UP Board Solutions for Class 10 English Prose Chapter 6 Our Indian Music : Stories and Anecdotes
UP Board Solutions for Class 10 English Prose Chapter 6 Our Indian Music : Stories and Anecdotes
UP Board Solutions for Class 10 English Prose Chapter 6 Our Indian Music : Stories and Anecdotes
Read the following passages given below and answer each question that follows:
निम्नलिखित गद्यांशों को पढ़िये तथा प्रत्येक के नीचे दिये गये प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए:
(a) The history of Indian Music is brimming with storeis and anecdotes. Why, the very origin of music and other fine arts is in itself a story. The creator, Brahma, made this universe. He created a variety of wonderfully beautiful and enchanting things. He created the majestic mountain ranges, the thundering water-falls and the giant forest trees, as also the nimble deer, the colourful peacocks and the exquisite flowers. He filled his creation with beauty, charm and splendour. But he was sad. His consort Saraswati asked him the reason for this sadness.
1. Write the title of the lesson from which the above noted passage has been taken. Who is the author of this lesson?
उस पाठ का नाम लिखिए जिससे उपरोक्त गद्यांश लिया गया है। इस पाठ के लेखक कौन हैं?
2. What beautiful things were made by Brahma?
ब्रह्मा के द्वारा किन-किन सुन्दर वस्तुओं की रचना की गई ?
3. How did Brahma feel after creating the universe?
ब्रह्माण्ड की रचना करने के बाद ब्रह्मा ने कैसा अनुभ किया ?
4. What did Saraswati ask Brahma?
सरस्वती ने ब्रह्मा से क्या पूछा?
5. Write the Synonyms of the following words:
(a) Nimble (b) Origin
निम्नलिखित शब्दों के समानार्थक शब्द लिखिए :
(a) चपल (b) उत्पत्ति
1. The title of the lesson is “Our Indian Music Stories And Anecdotes” and the author is R. Srinivasan.
पाठ का शीर्षक “Our Indian Music Stories And Anecdotes” है तथा इसके लेखक R. Srinivasan हैं ।
2. The majestic mountain ranges, the thundering water falls, the giant forests trees and the nimble deer etc., were made by Brahma. –
ब्रह्मा के द्वारा शानदार पर्वतमालाओं, गरजते हुए झरनों, दैत्याकार वन-वृक्षों और चपल हिरणों इत्यादि की रचना की।
3. Brahma felt sadly after creating the universe.
ब्रह्माण्ड की रचना करने के बाद ब्रह्मा उदास हो गये ।
4. Saraswati asked Brahma the reason for his sadness.
सरस्वती ने ब्रह्मा से उनकी उदासी का कारण पूछा।
5. (a) Nimble – quick-moving (चपल)
(b) Origin – birth (उत्पत्ति)
(b) Brahma said, “It is true I have created all this wonder and charm and showered beauty everywhere. But what is the use ? My children, the human souls, simply pass them by; they do not seem to be sensitive to the beauty around. It seems to have been wasted on them, this creation seems to be purposeless.”
Saraswati understood his feelings and told him, “Well, let me do my share in the great work. You have created all this beauty and splendour; I shall create in our children the power to respond, to appreciate and be uplifted by them. I shall give them music and other arts which will draw out from deep within them the capacity to respond to the majestic splendour and exquisite charm and wondrous beauty of all creations.”
The great muse then gave us music and the other fine arts, in the hope that through them man would understand something of the Divine in his manifestation. A strange story?
Write the title of this lesson from which the above noted passage has been taken. Who is its author?
उस पाठ का शीर्षक लिखिए जिससे उपरोक्त गद्यांश लिया गया है। इसके लेखक कौन हैं ?
2. Why did Saraswati offer to give music to the children?
सरस्वती ने बच्चों को संगीत देने की पेशकश क्यों की?
3. Why did the great muse give us music?
ज्ञान की देवी ने हमें संगीत क्यों दिया ?
4. What did Saraswati offer to create?
सरस्वती ने किसकी रचना करने की पेशकश की ?
5. Point out the two words in the passage which have the following meanings :
(a) React (b) Magnificence.
गद्यांश से उन दो शब्दों को छाँटिये जिनके अर्थ निम्नवत् हैं :
(a) प्रतिक्रिया करना (b) वैभव
1. The name of the lesson is “Our Indian Music – Stories And Anecdotes” and the author is R. Srinivasan.
पाठ का शीर्षक “Our Indian Music Stories And Anecdotes” है तथा इसके लेखक R. Srinivasan हैं।
2. Saraswati understood the feelings of Brahma and offered to give music to the children.
सरस्वती ब्रह्मा की भावनाओं समझ गयी तथा उन्होंने बच्चों को संगीत देने की पेशकश की।
3. The great muse gave us music in the hope that through them man would understand something of the divine in his manifestation.
ज्ञान की देवी ने हमें संगीत प्रदान किया, इस आशा से कि इसके द्वारा मनुष्य अपनी अभिव्यक्ति में अलौकिक अंश को समझेगा।
4. Saraswati offered to create in our children the power to respond, to appreciate and be uplifted.
सरस्वती ने हमारे बच्चों में अनुक्रिया करने, प्रशंसा करने तथा उच्च बनने की शक्ति की रचना करने की पेशकश की।
5. (a) React – told (प्रतिक्रिया करना)
(b) Magnificence – splendour ( वैभव )
(c) Akbar was greatly intrigued; he wanted to hear Hari Das but, emperor though he was, he could not get Hari to his court. So he and Tansen went to the Himalayas where in his ashrama dwelt the Swami. Tansen had already warned Akbar that the Swami would sing only if he wanted to. Several days they stayed at the ashrama; but the Swami did not sing. Then, one day Tansen sang one of the songs taught by the Swami and deliberately introduced a false note. It had almost an electric effect on the saint; his aesthetic nature received a rude shock. He turned to Tansen and rebuked him, saying, “What has happened to you, Tansen that you, a pupil of mine, should commit such a gross blunder?”
Or Akbar was greatly …….………. the piece correctly.
