HR 9 English

Haryana Board 9th Class English Paragraph Writing

Haryana Board 9th Class English Paragraph Writing

HBSE 9th Class English Paragraph Writing

Paragraph Writing:

1. How I Spent My Last Sunday

Last Sunday, we went out on a picnic. We went to Badkhal Lake. This lake is situated near Faridabad. This is a natural lake among rocks. It is very deep and wide. The Haryana government has developed the lake and the area around it into a fine picnic spot. I went to the lake with my friends. There is facility of boating. We took three boats and did a lot of boating on the lake. One of my friends had a good camera with him. He took our snaps in various poses. There is a very good restaurant on the bank of this lake. This is run by the tourist department of Haryana. In the afternoon we took our meals in the restaurant. Then we took rest on the lawns. A friend of mine sang songs. I sang a gazal. After sometime we took a walk around the lake. In the evening we came back. I will never forget that pleasant Sunday.

2. Recent Floods In Our State

Last year, the monsoon in Haryana was in a great fury. It rained continuously and heavily for fifteen days. This caused floods everywhere in Haryana. Many villages were affected by these floods. The standing crops were drowned in water. Many mud-houses fell down. The condition was not much better in the cities. The road and railway traffic was disrupted. Trees were uprooted. In many villages people passed their time on house tops or on the trees. Many people died of hunger. A great number of cattle died. Water diseases spread everywhere. The Government rushed help to the people caught in the floods. The army was called to help the civil officers. Food packets were dropped by aeroplanes also. Many people were taken to safe places. But the sight of the flood was unbearable.

3. My Visit To A Toy Shop

Yesterday, my nephew asked me to buy a toy for him. I took him to a big and famous toy shop of our city. There were all kinds of toys in the shop. The shop had many sections and there were different types of toys in each section. In one section there were toys for very small children or infants. These were the toys which produced musical sounds on shaking them. Some of these moved when they were wound. One section of the shop had toy animals. There were teddy bears, small horses, dogs, camels and other toy animals. Another section sold costly electronic toys. These toys operated with battery. There was a railway engine which gave whistle, threw light and moved very fast when operated. The main feature of this engine was its electronic eye. If there was a barrier on the way, the engine automatically turned to the left. I purchased a few toys for my nephew and came out.

4. My First Visit To A Big City

I live in a small town. But last month I visited Delhi. It is the capital of India. It is a very big city. I was wonder-struck to see the life in this big city. There is big rush in Delhi. People are rushing from here to there all the day. The rush and traffic increase at about 9 A.M. When people go to offices, schools and colleges. There is again a great rush at about six in the evening when people come home from offices. I saw big buildings in Delhi. The railway station and the bus stand are big and crowded. There are a number of cinema houses in Delhi. While loitering on the road, I felt thirsty. I looked for a tap or a hand pump but I found none. I was surprised to find that even drinking water is sold there. I visited the Parliament House, the Zoo, the Red Fort and the Birla Mandir. I heaved a sigh of relief when I returned to the calm and peaceful atmosphere of my small town.

5. My Visit To A Hill Station

Last year, I visited Mussourie. I and two of my friends went together. Mussourie is a beautiful hill station. It is surrounded by tall and majestic hills. From Dehradun, Mussourie is only one hour away by bus. The way to Mussourie from Dehradun is very steep. At night one can see the beautiful and shining city of Mussourie from Dehradun. In the same way, from Mussourie one can see below the lights of Dehradun at night. There are a number of beauty spots in and around Mussourie. Thousands of tourists visit this hill station from India and the other countries. We stayed at Mussourie for a week. We went to see the Kempti Falls. We had a beautiful glimpse of the Himalayas from Lai Tibba hill. We enjoyed a ride in the rope-way trollies at gunhill. We visited Dhanllti also. The lake at Mussourie is small but beautiful. We did some shopping at the Chinese market. The memory of my visit to Mussourie will always remain fresh in my mind.

