MP 10TH English

MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Solutions Chapter 1 Goodwill

MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Solutions Chapter 1 Goodwill

Class 10 English Chapter 1 Goodwill Summary

The divine Essence, ‘the peerless Spirit’ and ‘the deathless Flame’. are invoked in this poem. The peerless spirit resides in all creatures. It is the deathless flame in living beings. It activates the bodies to perform various actions. It is very swift and active. May that all knowing peerless spirit put the ‘will’ in the Mind (individual soul) to do only what is good. It is possible only when the Mind controls the fleshly desires.

Goodwill Summary in Hindi

इस कविता में दैवी तत्त्व (सार)- ‘अनुपम आत्मा’ तथा ‘मरण-रहित’ (न बुझने वाली) ज्योति की स्तुति की गई है। अनुपम आत्मा, सभी प्राणियों में निवास करती है। यह जीवित प्राणियों में अमिट (अमर) ज्वाला है। यह शरीर को कार्य करने के लिए सक्रिय करती है। यह सर्वाधिक तीव्रगति वाला तथा कार्यशील है। भगवान करे कि वह सर्वज्ञ अनुपम आत्मा, केवल शुभ कर्म करने के लिए हमारे मन में इच्छा (संकल्प) पैदा करे। यह तभी सम्भव होगा जब मन (जीवात्मा/मस्तिष्क), भौतिक इच्छाओं पर नियन्त्रण कर ले।

Goodwill Word-Meanings

MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Solutions Chapter 1 Goodwill 1

In this article, we will share MP Board Class 10th English Solutions The Rainbow Chapter 1 Goodwill Pdf, These solutions are solved subject experts from the latest edition books.

MP Board Class 10th English Solutions The Rainbow Chapter 1 Goodwill (Yajurveda (V-S)

Mp Board Class 10 English Chapter 1 Goodwill Question Answer

Class 10 English Chapter 1 Mp Board Goodwill Vocabulary

Question 1.
All the three stanzas of the hymn begin with the word “May’ why?
All the three stanzas of the hymn are invocations to the divine Essence (‘the peerless Spirit’ and ‘the deathless Flame’). Therefore, all of them begin with the word ‘May’.

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Question 2.
Make a list of the verbs used in the poem.
The following verbs have been used in the poem: perform done controls lies guides abides resolve

Question 3.
Say the following words and use them in different contexts:
spirit, may, mind, flame
(i) He is dead but his spirit lives in.
(ii) My uncle is the leading spirit behind the reform movement.
(iii) You lack team spirit.
(iv) You should work in the right spirit.
(v) Do you drink spirits?

(i). A son was born to Rajni in the month of May.
(ii) You may accompany us if you wish.
(iii) May he live long!
(iv) Her words may be true.

(i) Mind your own business.
(ii) She has a dull mind.
(iii) Please don’t mind my remarks.

(i) The cigarette lighter gave out a dim flame.
(ii) She owns a flame red car.
(iii) She was burning with a flame of passion.
(iv) The flame of the fire enguļfed the entire village.


A. Answer the following questions in about 25 words.

Question 1.
Explain: That peerless Spirit that lies in all creatures, may that my Mind resolve in what is good.
The unique Spirit (Divine Soul) resides in all creatures. The poet invokes it to urge his mind to perform good deeds.

Question 2.
Does “the deathless Flame” in Stanza II, line 2, refer to an everlasting flame, the flame of knowledge, or to the soul that lies in all creatures? Give reasons.
‘The deathless Flame’ refers to the everlasting flame, the flame of knowledge. The following lines make it clear. May that which is deep knowledge, intellect, memory that which is the deathless Flame in living beings.

Question 3.
In what sense is the word ‘Mind’ used in the poem? (M.P. Board 2009)
The word ‘Mind’ is used in the sense of individual soul (jivatma) in the poem. The poet has related mind to Spirit.

Question 4.
Why is the Mind likened to a charioteer in the poem?
The charioteer controls the fleet-footed horses. The mind controls the fleshly desires of the human beings. The mind is likened to a charioteer because both of them act as controllers.

B. Answer the following questions in about 50 words.

Question 1.
Write the significance of the title ‘Goodwill’.
Goodwill means pure conscience. A saintly mind seeks pleasure in performing noble deeds. He never hopes for a reward or the return for his deeds. The Moon and the Sun spread their light and shine on all without any discrimination. A man of goodwill is not only selfless but helpful to others also.

