UP Board Solutions for Class 10 English Prose Chapter 1 The Enchanted Pool
UP Board Solutions for Class 10 English Prose Chapter 1 The Enchanted Pool
UP Board Solutions for Class 10 English Prose Chapter 1 The Enchanted Pool
Read the following passages given below and answer each question that follows:
निम्नलिखित गद्यांशों को पढ़िये और प्रत्येक के नीचे दिये हुए प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए
(a) It did not take Yudhishthira a moment to understand that these could be none other than the words of a Yaksha and guessed what had happened to his brothers. It took him no time to see a possible way of bringing them back to life. He said to the bodiless voice :
The voice put questions rapidly one after another.
“What rescues man in danger?”
“By the study of which science does man become wise?”
“Not by studying any ‘shastra’ does man become wise. It is by association with the great in wisdom that he gets wisdom.”
The Yaksha asked, “What is swifter than the wind?”
“What is more faded than a dried straw?”
“A sorrow-stricken heart.”
“What be friends a traveller?”
“Who is the friend of one who stays at home ?”
“The wife.”
“Who accompanies a man in death?”
“Dharma. That alone accompanies the soul in its solitary journey after death.”
“Which is the biggest vessel?”
“The earth, which contains all within itself, is the greatest vessel.”
1. Write the title of the lesson from which the above noted passage has been taken. Who is the writer of the lesson ?
उस पाठ का शीर्षक लिखिए जिससे उपर्युक्त गद्यांश लिया गया है। पाठ के लेखक कौन है ?
2. What rescues a man in danger?
खतरे में मनुष्य को कौन बचाता है ?
3. What is swifter than the wind?
वायु से अधिक तेज़ चलने वाला क्या है ?
4. What is more faded than a dried straw?
सूखे तिनके से अधिक मुरझाया हुआ क्या है ?
5. Find out the words from the passage which have the following meanings :
(a) save (b) knowledge.
गद्यांश के उन शब्दों को बताइए जिनका अर्थ
(a) बचाना और (b) ज्ञान से है ।
1. The title of the lesson is “The Enchanted Pool”. The writer of the lesson is C. Raj Gopalachari.
पाठ का शीर्षक “The Enchanted Pool” है । पाठ के लेखक C. Raj Gopalachari हैं।
2. Courage rescues a man in danger.
संकट में साहस मनुष्य की रक्षा करता है ।
3. Mind is swifter than wind.
पवन से अधिक तेज़ चलने वाला मन है ।
4. A sad heart is more faded than a dried straw.
दुःख से पीड़ित हृदय सूखे तिनके से भी अधिक मुरझाया हुआ है।
5. (a) rescue (b) wisdom
(a) बचाना तथा (b) ज्ञान ।
(b) “What is the loss which yields joy and not sorrow ?
“Anger, if we give up being angry, we will no longer he subject to sorrow”.
“What is that, by giving up which a man becomes rich ?”
“Desire. If man gives up being greedy, he will become wealthy.”
“What makes one a real ‘Brahmana? Is it birth, good conduct, or learning? Answer decisively.”
“Birth and learning do not make one a Brahmana; good conduct alone does. However learned a person may be, he will not be a ‘Brahmana’ without giving up bad habits. Even though he may be learned in the four Vedas, a man of bad conduct falls to a lower class.”
“What is the greatest wonder in the world?”
“Every day men see creatures depart to Yama’s kingdom; and yet those who remain want to live for ever. This truly is the greatest wonder.”
Thus the Yaksha put many questions and Yudhishthira answered them all. (2011NR)
1. What is that, by giving-up which a man becomes loved by all?”
वह क्या है जिसके परित्याग से मनुष्य सबका प्रिय हो जाता है ?
2. What is the loss which yields joy and not sorrow?
वह हानि क्या है जिससे आनन्द मिलता है, दुःख नहीं ?
3. What is that, by giving-up which a man becomes rich?
वह क्या है, जिसके परित्याग से मनुष्य धनवान बन जाता है ?
4. What makes one a real Brahmana?
किस बात से मनुष्य वास्तविक ब्राह्मण बन जाता है ?
5. Find out the words from the passage which have the following meanings
(a) misery, (b) behaviour.
गद्यांश के उन शब्दों को बताइए जिनका अर्थ
(a) दुःख और (b) व्यवहार है।
1. By giving-up pride a man becomes loved by all.
अभिमान त्यागकर मनुष्य सबका प्रिय हो जाता है।
2. If we give-up being angry, we will not have sorrow.
यदि हम क्रोध करना त्याग दें, तो हमें दुःख नहीं मिलेगा ।
3. By giving-up desire, man becomes rich.
मनुष्य इच्छा का त्याग कर, धनवान बन जाता है। 3.
4. Good conduct alone makes a man a real Brahmana. Birth and learning do not make a man a real Brahmana.
केवल अच्छा आचरण ही मनुष्य को असली ब्राह्मण बनाता है। जन्म एवं ज्ञान मनुष्य को असली ब्राह्मण नहीं बनाता
5. (a) Sorrow and (b) Conduct.
(a) दुःख और। (b) व्यवहार ।
(c) It took Yudhishthira a moment to think and then he wished that the cloud-complexioned, lotus-eyed, broad – chested and long-armed Nakula lying like a fallen ebony tree, migth arise.