6. A Visit To A Historical Place

Last year, I went to Agra with one of my friends. We saw many buildings there. We went to see the Red Fort and the buildings at Fatehpur Sikri. But I was charmed by the beauty of the Taj Mahal. We saw the Taj in a full moon night. This glorious building was shining beautifully. Inside the Taj, there are graves of Shah Jahan and his queen Mumtaaz Mahal. Shah Jahan built this great building in memory of his queen. When he died, he was also buried in the Taj. This grand building stands on the bank of the river Yamuna. The marble for the Taj Mahal was brought from Rajasthan. Every year a great number of tourists from all over the world come to see the Taj Mahal. The Agra City itself is not beautiful. The streets of the old city are narrow and dirty. But Agra is world famous because of the Taj Mahal.

7. My Visit To An International Trade Fair

Every year, an International Trade Fair is held at Delhi. Last year I also visited the International Trade Fair. It was held at the Pragati Maidan in New Delhi. I went With our college tour. We made our entry from Gate No. 1 and went inside. There was a lot of rush. Thousands of people and school and college students had come to visit this trade fair. Nearly all the states of India had set up their pavilions. These pavilions highlighted the industrial development achieved by each state. Apart from the industrial and technical progress, these pavilions gave a glimpse of the cultural life of these states. Many countries of the world also took part in it. They had put their stalls in a big building called ‘The Hall of Nations’. The main attractions of the fair was electronic goods.

8. My Visit To The World Book Fair

Books are the true friend and guide of man. They give us the wisdom of different ages. Last month the World Book Fair was held at New Delhi. I also visited this Book Fair. The Fair was held at Pragati Maidan. Leading publishers of India took part in this fair. Publishers from some other countries had also put up their stalls in the fair. There were books of all kinds, for example, literature, science, politics, economics, military science, self-improvement and on general topics. There was a separate stall for religious book. It was joyful to see books on different topics at one place. At some stalls there were attractive free gifts for those who purchased books for more than two hundred rupees. I purchased many books on literature and general knowledge. In the evening I came back home.

9. My Visit To A Zoo

Last Sunday, I happened to visit Delhi. There I went to see the Zoo. I went there with my uncle. The zoo in Delhi is one of the biggest zoo in Asia. It is situated near the Old Fort. As we entered the zoo, first of all, we saw birds. There were many kinds of birds. Some of them were very beautiful and rare. In the beginning there were water birds and then other kinds of birds. We saw ducks, geese, swans, parrots, cranes, herons, peacocks and many other birds. Then we saw the wild beasts. We saw lions, tigers, rhinos, bears and wolves. We enjoyed an elephant ride also. In a big pond there were hippos also. Their big mouths were fearful to look at.

There is a separate enclosure for snakes. Some of these snakes looked fearful. We also saw huge crocodiles and alligators. We came back in the evening.

10. My Motherland

India is my motherland. She is a great country. She is the birth place of many saints and sages like Rishi Valmiki, Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Gautam Buddha and Mahavira Swami. She has given birth brave persons like Porus, Rana Pratap, Guru Gobind Singh ji, Shivaji and Rani Jhansi. India is the oldest civilization in the world. She is not only the biggest democracy but also the torch bearer of the peace process of the world. As India is a secular country, people belonging to different religions and having different cultural backgrounds live here. There is unity in diversity. Her culture is great. In the field of science, it has made tremendous progress. India is now a nuclear power state. It is rich in heritage and natural resources and is inhabited by hard working people. I am proud of my great motherland.

11- Small Family is a Happy Family

In today’s world, a small family is indeed blessing. These days, the cost of living is really high. It becomes very difficult to make both ends meet if one has a large family to support. All the countries of the world are facing the problem of rising population. But in India, the problem is very serious because we have limited resources. So we must lay stress on family planning and the spread of education. Small family is an economic necessity also. If people adopt the concept of small family problems like poverty and unemployment will be eradicated. A person having less children can make them better citizens by providing them with a proper diet and a good education. The government as well as the public should make an earnest effort towards family planning. Children should be bom by choice and not by chance. Thus we can say that the small family is the happy family.

12. Torrential Rains In My Village

This year there were heavy rains in many parts of North India. There were torrential rains in our village and the surrounding areas. At first, people welcome rains. They got relief from the scorching heat of the summer. But soon the rains became a source of trouble. It continued raining for ten days. The people of the village faced a lot of difficulty. The streets of the village were full of water. As these are kutcha streets, they became muddy and slippery. There was a flood in the nearby river. The flood water entered the village also. The standing crops were destroyed. A number of kutcha houses collapsed due to flood and continuous torrential rains. Many cattles died. The normal life was disrupted. Our village was cut off from the other villages or cities because the roads were washed away. After ten days, the rains stopped. But still it took many days for life to return to normally.

