HR 10 English

HBSE 10th Class English Reading Comprehension Unseen Passages

HBSE 10th Class English Reading Comprehension Unseen Passages

Haryana Board 10th Class English Reading Comprehension Unseen Passages

What is Comprehension?
Comprehension का अर्थ है किसी बात को अच्छी प्रकार समझना। Comprehension के पैराग्राफ के नीचे दिए गए प्रश्न इस बात को परखने के लिए होते हैं कि आपने उस पैराग्राफ को कितनी अच्छी तरह से समझा है।

इस प्रश्न के उत्तर में छात्र प्रायः दो गलतियाँ करते हैं :
(a) वे पैराग्राफ को अच्छी तरह पढ़ते नहीं हैं और
(b) वे प्रश्नों का उत्तर अपनी भाषा में नहीं देते। वे प्रश्नों के उत्तर बिना भाषा बदले Passage में से नकल कर लेते हैं, चाहे वे ठीक या सही न भी बैठे।

Comprehension का प्रश्न हल करते समय निम्नलिखित कुछ नियमों को ध्यान में रखें :
1. Passage को ध्यान से पढ़ो और उसे अच्छी प्रकार समझो। अगर कुछ शब्दों के सही अर्थ आपको पता नहीं लग रहे तो भी ध्यान से पढ़ने पर Passage का भाव आपको समझ आ जाएगा।
2. पूरे Passage का भाव या main idea समझो और देखो कि लेखक क्या कहना चाहता है।
3. अब सभी प्रश्नों को ध्यान से पढ़ो और समझो कि उनमें क्या पूछा गया है।
4. अब Passage में जहाँ-जहाँ इन प्रश्नों के उत्तर हैं, वहाँ निशान लगा लो।
5. अब इन प्रश्नों के उत्तर उत्तरपुस्तिका में अपनी भाषा में लिख दीजिए।
6. प्रत्येक प्रश्न का उत्तर उसी Tense में दो जिस Tense में यह पूछा गया है अर्थात यदि प्रश्न में do लगा होता है तो उत्तर verb की Ist form में देते हैं। यदि प्रश्न में does लगा होता है तो उत्तर verb की Ist form + s/es के साथ देते हैं और यदि प्रश्न में did लगा होता है तो उत्तर verb की 2nd form में देते हैं।
7. प्रश्नों के उत्तर सटीक (Tothe point) होने चाहिएँ। जो कुछ पूछा गया है, केवल उसी का उत्तर दो। व्यर्थ की बातें मत लिखें।
8. यदि Passage का शीर्षक देने को कहा गया हो तो शीर्षक संक्षिप्त होना चाहिए और उस Passage के theme पर आधारित होना चाहिए।
9. उत्तर लिखते समय लिखाई का विशेष ध्यान रखें तथा cutting और overwriting न करें।
10. सभी प्रश्नों के उत्तर क्रमानुसार दें।

Comprehension With Question Answer

Some Solved Examples

Read the following passages and answer the questions given at the end of each :


There is no doubt that wine is a curse. Gandhiji said that wine destroys both the body and the soul. Drinking is the mother of many evils. It is injurious to health. Alcohol shortens the life of those who drink much. Its most disastrous effect is on kidneys, liver, heart and nervous system.

Drinking wine gives rise to many crimes. Some criminals make, spurious wine. Many deaths are caused by drinking such wine. It makes a man brute. It ruins mans family life. A drunkard is not able to devote time, to his children and family. As a result his children go astray in life. He spends most of his money on wine as a result his children are deprived of proper food, education, clothes etc. There are often quarrels between the drunk husband and his wife. This has bad effect on the minds of the growing children.

The government should enforce prohibition. There should be a ban on granting licenses for opening wine shops. There should be check on drinking.

(a) Why does the narrator call drinking wine a curse?
(b) What is the view of Gandhiji in this regard?
(c) How does drinking give rise to many crimes?
(d) What ruins man’s family life and how?
(e) What should the government do?
(f) Find word from the passage which means ‘not genuine/false/fake’
(a) The narrator calls drinking wine a curse because it destroys both the body and the soul.
(b) In Gandhiji’s view wine destroys both the body and the soul.
(c) Some criminals make spurious wine. Many deaths are caused by drinking such wine.
(d) A drunkard is not able to devote time, to his children and family. As a result his children go astray in life.
(e) The government should enforce prohibition.
(f) Spurious.


Subhash Chandra Bose was a great leader of India. He was bom on 23rd January, 1896. People called him ‘Netaji’ because he led them to the right path. He went to jail many times. Soon he found out that more efforts should be made to make India free. The British power was getting weakened in the second world war. He thought of striking it from all sides. One day, he escaped from Kolkata in the guise of a Pathan and went to Germany. From there, he went to Japan. He organized the Indian National Army that fought many battles against the British armies. He said to his countrymen, ‘Give me blood and I will give you freedom’. At this appeal, hundreds of Indians abroad gave their all for the good of India. It was a bad day for India when Netaji died in an air crash. We shall always remember him as the greatest fighter for the freedom of India.
(a) Who was Subhash Chandra Bose and when was he bom?
(b) How was Subhash Chandra Bose addressed by people? Why?
(c) Where did he escape and how?
(d) What did he do to fight against British armies?
(e) What slogan did he give to his countrymen?
(f) What was the response of people at his call?
(a) Subhash Chandra Bose was a great leader of India. He was bom on 23rd January, 1896.
(b) People called him ‘Netaji’ because he led them to the right path..
(c) He escaped from Kolkata in the guise of a pathan.
(d) He organized the Indian National Army to fight against British armies.
(e) ‘Give me blood and I will give you freedom’
(f) At his appeal, hundreds of Indians abroad gave their all for the good of India.