1. Write the name of this lesson from which the above noted passage has been taken. Who is its author?
उस पाठ का नाम लिखिए जिससे उपरोक्त गद्यांश लिया गया है। इसके लेखक कौन है ?
2. What did Akbar wish? What did he do to fulfil his wish?
अकबर ने क्या इच्छा की? उसने अपनी इच्छा पूरी करने के लिए क्या किया ?
3. How was Tansen successful in making his ‘Guru’ sing?
तानसेन अपने गुरु से गीत गवाने में किस प्रकार सफल हुआ ?
4. What was the effect of Hari Das’s music on Akbar and Tansen?
हरिदास के संगीत का अकबर तथा तानसेन पर क्या प्रभाव पड़ा ?
5. Point out the words from the passage, which have the following meanings :
(a) Scolded (b) Lived
गद्यांश से उन शब्दों को छाँटिये जिनके अर्थ निम्नवत् हैं :
(a) डाँट दिया (b) रहता था
6. What did Akbar do to hear Hari Das?
अकबर ने हरिदास का गाना सुनने के लिए क्या किया ?
7. What did Tansen do to make his Guru Hari Das sing?
गुरु हरिदास का गाना सुनने के लिए तानसेन ने क्या किया?
1. The name of the lesson is “Our Indian Music – Stories And Anecdotes” and the author is R. Srinivasan.
पाठ का शीर्षक “Our Indian Music – Stories And Anecdotes” है तथा इसके लेखक R. Srinivasan हैं।
2. Akbar wished to hear Hari Das’s song. He went to the Himalayas with Tansen to fulfil his wish.
अकबर की इच्छा हरिदास का गाना सुनने की थी। अपनी इच्छा पूरी करने के लिए वह तानसेन के साथ हिमालय पर गया।
3. One day, Tansen sang one of the songs and deliberately introduced a false note. Hari Das could not bear it. He sang the song correctly.
एक दिन तानसेन ने एक गीत गाया तथा जानबूझकर एक गलत स्वर निकाल दिया। हरिदास इसे सहन न कर सके। उन्होंने गीत को ठीक ढंग से गाया।
4. Akbar and Tansen forgot themselves in the sheer melody and charm of the music.
अकबर और तानसेन संगीत की लय तथा जादू में स्वयं को भूल गये।
5. (a) Scolded – rebuked (डाँट दिया)
(b) Lived – dwelt ( रहता था)
6. Akbar went to Himalaya to hear the song of Swami Hari Das.
अकबर स्वामी हरिदास का गाना सुनने के लिए हिमालय गया।
7. Tansen sang a song with a false note. Hari Das could not bear such a rude shock. He rebuked Tansen and then Hari Das sang that song correctly.
तानसेन ने गलत स्वर में एक गीत गाया। हरिदास इस आघात को सहन नहीं कर पाये। तब हरिदास ने वह गीत सही ढंग से गाया।
(d) Then, one day Tansen sang one of the songs taught by the Swami and deliberately introduced a false note. It had almost an electric effect on the saint; his aesthetic nature received a rude shock. He turned to Tansen and rebuked him, saying, “What has happened to you, Tansen that you, a pupil of mine, should commit such a gross blunder?”
He then started singing the piece correctly; the mood came upon him and enveloped him and he forgot himself in the music which filled the earth and heaven. Akbar and Tansen forgot themselves in the sheer melody and charm of the music.
Write the title of this lesson from which the above noted passage has been taken. Who is the author of the lesson?
उस पाठ का शीर्षक लिखिए जिससे उपरोक्त गद्यांश लिया गया है। पाठ के लेखक कौन है ?
2. What was the name of the Swami who taught Tansen the art of singing?
स्वामी का क्या नाम था जिन्होंने तानसेन को संगीत की कला सिखाई ?
3. What was the cause of anger of the Swami?
स्वामी के क्रोध का कारण क्या था ?
4. What was the effect of the Swami’s music?
स्वामी के संगीत का क्या प्रभाव पड़ा ?
5. Which words in the above passage have the following meanings :
(b) Scolded (a) Knowingly
उपरोक्त गद्यांश के किन शब्दों के अर्थ निम्नवत् हैं :
(a) जानबूझकर (b) डाँट दिया
1. The name of the lesson is “Our Indian Music – Stories And Anecdotes” and the author is R. Srinivasan.
पाठ का शीर्षक “Our Indian Music Stories And Anecdotes” है तथा इसके लेखक R. Srinivasan हैं।
2. The name of the Swami was Hari Das who taught Tansen the art of singing.
स्वामी का नाम हरिदास था जिन्होंने तानसेन को संगीत की कला सिखायी।
3. Swami Hari Das got angry when he heard one of his songs with a false note.
जब स्वामी हरिदास ने अपने गीतों में से एक को गलत स्वर के साथ सुना तो वे क्रोधित हो गये ।
4. When Hari Das sang, Akbar and Tansen forgot themselves in the sheer melody and charm of music.
जब हरिदास गाने लगे तो अकबर तथा तानसेन संगीत की लय तथा जादू में स्वयं को भूल
5. (a) Knowingly – deliberately (जानबूझकर) ।
(b) Scolded – rebuked (डाँट दिया)। – गये।
(e) Tansen was a great musician and Akbar was very fond of his music. One day when Tansen was in particularly good form, Akbar went into ecstasy and asked him, “What is the secret of this sweet concord of notes which take me out of this world and transports me to Divine regions? I have not heard anyone else who can thus cast a spell of magic and make a slave of our hearts. You are really wonderful, Tansen.
1. Write the name of the lesson from which the given passage has been taken. Who is the author of this lesson?
उस पाठ का नाम लिखिए जिससे यह अवतरण लिया गया है। इस पाठ के लेखक कौन हैं ?
2. Who was Tansen ? How did Akbar react to his music?
तानसेन कौन था? उनके संगीत पर अकबर की क्या प्रतिक्रिया थी?
