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Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Social Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 11 Sociology: What? Why?

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Social Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 11 Sociology: What? Why?

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Social Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 11 Sociology: What? Why?

Sociology: What? Why? Text Book Questions and Answers

Sociology deals with society and various social issues. Many factors contributed to the development of sociology. It analyses different areas. Sociology has many peculiarities different from that of other social sciences.

Question 1.
Based on the description given in the table, identify the branch of social science.

1) Study of economic activities
2) Enquiry of past events and civilization.
3) Study of nation and the rights.
4) Study of the origin and evolution of man-kind.
5) Study of human mind and mental conditions.


1) Study of economic activities Economics
2) Enquiry of past events and civilization. History
3) Study of nation and the rights. Political Science
4) Study of the origin and evolution of man-kind. Anthropology
5) Study of human mind and mental conditions. Psychology

Question 2.
Observation can be of two types – which are they?
1. Participant observation
2. Non-participant observation


Question 3.
Explain observation method in social science research.
Observation can be of two types such as,

  • Participant observation
  • Non-participant observation.

In participant observation method, the observer collects information directly from the study area. This method is very popular in social science research. For understanding the issues and collecting information, the researcher personalise the language, culture, etc., of a social group. This helps him to understand the entire features of the area of his study. This method is also known as fieldwork.

On the other hand, in case of nonparticipant observation, the researcher does not collect information directly from the area of study. Instead, the researcher collects information through his observation from outside.

Sociology has different methods of study. These methods are used to analyze different areas. Social survey, interview, observation, case study are the methods of study in sociology. Each method has its own peculiarities.

Question 4.
Explain the methodology in social science research.
1) Social survey:
Survey method is the most appropriate method to study social subjects/issues. In this method, information is collected from a group of people selected according a some specific criteria. By analyzing the information, researcher can come across some find¬ings on a particular issue.

2) Interview:
Interview is face to face and verbal conversation be-tween researcher and respondent. When interview method is not practical researcher adopts observation method in which he records what he sees, hears and experiences through his observation.
The precautions while choosing interview method are:

  • Identify suitable persons for interviews.
  • Have clear cut idea about the information to be collected.
  • Prepare suitable questions.
  • Lead effective method of interview.
  • Time management
  • logical arrangement of information and report Writing.

3) Observation:
Observation can be of two types such as,

  • Participant Observation
  • Non-participant observation.

In participant observation method, the observer collects information directly from the study area. This method is very popular in social science research. For understanding the issues and collecting information, the researcher personalise the language, culture, etc., of a social group. This helps him to understand the entire features of the area of his study. This method is also known as fieldwork.

On the other hand, in case of nonparticipant observation, the researcher does not collect information directly from the area of study. Instead, the researcher collects information through his observation from outside.

4) Case Study:
This method is adopted to study extraordinary is-sues in-depth. Such studies will be very comprehensive. It will be a complete study of a particular case. Case study is also used for data collection.

Question 5.
Discuss the difference between creative writing and social science studies.
There are differences between creative writing and social science studies. These differences can be listed as follows.
Creative writing:

  • Deals with imagination and creativity
  • Social events are expressed in its beauty.
  • Aims at enjoyment of creative writing.

Social science studies:

  • Social phenomena and subjects are scientifically analyzed
  • Makes cause-effect studies of events.
  • Analyses the society objectively.

Question 6.
Discuss the importance of sociology.

  • It helps to formulate real idea about the society.
  • It helps to know own society and other societies objectively.
  • It helps to know own society and other societies objectively.
  • It helps to identify relation between individuals and social institutions.
  • It studies social issues
  • It helps to find solutions to social issues
  • It is helpful in social planning and development.
  • Studies on backward classes, exploited classes, etc., are helpful for social welfare activities.

Question 7.
What do you mean by sample survey? How is it different from census?
Collecting information from the entire population is the census method. Selecting a particular group of people from the study area to collect information is the sample survey.

Sociology: What? Why? Model Questions & Answers

Question 8.
Origin of social science was due to three revolution’. Which are they?

  • Scientific Revolution (Renaissance).
  • French Revolution
  • Industrial Revolution.