13. When I Caught A Pick-Pocket

Last week, I went to Delhi to meet my uncle. In the evening we went to the Connaught Place. Suddenly a man cried that his pocket had been picked. Someone had taken out his purse from his back pocket. I saw that a man was running away. There was no doubt that he was the pick-pocket. I ran after him. It was a time of traffic rush. Itwas not easy to run after him on the busy roads ofNew Delhi. But I did not lose courage. At one point, he seemed to have been lost in the traffic. But I spotted him again because of his red shirt. At last I caught him near Palika Bazar. In the mean time a few other persons had gathered there. The pick-pocket took out a knife to strike me. But the crowd which had gathered there over-powered him and handed him over to the police. The man whose pocket had been picked also came there. He thanked me greatly when I returned his purse to him.

14. When I Was Punished By My Father

My father is a kind man. But he believes in strict discipline. He believes that children should not remain absent from home without the permission of the parents. One day my friend asked me to play cricket in the stadium. I slipped out of the house in the morning without telling anybody. I did not come back for lunch. My father was worried. He searched for me everywhere. I came home at about five in the evening. He was very angry. As soon as I entered home, he twisted my ears and gave me a number of slaps. Then he beat me with a stick. I cried in pain and wept bitterly. I admitted my fault. 1 promised him that I. would never remain absent from the house without his permission. Then my father became calm. He asked me not to repeat this thing in future. I will always remember that day when I was punished by my father.

15. How I Felt When I Failed In The Examination

During my Matriculation examinations, I fell ill. I could not prepare well. Still 1 hoped that I would get good marks in the examination. But I felt the biggest shock of my life when the result was declared. On the day of the declaration of the result, I went out to get a newspaper. I could not believe that I had failed. I had done well in all the subjects. I had lost one year. I did not know what my parents would say. This had happened for the first time in my life. I came home weeping. I expected that my father would rebuke me. But he consoled me. He said that I had done my best in the examination. But I had failed due to my bad luck. That was a very sad day of my life.

16. Travelling In An Over Crowded Bus

It was a summer afternoon. I had to go to Sirsa from Jind. When 1 reached the bus stand, there was no bus for Sirsa. A number of passengers were waiting for the bus. Then the bus came. It was already packed to capacity. As I was in a hurry, I did not wait for another bus. People rushed into the bus. I too joined them. After a lot of pushing and efforts I was able to get into the bus. But I was squeezed by passengers from all sides. I felt suffocation in the bus. It was very hot inside. I thought of leaving this bus and waiting for the other. But now it was impossible to move even an inch. The passengers felt some relief when the bus started. On the way, the conductor took more passengers. After two hours, the bus reach Hisar. Then the rush of passengers inside the bus became less. But still I could not get a seat and had to remain standing. At last, the bus reached Sirsa, I thanked God and got off the bus.

17. When I Was Punished By My Teacher

I will never forget the day when I was punished by my teacher. It was the period of English. Our English teacher Sh. Ved Parkash Khanna was teaching us. The chapter was boring. I thought of having some fun. I made a paper aeroplane. When the teacher turned his back to write on the black-board, I flew the aeroplane. I wanted to send it to my friend sitting in the last row. But due to wind, the paper aeroplane flew towards the teacher. It settled on his bald head. All the boys of the class roared with laughter. The teacher became red with anger. From the comer of his eye, he had seen me flying the paper aeroplane. He took his stick and beat me. I felt pain but I tolerated it. It was my mistake. So I felt sorry and asked the teacher to forgive me. The teacher forgave me but I felt pained as I had been beaten before my class-fellows.

18. How I Felt When I Reached The Examination Hall Late

On 1st March, I set out of my house for taking my examination. It was the paper of English on that day. I went to the bus stand to catch the local bus. But due to rain, the local buses were not running on that day. I took a three-wheeler and asked the driver to rush me to the examination centre. But unluckily, a tyre of the three¬wheeler got burst on the way. I was worried as the time for the examination was drawing near. Luckily, I saw one of my friends going on a cycle. I asked him to give me a lift. He agreed, and I sat behind him on the bicycle. But the examination centre was far away. He tried his best but I reached the examination hall half an hour late. The examination had already started. Tears came into my eyes. But the Superintendent was a kind man. He told me not to worry and admitted me to the examination hall. His kind words gave me courage and I started writing my answers. I fared well in the examination. I will always remain indebted to that kind superintendent.