AIIMS admitted 150 patients with alcohol-related liver failure from 2011 to 2015. Of this, the study said, 96 died within 10 days despite all possible medical intervention.
Follow – up of the rest of the patients who were discharged when their condition got stable revealed that nearly 20% died within three to four months and another 20% in a year.

‘Once you have got acute-on chronic liver failure due to alcohol, survival is rare. Transplant, the only life-saving treatment option, is not possible immediately because three months of abstinence from alcohol is required’ said Dr Shalimar, associate professor of gastroenterology at AIIMS.

There is no medicine for alcoholism. ‘Abstinence is the only way to prevent liver failure and deaths caused by that. The government needs to create awareness to prevent excessive drinking’

A recent survey published in Global Heart, a reputed medical journal, showed alcohol use has gone up from 16.1% to 25.6% among urban dwellers in Delhi in the past 20 years. The increase in alcohol use in rural areas in the corresponding period is nearly four times – from 8% to 33.2% – the survey found.

‘We admitted 427 patients with acute – on chronic liver failure from 2011 to 2015 at the hospital. Of this, a maximum 150 (40.8%) cases were alcohol-related, followed by hepatitis B virus infection (71, 19.3%), hepatitis E (45,12.2%), autoimmune hepatitis flare – up (17,4.6%), antituberculosis drugs (16, 4.3%) and hepatitis A (2,0.5%). In 67 patients (18.2%), the cause of acute liver failure couldn’t be ascertained’ he said.

The AIIMS doctor added alcohol-related liver failure cases have poorer prognosis, ‘Most of them required ventilator supports, their blood was thinner and brain damage was higher too’, he added. Dr. S.K. Sarin, director of the Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences (ILBS), said most alcoholics are calorie – deprived, ‘Most infections cause leaky bowel. But in case of alcoholics, this problem is severe. Due to this, bacteria easily get into liver from the small intestine, thus aggravating organ failure status, he added.
He, however, stressed the need to create awareness about harmful effects of binge drinking.
Questions :
(a) What happens to the patients who go to AIIMS with alcohol-related liver failure ?
(b) What is the best treatment for patients suffering from acute on chronic liver failure due to alcohol ?
(c) What is the best way to prevent liver failure and death due to alcohol ?
(d) In which areas of India is the use of alcohol increasing more rapidly ?
(e) What is the effect of binge drinking ?
(a) 96 patients out of 150 patients died within 10 days.
(b) Liver transplant is the best treatment for patients suffering from acute or chronic liver failure.
(c) Abstinence is the only way to prevent liver failure and death due to alcohol.
(d) In rural areas of India the use of alcohol is increasing more rapidly.
(e) Due to binge drinking the organs of the body get infection and their working fail.


Every civilization has its periods of progress and fall. Many civilizations of the world, like the Babylon and the Greece were once very high. But today Babylon has disappeared and the Greeks are just a pale shadow of their ancient selves. India too had its period of ascendancy. There was a time when India was called ‘A sparrow of Gold’. Our periods of history like the Gupta or the reign of Ashoka were glorious.

But then came the downfall of India. Our country committed a mistake. We grew rich but not powerful. We had wealth, but no power to protect that wealth. As a result a number of invaders attacked us, looted us and then left. But some rulers came to stay, like the Muslims. They exploited the country.

The coming of the British added to our woes and finished us. They took away whatever wealth was left in the country. We were at zero level economically when they left India. At present we are again rich and one of the top economies of the world. We are also powerful, no country can attack and loot us so easily now.
(a) What do you know about the civilization of Babylon?
(b) What was the fate of the civilization of Greece?
(c) What was India’s position in ancient times?
(d) What mistake contributed to the downfall of India?
(e) What do you know about Muslim invaders from the passage?
(f) Who added to our woes and how?
(a) Once, the Babylon was a very high civilization but today it has disappeared.
(b) The Greece was once a very high civilization but today they are just a pale shadow of their ancient.
(c) There was a time when India was called ‘A sparrow of Gold’.
(d) Our country committed a mistake. We grew rich but not powerful. We had wealth, but no power to protect that wealth. As a result a number of invaders attacked us, looted us and then left.
(e) The Muslim invaders stayed in India and exploited the country.
(f) The British added to our woes and finished us. They took away whatever wealth was left in the country.


A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealer’s showroom. Knowing his father could well afford it, he told him all that he wanted. As Graduation Day approached, the young man awaited signs that his father had purchased the car. Finally, on the morning of his graduation, his father called him into his private study. His father told him how proud he was to have such a fine son, and told him how much he loved him. He handed his son a beautiful wrapped gift box. Curious but somewhat disappointed, the young man opened the box and found a lovely, leather-bound Bible with the young man’s name embossed in gold. Having been angry, he raised his voice to his father and said, ‘with all your money, you give me a Bible ?’ and stormed out of the house, leaving the Bible.

Many years passed and the young man was very successful in business. He had beautiful home and wonderful family. He realized that his father was very old, and hence he should have gone to him. He had not seen him since the graduation day. Before he could make arrangements, he received a telegram telling him his father had passed away, and willed all of his possessions to his son. He needed to come home immediately and take care of things.