1. The name of the lesson is ‘Our Indian Music-Stories And Anecdotes’. Name of Writer is R. Srinivasan.
इस पाठ का नाम ‘Our Indian Music – Stories And Anecdotes’ है । इसके लेखक आर. श्रीनिवासन हैं।
2. Tansen is a great musician, Akbar told that he had not anyone else who can thus cast a spell of magic and make a slave of our hearts, You are really wonderful, Tansen.
तानसेन महान संगीतज्ञ थे। अकबर ने कहा कि वह कभी किसी अन्य व्यक्ति का ऐसा संगीत नहीं सुना जो इस प्रकार जादू कर देता है और हृदय को गुलाम बना देता है । तानसेन, तुम वास्तव में आश्चर्यजनक हो।
(f) It was a unique experience. When the music stopped, Akbar turned to Tansen and said, “You say you learnt music from this saint and yet you seem to have missed the living charm of it all. Yours seems to be but chaff beside this soul-stirring music.”
“It is true, Sir,” said Tansen. “It is true that my music is wooden and lifeless by the side of the living harmony and melody of the master. But then there is this difference-I sing to the emperor’s bidding, but my master sings to no man’s bidding but only when the prompting comes from his innermost self. That makes all the difference.”
Or, It is true ……………. all the difference.
1. Write the name of this lesson from which the above noted passage has been selected. Who is the author of the lesson?
उस पाठ का नाम लिखिए जिससे उपरोक्त गद्यांश लिया गया है। पाठ के लेखक कौन हैं?
2. “It was a unique experience”. What experience has been referred to here?
“यह एक अनुपम अनुभव था।” यहाँ पर किस अनुभव को सन्दर्भित किया गया है?
3. What was Akbar’s opinion about Tansen’s music besides the music of his master?
तानसेन के गुरु के संगीत के अतिरिक्त उसके संगीत के विषय में अकबर की राय क्या थी?
4. What did Tansen say to Akbar to explain the difference between the music of his great teacher and his own?
तानसेन ने अपने गुरु के संगीत तथा अपने संगीत के अन्तर की व्याख्या करने के लिए अकबर से क्या कहा?
5. Locate the two words in the given passage which have the following meanings :
(a) Being the only one of its kind (b) Command
दिये गये गद्यांश में दो शब्दों को छाँटिये जिनके अर्थ निम्नवत् हैं :
(a) अनुपम (b) आदेश
6. What difference did Tansen notice between his and his master’s music?
तानसेन ने अपने और गुरु के संगीत में क्या अन्तर बताया?
7. What was the cause of difference in Tansen’s opinion?
तानसेन की राय में अन्तर का कारण क्या था ?
8. Who was Tansen ? To whom did he sing?
तानसेन कौन थे? वे किसके लिए गाते थे ?
1. The name of the lesson is “Our Indian Music Stories And Anecdotes”. The author is R. Srinivasan.
पाठ का शीर्षक “Our Indian Music Stories And Anecdotes” है तथा इसके लेखक R. Srinivasan हैं।
2. Akbar and Tansen forgot themselves in the melody and charm of the music. It was a unique experience.
अकबर तथा तानसेन संगीत की लय तथा जादू में स्वयं को भूल गये। यह एक अनुपम अनुभव था।
3. Akbar’s opinion about Tansen’s music was that he was a chaff beside the music of his master.
तानसेन के संगीत के विषय में अकबर की राय यह थी कि अपने गुरु के संगीत के सामने उसका संगीत केवल भूसी मात्र ( बेकार की वस्तु) था।
4. Tansen said to Akbar that he sang to the emperor’s bidding but his master sang only when the prompting comes from his innermost self.
तानसेन ने अकबर से कहा कि वह सम्राट के आदेश पर गाता है किन्तु उसके स्वामी अपनी अन्तरात्मा की प्रेरणा मिलने पर गाते हैं।
5. (a) Being the only one of its kind – unique (अनुपम) ।
(b) Command – bidding ( आदेश ) ।
6. The difference was in the quality of the music of the master and his pupil, Tansen’s music was lifeless while masters was living.
गुरु और शिष्य के संगीत के गुणों में अन्तर था | तानसेन का संगीत निर्जीव था, जबकि उनके गुरु का संगीत सजीव था।
7. The difference was created because Tansen had to sing to please Akbar but Swami Hari Das sang only when he felt an inner urge to sing.
यह अन्तर इसलिए था क्योंकि तानसेन अकबर को प्रसन्न करने के लिए गाता था और स्वामी हरिदास केवल तब ही गाते थे जब उन्हें अन्तर्मन से प्रेरणा प्राप्त होती थी।
8. Tansen was a great musician. He was the court bard of emperor Akbar. He used to sing to Akbar.
तानसेन महान संगीतज्ञ थे । वे सम्राट अकबर के दरबारी कवि थे। वे अकबर के लिए गाया करते थे ।
Answer the following questions in not more than 60 words each :
Q1. What did Brahma create in the universe? How did Saraswati help him?
ब्रह्मा ने सृष्टि में किस वस्तु की रचना की ? सरस्वती ने उनकी सहायता किस प्रकार की ?
Ans. Brahma, the creator made this universe and created a variety of wonderfully beautiful and enchanting things. He made the majestic mountain ranges, the thundering water falls and the giant forest trees, nimble deer, the colourful peacock and a number of other things. The creation was full of beauty, charm and splendour.
Saraswati created in their children the power to respond and appreciate them. She gave them music and other arts. Brahma’s sadness was removed when the human beings developed a taste for all the beautiful things.
सृष्टिकर्ता ब्रह्मा ने इस ब्रह्माण्ड की रचना की तथा नाना प्रकार की अद्भुत सुन्दर तथा मोहक वस्तुओं की रचना की। उसने शानदार पर्वतमालाओं, गरजते हुए झरनों, दैत्याकार वनवृक्षों, चपल हिरणों, रंग बिरंगे मोर तथा अन्य बहुत सी वस्तुओं की रचना की। रचना सौन्दर्य, आकर्षण तथा वैभव से युक्त थी।
सरस्वती ने अपने बच्चों में अनुक्रिया करने तथा प्रशंसा करने की शक्ति की रचना की। उसने उन्हें संगीत तथा अन्य कलाएँ प्रदान की। जब मानव प्राणियों में सुन्दर वस्तुओं के प्रति रूचि का विकास हो गया तब ब्रह्मा की उदासी समाप्त हो गयी।
Q2. Do you think Tansen was a conceited man ? Give reasons for your answer.