19. Watching A Cricket Match On T.V. Screen

Cricket has become a very popular game in our country. I am also fond of cricket. Recently I watched the one day cricket match between India and Pakistan for the World Cup. I remained sitting before the T.V. set for the whole day, watching the match. It is joyful to watch a cricket match on the T.V. screen. Three of my friends also came to my house. We four friends watched the cricket match together. It is a pleasure to see a cricket match alongwith our friends. We can gossip while watching the game. We can share our joy when Indian team plays well. The match between Pakistan and India was very interesting. India won the match by their superior batting and bowling. Gautam Gambhir, Sachin Tendulkar and Mahinder Singh Dhoni batted well. But it was the bowling of Zaheer Khan and Harbhajan Singh which brought us victory.

20. How I Enjoyed Myself In A Marriage Party
A Marriage Party I Recently Attended

Yesterday, I attended the marriage of my friend’s brother. He had invited all his class-fellows. So I found many of my friends there. We joined the marriage procession. All the friends were dancing to the tune of the band. Everybody was happy. After about one hour, the marriage procession reached the bride’s house. We were given a very good welcome there. We cracked jokes, laughed and danced. After some time, the garlanding ceremony was performed. The bride-groom put a garland round the bride’s neck. The bride also garlanded him. Then we were given a very good dinner. We had varieties of things to eat. Then we were introduced to the bride. Everybody was in a jovial mood. I returned home at 11.30 p.m. alongwith other friends. I enjoyed myself greatly at the marriage party. This marriage party has become a part of my memories.

21. A Prize Giving Ceremony

Last Monday, the Annual Prize Distribution function of our school was organised. A big pandal was erected on the school grounds. Our Principal, staff and students were fully prepared to make the function a success. They had been preparing for it for a number of days. The Chief Minister of our state was the Chief Guest at the function. Many important persons of the city had also been invited. The Chief Minister reached on time. The function started with Saraswati Vandana. The Principal welcomed the Chief Guest and read out the annual report. After that the Chief Guest distributed the prizes. All cheered the prize winners. Then the Chief Guest delivered a brief speech. He asked the students to work hard to make India great.Tn the end, the Principal thanked the Chief Guest for his visit. The function ended with the national anthem.

22. How I Helped The Victims Of An Accident

Last Sunday, there was an accident in our city. A bus collided with a truck. Six bus passengers died at once. More than twenty passengers were wounded. Ten of them were in a serious condition. I was passing by that area when the accident occurred. I at once decided to help the injured passengers. I stopped the taxis and rickshaws and requested them to take the passengers to the hospital. In a few minutes all the ten seriously wounded passengers were taken to the hospital. The doctors at once attended to them. But five of these passengers immediately needed blood transfusion. Unluckily the blood was not available in the hospital. So I rushed to my college. I talked to my friends and told them about the accident. Within a few minutes seven boys agreed to donate blood. We all rushed to the hospital. We told the doctors to take our blood. Our blood was given to the seriously injured passengers and their lives were saved.

23. How I Saved A Drowning Child

One day, I was walking along the river bank. Suddenly, I heard the cries of some people. I rushed to that spot and asked them the reason of their cries. Someone of them told me that his child had fallen into the river. They did not know how to swim and so they were shouting for help. I at once took off my clothes and jumped into the river. The current was fast. Suddenly I saw something black flowing in the river. It was the child’s head. I made a great effort and swam to the child. I caught him by his hand and started swimming back to the bank. With some effort I succeeded in bringing the child to the bank. A lot of water had gone into his stomach. So I laid the child on the ground and let the water out by giving pressure on the stomach. After sometime, the boy came back to his senses. His father was very happy. He offered me a prize but I refused to take it.