When he arrived at his father’s house, sudden sadness and reverence filled his heart. He began to search through his father’s important papers and saw the still new Bible, just as he had left it years ago. With tears he opened the Bible and began to turn the pages. And as he did, a car key dropped from the back of the Bible. It had a tag with the dealer’s name, the same dealer who had the sports car he had desired. On the tag was the date of his graduation, and the words ‘ PAID IN FULL’.

How many times do we miss spirit’s blessings and answers to our prayers because they do not arrive exactly as we have expected ?
Questions :
(a) What did the young man want from his father ?
(b) Why did his father call the young man in his private study ?
(c) What was the reaction of the young man to see the present ?
(d) After many years, what did the young man realize ?
(e) Find word from the passage which means raised design
(a) The young man wanted a beautiful sports car from his father.
(b) His father called the young man in his private study to give him a beautiful wrapped gift box.
(c) The young man was very much angry to see the present.
(d) After many years, the young man realized that his father was very old and he should have gone to him.
(d) Embossed.


Language is a wonderful gift given to man. No animal possesses this gift, but they have their own way of expressing themselves. When a rabbit sees an enemy, it runs away into its hole. Its tail, which is white, bobs up and down as it runs. The other rabbits see it and they run too. They know that there is a danger. When a cobra is angry, it raises its hood and makes itself look fierce. This warns other animals. When a bee has found some food, it goes back to the hive. It cannot tell the other bees where the food is by speaking to them, but it does a kind of dance in the air. Some animals say things by making sounds. A dog barks when a stranger comes near.
Questions :
(a) What is a wonderful gift to man?
(b) How does a rabbit express itself in case of danger?
(c) What does cobra do when it is angry?
(d) How does a bee inform about the presence of food?
(e) How does a dog communicate?
(f) Use the word possess in your own sentence.
(a) Language is a wonderful gift to man.
(b) When a rabbit sees an enemy, it runs away into its hole by bobbing up and down its tail as it runs.
(c) When a cobra is angry it raises its hood and makes itself look fierce.
(d) A bee does a kind of dance to tell the other bees where the food is.
(e) A dog communicates by barking.
(f) My uncle possesses great communication skills.


Democracy is a government of the people, by the people and for the people. It aims at the welfare of all people and not that of one person or a group of persons. When India became free in 1947, our great leaders decided to have a democratic form of Government in India. The Indian Constitution gives equal rights to every citizen. Every person in India has the right to equal opportunities. We have freedom of speech, and the right to property, our fundamental rights are meant for ensuring equality between every individual.

Over the past years, there have been many setbacks to our democracy. The declaration of emergency in 1975 was the biggest attack on it. There are many other challenges to face as a nation. There is corruption in the country. No body thinks in terms of the nation. People like to think in terms of region, religion, race, caste and language. People have no tolerance for others religion, race, caste and language. Even political parties seek vote in the name of religion, race, caste, area and language. All these factors make the country weak. We should work unitedly.
Questions :
(a) What is the definition of democracy?
(b) What is its aim?
(c) What are the different fundamental rights given in the Constitution?
(d) What was the biggest setback to Indian democracy?
(e) What factors make the country weak?
(f) What should we do to make it strong?
(a) Democracy is a government of the people, by the people and for the people.
(b) It aims at the welfare of all people and not that of one person or a group of persons.
(c) Every person in India has the right to equal opportunities. We have freedom of speech and the right to property.
(d) The declaration of emergency in 1975 was the biggest setback to Indian democracy.
(e) Factors of corruption, region, religion, caste, area, race and language make the country weak.
(f) We should work unitedly to make it strong.


Drug addiction is a major social evil of modem times. It has transcended all barriers of caste, colour creed and sex. It is a problem that is eating into the vitals of society. In the beginning, a person takes a drug out of curiosity. There are some who take drugs simply for the thrill it gives them. The tragedy is that once a person gets used to taking any kind of intoxicating drug it becomes addiction. His body develops dependence on the drug. He has to steadily increase the dose. Even if at any point of his life, he realizes his folly, it becomes extremely difficult for him to give up drugs.

It is like being in the clutches of a monster. It is pathetic to see a drag addict, when he does not get his usual dose. His whole body writhes in pain which drives him to madness. Besides, taking drugs is expensive. Therefore, it drives drug addicts to stealing, committing petty crimes and other antisocial activities. It is not surprising that drug addicts become antisocial elements. Drugs completely destroy their mental faculties to think clearly and to rationalize.
Questions :
(a) What harm is the evil of drug addiction doing to our society ?
(b) Why does a person take drugs in the beginning ?
(c) When does drug-taking become addiction ?
(d) What happens when a drug addict does not get his usual dose ?
(e) Which word in the passage means to stop or quit ?
(a) The evil of drug addiction is eating into the vitals of society.
(b) In the beginning a person takes drugs simply for the thrill it gives him.
(c) Once a person gets used to taking any kind of intoxicating dmg it becomes addiction.
(d) When a drug addict does not get his usual dose, his whole body writhes in pain which drives him to madness.
(e) to give up.


God created universe in the image of paradise. And there is no doubt. Once the world was very beautiful and could be called heaven. There were clean and sparkling rivers. There were dense jungles. In those jungles there was wildlife in abundance. The air was fresh and pure. But all this has changed. Man has polluted the whole world.