The Yaksha was pleased at this and asked Yudhishthira : “Why did you choose Nakula in preference to Bhima, who has the strength of sixteen thousand elephants? I have heard that Bhima is most dear to you. And why not Arjuna, whose strength in arms is your protection? Tell me why you choose Nakula rather than either of these two.”
Yudhishthira replied: “O Yaksha, ‘dharma’ is the only shield of man and not Bhima or Arjuna, If ‘dharma’ is given up, man will be ruined. Kunti and Madri were the two wives of my father. I am alive, a son of Kunti and so she is not completely bereaved. In order that the scales of justice may be even. I ask that Madri’s son, Nakula may revive.”
The Yaksha was most pleased with Yudhishthira’s impartiality and granted that all his brother would come back to life.
It was Yama, the Lord of Death, who had taken the form of the Yaksha so that he might see Yudhishthira and test him. He embraced Yudhishthira and blessed him; then he disappeared
1. Write the name of the lesson from which the above noted passage has been taken and also give the name of the author.
उस पाठ का नाम लिखिए जिसमें से यह गद्य खण्ड से लिया गया है तथा इसके लेखक का नाम भी बताइए।
2. Why Yaksha was pleased ?
यक्ष प्रसन्न क्यों था?
3. What did he ask Yudhishthira?
उसने युधिष्ठिर से क्या पूछा ?
4. What was the reply of Yudhishthira?
युधिष्ठिर का उत्तर क्या था ?
5. Find out the words from the passage which have the following meanings :
(a) come back to life (b) power.
उन शब्दों का पता लगाइए जिसका अर्थ
(a) जीवित और (b) शक्ति है।
1. The name of the lesson is “The Enchanted Pool”. The writer of the lesson is C. Raj Gopalachari.
पाठ का नाम “The Enchanted Pool” है । इसके लेखक सी. राजगोपालाचारी हैं।
2. The Yaksha was pleased with the reply of Yudhishthira.
यक्ष युधिष्ठिर के उत्तर से प्रसन्न था ।
3. Why did you choose Nakula in preference to Bhima, who has the strength of sixteen thousand elephants? And why not Arjuna, whose strength in arms is your protection?
आपने भीम की जगह नकुल को क्यों चुना, जिसमें सोलह हजार हाथियों की शक्ति है? अर्जुन को क्यों नहीं, जो आपकी भुजाओं की ताकत है ?
4. Yudhishthira replied, Dharma is the only shield of man and not Bhima or Arjuna, if Dharma is given up, man will be ruined. Kunti and Madri were the two wives of my father. I am alive, a son of Kunti. Now he wanted the scales of justice may be even. I ask that Madri’s son Nakula may revive.
युधिष्ठिर ने उत्तर दिया, केवल धर्म ही मनुष्य का रक्षक है, भीम और अर्जुन नहीं, यदि मनुष्य धर्म का त्याग कर दे तो वह नष्ट हो जाएगा । कुन्ती और माद्री मेरे पिता की दो पत्नियाँ थीं । कुन्ती का पुत्र मैं जिन्दा हूँ। अब वह चाहता है कि न्याय का तराजू बराबर बना रहे इसलिए मैं चाहता हूँ कि माद्री का पुत्र नकुल जिन्दा हो जाय।
5. Revive and Power.
जीवित और शक्ति ।
(d) “O Yaksha, Dharma is the only shield of man and not Bhima or Arjuna, If ‘Dharma’ is given up, a man will be ruined. Kunti and Madri were the two wives of my father. I am alive, a son of Kunti and so she is not completely bereaved. In order that the scales of justice may be even. I ask that Madri’s son, Nakula may revive.”
1. Why did Yudhishthira ask for Nakula’s revival?
युधिष्ठिर ने नकुल को जिन्दा करने के लिए क्यों कहा?
2. What will happen if ‘Dharma’ is given up?
यदि धर्म को त्याग दिया जाय तो क्या होगा?
3. Who was Nakul?
नकुल कौन था ?
4. Which words in the passage have the synonyms of the following words:
(a) protection (b) destroyed
अवतरण में निम्नलिखित शब्दों के पर्याय क्या हैं?
(a) सुरक्षा (b) विनाश
1. Kunti and Madri were the two wives of my father. I am alive, a son of Kunti. In order that the scales of justice may be even. I ask that Madri’s son Nakula may revive.
मेरे पिताजी की दो पत्नियाँ थी – कुन्ती तथा माद्री। कुन्ती का पुत्र मैं जिन्दा हूं। न्याय की तुला बराबर रहे, इसीलिए मैं कहता हूँ कि माद्री का पुत्र नकुल भी जिन्दा हो जाय।
2. If ‘Dharma’ is given up, a man will be ruined.
यदि धर्म का त्याग कर दिया जाय तो मनुष्य का विनाश हो जायेगा।
3. Nakul was the son of Madri.
नकुल माद्री का पुत्र था।
4. (a) Security (b) ruined
(a) सुरक्षा (b) विनाश
(e) “Your brothers died because they did not heed my words. They tried to drink water without answering my questions. Do not follow them. Answer my questions first and then you can quench your thirst. This pool belongs to me. “
It did not take Yudhishthira a moment to understand that these could be none other than the words of a Yaksha and guessed what had happened to his brothers. It took him no time to see a possible way of bringing them back to life. He said to the bodiless voice : “Please ask your questions.”