क्या तुम समझते हो कि तानसेन एक अहंकारी व्यक्ति था? अपने उत्तर के समर्थन में कारण दीजिए।
Ans. No, I do not think Tansen was a conceited man at all. He was altogether a meek and humble man like all great artists. When Akbar praised him that he was a wonderful musician, he replied, “Sir, I am only a humble pupil of my master, Swami Hari Das; I have not mastered even a fraction of the master’s technique, grace and charm.” This statement justifies that Tansen was not a conceited man.
नहीं, मैं तानसेन को एक अहंकारी व्यक्ति बिल्कुल नहीं मानता हूँ। वह अन्य महान कलाकारों की तरह एक तुच्छ तथा विनम्र व्यक्ति था। जब अकबर ने उसकी प्रशंसा की कि वह एक अद्भुत संगीतकार है, तो उसने उत्तर दिया, “श्रीमान् जी, मैं अपने गुरु, स्वामी हरिदास का एक तुच्छ शिष्य हूँ। मैं अपने गुरु के कौशल, लय और माधुर्य के मात्र अंश में भी प्रवीण नहीं हुआ हूँ।” यह कथन सिद्ध करता है कि तानसेन एक अहंकारी व्यक्ति नहीं था।
Q3. What is Tansen’s opinion about his master? How did he make him sing?
तानसेन की अपने स्वामी (गुरु) के प्रति क्या राय है? उसने उनसे किस प्रकार गीत गवाया?
Ans. Tansen considers his master very great. He calls his music a flow of Divine harmony. He calls himself a pigmy by his master’s side.
When Tansen spoke highly about his Guru, Akbar wished to hear him sing. So he alongwith Tansen visited Swamiji’s ashrama. Tansen warned the Mughal emperor that his master would sing only when he wished to.
They did succeed in their mission but they had to wait. One day, Tansen played a ruse (trick). He sang incorrectly a song which he had learnt from his Guru. This shocked the master and he sang the same song correctly. In this way, Akbar was able to hear Swamiji’s wonderful music and melody.
Having listened to that music Akbar remarked that Tansen was nothing in comparison with his Guru. He also asked Tansen why it was so. Tansen replied that he sang to the order of his master Akbar while his Guru had no one to please and sang when he felt the urge. It made all the difference.
तानसेन अपने स्वामी को बहुत महान समझता है। वह उनके संगीत को दैवीय सुर की एक धारा कहता है। वह अपने को अपने स्वामी के सामने बौना कहता है।
जब तानसेन ने अपने गुरु की प्रशंसा की, तो अकबर ने उन्हें गाते हुए सुनने की इच्छा प्रकट की। इसलिए वह तानसेन के साथ स्वामी जी के आश्रम गया। तानसेन ने मुगल सम्राट को सावधान कर दिया कि उसके स्वामी केवल तभी गायेंगे जब उनकी इच्छा होगी।
वे अपने उद्देश्य में सफल हुए किन्तु उन्हें प्रतीक्षा करनी पड़ी। एक दिन, तानसेन ने चालाकी की। उसने एक गीत, जिसे उसने अपने गुरु से सीखा था, को गलत ढंग से गाया। इससे स्वामी को आघात लगा और उन्होंने उसी गीत को ठीक ढंग से गाया। इस प्रकार अकबर स्वामी जी के अद्भुत संगीत और सुर को सुन सका।
उस संगीत को सुनकर अकबर ने टिप्पणी की कि तानसेन अपने गुरु की तुलना में कुछ भी नहीं है। उसने तानसेन से यह भी कहा कि ऐसा क्यों है? तानसेन ने उत्तर दिया, “मैं अपने स्वामी अकबर के आदेश पर गाता हूँ जबकि मेरे गुरु किसी को प्रसन्न करने के लिए नहीं गाते। वे तभी गाते हैं जब उन्हें उनकी अंन्तरात्मा से प्रेरणा मिलती है। यह एक मूल अन्तर है।
Q4. Bring out the greatness of art as described in the lesson “Our Indian Music.”
“Our Indian Music” नामक पाठ में वर्णित कला की महानता का उल्लेख कीजिए।
Ans. In the past, Indian artists were mostly saints. Various great poets, musicians, writers, etc., belonged to the cadre of religious Gurus. Art was not their profession. It was their hobby. They poured their souls into it. They devoted their lives to the arts. The results was that they were true and great artists. They did not even think of making money out of their art. They never cared for name and fame. They preferred spiritual upliftment to worldly wealth. Being self-respected persons, they did not work to the orders of the kings and other authorities. They followed only the urge of their inner-self. They were great men as well as great artists.
प्राचीन काल में भारतीय कलाकार अधिकांशतः सन्त होते थे। अनेक महान कवि, संगीतकार और लेखक इत्यादि धार्मिक गुरुओं की श्रेणी में आते थे । कला उनका व्यवसाय नहीं था। यह उनका शौक था। वे अपनी आत्मा को इसमें उड़ेल देते थे। वे अपने जीवन को कलाओं को समर्पित कर देते थे। परिणाम यह होता था कि वे सच्चे और महान कलाकार हो जाते थे। वे अपनी कलाओं से धन कमाने की सोचते तक नहीं थे। वे नाम तथा यश की कभी परवाह नहीं करते थे। वे सांसारिक धन से आध्यात्मिक उत्थान को अधिक पसन्द करते थे। आत्म-सम्मानित व्यक्ति होने के कारण वे राजाओं तथा अन्य प्राधिकारियों के आदेश पर काम नहीं करते थे। वे केवल अपनी अन्तरात्मा की प्रेरणा का अनुसरण करते थे। वे महान पुरुष तथा महान कलाकार होते थे।
Q5. How did Tansen prove to Akbar that his teacher’s music was superior to his own? What reason did he give for it?