Question 2.
What is the central idea of ‘Goodwill’?
‘Goodwill means pure mind and pure intention. One who is true in word, deed and thought alone can develop goodwill. Goodwill is another name for pure and malice-free conscience. A man of goodwill is never envious of others’ progress or pursuit. He feels delighted in others’ prosperity. He Controls his senses and guides man like a charioteer and works only for what is good.

Speaking Skill

Question 1.
Following are some quotations from great philosophers. Discuss about them with your friend.

  • Real beauty is the beauty of soul.
  • How we live is important not how long we live.
  • To reach very far we must start from very near.
  • The first step is the everlasting step.

Question 2.
Quote verbally some wise sayings of the other philosophers like Swami Vivekanand, Maharishi Aurobindo, Mahatma Gandhi, Socrates, Plato etc.

  1. The fountain of all knowledge is in every one of us. – Swami Vivekananda
  2. O son of immortality, live not thou according to nature, but according to God, and compel her also to live according to duty within thee. – Maharishi Aurobindo
  3. The golden light came down into my heart smiting my life with thy eternity. Now has it grown a temple there/ Thou art and all its passions point towards only Thee.
    – Maharishi Aurobindo
  4. Water the roots of the tree and the whole tree is watered. – Swami Vivekananda
  5. A friendship, its exactness, oneness of opinion and conduct, is not worth much.
    – M.K. Gandhi
  6. Speed is not the end of life, man sees more and lives more truly by walking to his duty. – M.K. Gandhi
  7. The shortest and surest way to live with honour in the world is to be in reality what we would appear to be. -Socrates
  8. Contentment is natural wealth, luxury is artificial poverty. – Socrates
  9. Self-conquest is the greatest of victories. – Plato
  10. Every man is a poet when he is in love. – Plato

Writing Skill

Question 1.
Write a paragraph on the importance of morning prayer in life. (50 words)
A morning prayer has a soothing effect on our mind. It regulates our life. Morning prayer requires cleanliness of body. It purifies our heart. We pray to God to give us our due and bring us a good day. It diverts the minds of the people towards noble thoughts, speech and action.

Question 2.
Observe and write about certain activities of your daily life which people consider good and which make you feel good. (150 words)
I get up early in the morning. I revise my lesson and do my homework. Then I take some exercise in the open. After sometime I take a bath. Then I go to the temple to hear the sermons of the saints. Then I help my mother in the kitchen to prepare morning breakfast. After taking breakfast I go to the school. Being the monitor of my class I help the teacher in maintaining discipline. I share my lunch packet with any student who has not brought his lunch. I help certain girls who have not done their homework or learnt their lesson well. In the evening, I read some religious book to my grandmother. People around me consider my activities good. This makes me feel good.

Think It Over

Question 1 .
Our body is the chariot, senses are the horses, and our Mind is the charioteer. If we don’t control the senses they will lead us to disaster. Think over this chariot of the Mind. On which path would you like to keep the chariot? Write.
The body is the chariot of the Mind. It can go astray if the mind wavers. Those who have a flickering mind easily become thieves, robbers, dacoits and criminals. Senses run after sense objects. The eyes take pleasure to look at beautiful objects. The tongue relishes delicious and sweet objects. Hands get impatient to do foul deeds. It is the duty of the mind to put reins on the senses. A loose mind has no hold over strong senses. Therefore, the mind should be strong to check the senses from going astray. If the senses are controlled, the body will also be controlled. It will save us from disaster. At the same time, it will lead us to noble deeds.

Question 2.
Wise men opt for what is good, others for what is pleasurable. Both these options lead to different paths. Think and classify your options:
good – pleasurable
Wise men opt for what is good. A thing of beauty is a joy forever. Good things are those which are always considered good irrespective of change in moods or climes. Service to humanity, charity to the poor and thinking about others’ welfare are good activities. The path of goodness is not a bed of roses. It is full of hardships. In spite of that, wise men opt for this path because it is related to a noble mind. What others opt for is pleasurable. They wish to ride vehicles, eat tasty things, view romantic films and visit places of scenic beauty. Such pleasure seeking persons are governed by their senses and so fell a victim to sense objects.

Things To Do

1. Great men have always advised their coming generations to enlighten their mind. Go to the library and collect such; guidelines that will help you in your studies.
2. Share those guidelines with your friends and write them on a sheet with colourful sketch pens. Read them every day at least once.
Do yourself.