(i) Write the name of the lesson from which the above passage has been taken. Who is the author of this lesson?
उस पाठ का नाम लिखें जहाँ से उपर्युक्त अवतरण लिया गया है। इस पाठ के लेखक का नाम लिखिए।
(ii) Who was the owner of the pool ? Why did the four brothers of Yudhishthira die?
पोखरे का स्वामी कौन था ? युधिष्ठिर के चारो भाई क्यों मर गये ?
(i) The name of the lesson is ‘The Enchanted Pool’ C. Raj Gopalachari is the author of this lesson.
पाठ का नाम ‘The Enchanted Pool’ है। इस पाठ के लेखक सी. राजगोपालाचारी हैं।
(ii) Yaksh was the owner of the pool. Yudhishthira’s brothers died because they did not need the Yaksha’s words.
पोखरे का स्वामी यक्ष था । युधिष्ठिर के भाई इसलिए मर गये क्योंकि उन्होंने यक्ष की बातों पर ध्यान नहीं दिया था।
Answer the following questions in not more than 60 words each :
Q1. Who was Yudhishthira ? Why was he in anxiety ?
युधिष्ठिर कौन थे? वह दुःखी क्यों थे ?
Ans. Yudhishthira was known as Dharam Raj. He was in anxiety because he thought if his brother could have been subjected to curse or they were still wandering about in the forest in search of water.
युधिष्ठिर धर्मराज के रूप में विख्यात थे। उन्होंने सोचा कि उनके भाई या तो किसी श्राप से ग्रस्त हो गए या अब भी वे जल की तलाश में इधर-उधर जंगल में भटक रहे हैं। इन्हीं विचारों से वे दुःखी थे।
Q2. How did Yudhishthira reach the pool of clear water?
युधिष्ठिर तालाब के स्वच्छ जल तक कैसे पहुँचे?
Ans. Yudhishthira proceeded in the same direction his brothers had gone and kept on walking through treats full of wild bear, spotted deer and big forests birds till he came upon a beautiful green meadow, around a pool of clear water.
युधिष्ठिर, जिस दिशा में उनके भाई गये थे, उसी दिशा में जंगली सुअरों, चितकबरे हिरनों और बड़े-बड़े जंगली पक्षियों से भरे रास्ते से होते हुए एक सुन्दर हरे-भरे चरागाह तक पहुँचे जहाँ एक स्वच्छ जल वाला तालाब था।
Q3. Narrate briefly the qualities of Yudhishthira according to the lesson.
पाठ के आधार पर युधिष्ठिर के गुणों को संक्षेप में लिखिए।
Or What quality of Yudhishthira pleased the Yaksha most?
युधिष्ठिर में क्या गुण था जिससे यक्ष अत्यधिक प्रसन्न हो गया ?
Ans. The lesson reflects the strong character of Yudhishthira. He had a great quality of patience and kindness. He was an intelligent person. He replied all the questions put by the Yaksha. He was so pleased with the impartiality of Yudhishthira that he blessed him and granted his brothers to come back to life.
पाठ में युधिष्ठिर का प्रभावशाली आचरण झलकता है। उनमें दया और धर्म का महान गुण विद्यमान था । वे एक बुद्धिमान व्यक्ति थे। यक्ष से पूछे गये सभी प्रश्नों का उत्तर उन्होंने दे दिया। वह युधिष्ठिर की निष्पक्षता से इतना प्रसन्न हुआ कि उन्हें आशीर्वाद तो दिया ही उनके भाइयों को भी पुनर्जीवित कर दिया ।
Q4. Who was Yaksha ? Why did he ask Yudhishthira many questions?
यक्ष कौन था? उसने युधिष्ठिर से बहुत से प्रश्न क्यों पूछे ?
Ans. The Yaksha was Yama, the Lord of Death. He had taken the form of Yaksha to test Yudhishthira and his knowledge. So he asked several questions from him. Yudhishthira replied all his questions successfully. Being satisfied with the answers Yaksha blessed him and disappeared.
यक्ष, मृत्यु के राजा, यम थे। उन्होंने यक्ष का रूप युधिष्ठिर से मिलने और उनके ज्ञान की परीक्षा लेने के लिए धारण किया था। इसीलिए उन्होंने उनसे बहुत से प्रश्न पूछे। युधिष्ठिर ने सफलतापूर्वक सभी प्रश्नों का उत्तर दिया। उनके प्रश्नों से सन्तुष्ट होकर यक्ष ने उन्हें आशीर्वाद दिया और वहाँ से गायब हो गए।
Q5. How could Yudhishthira please Yaksha a lot and to what result?
युधिष्ठिर यक्ष को किस प्रकार अत्याधिक प्रसन्न कर लिये और इसका क्या प्रभाव रहा ?
Or How did the Yaksha reward Yudhishthira? Give reason for rewarding him.
यक्ष ने युधिष्ठिर को किस प्रकार का पुरस्कार दिया? उन्हें पुरस्कार देने का कारण लिखिए।
Ans. Yaksha asked several questions to test Yudhishthira and his knowledge. He replied all his questions with satisfaction. At last, Yaksha was pleased with the impartiality of Yudhishthira. Being fully satisfied he blessed him and granted his brothers to come back to life.