तानसेन ने किस प्रकार अकबर को प्रमाणित किया कि उसके गुरु संगीत में उससे अधिक श्रेष्ठ हैं? उन्होंने इसके लिए क्या तर्क दिया ?
Ans. Tansen considers his master’s music a flow of divine harmony. Once he visited his Guru’s ashrama alongwith Akbar to prove the fact. One day he played a trick. He sang incorrectly a song. This shocked the master and he sang the same song correctly. It was a wonderful music having superior melody. In this way Tansen made his Guru sing and proved that he was superior to him.
तानसेन अपने गुरु को संगीत के सुर की धारा मानते हैं। एक बार इस तथ्य को प्रमाणित करने के लिए वे अकबर के साथ अपने गुरु के आश्रम गये। एक दिन उन्होंने एक चाल चली। उन्होंने एक गीत को गलत ढंग से गा दिया। इससे गुरु स्तम्भित हो गये और उसी गीत को उन्होंने सही ढंग से गा दिया। यह श्रेष्ठ सुर वाला अद्भुत संगीत था। इस प्रकार तानसेन ने अपने गुरु से गीत गवा लिया और प्रमाणित कर दिया कि वह उससे अधिक श्रेष्ठ थे।
Q6. Who was Swami Hari Das ? Why did Akbar want to hear him ? Why could Akbar not call Hari Das to his court ? What did he do then?
स्वामी हरिदास कौन थे? अकबर उन्हें क्यों सुनना चाहता था? वह हरिदास को अपने दरबार में क्यों नहीं बुला सकता था? तब उसने क्या किया?
Ans. Swami Hari Das was a great musician. He was the Guru of Tansen. Tansen was the court musician of Akbar. One day when Tansen was singing in the court, Akbar went into ectasy. He praised Tansen’s art of music saying that no other person can cast such a spell of music. Hearing this, Tansen said that he was only a humble pupil of his Guru Swami Hari Das, and that he had not mastered even a fraction of his technique, grace and charm. So Akbar became anxious to hear Swami Hari Das. Swami Hari Das was a saint and lived in the Himalayas. Since he was not the subject of Akbar, he could not be called to Akbar’s court. So, Akbar himself went to Swami’s ashrama with Tansen to hear his divine music.
स्वामी हरिदास एक महान संगीतज्ञ थे। वे तानसेन के गुरु थे। तानसेन अकबर के दरबार का संगीतज्ञ था। एक दिन जब तानसेन दरबार में गा रहा था, तो अकबर परम आनन्द में खो गया। उसने तानसेन की संगीत कला की यह कहते हुए प्रशंसा की कि कोई भी अन्य व्यक्ति संगीत का ऐसा जादू नहीं बिखेर सकता। यह सुनकर, तानसेन ने कहा कि वह अपने गुरु स्वामी हरिदास का मात्र एक तुच्छ शिष्य है और उसने अपने गुरु की तकनीक, सौन्दर्य और आकर्षण का थोड़ा-सा अंश भी नहीं सीखा है। अतः अकबर स्वामी हरिदास को सुनने के लिए उत्सुक हो उठा। स्वामी हरिदास सन्यासी थे और हिमालय की पहाड़ियों में रहते थे। चूँकि वे अकबर के अधीन नहीं थे, उन्हें अकबर के दरबार में बुलाया जाना सम्भव नहीं था। अतः उनका संगीत सुनने के लिए अकबर स्वयं तानसेन के साथ उनके आश्रम को गया।
Q7. What ‘Makes all the difference’ between the music of Tansen and that of Swami Hari Das? Whose music was more appealing to Emperor Akbar?
तानसेन और स्वामी हरिदास के संगीत में क्या अन्तर है? किसके संगीत ने अकबर को अधिक प्रभावित किया?
Ans. Hari Das, was the master of Tansen. His music was more melodious effective than that of the music of Tansen. Akbar was so greatly affected with his music that he forget himself in the charm of the music.
The music of Swami Hari Das was more appealing to the emperor. The music of Swami Hari Das filled the earth and the heaven.
हरिदास तानसेन के गुरु थे। उनका संगीत तानसेन के संगीत से अधिक प्रभावी एवं सुरीला था। अकबर उसके संगीत से इतना अधिक प्रभावित हुआ कि वह संगीत की सुन्दरता में खो गया।
स्वामी हरिदास का संगीत सम्राट अकबर के लिए अधिक मोहक था। स्वामी हरिदास के संगीत ने धरती एवं आकाश को भर दिया।
Q8. What did Brahma create in the universe ? Why was he sad?
(ब्रह्मा ने सृष्टि में किस वस्तु की रचना की? वे उदास क्यों थे?
Ans. Brahma, the creator made this universe and created a variety of wonderfully beautiful and enchanting things. He made the majestic mountain ranges, then thundering water falls and the giant forest trees, nimble deer, the colourful peacock and a number of other things. The creation was full of beauty charm and splendour.
Brahma was sad because his children, human being simply ignored the beautiful things he created.
सृष्टिकर्ता ब्रह्मा ने इस ब्रह्माण्ड की रचना की तथा नाना प्रकार की अद्भुत सुन्दर तथा मोहक वस्तुओं की रचना की। उसने शानदार पर्वतमालाओं, गरजते हुए झरनों, दैत्याकार वनवृक्षों चपल हिरणों, रंग-बिरंगे मोर तथा अन्य बहुत सी वस्तुओं की रचना की। रचना सौन्दर्य, आकर्षण तथा वैभव से युक्त थी।
ब्रह्मा उदास थे क्योंकि उनके बच्चे, मानव सामान्यतः उनके द्वारा सृजित सुन्दर वस्तुओं की अनदेखी करते थे।
Answer the following questions in not more than 25 words each :
Q1. Why was Brahma very sad? Who helped him and how?
ब्रह्मा बहुत दुःखी क्यों थे? किसने उनकी मदद किया और कैसे ?
Ans. Brahma felt sorrow because human souls did not take interest in his creation.