The world today faces a great danger. It is the danger of environmental pollution. During the last few years there has been reckless cutting of trees all over the world. Also, there has been fast industrialization of every country. Big factories emit millions of tons of smoke every day. Then there has been great increase in the number of trucks, buses, cars and scooters. These emit poisonous gases that pollute the atmosphere.
Questions :
(a) How was the world (universe) created by God?
(b) What type of world was in earlier times?
(c) What was the condition of forests, rivers, wildlife and air at that time?
(d) Who is responsible for polluting the world?
(e) How has the increase in the number of factories contributed to environmental pollution?
(f) Why is not the increasing number of vehicles good for atmosphere?
(a) God created world (universe) in the image of paradise.
(b) In the earlier times the world was very beautiful and could be called heaven.
(c) There were clean and sparkling rivers. There were dense jungles. In those jungles there was wildlife in abundance. The air was fresh and pure.
(d) Man is responsible for polluting the world.
(e) Big factories emit millions of tons of smoke every day.
(f) These.emit poisonous gases that pollute the atmosphere.


A fuel is a material that is burned in order to get heat and light and also to generate power. The process of burning is a chemical reaction. A material combines with oxygen from the air and gives off energy. The energy is given off in the form of heat and light. Fuels can also be classified as solid; liquid and gaseous. Wood was one of the first fuels used by man. It was the easiest to get and the cheapest. After wood started becoming scarce, it was replaced by coal.

Coal contains a high percentage of carbon. Carbon is the most important ingredient in most fuels. Fuels with a high percentage of carbon bum evenly and with a hot flame. The most important liquid fuels come from petroleum. However petroleum reserves are becoming exhausted with the passage of time.
(a) Why is the fuel burned?
(b) What is the process of burning called?
(c) In which form is the energy released?
(d) How has fuel been classified?
(e) What does coal contain?
(f) Which liquid fuel is mentioned in the passage?
(a) The fuel is burned in order to get heat and light and also to generate power.
(b) The process of burning is called a chemical reaction.
(c) The energy is released in the form of heat and light.
(d) Fuel has been classified as solid, liquid and gaseous.
(e) Coal contains a high percentage of carbon.
(f) Liquid fuel petroleum is mentioned in the passage.


Just by the use of colours you can balance your diet. All you need to do is to pay a little attention to the food you eat. Nutrition experts strongly recommend adding colours to your diet. Sweets and candy bars are generally colourful, but remember they do not contain natural colours and hence are not healthy. The key solution is a variety of naturally coloured foods. The deeper the colour, the greater the benefits. Getting more colours in your diet doesnt mean you have to drastically change your current eating habits.

Have a glass of 100% juice in the morning. Keep a mix of dried fruits on hand for a quick snack. Grab an apple or banana on your way out. Include at least two vegetables in your dinner. Get into the habit of starting your dinner with a salad. Eat fruit for dessert. Always add greens to sandwiches.

Most red fruits and vegetables contain an antioxidant, which offers protection against ultraviolet rays and Cancer and helps to prevent urinary tract infections and diseases related to the circulatory system. Green vegetables not only look great but also possess excellent antioxidant properties that protect your eyes by keeping the retina in good condition and reduce the risk of cancerous tumours.

Orange and yellow group contain beta – carotene, an antioxidant that improves cell communication and thereby helps to stop the spread of cancer. Blue and purple group not only adds an element of tranquility and richness to your plate, but also has an influence on the pineal gland (the third eye) and the nervous system. White group contains sulphur compounds that protect DNA and also contain flavonoids, the antioxidants that protect cell membranes.

Therefore, the more colourful your diet is (all natural colours, of course), the better equipped your immune system is to cope with diseases.
Questions :
(a) Why are sweets and candy bars not healthy ?
(b) How do antioxidants help us ?
(c) How do green vegetables help us ?
(d) What improves our immune system to cope with diseases ?
(e) Find word from the passage which means greatly
(a) Sweets and candy bars are not healthy because they do not contain natural colours.
(b) Antioxidants help us in protecting against ultraviolet rays and cancer and help to protect urinary tract infections.
(c) Green vegetables possess excellent oxidant properties that protect our eyes by keeping the retina in good condition and reduce the risk of cancerous tumours.
(d) A diet full of natural colours improves our immune system to cope with diseases.
(e) Richness.


Junk food is a term describing food that is perceived to be unhealthy or having poor nutritional value, according to Food Standard Agency. The term is believed to have been coined by Michael Jacobson, Director of the Centre for Science in the public interest, in 1972. The term has since become common usage.

Junk food typically contains high level of fat, salt or sugar and numerous food additives such as monosodium glutamate and tartrazine; at the same time it is lacking in proteins, vitamins and fibre, among others. It is popular with suppliers because it is relatively cheap to manufacture, has a long shelf life and may not require refrigeration. It is popular with and has lots of consumers because it is easy to purchase, requires little or no preparation, convenient to consume and lots of flavours. Consumption of junk food is associated with obesity, heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and dental cavities. There is also concern about the targeting of the marketing at children.

What constitutes a junk food may be confusing and according to critics, includes elements of class snobbery and moral judgement. For example, fast food such as hamburgers and French fries supplied by companies such as McDonalds KFC and Pizza Hut are often perceived as junk foods whereas same meals supplied by more upmarket outlets such as Pizza Express or Nandos are not despite often having the same or worse nutritional content. Other food such as Foie Gras, roast potatoes and bread are not considered junk food despite having limited nutritional content. Similarly, breakfast cereals are often regarded as healthy but may have high level of sugar, salt and fat. Many critics believe that junk food is not harmful when consumed as part of a balanced diet and some believe that the term should not be used at all.
Questions :
(a) How is junk food perceived ?
(b) What does junk food typically contain ?
(c) With what is junk food associated ?
(d) When, according to many critics, is junk food not harmful ?
(e) Find out a word in the passage which is similar in meaning to seen ?
(a) Junk food is perceived to be unhealthy or having poor nutritional value.
(b) Junk food typically contains high level of fat, salt or sugar and numerous food additives such as monosodium glutamate and tartrazine.
(c) Junk food is associated with obesity, heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and dental cavities.
(d) Many critics believe that junk food is not harmful when consumed as part of a balanced diet.
(e) Perceived.


