KSEEB Solutions for Class 6 Social Science Chapter 8 Human Rights

KSEEB Solutions for Class 6 Social Science Chapter 8 Human Rights

Karnataka State Syllabus Class 6 Social Science Civics Chapter 8 Human Rights

Class 6 Social Science Human Rights Textbook Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What are Human rights?
The opportunities provided for an individual to live with equal opportunity, freedom to express with dignity is called ‘Human Rights’.


Question 2.
Why are human rights necessary?
The Human Rights concept evolved along with the Human Rights. Rights are necessary for a human being to live as a full individual. To lead a life of dignity is a basic right. Moreover, the human rights are non discriminatory.

Question 3.
Mention the types of human rights.

The ‘Human Rights’ approved by the UNO are:

  • 1. All Human beings are born free with dignity to live without any discrimination.
  • No human being can appoint another human being as a slave.
  • No one can be subjected to inhuman punishment and torture.
  • No one has the liberty to arrest, imprison and deport another person.
  • Every individual has a right to have his opinion and freedom of expression.
  • All human beings have the right to have rationality, consciousness and religions freedom.
  • One has the right to change his religion.
  • All have the right to meet peacefully and create associations.
  • All have the right to participate in the government of their land either directly or indirectly.
  • All human being have the Right to Employment.

Question 4.
Which are the Child Rights?
The Child Rights are included under the Human Rights. All children need certain facilities naturally. Every child has the right to spend its childhood with its parents, and have physical protection, food, education and health facilities as its right. The children have the right to have civic rights without any discrimination based on physical disabilities, religion, race, colour of the skin and sex.

Indian Constitution has mandated compulsory and free education for children below the age of fourteen. A situation where children stay out of school and engage in labour is a violation of Child Rights. Child labour is a violation of Human Rights. Whether the labour is paid or unpaid, it becomes child labour.


Question 5.
Which are the commissions meant to protect human rights?
International Human Rights Commission at international level, National Human Rights Commission at National Commission and State Human Rights Commission at state level are monitoring human rights violations and protecting them.

Class 6 Social Science Human Rights Additional Questions and Answers

Question 1.
How did Human Rights gain importance?
The Human Rights gained importance along with the increase in democratic governments of the world. Many countries of the world included the Fundamental Rights in their Constitution in order to protect Human Rights. With this development, the Citizens got an opportunity to experience fundamental rights. Later, due to two world wars, the human rights were violated and the exploitation for socio-economic and political reasons became more.

This made the governments to form standardized yardsticks to provide a life of dignity to their citizens. As a result of this process, the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization (UNO) accepted the Human Rights that were prepared by experts in the field on December 10,1945.


Question 2.
Write a note on ‘Right to Employment’.
Everyone has the right to have equal pay, duration of work, paid leave and rest. And also have the right for food, shelter, cloth, health, protection, and necessary social services. All have the right for free and compulsory primary education.

Question 3.
What is the ‘Child Labour Prohibition Act -1986′?
According to this Act, a child below the age of fourteen years age, cannot be employed in any kind of labour. Any person who hires such children for labour, is liable for imprisonment of one year or fine or both.


Question 4.
Why did the UNO declare ‘Protection of Environment’ as a Human Right.
A healthy environment is needed for all to lead a good life. Only healthy natural environment can ensure food, water, shelter and health of all. Hence, the UNO declared that the Protection of Environment is also a Human Right in the year 2012.


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