KL 10 Standard SST Notes

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Social Science Notes Chapter 8 Resource Wealth of India

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Social Science Notes Chapter 8 Resource Wealth of India

Kerala State Syllabus 10th Standard Social Science Notes Chapter 8 Resource Wealth of India

Natural resources are development of any country. India is blessed with diverse and abundant natural resources. Only the judicious use of resources will help the development of any country. The unit examines the role of agriculture, industry and transport in India’s economic progress.

→ Millets : Small grains like ragi, jowar, etc.

→ Golden fibre : Jute is called golden fibre.

→ Metallic minerals : Minerals with metallic content.

→ Non metallic minerals : Minerals without metallic content.

→ Food crops : Crops which can be directly consumed as food.

→ Cash crops : Crops having industrial and commercial significance.

→ Kharif crops : Crops that are cultivated at the onset of monsoon and harvested by the end of monsoon. Eg. rice, cotton.

→ Rabi crops : Crops that are cultivated by the beginning of winter season and harvested by the beginning of summer. Eg. Wheat.

→ Zaid crops : Crops that are cultivated by the beginning of summer and harvested by the beginning of monsoon. Eg. Fruits, vegetables.

→ Universal fibre : Cotton is called universal fibre. Cotton is used world wide as the raw material for textile industry. Hence it is known as ‘Universal fibre’.

→ Fibre crops : Crops that yield yam or fibre for making textiles and other things. Eg. Cotton, jute.

→ Conventional energy sources : Resources available in nature and depleted when they are used. Eg. Coal.

→ Non conventional energy sources : Resources that are depleted after use, but renew again. Eg. Solar power.

→ Agro-based industries : Industries that use agricultural products as raw materials. Eg. Sugar industry.

→ Mineral based industries : Industries that use minerals as raw materials. Eg. Iron and steel industry.

→ National Highways” The major roads in the country linking state capitals, major cities and ports.

→ State Highways : State’s major roads linking state capitals with district headquarters.

→ Super Highways : The six lane super highways connecting the four major cities of India.

→ Konkan Railway : The railway line extending from Roha in Maharashtra to Mangalore in Karnataka.

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