Polythene shopping bags and wrappers are potential threat to urban environment. Once you have discarded them after use, you do not lose your link with them. They return to you in a variety of ways, though you do not realize it. For example, they choke your drains and provide breeding facilities to deadly germs. A recent study has shown that about 250 tonnes of plastic wastes come out of various colonies of major cities alone every day. This disrupts the sewer system, the essential arteries of city life. These plastic wastes choke the land mass and clog the pores of the wetlands.

Unfortunately, even the villages and small towns are not free from this danger. Millions of people returning to their hometowns everyday carry their shopping in colourful bags. This pleases their family and children, who after preserving them for a time, dispose them in wells, rivers, tanks and drains. Many throw them off into the fields. They do it with a sense of pride, to show off. When their neighbours see that their men from the cities regularly bring them those good things of life, they are impressed.

In Delhi, the worst offenders are the upper – income groups of the so – called posh colonies. Though educated, the residents of these affluent areas are unaware of the damage done by the plastic bags. Nearly a million children in Delhi schools carry their lunch boxes in plastic bags. They callously throw them away and cause unhealthy environment.
(a) When do we throw away our polythene shopping bags ?
(b) What are the essential arteries of city life ?
(c) What do the villagers want to convey to their neighbours by throwing the plastic bags into the fields?
(d) How do the school children pollute the environment ?
(e) Which word in the passage means thrown away ?
(a) After use we throw away our polythene shopping bags.
(b) The sewer system is the essential arteries of city life.
(c) They do it with a sense of pride, to show off.
(d) The school children carry their lunch boxes in plastic bags. They callously throw them away and cause unhealthy environment.
(e) Discharged.


Living on the earth is rather like being at the bottom of a sea hundreds of miles deep. Without the atmosphere there would be no people or animals, birds or fishes, trees or plants. There would be no weather, winds or rain. And there would be no blue sky, no rosy sunsets or dawns. Fire would be impossible without air, for burning is the union of oxygen with whatever is burned. Nor would there be any noise, which is the vibration of air-waves against our ear drums.

By day the atmosphere serves as a great sun-shade. It protects the earth from the full force of the sun by absorbing most of its harmful radiation. But for the atmosphere the daytime temperature would rise to 230 degrees F : hotter than boiling water. By night, the air acts like a giant greenhouse. It imprisons the heat collected during the day, and prevents it from spreading into space. Otherwise the temperature at night would plunge to -300 degrees F : far colder than we could stand.

Finally the atmosphere catches and bums up, by friction, practically all the million meteors that fall each day from outer space into the earths field of gravity. If all these meteors actually landed here, the earths surface would be pitted and dented like the face of the moon, which has no atmosphere to stop them.
(a) What is living on the earth like?
(b) For which creatures is atmosphere needed ?
(c) What are the other purposes for which atmosphere is needed ?
(id) Why is atmosphere needed for noise ?
(e) How does atmosphere serve as great sunshade ?
(f) How does atmosphere save earth from the impact of the meteor?
Answers: .
(a) Living on the earth is like being at the bottom of a sea hundreds of miles deep.
(b) Atmosphere is needed for people, animals, birds, fishes, trees or plants.
(c) Atmosphere is also needed for winds, rain, fire burning etc.
(d) Because without atmosphere there would not be any noise, which is the vibration of air-waves against our ear drums.
(e) It protects the earth from the full force of the sun by absorbing most of its harmful radiation.
(f) The atmosphere catches and bum up, by friction, practically all the million meteors that fall each day from the outer space into the earths field of gravity.


It is widely acknowledged that education contributes significantly to economic development. The developed world understood much earlier the fact that individuals with proper education have an edge over their non-educated or half- educated counterparts. In terms of literacy, Indias achievements as compared to several Asian countries are disappointing. According to economists, the poor performance of India on the literacy field has affected the countrys economic development.

India has launched an ambitious project, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, to provide primary education to all children. One of the major aims of the government has been to reduce the large number of drop-outs from the schools because it affects the economic development.

Various studies by different economists have shown that investment in education promotes economic growth. In any field, illiterate workers are unskilled and untrained; their general health is very poor. Literacy as well as education can create more productive labour force having enhanced knowledge and skills which ultimately tend to boost productivity both quantitatively and qualitatively.

Literacy among common people is also necessary for political stability in any country. Literacy increases the thinking power and understanding of the good or bad. When the people are literate, they can easily see through the cunningness of corrupt political leaders, thereby lessening the possibility of their being shortchanged by the latter. Furthermore, educated folks tend to show a greater tendency towards fruitfully associating themselves with the establishment. With the increased participation rate of both men and women in local selfgovernance institutions, people can avail the opportunity to improve their local economic factors such as roads, electricity, etc.
(a) What is the widely acknowledge fact about education ?
(b) What did the developed world understand about the importance of education ?
(c) What is the ambitious project launched by our government ?
(d) How does investment in education promote growth ?
(e) Find word from the passage which means accepted ?
(a) It is widely acknowledged that education contributes significantly to economic development.
(b) The developed world understood much earlier the fact that individuals with proper education have an edge over their non-educated or half-educated counterparts.
(c) India has launched an ambitious project, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, to provide primary education to all children.
(d) ‘Literacy as well as education can create more productive labour force having enhanced knowledge and skills which ultimately tend to boost productivity both quantitatively and qualitatively.
(e) Acknowledged.