युधिष्ठिर और उनके ज्ञान को जानने के लिए यक्ष ने बहुत से प्रश्न पूछे। युधिष्ठिर ने सभी प्रश्नों का सन्तोषजनक उत्तर दिया। अन्ततः यक्ष युधिष्ठिर की निष्पक्षता पर अत्यन्त प्रसन्न हुआ। पूर्ण सन्तुष्टि की स्थिति में उसने युधिष्ठिर को आशीर्वाद दिया और उनके भाइयों को पुनर्जीवित कर दिया।
Q6. What makes one a real Brahmana- birth, learning or good conduct?
किस बात से मनुष्य असली ब्राह्मण बनता है-जन्म से, ज्ञान से अथवा अच्छे आचरण से?
Or What makes one a real Brahmana?
किस बात से मनुष्य असली ब्राह्मण बनता है? से
Ans. Birth and learning do not make one a Brahmana; good conduct alone does. However learned a person may be, he will not be a ‘Brahmana’ without giving up bad habits. Even though he may be learned in the four vedas, a man of bad conduct falls to a lower class.
जन्म या ज्ञान से कोई ब्राह्मण नहीं बनता है, अच्छा आचरण ही उसे ऐसा बनाता है। कोई व्यक्ति चाहे जितना विद्वान हो, बुरी आदतों का परित्याग किये बिना वह ब्राह्मण नहीं बन सकता, चाहे वह चारों वेदों का ज्ञाता हो, बुरे आचरण वाला व्यक्ति नीची श्रेणी में आता है।
Q7. Draw a character sketch of Yudhishthira.
युधिष्ठिर का चरित्र चित्रण कीजिए।
Ans. Yudhishthira was the eldest of five brothers. He loved all of them greatly. So seeing them with no life, he began to weep. He was a mature fellow. He was not in a hurry. He listened the questions of Yaksha patiently and answered properly. He was successful in reviving his brothers by his good habits and deep knowledge. He was kind hearted, brave man, intelligent and just ful king.
युधिष्ठिर पाँच भाइयों में सबसे बड़े थे। वे अपने भाइयों से बेहद स्नेह करते थे। इसलिए उनको बेजान अवस्था में तालाब के किनारे देखकर रोने लगे। वे धीर-गम्भीर स्वभाव के इन्सान थे। उनमें उतावलापन नहीं था यक्ष की आवाज को उन्होने गम्भीरता से सुनी और सही जवाब दिये। अपनी स्वभावगत विशेषताओं तथा उच्च ज्ञान के कारण वे अपने मृत भाइयों को पुनः जीवित कराने में सफल हो सके। वे दयालु हृदय, बहादुर, बुद्धिमान एवं न्यायप्रिय राजा थे।
Q8. Write any three questions that were asked to Yudhishthira by the Yaksha what reply did Yudhishthira give to these questions?
किन्हीं तीन प्रश्नों को लिखिए जो यक्ष द्वारा युधिष्ठिर से पूछे गये थे, उन प्रश्नों का युधिष्ठिर ने क्या उत्तर दिया?
Or What questions did Yaksha ask to Yudhishthira?
यक्ष ने युधिष्ठिर से कौन-कौन से प्रश्न पूछे ?
Ans. Yaksha asked many question to Yudhishthira. They follows—
(i) What rescues in danger ?
Ans. Courage.
(ii) What is swifter than the wind?
Ans. Mind.
(iii) What is that, by giving up which man becomes loved by all.
Ans. Pride, for if man gives up being proud, he will be loved by all.
यक्ष ने युधिष्ठिर से अनेक प्रश्न पूछे। वे निम्नलिखित हैं
(i) खतरे में कौन बचाता है ?
उत्तर – साहस।
(ii) हवा से तेज क्या है?
उत्तर – मन।
(iii) वह कौन-सी चीज है, जिसके त्यागने से व्यक्ति सबका प्रिय हो जाता है?
उत्तर- घमण्ड, घमण्ड का त्याग करने पर व्यक्ति सबका प्रिय हो जाता है ?
Q9. Why had Yama taken the form of Yaksha ?
यमराज ने यक्ष का रूप क्यों धारण किया?
Ams. Yudhishthira was known as Dharma Raj. He had a great quality of patience and kindness. He was an intelligent person. So the Yama, the Lord of Death, had taken the form of Yaksha to see Yudhishthira and test his knowledge.
युधिष्ठिर धर्मराज के नाम से जाने जाते थे। उनमें धैर्य एवं उदारता के महान गुण थे। वे बुद्धिमान व्यक्ति थे, इसलिए के देवता यमराज ने युधिष्ठिर के ज्ञान परीक्षण के लिए यक्ष का रूप धारण किया।
Q10. Why was Yaksha pleased with Yudhishthira and what did he do then?
यक्ष युधिष्ठिर से क्यों प्रसन्न हुआ और वह तब क्या किया?
Ans. The impartial attitude of Yudhishthira Pleased the Yaksha most and he granted that all his brothers would come back to life.
युधिष्ठिर की निष्पक्षता से यक्ष अत्यन्त प्रसन्न था, इसीलिए उनके सभी भाइयों को जीवित कर दिया।
Answer the following questions in not more than 25 words each :
Q1. Why did Yama take the form of Yaksha?