24. How to Prevent Dengue

Dengue is a dangerous disease that is caused by Aedes mosquito. Aedes mosquito bites during the day time. Dengue is a kind of fever. This fever is also known as breakbone fever. Mild to high fever and body pain are some of the main symptoms of this disease. The patient who suffers from dengue faces danger of platelets fall. There is no effective vaccine for the treatment of dengue. The best method of dengue prevention is to avoid mosquito bite. The Aedes mosquitoes breed in clean standing water. So we must make it sure that no standing water is there in or around our houses. Mostly we see that the water coolers, air coolers, old tyres and vases become a safe breeding place for the Aedes mosquitoes. So in India everyone must contribute to prevent dengue by keeping their houses and surrounding mosquito free.

25. An Unwelcome Guest

The troublesome guests are the biggest nuisance. Out of politeness, we have to entertain them. But in our hearts we feel that they are a burden. We curse them. When such a guest comes, we find ourselves in a strange situation. We cannot tell them frankly to go away. But we do not wish to tolerate them. Last year, we had such an unwelcome guest in our house. He came to us at night. We had planned to go on a tour the next morning. Although he knew it, yet he insisted on staying with us. We had to postpone our programme for two days. He bored us with his useless talks. He lay on the sofa with dirty feet. He left muddy footprints on the carpet. He interfered in our family matters. In the end, we felt a lot of relief when he left us.

26. Getting Up On Cold Mornings

Getting up on a cold morning is an experience in itself. Due to the cold the bed seems to be warm and cosy. One is unwilling to leave the bed early in the morning. Even after waking up, one likes to remain in the bed for some time more. It seems very pleasant to sip a cup of hot tea in the bed. Some people don’t take bed tea. They go out for a walk just after getting up. Going out for a walk on a cold morning is also pleasant. The air is cold but it is pleasant and fresh. One should go out wearing proper woolen clothes. Otherwise it is difficult to enjoy the morning walk. A bath with hot water after the morning walk also seems enjoyable. Thus getting up on a cold morning is a pleasing experience.

27. A Strike In Which I Participated

Last week, the students of our college went on a strike. The strike was in protest against the beating of a few college students by police at Hisar. I also took part in this strike. Even before the starting of the first period, students started gathering in the college lawn. They had decided to boycott the classes. The first bell rang, but we did not go to our classes. Very soon, the lawn was full of students. The student leaders of our college gave speeches. They criticized the beating of the students. The students shouted slogans against the police and the government. Then we left the college and passed through the city in the form of a procession. We kept shouting slogans. Then we went to the office of the Deputy Commissioner and gave him a memorandum of our demands. After that the students dispersed. I also came home.

28. How I Was Cheated Once

One day I went to Delhi. As I got off the bus at the Bus stand and was about to hire a taxi, a man approached me. The man appeared to be well educated. He was very nicely dressed and was speaking fluent English. It appeared that he belonged to a good family. He looked very sad. He told me that he was going to Jalandhar but someone had picked his pocket. He had no money for the bus fare. He requested me to give him hundred rupees for the bus fare to Jalandhar. He noted down my address and said that he would return the money within two or three days by money order. I took pity on him and gave him hundred rupees.

The man thanked me greatly and went away towards the bus stand. After two days, I was to come back. I took a taxi from my uncle’s house and came to the bus stand. Suddenly I saw the same man talking to another man. I overheard their talk. This man was again requesting a person for money. He told him also that his pocket had been picked and he had no money for bus fare to Jalandhar. When I approached this cheat, he ran away. In this way, I was cheated.

29. How I Once Helped A Stranger

Last week, I went to the bus stand to see off my uncle. It was evening time. After my uncle’s bus left, I was about to come back. Suddenly I saw a man in a very sad mood. I asked him the reason of his sadness. He told me that he had come from Kamal and had to change his bus for Pathankot. But somebody had picked his pocket. Now he had no money for his onward journey. I took pity on him and offered to buy ticket for him. But then we came to know that the last bus for Pathankot had just left. The stranger was greatly upset. But I took him to my home. I offered him dinner and a bed. In the morning I gave him two hundred rupees and also went to see him off at the bus stand. The man thanked me greatly. Last week I had a pleasant surprise. The man visited us again. He returned the money and also expressed his thanks. In this way I helped a stranger.