Sarojini Naidu was educated in her early years under her fathers own care. He wanted her to become a great mathematician or scientist but she loved to dream and write poems. She was hardly eleven when she wrote her first poem. At thirteen she wrote a long poem in the manner of famous English poets.

After her matriculation .in India she went to England for higher education. In London she met Sir Edmund Gosse – a distinguished man of letters. He was impressed by her knowledge and intelligence. He was surprised to see that she had written poems in flawless English but felt disappointed to find that they had nothing of the east in them. They were all about English sights. From this day onwards, she devoted herself in writing verses about India.
(a) Under whose care did Sarojini Naidu receive her education?
(b) What did Sarojinis father want to make her?
(c) At what age did Sarojini Naidu write the poem?
(d) At what age Sarojini Naidu write a long poem?
(e) What did Edmund Gosse find in her poems?
(f) What did she ultimately decide to write?
(a) Sarojini Naidu received her education under the care of her father.
(b) He wanted her to become a great mathematician or scientist.
(c) Sarojini Naidu wrote the poem at the age of eleven.
(d) She wrote a long poem at the age of thirteen.
(e) Edmund Gosse found that there was nothing of the east in her poems.
(f) She ultimately devoted herself in writing verses about India.


Trees give shade for the benefit of others, while they themselves stand in the sun and endure the scorching heat; they produce the fruit by which others profit. The character of a good man is like that of trees. What is the use of this perishable body, if it is not used for the benefit of the mankind ? Sandalwood – the more it is rubbed, the more scent does it yield. Sugarcane – the more it is peeled and cut into pieces, the more juice does it produce.

Gold – the more it is burnt, the more brightly it shines. The men who are noble at heart do not lose their qualities even by losing their lives. What matters whether men praise them or not ? What difference does it make whether riches abide with them or not? What does it signify whether they die at this moment or whether their lives are prolonged ? Happen what may, those who tread in the right path will not set foot in any other. Life itself is unprofitable to a man who does not live for others. To live for the mere sake of living ones life is to live the life of dogs or crows. Those who lay down their lives for the sake of humanity will assuredly live forever in the world of bliss.
(a) What do trees do for us ?
(b) Why is a good man compared with gold ?
(c) What lessons do trees teach us ?
(d) What makes life profitable for a person ?
(e) What should be the ideals of a good man ?
(a) Trees give us shade, fruit and wood.
(b) A good man is compared with gold because he never lose his good qualities even by losing his life.
(c) Trees teach us the lesson of laying down our life for the sake of humanity.
(d) Living for the welfare of others makes life profitable for a person.
(e) Living for the welfare of others should be the ideals for a good man.


There are several reasons for a headache. Physical, emotional and mental factors, anxiety and tension are some of them. Sometimes, headache can be a signal of an underlying disease. More than medicines, Yoga therapy suits all needs. Yoga is a comprehensive mode of culturing the body and the mind. Yoga can cure some tough headaches. It includes breathing asanas, pranayamas, meditation and devotional sessions.

Yogasanas, especially the ones imitating the natural postures of animals have great tranquilizing effect without using common drugs. Pranayam checks random agitations in Pranic (energy) flows in Pranamayakosa, and stabilizes nervous system. Dhyana and Samadhi relax the mind. It changes the attitude of the sufferer from headache.
(a) What are some of the reasons for a headache?
(b) What is the headache sometimes a signal of?
(c) What is Yoga?
(d) Which approach of Yoga is used to cure tough headaches ?
(e) What are the constituents of this approach ?
(f) What are the advantages of Dhyana and Samadhi?
(a) There are physical, emotional and mental reasons for a headache.
(b) Sometimes the headache is a signal of an underlying disease.
(c) Yoga is a comprehensive mode of culturing the body and the mind.
(d) Integrated Approach of yoga is used to cure tough headaches.
(e) The constituents of this approach are breathing asanas, pranayamas, meditation and devotional sessions.
(f) Dhyana and Samadhi relax the mind.


Money has become a kind of God in the modem times. The modem generation is becoming more and more money-minded. We have become materialistic. It is true that money is very important in our life. In order to remain alive we must have money.

However, money is not everything. There are many things which cannot be bought with money. There are many things which are far more precious than money. The innocent smile on the face of a child, first love in the eyes of a young man or girl or the look of gratitude on the face of an old person whom you have helped- these are things no one can buy, however rich he may be.

When we spend money, we think of its gain. But there are certain fields in which the gains are in term of mental satisfaction. It means that money is not everything. Always remember that money is made for man and man is not made for money.

Thus we see that there are many things which are more important than money. They are honesty, service, belief in God and helping the poor. The most important wealth is the peace of mind. The man who has it is really rich.
(a) What is modem mans attitude towards money?
(b) Is it true that money is very important in mans life?
(c) Can every thing in life be bought with money?
(d) What other gain instead of monetary gain does the narrator talk about in the passage?
(e) Who is really rich?
(f) What should one always remember regarding money?
(a) The modem generation is becoming more and more money-minded.
(b) Yes, is it true that money is very important in mans life.
(c) No, everything in life cant be bought with money.
(d) There are many things which are more important than money. They are honesty, service, belief in God and helping the poor.
(e) The man who has peace of mind is really rich.
(f) One should always remember that money is made for man and man is not made for money.