यम ने यक्ष का रूप क्यों धारण किया?
Ans. The Yama, the Lord of Death, had taken the form of Yaksha to see Yudhishthira and test his knowledge.
यम, मृत्यु के स्वामी ने यक्ष का रूप युधिष्ठिर से मिलने और उनके ज्ञान की परीक्षा लेने के लिए धारण किया था।
Q2. Who did the pool belong to?
तालाब का सम्बन्ध किससे था?
Ans. The pool belonged to Yama, the Lord of Death.
तालाब का सम्बन्ध यम, मृत्यु के स्वामी से था।
Q3. What was the last question of the Yaksha?
यक्ष का अन्तिम प्रश्न क्या था ?
Ans. At last, the Yaksha asked Yudhishthira whom he wanted to come back to life among his four brothers.
अन्त में यक्ष ने युधिष्ठिर से पूछा कि वह अपने चारों भाइयों में किसे पुनर्जीवित करना चाहता था।
Q4. Who was Nakula?
नकुल कौन थे?
Ans. Yudhishthira’s father had two queens namely Kunti and Madri. Nakula was the son of Madri.
युधिष्ठिर के पिता की दो रानियाँ थीं— कुन्ती और माद्री । नकुल माद्री के पुत्र थे।
Q5. Why did Yudhishthira prefer Nakula to other brothers?
युधिष्ठिर ने अन्य भाइयों की अपेक्षा नकुल को क्यों प्राथमिकता दी?
Or Why did Yudhishthira want Nakula to come back to life?
युधिष्ठिर नकुल को जिन्दा क्यों देखना चाहते थे?
Ans. Yudhishthira preferred Nakula to come back to life because he, son of Kunti was alive but no any son of Madri was alive. So he preferred Nakula for the sake of justice.
युधिष्ठिर ने नकुल को पुनर्जीवित करने में न्याय की रक्षा हेतु प्राथमिकता दी, क्योंकि कुन्ती के पुत्र के रूप में वह जीवित थे किन्तु माद्री की कोई सन्तान जीवित नहीं थी ।
Q6. What quality of Yudhishthira pleased the Yaksha most ?
युधिष्ठिर के किस गुण ने यक्ष को सर्वाधिक प्रसन्नता दी ?
Ans. Impartiality of Yudhishthira pleased the Yaksha most.
युधिष्ठिर की निष्पक्षता ने यक्ष को सर्वाधिक प्रसन्न किया ।
Q7. How did the Yaksha reward Yudhishthira?
यक्ष ने युधिष्ठिर को किस प्रकार पुरस्कृत किया ?
Ans. The Yaksha was so pleased with Yudhishthira’s impartiality that he granted all his brothers to come back to life.
यक्ष युधिष्ठिर की निष्पक्षता से इतना प्रसन्न हुआ कि उसने उनके सभी भाइयों को पुनर्जीवित कर दिया।
Q8. What is the greatest wonder in the world according to Yudhishthira?
युधिष्ठिर के अनुसार, विश्व का सबसे बड़ा आश्चर्य क्या है ?
Or What according to Yudhishthira is the greatest wonder in the world?
युधिष्ठिर के अनुसार विश्व का सबसे महान आश्चर्य क्या है ?
Ans. Every day men see creatures depart to Yama’s kingdom and yet those who remain want to live for ever. This truly is the greatest wonder.
प्रतिदिन आदमी प्राणियों को यम के पास जाते हुए देखता है, फिर भी वह सदैव जिन्दा रहना चाहता है। यही सबसे महान आश्चर्य है।
Q9. Who was Yaksha ? What questions did he ask to Yudhisthira?
यक्ष कौन था? उसने युधिष्ठिर से क्या प्रश्न पूछे ?
Ans. Yaksha was the caretaker of the pool. He put many questions to Yudhishthira. In these questions were included: who saves man in difficulty, which moves faster than wind, what is more faded than a dried straw, who is friend of a traveller, who accompanies a man in death and so on.
यक्ष सरोवर का रखवाला था। उसने युधिष्ठिर से अनेक प्रश्न पूछे। इनमें शामिल थे— खतरे में इन्सान को कौन बचाता है, हवा से तीव्र गति से चलने वाला क्या है, तिनके से अधिक मुरझाया हुआ क्या होता है, यात्री का मित्र कौन है ? मृत्यु के बाद इन्सान के साथ कौन जाता है, आदि।
Q10. How, according to Yudhishthira, can a man become happy and rich?
युधिष्ठिर के अनुसार एक व्यक्ति प्रसन्नचित एवं धनवान कैसे बन सकता है ?
Ans. According to Yudhishthira, by good conduct and giving up desire a man becomes happy and rich.
युधिष्ठिर के अनुसार अच्छे चरित्र एवं इच्छाओं के त्याग से एक व्यक्ति प्रसन्नचित एवं धनवान बन सकता है।
Q11. Who in reality was the Yaksha and why did he come?
वास्तविक रूप में यक्ष कौन था और वह क्यों आया ?
Ans. Yama in reality was Yaksha and he came to examine the Yudhishthira’s intelligence.
