. Most Kangaroos have their habitat in Australia. Gray Kangaroos, Antilopine Kangaroo, Tree Kangaroos are some types of Kangaroo family.

Activity – 3

Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Science Term 2 Question 1.
What natural resources are necessary to lay a road?
For paving roads we need asphalt and concrete. Asphalt uses an oil based substance called bitumen to make sand and curshed rock stick together like glue.

Activity :
Identify the personalities and professionals.

Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Science Resources Additional Question

A. Match the following.

Samacheer Kalvi 6th Standard Social Question 1.

a) Plants (i) Marine yeast
b) Hunting (ii) Houses
c) Potential Resources (iii) Biotic
d) Tropical rain forest (iv) Primary activity
e) Man made (v) Cinchona


  1. – iii
  2. – iv
  3. – i
  4. – v
  5. – ii

B. Fill in the blanks:

  1. All living things are_______ resources.
  2. Collection of resources directly from nature is called _______
  3. Natural resources when processed to meet man’s needs are called _______
  4. Solar Panels generate _______
  5. Silicon , extracted from _______ is used in making pv cells
  6. All resource have _______
  7. Wind energy is a _______ resource
  8. Man’s skills and ideas are the basic requirements for _____ activities.
  9. A plate that can absorb solar energy is known as______
  10. Areas of ocean that does not belong to any country is called ______


  1. biotic
  2. Primary Activities
  3. Man made
  4. electricity
  5. sand
  6. value
  7. potential
  8. secondary
  9. solar penal
  10. open ocean

C. Write short notes on the following :

6th Standard Geography Guide Question 1.
Non – Renewable resources.

  1. Natural resources which are limited can be called non-renewable resources.
  2. They become exhausted after use and the time they take to replaces does not
    match the life cycle.

6th Standard Samacheer Kalvi Social Question 2.
Community – Owned resources.

  1. Resources which can be utilized by all the members of the community are called community – owned
  2. resources. Example: Public parks

Samacheer Class 6 Social Solutions Question 3.
Secondary Activities.

  1. The transforming of raw materials into finished goods is called Secondary Activities.
  2. Man’s skills and ideas are the basic requirements for these activities.

D. Give brief answers for the following:

6th Standard Samacheer Kalvi Social Science Question 1.
How are Natural resources classified?
Natural resources can be classified into different groups depending on origin, development, renewability, distribution, ownership etc.

Samacheer Kalvi Social Science Question 2.
What are the basic needs man had in the beginning?

  1. Food
  2. Clothing
  3. Shelter

Samacheer Kalvi 6th Geography Book Question 3.
What are the primary activities?
Hunting, food gathering, fishing and forestry are some of the primary activities.

6th Social Science Term 2 Question 4.
What are the Potential resources?

  1. Potential resources are resources that are not being used in the present.
  2. Its quantity and location are not known.
  3. The technology to extract such resources is also yet to be developed.

E. Give short answers for the following questions

6th Samacheer Social Guide Question 1.
How is ambergris useful?

  1. Ambergris belongs to international resources.
  2. It is an extract from the sperm whale.
  3. A pound (0.454 kg) of sweet-smelling ambergris is worth US$ 63,000. It is used in perfume industries.

Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Science Book Solutions Question 2.
Explain the term Resource planning.

  1. Resource planning is a technique or skill of proper utilisation of resources.
  2. Resource planning in necessary became

(a) Resources are limited, their planning is necessary to use them properly and saving them for the future generation.
(b) Resources are unevenly distributed over different parts of the world.
(c) Resources should be protected from over-exploitation.

Question 3.
When can sustainable development take place?
Sustainable development can take place when,

  1. The reasons of depletion are identified.
  2. Wastage and excess consumption is prevented.
  3. Reusable resources are recycled.
  4. Pollution is prevented.
  5. Environment is protected.
  6. Natural vegetation and wild life are preserved.
  7. Alternative resources are used.
  8. The easiest way to conserve resources is to follow the ‘3R’s, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

F. Statements and inferences:

Question 1.
Statement : All resources have value.
Inference 1 : Petroleum has great economic value.
Inference 2 : Air is a non – commercial resource.
Now choose the right answer.
a) Only conclusion 1 follows.
b) Only conclusion 2 follows
c) Neither 1 nor 2 follows.
d) Both 1 and 2 follow.
d) Both 1 and 2 follow.

Question 2.
Statement : Development is necessary without affecting the needs of the future generation.
Inference 1 : Environment should be protected.
Inference 2 : Excess consumption should be prevented.
Now choose the right answer.
a) Only conclusion 1 follows.
b) Only conclusion 2 follows,
c) Neither 1 nor 2 follows.
d) Both 1 and 2 follow.
(d) Both 1 and 2 follow.

Question 3.
Statement : Mining became one of the leading primary activities of early man.
Inference 1 : Early man was in need of better tools other than stone.
Inference 2 : Early man mined precious metals for making ornaments.
Now choose the right answer.
a) Only conclusion 1 follows.
b) Only conclusion 2 follows,
c) Neither 1 nor 2 follows.
d) Both 1 and 2 follow.
d) Both 1 and 2 follow.

G. The easiest way to conserve resources is to follow the 3Rs, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Give example.

a) Reduce

  1. Print on both sides of the paper to reduce paper wastage.
  2. Avoid giving presents with excess packing.
  3. Use cloth Napkins instead of paper napkins.

b) Reuse

  1. Buy reusable products instead of disposable ones like rechargeable batteries, plastic picnic tableware instead of paper ones.
  2. Old newspapers can be used to pack items.
  3. Old jars and pots can be used to store items in the kitchen.


  1. If you can, compost your garden waste and vegetable peelings or take your garden waste to a recycling centre.
  2. Reuse carrier bags as bin liness or take your reusable bags with you to the shops.
  3. Pack your lunch in reusable box.
  4. Green waste is processed at recycling centres to produce a compost soil conditioner.

H. Cross word puzzle.

Across (Left to right)
1. A non-renewable resource
4. A tertiary activity
9. A Biotic Resource

Down :

  1. A technique used for proper utilization of resources
  2. A man made Resource
  3. Tropical forests known for this medicine
  4. Well known for Coal Mining
  5. A potential Resource
  6. An Individual Resource
  7. One of the 3Rs.


Across (Left to right)



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