Gum Gobind Singh, the last of ten Sikh Gums, was a great son of India. He led India to sublime heights of glory. He brought about moral resurgence and created order out of disorderly social condition. He was a multifaceted personality. He was a poet, soldier, statesman, leader and a tme socialist-all in one. He put life into the dying social order by giving it a wholly new outlook. He was a practical socialist who founded a social order based on fraternity, equality and love. In him were combined the spiritual vision, unmatched organizing capacity and a gift of politic intuition and insight. Such a rare combination of qualities would inspire the most downtrodden people to look forward to an optimistic future.
(a) Who was Gum Gobind Singh ?
(b) What are the rare contribution of Gum Gobind Singh to India ?
(c) Why does the author call him a multifaceted personality ?
(d) Why has he been called a practical socialist ?
(e) What qualities of Gum Gobind Singh inspired the most downtrodden people to look forward to an optimistic future ?
(a) Gum Gobind Singh was the last of ten Sikh Gums and a great son of India.
(b) He led India to great heights of glory by bringing moral resurgence and creating order out of disorderly social condition.
(c) He was a poet, soldier, statesman, leader and a tme socialist.
(d) He has been called a practical socialist because he founded a social order based on fraternity, equality and love.
(e) Spiritual vision, unmatched organizing capacity and a gift of politic intuition and insight.


Do not study for too long at a stretch, so long as the mind acts with ease, it may be allowed to continue working, but if we find that it moves slowly and extra efforts are needed to keep the attention fixed, it is far better to break off and take a walk or some other recreation than plodding on until one feels completely exhausted. To continue forcing the mind to work is likely to lead to injurious results and may end in nervous breakdown. Violent exercise which may cause bodily harm and weariness, is not what is wanted, for with a tired body, a little mental peace is possible. Useful exercise as a change for study should give energy, not exhaust it.
Questions :
(a) What advice does the author give regarding study ?
(b) What danger is there in working with a tired mind ?
(c) What advice does the writer give regarding exercise ?
(d) When should one stop studying ?
(e) Give a suitable title to the passage.
(a) The author gives advice to not do study for too long at a stretch.
(b) It is likely to lead to injurious results like nervous breakdown.
(c) The,writer says that violent exercise which may cause harm to body and weariness is not advised.
(d) When the mind moves slowly and extra efforts are needed for concentration, then one should stop studying.
(e) Benefits of Exercise


Indeed the path Florence had chosen was full of difficulties. It was almost an unimaginable thing in those days for a woman of means to live a life of independence, but the particular profession for which she had trained herself was a disreputable one. The nurses in those days were noted for their immoral conduct. They could hardly be trusted to carry out the simple medical duties. No wonder, therefore, that Florences parents did not like their daughter should take up that profession. Florence, however, did not see eye to eye with them. She felt wretched. Her sadness increased. She was always sad.
(a) What was unimaginable thing in those days for a woman ?
(b) What profession had Florence chosen ?
(c) Why were her parents opposed to her profession ?
(d) What effect did her parents opposition have on her nature ?
(e) Give a suitable title to the passage.
(a) In those days it was unimaginable for a woman to lead a life of independence.
(b) Florence had chosen the profession of nursing.
(c) Because the nurses were noted for their immoral conduct.
(d) She felt wretched and her sadness increased.
(e) Nursing and Florence


For a student, walking is preferable to all other exercises. The advantage of this mode of exercise is that it is simple. The apparatus is at hand complete. Y ou need not wait for the importation of machinery. It is in the open air that the lungs can at once receive the pure air of heaven and the eyes gaze upon hill and dale, upon trees and flowers, upon the objects animate and inanimate. The very objects of sight and sound cheer the mind and raise the spirit.

Another advantage of walking is that you can have a friend to walk with an unbend the mind by pleasant conversation. Try once the method of walking with a friend regularly for a few weeks and you will be surprised at the marvellous results. On those afternoons, when study is not required, be sure to take long walks and lay up health for days to come.
(a) What is the preferable exercise for the students ?
(b) What is the first advantage of walking according to the writer ?
(c) What is advantage of walking in the open air ?
id) How is it beneficiary to have a walk with a friend ?
(e) Does the writer recommend walk during the afternoons and if yes, why ?
(a) Walking is the preferable exercise for the students.
(b) According to the writer, the first advantage of walking is that it is simple.
(c) The advantage of walking in the open air is that our lungs get pure air of heaven.
(d) We can have pleasant conversation with the unbend mind.
(e) Yes, we can lay up our health for days to come by walking during the afternoons.


Trees give shade for the benefit of others, while they themselves stand in the sun and endure the scorching heat. They produce fruit which others eat. The character of a good man is like that of trees. What is the use of this perishable body if it is not used for the benefit of mankind. The more sandalwood is rubbed, the more scent it gives. The more sugarcane is peeled and cut into pieces, the more juice it produces. The more gold is burst, the more brightly it shines. Noble people do not lose their qualities even by losing their lives. Come what may, those who tread on the right path will not set foot on any other. Life itself is unprofitable for a man who does not live for others. To live for the sake of living one’s life is to live a worthless life.
(a) What do the trees do for us ?
(b) What is the correct use of human body ?
(c) What is the result of rubbing of sandalwood ?
(d) How can more juice be obtained from sugarcane ?
(e) What enhances the brightness of gold ?
(a) Trees give us shade, fruit and wood.
(b) The human body should be used for the benefit of the mankind.
(c) The more it is rubbed, the more scent it gives.
(d) To obtain more juice from sugarcane, it should be peeled and cut into pieces.
(e) Burning enhances the brightness of gold.