वास्तविक रूप में यमराज यक्ष थे और वे युधिष्ठिर की बुद्धि परीक्षा के लिए आये ।
Q12. Why did Yudhishthira ask for Nakula’s life?
युधिष्ठिर ने नकुल के जीवन के लिए क्यों कहा?
Ans. Yudhishthira was alive as Kunti’s son. Madri’s one son should be alived so the injustice may not happen, Yudhishthira preferred Madri’s son Nakula to be alived instead of the other brothers.
कुन्ती के पुत्र के रूप में युधिष्ठिर जीवित थे अतः माद्री का भी एक पुत्र जीवित रह सके और उनके प्रति अन्याय न हो, इसलिए अन्य भाइयों की अपेक्षा युधिष्ठिर ने माद्री के पुत्र नकुल के प्राण लौटाने की कामना की।
Q13. Whose sons were Nakul and Sahdev ?
नकुल और सहदेव किसके पुत्र थे ?
Ans. Nakul and Sahdev were sons of Madri.
नकुल और सहदेव माद्री के पुत्र थे।
(D)1. Select the most suitable alternative to complete each of the following statements :
निम्नलिखित कथनों में से प्रत्येक को पूरा करने के लिए सबसे अधिक उपयुक्त विकल्प चुनिए :
Nakula was son of ……………..
(a) Kunti
(b) Madri
(c) Draupadi
(d) Gandhari
(ii) Who had the strength of sixteen thousand elephants ?
(a) Yudhishthira
(b) Bhima
(c) Arjuna
(d) Nakula
(iii) …………….. is swifter than the wind.
(a) Mind
(b) Sun
(c) Moon
(d) Fire
(iv) Who is the friend of one who stays at home?
(a) Son
(b) Daughter
(c) Wife
(d) Father
Ans.: (i) (b) Madri, (ii) (b) Bhima, (iii) (a) Mind, (iv) (c) Wife.
2. Say whether each of the following statements is ‘true’ or ‘false’ :
बताइये कि निम्नलिखित कथनों में से प्रत्येक सत्य है अथवा असत्य :
(i) Yudhishthira’s brothers were very thirsty.
(ii) Yama had taken the form of the Yaksha.
(iii) Madri was mother of Bhima.
(iv) Dharma is only shield of a man.
(v) Yudhishthira’s brothers would not come back to life.
(vi) Yudhishthira answered all the questions of the Yaksha.
Ans : (i) T, (ii) T, (iii) E, (iv) T, (v) E, (vi) T.
1. Give opposite words of the following :
निम्नलिखित के विलोम शब्द लिखिए –
Sacred, Faint, Mourn, Happiness, Biggest
Ans. Sacred – Unsacred
Faint – Unfainted
Mourn – Happy
Happiness – Sadness
Biggest – Smallest
2. (i) Match the words of List ‘A’ with their meanings in List ‘B’:
सूची ‘A’ के शब्दों का सूची ‘B’ में दिये हुए उनके अर्थों से मिलान कीजिए –
List ‘A’ List ‘B’
Proceed Destroy
Sacred Express sorrow
Rescue Protection
Mourn To go forward
Shield Save
Ruin Holy
List ‘A’ List ‘B’
Proceed To go forward
Sacred Holy
Rescue Save
Mourn Express sorrow
Shield Protection
Ruin Destroy
(ii) Match the following words of List ‘A; with their meanings in List ‘B’
List ‘A’ List ‘B’
anxiety burnt into fire
resemble art of stone carving
creamated to look like
sculpture uncertainty and fear about future
List ‘A’ List ‘B’
anxiety uncertainty and fear about
resemble to look like
creamated burnt into fire
sculpture art of stone carving
(iii) Match the words of List A with their meanings in List B:
List-‘A’ List-‘B’
mystery seriousness
edge known
familiar end
gravity secret
List-A List-‘B’
mystery secret
edge end
familiar known
gravity seriousness
(iv) Match the words of List ‘A’ with their meanings in List ‘B’ :
List ‘A’ List ‘B’
Unique really
Truely stopped for a short time
reluctant being the only one of its kind
Paused not willing
List ‘A’ List ‘B’
Unique being the only one of its kind
Truly really
Reluctant not willing
Paused stopped for a short time
3. Rewrite each of the following sentences by replacing the group of italicized words by one word :
(a) When Yudhishthira’s brother did not return, he was filled with a feeling of uncertainty and fear.
(b) His brothers had become a victim to the Yaksha’s words calling for punishment.
(c) The pool was surrounded by a piece of grassland.
(d) He saw his brothers lying without movement or sound near the pool.
(e) His brothers had been made aware of the danger by the Yaksha.
Ans.(a) When Yudhishthira’s brothers did not return, he was filled with anxiety.
(b) His brothers had become a victim of Yaksha’s curse.
(c) The pool was surrounded by a meadow.
(d) He saw his brothers lying dead near the pool.
(e) His brothers had been warned by the Yaksha.
4. Fill in the blanks below with a suitable word selected from the list given below: (guessed, proud, swifter than, preferred, contained)
(a) The pool ………… Clear water.
(b) Yudhishthira ……………. Nakula to his other brothers.
(c) When the Yaksha warned Yudhishthira, the …………. latter what had happened to this brothers.
(d) A man who is ……….of himself his position and wealth is not loved by anybody.