ब्रह्मा बहुत दुःखी थे क्योंकि मानव आत्माएँ उनके निर्माण में कोई रुचि नहीं लेती थीं।
Q2. Who is the creator of the universe ? What has he created ?
ब्रह्माण्ड का रचयिता कौन था? उसने क्या बनाया था ?
Ans. Brahma is the creator of the universe. He has created the universe.
ब्रह्मा ब्रह्माण्ड के रचयिता हैं। उन्होंने ब्रह्माण्ड की रचना की है।
Q3. What did Brahma feel after he had created the universe ?
ब्रह्माण्ड की रचना करने के बाद ब्रह्मा ने क्या अनुभव किया ?
Ans. Brahma created a variety of wonderful, beautiful and enchanting things in the universe but he was not happy because his children, the human souls did not show any interest in them. So he felt sorrow.
ब्रह्मा ने ब्रह्माण्ड में नाना प्रकार की अद्भुत, सुन्दर तथा मोहक वस्तुओं की रचना की, किन्तु वह प्रसन्न नहीं थे क्योंकि उसके बच्चों, मानव आत्माओं ने उनमें कोई रूचि नहीं दिखायी । इसलिए उन्होंने दुःख का अनुभव किया।
Q4. Who was Saraswati ? What did she want to create in the universe ?
सरस्वती कौन थी? वह ब्रह्माण्ड में किस वस्तु की रचना करना चाहती थी ?
Ans. Saraswati was the wife of Brahma. She wanted to create a sense of attachment to the creation of the universe.
सरस्वती ब्रह्मा की पत्नी थी । वह ब्रह्माण्ड की रचना में लगाव का भाव उत्पन्न करना चाहती थी ।
Q5. What is the nature of true art?
सच्ची कला की प्रकृति क्या है ?
Ans. True art is never made to order. It comes as a result of an inner urge.
सच्ची कला आदेश देने पर कभी नहीं बनाई जाती । यह भीतरी प्रेरणा के फलस्वरूप आती है।
Q6. How does a great work of art affect us and why?
कला का महान कार्य हमें किस प्रकार प्रभावित करता है और क्यों ?
Ans. We are thrilled and spell bound to see a great work because of the great spiritual urge behind it.
हम कला के महान कार्य को देखकर उसके पीछे की महान आध्यात्मिक प्रेरणा के कारण प्रफुल्लित तथा मन्त्रमुग्ध हो जाते हैं।
Q7. What is the basic truth about the development of Indian art?
भारतीय कला के विकास के विषय में आधारभूत सत्य क्या है ?
Ans. The basic truth about the true Indian art is that it is never made to order.
सच्ची भारतीय कला के विषय में आधारभूत सत्य यह है कि यह आदेश देने पर कभी नहीं बनायी जाती।
Q8. Who was Tansen? How did Akbar react to the music of Tansen ?
तानसेन कौन था ? अकबर ने तानसेन के संगीत की प्रतिक्रिया किस प्रकार की ?
Ans. Tansen was a great musician poet of Akbar’s court. One day Akbar was filled with joy after hearing his song. He went into ectasy. He wanted to know the secret of his sweet music.
तानसेन अकबर के दरबार का एक महान संगीतज्ञ कवि था। एक दिन अकबर उसके गीत को सुनने के बाद आनन्द विभोर हो गये। वह उनके मधुर संगीत के रहस्य को जानना चाहता था।
Q9. What intrigued Akbar ? What did he do to fulfil his wish ?
अकबर के मन में किस बात से जिज्ञासा उत्पन्न हो गयी? उसने अपनी इच्छापूर्ति के लिए क्या किया?
Ans. One day Tansen praised his Guru Hari Das. This intrigued Akbar. He, along- with Tansen, went to the Himalayas where Swami Hari Das lived in his ashram.
एक दिन तानसेन ने अपने गुरु हरिदास की प्रशंसा की। इससे अकबर के मन में जिज्ञासा उत्पन्न हो गयी। वह तानसेन के साथ हिमालय पर गया, जहाँ स्वामी हरिदास अपने आश्रम में रहते थे ।
Q10. Why did Akbar and Tansen go to the Himalayas?
अकबर और तानसेन हिमालय पर क्यों गये ?
Ans. Akbar and Tansen went to the Himalayas to hear the divine music of Swami Hari Das.
अकबर और तानसेन स्वामी हरिदास का दिव्य संगीत को सुनने के लिए हिमालय पर गये।
Q11. Why was Hari Das’s music soul stirring ?
हरिदास का संगीत आत्मा को उत्तेजित करने वाली क्यों थी ?
Ans. Hari Das’s music was soul stirring because it had a rhythmic flow of divine harmony, beauty and charm in sound.
हरिदास का संगीत आत्मा को झकझोरने वाला था क्योंकि उनके संगीत में ध्वनि के दैवीय सामंजस्य, सौन्दर्य और आकर्षण की लयपूर्ण धार थी।
Q12. Tansen says, “That makes all the difference” what does he refer to and why?
तानसेन कहते हैं “That makes all the difference” इसका क्या तात्पर्य है और क्यों ?
Ans. Making a difference between his, music and that of Swami Hari Das as music Tansen says that he sings at the behest of the emperor but his master sings only when he feels from inner=most self. “That makes all the difference.”
अपने संगीत और स्वामी हरिदास के संगीत में अन्तर स्पष्ट करते हुए तानसेन कहते हैं कि वह सम्राट के आदेश पर गाते हैं पर उनके गुरु तभी गाते हैं जब उन्हें उनकी अन्तरात्मा से प्रेरणा मिलती है। यही एक मूल अन्तर है । “
Q13. How did Tansen make Swami Hari Das sing for Akbar?
अकबर के लिए तानसेन ने स्वामी हरीदास को गाने के लिए कैसे प्रेरित किया ?
Or How did Tansen make his Guru sing? Why do you think this trick who was successful?
तानसेन ने अपने गुरु को गाने के लिए कैसे प्रेरित किया? आपके विचार से यह चाल इतनी सफल क्यों रही?
