KSEEB Solutions for Class 6 Social Science Chapter 5 The Culture of the Vedic Period

KSEEB Solutions for Class 6 Social Science Chapter 5 The Culture of the Vedic Period

Karnataka State Syllabus Class 6 Social Science History Chapter 5 The Culture of the Vedic Period

Class 6 Social Science The Culture of the Vedic Period Textbook Questions and Answers

I. Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
Which are the four vedas?

  1. Rig veda
  2. Yajurveda
  3. Samaveda
  4. Atharvaveda


Question 2.
Name the gods of the Rigvedic period.

  1. Indra
  2. Surya
  3. Soma
  4. Varuna
  5. Mitra
  6. Yama
  7. Ashwini

Question 3.
Name four Varnas.

  1. Brahman
  2. Kshatriya
  3. vaishya
  4. shudra

Question 4.
Name two women scholars of the Vedic period.

  1. Lopamudra
  2. Indrani


Question 5.
Which are the epics of ancient India? Who are authors of them?
Valmiki Ramayana and Vyasa Mahabaratha.

II. Discuss in groups and answer the following question:

Question 1.
What are the differences between the Pre-vedic society and the Post-vedic society?
In the pre-vedic period ‘Family’ was the basic unit of society and the ‘Father’ was the head of the family. Joint family was in practice. Women were respected and were free to participate in political institutions. Child Marriage and sati system was not practiced. Women were educated through vedic studies. Widow remarriage was practiced.

During the post-vedic period the Gotra system and Ashrama system started. The position of the women was lowered and were deprived of education and political involvement. Society was divided according to the Varna system and child marriage and sati system came into existence. The royal rulers practiced polygamy.

III. Match the following:

1. Soma a. The chief of a community
2. Rajan b. The liquor known to Aryas
3. Sabha c. A holy ritual
4. Ashwamedha d. Ramayana
5. Valmiki e. A political institution


  1. b
  2. a
  3. d
  4. e
  5. c

Class 6 Social Science The Culture of the Vedic Period Additional Questions and Answers

I. Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
Where were Aryans originally from?
Central Asia.


Question 2.
Where did the vedic culture emerge in ancient India?
In the plains of Rivers Sarsawathi and Ganges.

Question 3.
What does ‘Veda’ mean?
‘Veda’ means knowledge.

Question 4.
Which river of ancient India is believed to be the River Saraswathi.
The ‘Ghaggar-Akra’ river which disappeared under-ground leading to the formation of Thar desert in Rajasthan is believed to be the River Saraswathi.

Question 5.
Which period is called ‘Pre-vedic period’?
The period of the Rigveda is called ‘Prevedic period’.

Question 6.
What were the prisoners of war called in Pre-vedic period? How were they treated?
Dasas or Dasyas. They were treated as slaves.

Question 7.
Which animal was considered as wealth by the Aryans?


Question 8.
Which political institutions played a major role in Administration during the pre-vedic period?

  1. Sabha
  2. Samithi
  3. Vidhatas

Question 9.
What is the message of the vedas.
“There is only one truth, people perceive it differently. Let noble thoughts come from all the comers of the world”.

Question 10.
How did the king in Post-vedic expand his kingdom?
The king performed rituals such as ‘Ashwamedha Yaga’ and ‘Rajasuya Yaga’.

II. Fill in the blanks:

  1. The _______ came to India from central Asia.
  2. The period in which the _______ was formed is called the Vedic Period.
  3. The River ‘Ghaggar-Akra’ is believed to be the River _______.
  4. Agriculture, _______ and _______ were the major occupations.
  5. _______ were considered as wealth by the Aryans.
  6. _______ was not hereditary during pre- vedic period.
  7. The Aryans worshipped Gods through the rituals called _______.
  8. The kings of post-vedic performed rituals like _______ and _______ to expand their kingdom.


  1. Aryans
  2. Vedic literature
  3. Saraswathi
  4. Medicine and Priesthood
  5. Cows
  6. Kingship
  7. Yagnas
  8. Ashwameda yaga and Rajasuya yaga

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