30. My Experience At An NSS Camp

Last year, I attended an NSS Camp at village Kashipur. This camp was organised by the NSS unit of our school. The aim of the camp was to educate the villagers about cleanliness and adult education. The duration of the camp was fifteen days. We found that the villagers were illiterate. We taught them how to read and write. We met the Zamindar of the village. His name was Shibu Babu. We asked him to work for the welfare of the villagers. We taught the villagers how to keep their streets neat and clean. We went into the houses of many persons. We also met Gafur. He was a very poor villager. But he was a kind man. He offered us tea. We enjoyed our NSS camp greatly. Time passed very fast. At last the camp came to end and we returned to our homes.

31. Helping The Flood Affected People

Last year, there were wide-spread floods in Haryana. Many areas were completely submerged in water. A great number of people became homeless. Their crops and houses were destroyed. There was a huge loss of life and property. Many water-borne disease were spread. However, many good people helped the victims of floods. A number of organizations came to the help of the flood affected people. A number of camps were organised. Here, people were given free food, shelter and medicines. Some teams of doctors went from village to village and distributed free medicines. Some people were trapped in their village. The government dropped food packets to them from helicopters. Some marooned people were saved with the help of boats.

32. When I Celebrated My Birthday

Last month, I celebrated my 16th birthday. It was celebrated with pomp and show. The big drawing room of our house was decorated beautifully. My father had invited all his close friends. I had invited all my class- fellows. Many families from our colony were invited. The birthday cake was big and beautifully made. Sixteen candles were put on it. These candles showed that it was my sixteenth birthday. I touched the feet of my parents and received their blessings. Then I blew out the sixteen candles one by one. All the guests shouted with joy, “Happy birthday to you.” Then I cut the birthday cake and distributed its small pieces among the guests. I got beautiful presents from my near and dear ones. My father had arranged an orchestra for this purpose. It presented very good programme of music. In the end, the guests were given a dinner. I will never forget my sixteenth birthday.

33. Inauguration Of The Computer Wing Of Our School

Computers have become very important in today’s life. So our School also decided to have a separate computer wing. After the wing was ready, a function for its inauguration was organized. The computer wing of our school was inaugurated by Mr. Brij Mohan Singla, the local MLA of our area. The construction of the wing was possible due to the generous grants from the government and an N.G.O. The school organized a talk on the role of computers in modem education.

Mr. Singla said that the computers have revolutionized the day to day life of human beings and that the advancement of information technology has thrown the knowledge of the world at man’s doorstep. He impressed upon the students to take the maximum advantage of their computer wing. All he said was interesting and informative. After the inauguration function, tea and refreshments were served. Our new computer instructor gave a demonstration on handling the computers- carefully. All students went home feeling happy and proud.

34. The Morning Scene In A Village

Life in a village is calm and peaceful. The morning scene ina village is very different from that in a city. In the village, the atmosphere is very peaceful. There is no noise or sound. The air is pure and fresh. Birds are chirping in the trees. Last week I went to one of my friends who lives in a village. I spent the night with him. In the morning, we went out for a walk. It was a pleasant experience. The farmers and labourers were going to work in the fields in the early morning. The sight of the crops waving in the wind gave me a lot of pleasure. We went to the river that lies beyond the village. In the morning light, the water of the river looked clean and sparkling. Some persons were taking bath in the river. We also took off our clothes and jumped into the river. The cool and fresh water refreshed our bodies and minds. Indeed the morning scene in a village is very pleasant.

35. The Scene At A Village Well

The well is an important place in a village. Generally it serves as the only source of drinking water for the whole village. In Indian villages, generally women fetch water from the wells. They come to the well with pitchers on their heads. They draw water from the well with the help of a bucket. This bucket is tied at the end of a rope. The bucket is thrown into the well. When it is full of water, it is pulled out. The village well is also a meeting place of the ladies of the village. There they find sometime to meet and indulge in gossips. There is rush at the well in the morning and the evening when the atmosphere is cool. Sometimes, the women at the well quarrel among themselves over the question of turn. The well is generally outside the village. Sometimes, it is a meeting place of young lovers.