(e) Mind is ………… the wind.
Ans.(a) contained, (b) preferred, (c) guessed, (d) proud, (e) swifter than.
5. Carefully note the construction of the following words. Here are six words, list them under the two heads…………… complexioned: and…..eyed as appropriate.
(Example: cloud-complexioned: lotus eyed) almond, light, wheat, blue, fair, doe.
[wheat-complexioned: doe-eyed]
[light-complexioned: blue-eyed]
[fair-complexioned: almond-eyed]
6. Write two more words each beginning with ‘mis’, ‘over’ and ‘un’ and two more words ending in- ‘less’, – ‘dom’ and ‘ness’:
mis + fortune = misfortune
over + powering = overpowering
un + able = unable
help + less = helpless
wise + dom = wisdom
happy + ness = happiness
mis + happening = mishappening
mis + understanding = misunderstanding
over + burden = overburden
over + weight = overweight
un + wise = unwise
un + successful = unsuccessful
weight + less = weightless
sense + less = senseless
king + dom = kingdom
sad + ness = sadness
mean + ness = meanness
7. Copy down from the text the sentences in which the following phrases have been used : die of, give up, look for, come upon, be about to end, just when, powerful, enough to, in his turn, none other than, bring up, subject to, in order that.
Ans. :
1. Can they have fainted or died of thrist?
2-3. He gave-up waiting and started out to look for his brothers and the pool.
4. He came upon a beautiful green meadow around a pool of water.
5-6. Just when our exile is about to end, you have been taken away.
7. As he looked at their mighty limbs, now so helpless, he sadly wondered who could have been powerful enough to kill them.
8. He saw many scenes in his turn.
9. These could be none other than the words of Yaksha.
10. If we give up being angry we will no longer be subject to sorrow.
11. In order that the scale of justice may be even. I ask that Madri’s son, Nakula, may revive.
8. Look up each of the following words and phrases in the dictionary and pick out the meaning in which it is used in the lesson:
(i) consider
(ii) sacred
(iii) valuable
(iv) absorb
(v) long lived
(vi) prevent
(vii) replace
(viii) huge
(ix) population
(x) (to) make good
Ans. :
(i) to think or have opinion about somebody or something.
(ii) holy
(iii) very useful or important.
(iv) to take draw or suck something.
(v) long life.
(vi) stop
(vii) to exchange for something.
(viii) very big
(ix) number of people living somewhere. (x) to compensate.
1. Carefully note the construction of sentences in the following examples and make two sentences of your own using ‘wait for’ and ‘keep on’.
(a) There sat Yudhishthira waiting for his brothers.
(b) He kept on walking till he came upon a meadow.
(a) I was waiting for him four hours at the station.
(b) We kept on walking till we reached the beach.
2. Write down six meaningful sentences from the following table (at least three with ‘man’ from the second column):

(i) If man gives-up being greedy he will be loved by all.
(ii) If man gives-up being proud he will become rich.
(iii) If man gives-up being angry he will not be sad.
(iv) If we give-up being greedy we will be loved by all.
(v) If we give-up being proud we will become rich.
(vi) If all of us give-up being greedy we will be loved by all.
3. Complete the following sentences with the help of the text and write them down in your note-book :
(a) One will not be a Brahmana without ………. bad habits.
(b) Yudhishthira’s brothers had tried to drink water without………… the Yaksha’s question.
(c) It did not……………. a moment to understand the situation.
(d) It took him no time. …….. a way of saving his brothers.
Ans.(a) giving up, (b) answering, (c) take Yudhishthira, (d) to see a possible way.
1. (a) Describe the condition of Yudhishthira when his brothers did not return. (see paragraph-1)
युधिष्ठिर की अवस्था का वर्णन करो, जब उनके भाई वापस नहीं लौटे।
Ans. When Yudhishthira’s brothers did not return, he was very sad. He had a feeling of uncertainty and fear about their future.
जब युधिष्ठिर के भाई वापस नहीं लौटे, तब वह बहुत दुःखी हुए। अपने भाइयों के भविष्य के विषय में अनिश्चितता तथा भय की भावना उनके हृदय में जागृत होने लगी।
(b) Give a description of the forest through which Yudhishthira went looking for his brothers. (see paragraph-2)
उस जंगल का वर्णन करो जिसमें से होकर युधिष्ठिर अपने भाइयों की खोज में गए।
Ans. The forest through which Yudhishthira went looking for his brothers was full of wild bear and spotted deer and big forest birds.
वह जंगल जिसमें युधिष्ठिर ने अपने भाइयों की खोज की, जंगली रीछ, चितकबरे हिरन तथा बड़ी जंगली चिड़ियों से भरा हुआ था ।
(c) Describe Yudhishthira’s brother’s as they lay near the pool.
(see paragraphs 2-4)
युधिष्ठिर के भाइयों का वर्णन करो जब वे तालाब के पास पड़े हुए थे।
Ans. Yudhishthira’s brothers were lying near the pool like flag poles. Their mighty limbs were helpless.