Ans. Tansen’s Guru Swami Hari Das sang only when felt an inner urge. Tansen played a trick to make his Guru sing for Akbar. He sang a song wrongly which he had learnt from his Guru. Swamiji was provoked and he rebuked Tansen. He then sang the piece correctly.
तानसेन के गुरु स्वामी हरी दास केवल तब ही गाते थे, जब उन्हें उनके अन्तर्मन से प्रेरणा मिलती थी । तानसेन ने अपने गुरू को गायन हेतु प्रेरित करने के लिए एक चाल चली। उन्होंने एक गीत गलत ढंग से गाया, जो उन्होंने अपने गुरू स्वामी जी से सीखा था। स्वामी जी उत्तेजित हुए और उन्होंने तानसेन को फटकारा । तब उन्होंने वह गीत-अंश ठीक ढंग से गाया।
Q14. Why did Saraswati give man music and other fine arts?
सरस्वती जी ने आदमी को संगीत एवं ललित कला क्यों प्रदान की ?
Ans. Saraswati created in human beings the power to respond to appreciate and be unlifted by beauty and splendour. This power took the form of music and other fine arts.
सरस्वती मानव जाति में एक शक्ति की सृष्टि की जिससे वे सौन्दर्य तथा वैभव की कद्र कर सकें और उनके द्वारा ऊपर उठ सकें। इस शक्ति ने संगीत तथा अन्य ललित कलाओं का रूप ग्रहण किया।
Q15. What had Brahma created ? Why was he sad?
ब्रह्मा ने किसकी रचना की? वे दुःखी क्यों थे ?
Ans. Brahma had created the universe. Brahma felt sorrow because human souls did not take interest in his creation.
ब्रह्मा ने ब्रह्माण्ड की रचना की । ब्रह्मा बहुत दुःखी थे क्योंकि मानव आत्मायें उनकी रचना में कोई रुचि नहीं लेती थीं।
Q16. Who was Swami Hari Das ? Why did Akbar want to meet him?
स्वामी हरिदास कौन थे ? अकबर उनसे क्यों मिलना चाहता था ?
Or Who was Swami Hari Das? Why did Akbar go to him?
स्वामी हरिदास कौन थे ? अकबर उनके पास क्यों गया ?
Ans. Swami Hari Das was Guru of Tansen. Akbar wanted to hear his song.
स्वामी हरिदास तानसेन के गुरु थे। अकबर उनका गीत सुनना चाहता था।
Q17. What makes all the difference between the music of Tansen and that of Swami Hari Das.
स्वामी हरिदास एवं तानसेन के संगीत के मध्य क्या विभिन्नता थी ?
Ans. The difference was in the quality of the music of Swami Hari Das and Tansen. Tansen’s music was lifeless while Swami Hari Das’s was lively.
स्वामी हरिदास एवं तानसेन के संगीत के गुण में अन्तर था | तानसेन का संगीत निर्जीव था, हरिदास का संगीत सजीव था । जबकि उनके गुरु स्वामी
Q.18. How did Tansen provoke Hari Das to sing ?
तानसेन ने हरीदास को कैसे उकसाया ?
Ans. Tansen sang a song wrongly which he had learnt from his Guru Hari Das. Swamiji was provoked and he rebuked Tansen. He then sang the Piece correctly.
तानसेन एक गीत गलत तरीके से गाये, जो उन्होंने अपने गुरु हरीदास से सीखा था। स्वामी जी उत्तेजित हुए और उन्होंने तानसेन को फटकारा। तब उन्होंने उस गीत के अंश को अच्छे ढंग से गाये ।
Q19. Who was Swami Hari Das ? Where did Akbar go to listen to his music?
स्वामी हरीदास कौन थे? अकबर उनका गीत सुनने के लिए कहाँ गया था ?
Ans. Swami Hari Das was Guru of Tansen. Akbar went to Himalaya to listen his music.
हरिदास तानसेन के गुरु थे। अकबर उनका गीत सुनने के लिए हिमालय गया।
Q20. What did Akbar do to listen to Swami Hari Das ?
स्वामी हरिदास का गीत सुनने के लिए अकबर ने क्या किया ?
Ans. Akbar wanted to hear Swami Hari Das sing. But he could not call him to his court because he lived in the Himalaya. Akbar, along with Tansen went to the Ashram of the Swami Hari Das in the Himalaya in order to hear master sing.
अकबर स्वामी हरिदास का गायन सुनना चाहता था, परन्तु वह उनको अपने दरबार में नहीं बुला सका, क्योंकि वे हिमालय में रहते थे। अकबर तानसेन के साथ हिमालय में स्वामी हरिदास के आश्रम में गया जिससे कि महान गुरु का गायन सुन सके।
(D)1. Select the most suitable alternative to complete each of the following statements :
निम्नलिखित कथनों में से प्रत्येक को पूरा करने के लिए सबसे अधिक उपयुक्त विकल्प चुनिएः
(i) This universe is created by :
(a) Brahma
(b) Saraswati
(c) Akbar
(d) Tansen
(ii) Tansen was a great :
(a) actor
(b) preacher
(c) teacher
(d) musician
Ans. (i) (a) Brahma (ii) (d) musician
2. Say whether each of the following statements is ‘true’ or ‘false’:
बताइये कि निम्नलिखित कथनों में से प्रत्येक कथन सत्य है अथवा असत्य :
(i) Hari Das was the guru of Tansen.
(ii) The creator, Brahma, made this universe.
(ii) Saraswati was not the consort of Brahma.
(iv) Tansen was the great bard of Akbar’s court.
(v) Akbar alone went to the Himalayas.
Ans. (i) T, (ii) T, (iii) F, (iv) T, (v) F.
1. Give the opposite words of the following:
निम्नलिखित के विलोम शब्द लिखिए-
variety, giant, remember, ugly, old.