36. A Visit To Rajghat

Rajghat is a great monument of Modem India. It is a sacred place. It is the place where the body of Mahatma Gandhi, Father of the Nation, was cremated. It is situated in Delhi on the banks of the Jamuna. It has become a place of pilgrimage. I went to see it along with my school friends. We went along a stony path that led us to the inner gates. Then we reached the Samadhi of Mahatma Gandhi. It is a mound covered with black stone slab. On the slab, the word “Hey Ram” are carved. These were the last words uttered by the Mahatma. We saw a variety of flowers all around and an air of peace appeared to be prevailing all over the place, We paid our homage to the great soul. This place is visited by all the foreign dignitaries who come to India. It is a place of utmost sanctity.

37. Your Visit To A Hospital

A hospital is a house of misery. Yesterday, I visited the Government hospital of our city. My friend had been admitted there. He was under going treatment for jaundice. I went to see him in the general ward. I found misery everywhere. Some patients were in a serious condition. They wCre crying with pain. The doctors and nurses were looking after them. Some patients had been there for a long time. They were suffering from serious diseases but now they were recovering gradually. Just then a man was brought into that hospital. He was a patient of heart disease. After sometime, another patient was brought in. He was taken to the emergency ward. He had met with an accident and was seriously wounded. After a few minutes loud sound of weeping came from the next ward. I went there and found that a patient had died. His family members were weeping loudly. That scene filled me with sadness. I came away from there with a heavy heart.

38. A Science Fair

Last week, a science fair was organized in our school. It was organized by the Science Club of our school. The students and the teachers had worked hard for the fair. The fair was held in the big hall of the school. The District Education Officer inaugurated the Science Fair. The aim of the fair was to show the progress of our country in the field of science. Secondly, it aimed at creating interest for science among the students. In the fair, more than 12 items were on display. Most of these were working models.

The model of the steam engine was wonderful. Then there were charts which showed how an atomic chain reaction takes place. The model of the space rocket was fascinating. The students who ran the different stalls, explained things with confidence. Apart from the students, people from the city also visited the fair. They were impressed by it. The District Education Officer appreciated the work done by the students and the teachers.

39. Life In A Big City

A big city is always crowded and noisy. Life in a big city is busy and fast. People are always in a hurry. A big city is full of smoke, dust and noise. The peace which we find in a village or a small town is absent in a big city. The poor people lead a miserable life in big cities. There are slums where people live in a bad condition. There is also crime in big cities and life of people is not much safe. There are many accidents because of the rush of traffic.

But a big city has its attractions also. There are big buildings, cinema houses and markets. There are big and modem hospitals. A person suffering from disease can hope to get the best treatment. There are big schools and colleges where students can get all kinds of education. There are buses, taxis, cars and local trains to carry people from one place to the other in no time. Thus, life in a big city has both it’s dark and bright sides.

40. An Ideal Citizen

The greatness of a country depends on the quality of its citizens. An ideal citizen fights for his rights. But he first performs his duties and then demands his rights. An ideal citizen knows the value of his vote. Therefore, he votes for the most deserving candidate no matter to which party he belongs. An ideal citizen is broad-minded. He does not hate the people belonging to the other castes or religions.

An ideal citizen follows the path of reason. He is not a slave to old customs and traditions. He is ready to adopt the good wherever he finds it and give up the evil wherever it may be. An ideal citizen always keeps himself away from evil. Because he does no wrong, he is fearless and always holds his head high. An ideal citizen is law-abiding and has respect for the rights of his fellow-citizens. He is hard working and earns his living only through honest means. It is on such ideal citizens that the future of a country depends.

41. Road Safety

Today in India our roads have become much overloaded by vehicles. While being on the road, road safety is very necessary. Today road accidents are the leading cause of deaths in India. Thousands of people lose their lives in road accidents every year in our country. If road users are well aware of road safety rules, the number of deaths in road accidents can be reduced. Everyone should learn the road traffic and safety rules at a very early age to perform safer behaviours in the later life. Everyone going on the road, especially drivers, must be to the left and let other vehicles pass on the opposition direction to the right.

Drivers should be in slow speed while bending or turning on the roads. People should take extra precaution while going on the over¬crowded roads. Bikers or people using two wheel vehicles must wear helmets of superior quality. Speed of the vehicles should be within the speed limits and slow especially in the areas of school, hospital, colony etc. Every vehicle on the road should maintain the right distance among them to avoid accidents. Everyone using road should be well aware of the road signs and must follow traffic rules. All the road safety rules and . regulations must be in mind while travelling.