युधिष्ठिर के भाई तालाब के पास झंडे टाँगने वाले डंडे की भाँति पड़े हुए थे। उनके शक्तिशाली अंग असहाय अवस्था में पड़े हुए थे।
2. A. Imaging yourself to be thirsty when you are in a forest and describe your search for water in two paragraphs, using the hints given below:
Para 1. hot day……………. hunting……. tired………. thirsty …….. no water around ……….wander about ……….. climbing up a tree ………. river in the distance …….climbing down …………..running ……… stumbling ……….. birds…………frightened . …….. hares, deer, running away.
Para 2. bank of the river …………..steep slope…..slipping ……… falling ………. big stones feet hurt……… limping ……….. coming to the water ………… drinking cool and sweet ………… washing face hands……… refreshed ………. happy.
Ans. Para 1. On a hot day, I had gone on hunting. I was very tired and thirsty. There was no water around. I wandered about here and there. Climbing up a tree I saw a river in the distance. Climbing down I started running. Due to my stumbling, the birds got frightened. Hares and deer started running away.
Para 2. I reached the river bank. It was steep slope. I slipped and fell down. I hurt my feet with big stones. Limping, I came to the water. I drank cool and sweet water. I washed my face and hands and got refreshed. I was very happy.
B. Tick the correct choice below :
J.C. Bose is said to have proved that trees and plants can feel :
(a) Pleasure
(b) Pain
(c) Pleasure and Pain
(d) Nothing
Ans. (c) Pleasure and Pain.
I. Change the following sentences as directed :
1. Mohan plays cricket.
Ans. Mohan does not play cricket.
2. He did not go to Mumbai last year
Ans. He went to Mumbai last year.
3. Bhola is not a carpenter.
Ans. Bhola is a carpenter.
4. He has read the Bible.
Ans. He has not read the Bible.
5. Switch the fan on.
Ans. Don’t switch the fan on.
6. Mr. Sharma looks angry.
Ans. Mr. Sharma does not look angry.
7. He did not kill the snake.
Ans. He killed the snake.
8. It may not be true.
Ans. It may be true.
9. Uma broke this jug.
Ans. Uma did not break this jug.
10. Has Sarla gone to Kanpur?
Ans. Sarla has gone to Kanpur.
11. Does the carpenter make the furniture?
Ans. The carpenter makes the furniture.
II. (a) Make Nouns from Verbs:
approve, break, depart, arrive, admire, differ, admit, appear, enter, please.
(b) Make Adjective form:
blacken, activity, brightness, reality, hardness, purity, popularity, formality, forgiveness, softness.
(c) Fill in the blanks in each of the following words with appropriate letter/letters:
Poss-ble; agree-ble; tol-r-ble; t-rr-ble; br-ak-ble; v-lu-ble; r-sp-ns-ble; le-s-re; & rp-is-; n-ghb-ur;
(a) approval, departure, arrival, admiration, difference, admission, appearance, entrance, pleasure.
(b) black, active, bright, real, hard, pure, popular, formal, forgiving, soft.
(c) possible, agreeable, tolerable, terrible, breakable, valuable, responsible, leisure, surprise, neighbour.
Read the following passage given below and answer each question that follows:
निम्नलिखित गद्यांश को पढ़िये और प्रत्येक के नीचे दिये हुए प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए
In one of her speeches Mrs. Indira Gandhi said, “A country’s progress can be measured by the progress of its women folk.” Indeed, the progress of its women folk is not possible unless they are given proper education. History bears ample proof that the women’s education was given the importance in ancient India. During the Vedic Periods, women enjoyed the same rights and privileges as did men. In some respects they were given some special honour also. Gargi and Maitreyi were regarded as the leading philosophers of the time.
But with the passage of time women lost their rights and privileges. The custodians of morals advocated to keep them at home because they believed that a women’s place was at home. The male dominated society made them a thing of commodity.
But since independence there has been a growing consciousness of educating women and placing them in the line of men. A good effort is thus being made to raise their social status and enable them to share the social responsibilities, which is possible only through education.
(a) The best title for this passage will be:
(i) Women’s liberation
(ii) Women in the Vedic Ages
(iii) Women’s education
(iv) Freedom for women
(v) None of these
(b) The expression “growing consciousness” in the first line of the third paragraph means what?
(c) Which of the following statements are true for Vedic Ages?
(i) Women enjoyed some special prestige.
(ii) Women enjoyed some special rights.
(iii) Men and women were equal.
(iv) Men dominated women.
(d) Which of the following sentences according to the passage are True?
(i) Women of the independent India are not better than those of the Vedic Ages.
(ii) Mrs. Gandhi started a plan to educate women.
(iii) The dominance of men over women proved to be disastrous.
(iv) Women should be taught that their ideal place is at home.
(v) None of these.
(e) Which of the following sentences according to the passage is False?
(i) Mrs. Indira Gandhi’s statement refers to the women in general.
(ii) Mrs. Indira Gandhi talks about the women of India only.
(iii) Mrs. Indira Gandhi equated the progress of a country with that of a women.
(iv) Women’s condition has not yet improved to the level of that of men.
(v) None of these.
(a) The best title for the passage will be women’s education.
(b) The expression “growing consciousness” in the first-line of the third paragraph means, since independence people are growing conscious in educating girls.
(c) (iii) Men and women were equal.
(d) (ii) Mrs. Indira Gandhi started a plan to educate women.
(e) (ii) Mrs. Indira Gandhi talks about the women of India only.