Samacheer Kalvi 7th Maths Solutions Term 1 Chapter 6 Information Processing Ex 6.2
Samacheer Kalvi 7th Maths Solutions Term 1 Chapter 6 Information Processing Ex 6.2
Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 7th Maths Solutions Term 1 Chapter 6 Information Processing Ex 6.2
Miscellaneous Practice Problems
Question 1.
Make a model of a fish using the given tetromino shapes

Complete the given rectangle using the given tetromino shapes.

Question 2.
Complete the given rectangle using the given tetromino shapes.
Question 3.
Shade the figure completely, by using five Tetromino shapes only once.
Question 4.
Using the given tetrominoes with numbers on it complete the 4 × 4 magic square?
Question 5.
Find the shortest route to Vivekanandar Memorial Hall from the Mandapam using the given map.
Possible routes from Mandapam to Vivekandar Memorial are
route 1:
(a) Mandapam ➝ Pullivasal Island ➝ Krusadai Island ➝ Vivekanandar Memorial Hall.
Distance = 6 Km + 2 Km + 1.5 Km = 9.5 Km
route 2:
(b) Mandapam ➝ Krusadai Island ➝ Vivekanandar Memorial Hall.
Distance = 7 Km + 1.5 Km = 8.5 Km
8.5 km < 9.5 km
∴ Shortest route : Mandapam ➝ Krusadai Island ➝ Vivekanandar Memorial Hall.
Challenge Problems
Question 6.
Fill in 4 × 10 rectangle completely, using all the five tetrominoes twice.
(more possible ways are there)
Question 7.
Fill in 8 × 5 rectangle completely, using all the five tetrominoes twice.
(more possible way are there)
Question 8.
Observe the picture and answer the following.
(i) Find all the possible routes from A to D.
(ii) Find the shortest distance between E and C.
(iii) Find all the possible routes between B and F with distance. Mention the shortest route.
(i) All possible routes from A to D are :
(a) A ➝ G ➝ F ➝ E ➝ D
(b) A ➝ G ➝ D
(c) A ➝ B ➝ C ➝ D
(d) A ➝ B ➝ D
(ii) Distance between E and C are
(a) Route 1: E ➝ D ➝ C
Distance: 120 m + 200 m = 320 m.
(b) Route 2: E ➝ D ➝ B ➝ C
Distance = 120 + 100 m + 120 m
= 340 m.
∴ Shortest distance is 320 m.
(iii) All possible routes between B and F are :
(a) Route 1: B ➝ A ➝ G ➝ F
Distance = 250 m + 100 m + 150 m = 600 m.
(b) Route 2: 2 ➝ D ➝ E ➝ F
Distance = 100 m + 120 m + 300 m
= 520 m.
(c) Route 3: B ➝ D ➝ G ➝ F
Distance = 100 m + 200 m + 150 m
= 450 m.
(d) Route 4: B ➝ C ➝ D ➝ E ➝ F
Distance = 120 m + 200 m + 120 m + 300 m
= 740 m.
We find that Route 3 is shortest.
ie B ➝ D ➝ G ➝ F is the shortest route.