Question 9.
Identify the personalities who gave significant contribution to development social science in India.
A.R. Desai, S.D. Dubey, M.N Sreenivas, D.P. Mukherji, G.S. Khure, etc., are the famous Indian social scientists.

Question 10.
Complete the following chart.

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Social Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 11 Sociology What Why 1

Question 11.
Point out the precautions while choosing interview as a method of study.
The precautions while choosing interview method are:

  • Identify suitable persons for interview
  • Have clear cut idea about the information to be collected.
  • Prepare suitable questions.
  • Lead effective method of interview
  • Time management
  • logical arrangement of information and report writing.

Question 12.
Prepare a table showing differences between interview and questionnaires.

Interview Questionnaire
1. Verbal conversation between 2 persons 1. Collects information, in writing.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.


Interview Questionnaire
1. Verbal conversation between 2 persons 1. Collects information in writing.
2. Researcher himself collects information 2. Respondents write down the information.
3. Effective conversation is possible 3. Effective conversat­ion is not possible
4. Questions can be rearranged according to the response of the respondents. 4. Cannot understand the response of the the respondents.

Question 13.
Complete the list
1. Social survey
2. ………………
3. ………………
4. ………………
1. Social survey
2. Interview
3. Case study
4. Observation


Question 14.
Census is conducted one in ……….. years.
10 years

Question 15.
Point out the subject matter of economics.

  • Production
  • Consumption
  • Capital formation

Question 16.
‘Census method is not always possible’. Do you agree? Why?
Census method is not always possible due the following reasons.

  • It is time-consuming
  • Area of study is very large
  • It is very expensive

Question 17.
Who are respondents?
The people subjects to the study are called respon¬dents.

Question 18.
Why does Auguste Compte called father of sociology?
The thoughts of Auguste Compte, the French social scientist, laid the foundation of social science studies. He named the discipline he developed as social physics and later he renamed it as sociology. That is why Auguste Compte called the father of sociology.

Question 19.
The first social science department was started in ……….. University in India.
Bombay University

Let Us Assess

Question 20.
How is creative writing different from the study of sociology?

Creative writing Study of sociology
1. Deals with imagination and creativity. 1. Social phenomena and subjects are scientifically analyzed
2. Social events are expressed in its beauty. 2. Makes cause-effect studies of events.
3. Aims at enjoyment of creative writing. 3. Analyses the society Objectively.

Question 21.
What is meant by sociology?
Sociology is an academic discipline concerned with the study of the social life of human groups and individuals.

Question 22.
What are the important areas in sociology?

  • Social institutions
  • Social relations
  • Social change
  • Social issues
  • Social groups
  • Social control
  • Socialisation
  • Societies.

Question 23.
Name the early social scientists.
Auguste Compte, Herbert Spencer, Karl Max, Emil Durkheim, and Max Weber are the early social scientists.

Question 24.
Identify the branches of social science.
1. History
2. ……….
3. ……….
4. ……….
5. ……….
6. ……….
1. History
2. Economics
3. Anthropology
4. Geography
5. Political Science
6. Psychology

Question 25.
Summarise the discussion points on the importance of Sociology.

  • It helps to formulate real idea about the society.
  • It helps to know own society and other societies objectively.
  • It helps to identify relation between individuals and social institutions.
  • It studies social issues
  • It helps to find solutions to social issues
  • It is helpful in social planning and development.
  • Studies on backward classes exploited classes,

etc., are helpful for social welfare activities.

Question 26.
How does social survey a major methodology of sociology helps to understand the society ?.
Survey method is the most appropriate method to study social subjects/issues. In this method, information is collected from a group of people selected according a some specific criteria. By analyzing the information, researcher can come across some findings on a particular issue.

Question 27.
Differentiate between observation and interview.
Interview is face to face and verbal conversation be-tween researcher and respondent. When interview method is not practical researcher adopts observation method in which he records what he sees, hears and experiences through his observation.

Question 28.
Prepare a questionnaire of a minimum of 10 questions to collect data on about transport problems faced by your friends to reach the school.