42. Road Safety Rules for Children

According to the statics it is found that there are most of the road accidents in which children are r involved, so they are at high risk than other age group people. Children are children, no one can be sure about what they will do next at home or other crowded places especially road during traffic situation. They must be taught some of the basic road safety rules. Parents should teach their children to be extra attentive and look left and right before crossing the road. They should always cross the roads by holding hands of their elders or friends.

When they are walking on foot on the road they should walk only on the footpath. They should never run on the road. They need to be more cautious on the road without getting distracted by anything. They should be taught to only cross the road at crossroads after seeing traffic signals for pedestrians. They must be aware of the meaning of colours-red means stop, green means go on, yellow means also stop or be ready to stop or start. Children should be taught not to play on the road. They should not use earphone or other music listening instruments while riding bicycles on the road. Parents should follow all the road safety rules and traffic rules while driving vehicles to establish good examples in front of their children as they are first example in the lives of their kid.

43. My Favourite T.V. Serial

The Indian Television is a good source of entertainment. The Television presents many serials. These serials are liked by people of all age groups. Many serials have come and gone. But I like Mahabharta most of all. This serial is made by the famous director and producer B.R. Chopra. It presented the story of ‘Mahabharat’ in very good and informative way.

The story started from the fore-fathers of the Kaurvas and Pandavas. It ended with the great war and the victory of the Pandavas. Some characters in this serial were unforgettable. The performance of Mukesh Khanna who played the role of Bhisham Pitamah is grand. Those actors who performed the roles of Arjun, Duryodhan, Bhima, Karan and Krishna also impressed the spectators. The war scenes in the serial are really marvellous. I wish every T.V. channel would start showing it.

44. An Indian Festival Or Diwali

The Diwali is a great festival. It is a festival of lights. It is a Hindu festival. It is celebrated in honour of Lord Rama. On this day Lord Rama returned to ‘Ayodhaya’ after an exile of 14 years. People celebrate Diwali with pomp and show. They make great preparations before the festival. People clean their houses and shops. On this day shops are decorated.

The bazaars look beautiful. People wear new clothes. The children look happy. There is a great rush at the sweet shops. The shops of toys and crackers are also crowded. People buy sweets and toys. They send gifts to their relatives and friends. At night people bum candles and earthen lamps on the roofs. The scene is very beautiful. Some bad persons drink and gamble on this day. This is a bad habit. This should be stopped.

45. My Hobby

A hobby is very important in our life. It makes our body and mind fresh. It gives us joy and satisfaction. It teaches us to pass our time properly. Gardening is my hobby. I love nature. The hobby of gardening gives me a chance to be near flowers and plants. Their presence gives me pleasure and satisfaction. I do gardening in. the backyard of my house. In one part of it, I have grown roses. These look very beautiful when they are in full bloom. In another part of it, there are other beautiful plants. I have also planted papayas and guavas. There is a big lawn also with green grass. When I want to relax, 1 go there and the sight of.beautiful flowers and plants refreshes my mind.

46. A Morning Walk

A morning walk is very good for health. In the morning, the air is fresh. The scene is beautiful. I go for a morning walk daily. I get up at 5 o’clock. Then I call on my friend Sunil. Both of us go for a walk together. We go outside the city. We go to the canal. On the way, we see many people. Some people are going for a morning walk. Some farmers are going to their fields. After half an hour we reach the canal. There the scene is very beautiful. There are fields on both sides of the canal. The birds are chirping. We walk along the bank of the canal. We also take some exercise. We come back after one hour. The mornin’g walk makes our bodies and minds fresh.

47. Rising Pollution

Environmental pollution is the biggest danger to the world these days. During the last few years, there has been a reckless cutting of trees all over the world. Also, there has been increase in industrialization in the world. Big factories have come up in all parts of the world. These factories release a lot of smoke everyday. Then there is smoke from vehicles like trucks, buses, auto-rickshaws, scooters, etc. The factories throw their wastes into rivers and streams making them highly polluted. Environmental pollution has become a world-wide problem. It may bring man’s destruction if proper steps are not taken in time. Unclean air, dirty water and smoke are great dangers to human and plant life. Forests should not be cut recklessly. More and more trees should be planted. We must make efforts to check ill kinds of pollution.

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