Ans. Words Opposites
variety unity
giant dwarf
remember forget
ugly beautiful
old young/new
2.(a) Match the words of List ‘A’ with their meanings in List ‘B’ :
सूची ‘A’ के शब्दों का सूची ‘B’ में दिये हुए उनके अर्थों से मिलान कीजिए :
List ‘A’ List ‘B’
(i) Variety (i) Admire
(ii) Consort (ii) Unmatchable
(iii) Appreciate (iii) Diversity
(iv) Unique (iv) Clearly
(v) Vividly (v) Dwarf
(vi) Pigmy (vi) Wife
List ‘A’ List ‘B’
(i) Variety (i) Diversity
(ii) Consort (ii) Wife
(iii) Appreciate। (iii) Admire
(iv) Unique (iv) Unmatchable
(v) Vividly (v) Clearly
(vi) Pigmy (vi) Dwarf
(b) Match the words of List ‘A’ with their meaning in List ‘B’:
सूची ‘A’ के शब्दों का सूची ‘B’ में दिये हुए उनके अर्थों से मिलान कीजिए :
List ‘A’ List ‘B’
(i) appreciate (i) godly
(ii) besides (ii) prudence
(iii) wisdom (iii) admire
(iv) divine (iv) in addition to
List ‘A’ List ‘B’
(i) appreciate (i) admire
(ii) besides (ii) in addition to
(iii) wisdom (iii) prudence
(iv) divine (iv) godly
(c) Match the following words of List ‘A’ with their meanings in List ‘B’ :
List ‘A’ List ‘B’
Unique seriousness
sculpture secret
mystery being only one of its kind
gravity the art of stone carving
List ‘A’ List ‘B’
Unique being only one of its kind
sculpture the art of stone carving
mystery secret
gravity seriousness
3. Fill in the blanks with suitable words : उपयुक्त शब्दों की सहायता से रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति कीजिए:
appreciate, majestic, experience, musician.
(i) Tansen was a………
(ii) He created the…. ….mountain ranges and the thundering water falls.
(iii) People always………good music.
(iv) It was a unique……..
(i) musician
(ii) majestic
(iii) appreciate
(iv) experience
(Use of-Instead of, unless and besides)
Use of instead -Combine the following sets of sentences :
निम्नलिखित वाक्य समूहों को जोड़िये :
He wanted to go to Agra. (But he did not go)
He went to Delhi.
Ans. Instead of Agra, he went to Delhi.
1. He wanted to buy a scooter. (But he didn’t buy one)
He bought a bicycle.
2. He wanted to go to school. (But he didn’t go)
He went to the pictures.
3. He wanted to give Ravi a book on his birthday.
(But he did not give the book)
He gave him a pen.
4. He wanted to buy a book (But he didn’t buy).
He bought a pen.
5. They wanted to go out for a walk. (But they did not go.)
They stayed at home.
Ans. 1. Instead of a scooter, he bought a bicycle.
2. Instead of school, he went to the pictures.
3. Instead of a book, he gave him a pen on his birthday.
4. Instead of a book, he bought a pen.
5. Instead of going out for a walk, they stayed at home.
2. Use of unless :
He is not working hard.
He can not pass the examination.
Ans. Unless he works hard, he cannot pass the examination.
1. He is not walking fast. He cannot reach the station in time.
2. She is not reading the novel quickly. She can’t finish it in two days.
3. You are not approaching him personally. You can’t get a job.
4. You are not working seriously. You can’t finish your work.
Ans. 1. Unless he walks fast, he cannot reach the station in time.
2. Unless she reads the novel quickly, she cannot finish it in two days.
3. Unless you approach him personally, you cannot get a job.
4. Unless you work seriously, you cannot finish your work.
3. Use of Besides :
Example :
Tea was served in the party.
Sweets were also served there.
Ans. Besides tea, sweets were also served in the party.
1. The thief was arrested. Two other persons were also arrested.
2. The teachers were present in the meeting. The principal was also present.
3. The doctor asked the patient to have the medicine. He also asked the patient to have a lot of fruits.
Ans. 1. Besides the thief, two other persons were also arrested.
2. Besides the teachers, the principal was also present.
3. Besides the medicine, the doctor also asked the patient to have a lot of fruits.
Q. Read the following passage given below and answer all the questions that follows:
निम्नलिखित गद्यांश को पढ़िये तथा उनके नीचे दिये गये सभी प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए :
Akbar ranks among the greatest rulers of India. Babur had founded the Mughal Empire in India but it was his grandson Akbar, who laid its real foundation. Babur’s son Humayun died in 1556, leaving the responsibility of the empire on the shoulders of his thirteen years old son Jalaluddin Akbar. Akbar, who at that time was at Kalanaur in Punjab, was crowned king there. When Akbar ascended the throne, he faced many problems. In the early days of his reign, Akbar was guided and advised by his tutor Bairam Khan, a trusted officer of Humayun.
1. What was the name of Babur’s son? When did that son die? How old was Akbar at that time?
2. Who laid the real foundation of Mughal Empire in India?
3. When and where was Akbar crowned?
4. Give the antonyms of the following words:
(i) Real
(ii) Trusted
5. What is the appropriate title of this passage?
6. Write meanings of the underlined words.
1. The name of Babur’s son was Humayun. He died in 1556. Akbar was thirteen years old at that time.
2. Akbar laid the real foundation of Mughal Empire in India.
3. Akbar was crowned at Kalanaur in Punjab in 1556.
4. (i) unreal
(ii) untrusted
5. The appropriate title of the passage may be “The Real Founder of Mughal Empire”.
6. Empire the territory of an emperor
Foundation Base
Q. Here is an outline of a story. Complete it is not more than 40 words:
यहाँ पर एक कहानी की रूपरेखा है। इसे अधिकतम चालीस शब्दों में पूरा कीजिए :
Summer…..a thirsty crow…..no water anywhere…..flying in the sky……sees a pitcher……finds very little water inside…..unable to reach the beak to the water level……brings some pebbles….drops into the pitcher….drinks water.
Ans. It was the month of summer. There was a thirsty crow. There was no water anywhere. He was Sody was flying in the sky in search of water. He saw a pitcher. He went there and found very little water inside it. He was unable to reach the beak to the water level. Suddenly an idea strikes his minds. So he brought some pebbles and dropped them into the pitcher. Now the water level came up and he drank water.