  1. Where is your house located?
  2. How far is school from your house?
  3. What is your mode of transport?
  4. Do you get vehicles in school time?
  5. Do you get concession in bus?
  6. What is the time gap between the buses.
  7. Do all buses stop before school?
  8. Does conductor behave well?
  9. Do you face transportation difficulty during rainy season?
  10. Does the shortage of school bus create transportation?

Question 29. (Qn. Pool – 2017)
Analyze the method in which creative writing intervenes a social issue.

  • Writing based on imagination and creativity.
  • Social events are depicted on aesthetic realms.
  • Appreciation is the main objective.

Question 30. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Analyze the method in which a sociologist approaches a social issue.

  • Social issues analyzed scientifically.
  • Social conditions are analyzed on the basis of cause-effect relationship.

Question 31. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Match the items in column A with the items in column B appropriately.

i) Study of economic activities a) History
ii) Inquiry into the past and the culture b) Anthropology
iii) Study of state and the rights c) Economics
iv) Study of origin and racial evolution of human beings d) Political Science

i – c
ii – a
iii – d
iv – b

Question 32.
(Qn. Pool-2017)
What is the revolution that paved the way for the emergence of sociology?

  • Renaissance
  • French Revolution.
  • Industrial Revolution

Question 33. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Who is known as the Father of Sociology?
Auguste Comte

Question 34. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Write the name of Sociology in the early age.
Social Physics

Question 35. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Name the thinker who used the theory of evolution of Charles Darwin to study Sociology.
Herbert Spencer

Question 36. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Name the important thinkers who contributed to the development of Sociology.
Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber


Question 37. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Why Sociology is considered as the comprehensive study of Society?
Sociology is the comprehensive study of the relation between man and his social environment.

Question 38. (Qn. Pool-2017)
What are the methods used for studying Sociology?
Social Survey, Interview, Observation, Case study

Question 39. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Survey is considered as the most suitable method to study Sociology. Why is it said so?
Survey helps to formulate a comprehensive point of view of the topic.

Question 40. (Qn. Pool-2017)
How interview helps the study of Sociology?
Interview helps to know and analyze the attitudes, views, beliefs, and habits.

Question 41. (Qn. Pool-2017)
What is Observation?
Observation as a method of study records truthfully whatever is seen, heard, and experienced.

Question 42. (Qn. Pool-2017)
What are the two types of observation?
a) Participant observation
b) Non-participant observation

Question 43. (Qn. Pool-2017)
What is participant observation?
Researcher directly collects information.

Question 44. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Explain the method of study of participant observation.
The Sociologist stays with the population under the study and understands their life, language culture and analyses it.

Question 45. (Qn. Pool-2017)
What is non-participant observation?
The researcher observes the society from outside.

Question 46. (Qn. Pool-2017)
What is case study?
Case study is used to make an in-depth study on rare and different social phenomena and problems.

Question 47.
Match the following.

Area understudy Name of the branch of social science
1. Study of Economic activities 1. Anthropology
2. Inquiry into the past and culture 2. Psychology
3. Study of the state and the rights of people 3. History
4. Study of the origin and racial evolution of man 4. Economics
5. Study of human mind and behavior 5. Political Science


Area understudy Name of the branch of social science
1. Study of Economic activities. 1. Economics
2. Inquiry into the past and culture 2. History
3. Study of the state and the rights of people 3. Political Science
4. Study of the origin and racial evolution of man 4. Anthropology
5. Study of human mind and behavior 5. Psychology

Question 48. (Orukkam – 2017)
One of the main areas under Sociology is given below. Find out some more areas.
1. Social groups
2. ……………….
3. ……………….
4. ……………….
5. ……………….
6. ……………….
7. ……………….
8. ……………….
1. Social groups
2. Social institutions
3. Social relations
4. Socialization
5. Social control
6. Communities
7. Social changes
8. Social problems


Question 49. (Orukkam – 2017)
Complete the picture pertaining with the methods of study in sociology.

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Social Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 11 Sociology What Why 4

Question 50.
What are the practical applications of sociology?
Commerce, town planning, advertisements, media, and educational activities.

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