AP 6 Science

AP Board 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 10 Basic Electric Circuits

AP Board 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 10 Basic Electric Circuits

AP State Board Syllabus 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 10 Basic Electric Circuits

→ The cell is the source of electrical energy in a torchlight.

→ The cell has two terminals, (+) and (-).

→ Do not connect the two terminals of a cell with a single wire.

→ The bulb consists of a filament that gives light and two terminals.

→ A circuit consists of a cell (power source), a bulb, and connecting wires.

→ An electric circuit provides a complete path for electricity to flow between the cell and the bulb.

→ Electricity requires a closed path for it to flow.

→ A switch helps us to allow or break the flow of electricity in a circuit.

→ The flow of electricity in a circuit is called a current.

→ A torchlight consists of a cell, a bulb, and a switch.

→ Substances that allow the flow of electricity are known as conductors of electricity.


→ Substances that do not allow the flow of electricity are known as insulators.

→ The electric bulb was invented by Thomas Alva Edison.

→ Electricity: The flow of electrons is known as electricity.

→ Cell: Cell is the source of energy. An electric cell is a sort of container that produces electricity from the chemical stored inside it.

→ Bulb: An electric bulb is a device that produces light when electricity is passed through its terminals. There are different types of bulbs.

→ Fused bulb: A bulb is said to be fused if the filament gets broken. The fused bulb does not glow.

→ Terminals: The terminal is a point of connection for closing an electric circuit, Cell has two terminals ‘+’ and ‘-‘. The bulb also has two terminals ‘+‘ and ‘-‘.

→ Filament: The metal resistance wire inside a bulb that transfers electrical energy to light.

→ Switch: A device for making and breaking the connection in an electric circuit.

→ Circuit: An electrical circuit is a path in which electrons from a current source flow.

→ Conductor: The material which permits (allow) the electric current to pass through it.

→ Insulator: The material which resists the current to flow through them.

→ Tungsten: A type of metal used for making filaments.


→ LED bulb: LED stands for the light-emitting diode. It is an energy efficiency bulb.

→ Electric shock: A reflex response to the passage of electric current through the body.

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