One of the most difficult things in life is to find a way of behaviour that is not dictated by circumstances. Circumstances and people dictate or force you to behave in a certain way. The way that you conduct yourself, the way you eat, the way you talk, your moral, your ethical behaviour depends on where you find yourself and so your behaviour is constantly varying, constantly changing. This is so when you speak to your father, your mother or to your servant-your voice, your words, are quite different. The ways ofbehaviour are controlled by environmental influences, and by analysing behaviour you can almost predict what people will do and will not do.
(a) What is one of the most difficult things in life ?
(b) How do circumstances affect people ?
(c) Why is ones behaviour constantly changing ?
(d) What changes are made while talking to different people ?
(e) Give a suitable title to the passage.
(a) One of the most difficult things in life is to find a way of behaviour that is not dictated by circumstances.
(b) Circumstances dictate or force people to behave in a certain way.
(c) Ones behaviour constantly changing because of constant change in circumstances.
(d) Different voice and different words are used while talking to different people.
(e) Influence of circumstances in life

Comprehension With Multiple Choice Questions

Some Solved Examples

Read the following passages and answer the questions by choosing the right option :


Proper food is the basic requirement of health. Health does not mean absence of disease; it rather means the presence of energy and vitality. Most of the food we eat daily does not contain essential nutrients needed for the preservation of health and prevention of disease. There are various kinds of foods. Protective foods are essential for prevention of disease and are needed both by the healthy and the sick. They are rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals. Energy giving foods are rich in carbohydrates, and are needed by those who are engaged in hard physical labour. Body building foods are rich in proteins. Diet of growing children, adolescents and nursing mothers should contain sufficient quantity of protein for growth and for repair and maintenance of body tissues.

1. The basic requirement of health is:
(A) medicines
(B) proper food
(C) new clothes
(D) air conditioned houses
(B) proper food

2. The real meaning of health is:
(A) absence of disease
(B) a fat body
(C) presence of vitality and energy
(D) sharp memory
(C) presence of vitality and energy

3. Which food is needed both for the healthy and sick?
(A) fast food
(B) junked food
(C) protective food
(D) boiled food without fats
(C) protective food

4. What are body building foods rich in?
(A) vitamins
(B) fats proteins minerals
(C) proteins
(D) minerals
(C) proteins

5. What is the main function of food ?
(A) providing taste
(B) to quench our hunger
(C) repair and maintenance of body tissue
(D) providing us time to rest and enjoy
(C) repair and maintenance of body tissue


Health of the citizens is the responsibility of the state. For this purpose the state sets up health services, health centres, hospitals, maternity and child welfare centres. But all this has only a curative value. Diseases are located and cured. But the public is hardly educated in hygienic living. Prevention is better than cure. More attention should be paid towards the prevention of diseases than is being done.

The preventive measures include vaccination, inoculation and above all instructing and educating the public in hygienic living. The school can play an important role in instructing the parents and the pupils in healthy living. Through a programme of health instructions the pupils can have scientific knowledge about the body and its functioning, the principles of hygienic living, the advantage of healthful habits and the means of preventing diseases. Health instruction is so important that it should form an integral part of school education.

1. Whose responsibility is the health of the citizens ?
(A) self
(B) state
(B) state

2. Which one is not the disease preventive measure ?
(A) vaccination
(B) inoculation
(C) providing jobs to citizen
(D) educating people about hygienic living
(C) providing jobs to citizen

3. What should be an integral part of school education ?
(A) technical education
(B) moral education
(C) craft education
(D) health education
(D) health education

4. What is public hardly educated in ?
(A) technical education
(B) fats protiens minerals
(C) medical education
(D) providing us time to rest and enjoy
(B) hygienic living conditions

5. On what should more attention be paid ?
(A) employment
(B) to quench our hunger
(C) holding fairs
(D) prevention of disease
(D) prevention of disease


The great advantage of early rising is the good start it gives us to our day’s work. The early riser has done a large amount of hard work before other men have got out of bed. In the early morning the mind is fresh, and there are few sounds or other distractions, so the work done at that time is generally well done. In many cases the early riser also finds time to take some exercise in the fresh morning air, and this exercise supplies him with a fund of energy that will last until the evening.

By begining so early, he knows that he has plenty of time to do thoroughly all the work he can be expected to do, and is not tempted to hurry over any part of it. All his work being finished in good time, he has a long interval of rest in the evening before the timely hour when he goes to bed. He gets to sleep several hours before midnight, at the time when sleep is most refreshing, and after a sound night’s rest rises, early next morning in good health and spirits for the labours of a new day.

1. How is early rising different from other hours of the day?
(A) there are few sounds and other distractions
(B) dull and boring
(C) polluted air
(D) stormy weather
(A) there are few sounds and other distractions

2. Who finds time to take exercise in the fresh morning air?
(A) a late riser
(B) an early riser
(C) a sick person
(D) an office going fellow
(B) an early riser

3. At what time sleep is most refreshing?
(A) during day
(B) after midnight
(C) early in the morning
(D) before midnight
(D) before midnight

4. What gives a good start to our day’s work?
(A) early rising
(B) late rising
(C) good health
(D) richness of a person
(A) early rising

5. What provides us energy?
(A) richness of a person
(B) exercise early in the morning
(C) good health
(D) good diet
(B) exercise early in the morning

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