AP 6 Science

AP Board 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 1 The Food we Need

AP Board 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 1 The Food we Need

AP State Board Syllabus 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 1 The Food we Need

→ We eat a variety of food in our day to day life.

→ For cooking food, we need different types of ingredients.

→ We take food for our health and energy.

→ We get food ingredients from plants, animals and other sources.

→ We use different parts of plants like stems, roots, leaves, fruits and flowers as food.

→ We get grains, vegetables and fruits from plants.

→ We get food ingredients like milk, meat, egg, etc. from animals.

→ Some of the food ingredients like water and salt are obtained from other sources.

→ The taste of food is based on its ingredients, method of preparation.

→ Boiling, steaming, fermentation, roasting are some of the methods of preparing food.

→ Food preservation is the process of treating and handling food to stop and slow down spoilage.

→ Spoiled food causes diarrhoea, vomiting etc.

→ We use preservatives to preserve food for some time.

→ Salt, oil, chilli powder, honey and sugar syrup used as a preservative to preserve the food.


→ Some chemicals such as Benzoates, Nitrates, Sulphates are also used as preservatives.

→ Eating the food material after the expiry date may spoil our health.

→ Homemade food is always good, healthy and hygienic.

→ IngredIents: The materials that are required to prepare the food.

→ Sources: A place, person, or thing from which something originates or can be obtained.

→ PreservatIon: The process f keeping the food safe from being spoilt.

→ Spices: Aroniatic Vegetable substancés are used to flavour the food. Ex: Pepper, cloves, cumin

→ Boiling: Boiling is the action of heating a liquid until it becomes a vapour.

→ Steaming: Steaming is a method of cooking using steam.

→ Fermentation: A process in which an agent causes an organic substance to break down into a simpler substance.

→ Recipe: A list of materials used for preparing dishes.


→ Menu chart: A list of the dishes served at a meal.

→ World Food Day: l6th October is celebrated as World Food Day.

→ Asafoetida: Asafoetida is an ingredient that is used in the preparation of dal, sambar along with other spices like turmeric.

→ Cereals: A grain used for food. Ex: rice, wheat, maize.

→ PuIses: PuIses are the dried seeds of the legume plants. Ex: Beans.

→ Roasting: To cook food in an oven or over a fire.

→ Carving: Making of different types of designs and decorations with vegetables and fruits.

→ Germs: The smallest organisms that cause diseases to humans and other living organisms.

→ Diarrhoea: Three or more Loose motions per day caused by bacteria.

→ Pollution: The water, the air is contaminated with harmful substances.

→ Preservatives: A substance or a chemical that prevents things from spoiling.

→ Syrup: Syrup is a sweet liquid made with sugar and water.


→ Expiry date: It indicates the maximum period to use the food item.

→ Junk food: Packaged food that is unhealthy and has low nutritional values.

→ Hygiene: Maintaining cleanliness that helps to maintain health and prevent the spread of diseases.

→ World Food Day – October 16: World Food Day is celebrated every year across the world on 16th October. It’s an annual celebration in honour of the founding date of the F.A.O [Food and Agriculture Organization] launched by the United Nations in the year 1945. The aim of the celebration of this day is to promote worldwide awareness and action for those who suffer from hunger and for the need to ensure food security and nutritious diets for all. World food day adopts a different theme each year.

→ According to the UNDP [United Nations Development Programme] up to 40% of the food produced in INDIA is wasted.
According to the FAO [Food and Agriculture Organisation] report in “The state of food security and nutrition in the World, 2018” report, 195.9 million people are undernourished in INDIA.

Spices are aromatic parts of tropical plants traditionally used to add flavour to the food. Spices come from the bark roots of certain plants, leaves, flowers or stems of plants primarily used for flavouring, colouring or preserving food. Spices are included in a variety of Indian dishes: cardamom, black pepper, curry leaves, fenugreek, fennel, ajwain, bay leaves, cumin, coriander seeds, turmeric, cloves, ginger, nutmeg and cinnamon.

→ Say NO to Junk Food
A Pizza, Burgers, Chips, Fried Fast Food, Noodles, Samosa, French Fries etc., are junk foods. Eating junk food causes obesity, digestion issues and loss, of appetite. It may cause drowsiness and are harmful to health.

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