Goodwill Additional Important Questions

A. Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions given below it. (M.P. Board 2012)

1. May that by which wise men, skilful in rituals
and steady in assemblies, perform their tasks
that peerless spirit that lies in all creatures,
may that my mind resolve on what is good.
May that which is deep knowledge, intellect, memory

that which is the deathless Flame in living beings,
without which nothing whatever is done,
may that my Mind resolve on what is good. (Page 1)

(i) Identify the poem and its source.
(ii) What is the central idea of this poem?
(iii) Explain “that peerless……………what is good.”
(iv) What does ‘deathless flame’ refer to?
(i) The poem is ‘Goodwill’ which is an extract from Yajurveda.
(ii) The central idea of the poem is that one who is true in word, deed and thought alone can develop goodwill.
(iii) It means that the unique spirit (Divine Soul) resides in all creatures.
(iv) It refers to the everlasting flame, the flame of knowledge.

2. May that which guides men like a good charioteer
who controls fleet-footed horses with the reins,
that which abides in the heart, most swift and active,
may that my Mind resolve on what is good. (Page 1) (M.P. Board 2009)

(a) The poem from which these lines have been taken is:
(i) Goodwill
(ii) If?
(iii) To the Cuckoo
(iv) The Bridge Builder
(i) Goodwill

(b) The word used for a long narrow band usually of leather by which a horse is controlled’, in the extract is:
(i) abide
(ii) fleet
(iii) reins
(iv) charioteer
(iii) reins

(c) In what sense is the word ‘Mind’ used in this poem:
(i) intellect
(ii) swift
(iii) inner sense (conscience)
(iv) active
(iii) inner sense (conscience)

I. Match the following:

1. Wiseman – (a) lies in all creatures
2. Peerless spirit – (b) in living beings
3. Mind – (c) controls fleet-footed horses
4. A good charioteer – (d) skilful in rituals
5. Deathless flame – (e) resolve on what is good
1. (d), 2. (a), 3. (e), 4. (c), 5. (b).

II. Pick-up the correct choice.

(i) A. Wisemen are unskilled in rituals.
B. Foolish persons are skilful in rituals.
C. The peerless spirit lies in a few creatures.
D. Wisemen are skilful in rituals.
D. Wisemen are skilful in rituals.

(ii) A. Foolish persons perform their task.
B. May my mind resolve on what is good.
C. A good fighter guides men.
D. All the hearts are slow and idle.
B. May my mind resolve on what is good.

III. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’.

1. ‘Goodwill’ is an extract from Samaveda.
2. The Vedas are regarded as ancient books.
3. The date of the Vedas is known.
4. The Vedas deal with the ‘deity’, ‘creation’ and ‘existence’.
5. Divine nature of the spirit of man is also a part of the Divine Essence (Spirit of God).
1. False, 2. True, 3. False, 4. True, 5. True.

IV. Fill up the following blanks.

1. And steady in ………… perform their task.
2. May that my mind ………………. on what is good.
3. That which abides in the ……….. most swift and active.
4. A good ………..controls fleet footed horses with the reins.
5. That which is the ………. in living beings.
1. assemblies
2. resolve
3. heart
4. charioteer.
5. deathless flame.

B. Short Answer Type Questions (In about 25 words)

Question 1.
Define the Mind.
It is the cerebral part of the body. It is the source of one’s thoughts and feelings. It has the ability to reason.

Question 2.
What do you understand by the ‘peerless spirit’?
The ‘peerless spirit’ is another name for the ‘Divine Essence’. It activates and motivates the human bodies to perform actions. It is not only active but swift too.

Question 3.
What do you know about the Vedas?
Vedas are the most ancient holy texts of the Hindus. They were revealed to the rishis in meditation. There are four Vedas named Rigveda, Samaveda, Yajurveda and Atharvaveda. They deal with the ‘Deity’, ‘Creation’ and ‘Existence’.

Question 4.
What is the function of the mind in the body?
Mind has the ability to reason. It also retains past memory. It controls our fleshly desires. A logical mind discards us from any misdeeds.

C. Class 10 English Chapter 1 Mp Board Long Answer Type Question (In about 50 words)

Question 1.
What happens in the absence of ‘Goodwill’?
Goodwill promotes good actions. In this sense we can say that if there is no goodwill, there are no good actions. It is a matter of great regret that goodwill is hardly seen on earth. Absence of goodwill shows progress in crimes against persons and property. Forgery, fraud and perjury, adultery rape and black marketing becoming the order of the day.

Goodwill Introduction

This is an extract from Yajurveda which is one of the four Vedas. The essence of this hymn is that man should be controlled by his mind and not by his fleshly desires.

Some Important Pronunciations

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