MP 10TH English

MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Solutions Chapter 2 The Happy Prince

MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Solutions Chapter 2 The Happy Prince

The Happy Prince Summary in English

The statue of a Happy Prince stood on a tall column in the city centre. It was covered with golden leaves. Two sapphires were fitted in his eyes and ruby glowed in his sword hilt. The prince looked around and viewed the pathetic plight of the poor.

A little swallow flew over the city one night. His friends had already gone to Egypt. He stayed back for he was in love with the most beautiful Reed. His courtship lasted all through the summer. But there were no Reeds when autumn came. All the swallows flew away.

The lonely swallow came and sat on the statue. He longed to spend the night there. A large drop of water fell over him as he was going to sleep. The swallow was amazed since there was no cloud. The swallow decided to fly away when another drop of water fell over him. He looked at the statue when the third drop of water fell down. He found the Happy Prince weeping.

The statue told the swallow that he didn’t know what tears were when he was alive. Now he sat quite high and could view the miseries of the city. The Happy Prince told the swallow about a seamstress. She was embroidering flowers on the satin gown of the Queen’s maids-of honour. Her son was suffering from fever. The Happy Prince asked the swallow to pick the ruby from his sword hilt and give that to her.

The swallow flew to the woman’s house and put the ruby near her thimble. He also fanned the boy’s forehead. Feeling a bit better the boy sank into a deep slumber. The swallow’s good action made him feel warmer though it was cold. The Happy Prince asked him to stay there one more night. He told him about a playwright who was too cold to write and finish his play for the Director of the Theatre. He was feeling hungry also. He asked the swallow to pluck one sapphire from his eye and give that to the playwright. The swallow did accordingly.

The playwright became happy to see the sapphire. It would enable him to finish the play. The swallow returned to the Happy Prince to bid him good bye. The Happy Prince again requested him to stay for another night.


The Happy Prince told the swallow about a little match girl in the square below. Her matches had fallen in the gutter. Her father would punish her if she returned home without money. Therefore, she was crying. He asked the swallow to fly to her and give her a sapphire from his eye. The swallow placed the sapphire into the little girl’s hand. Then he flew back to the Happy Prince who had gone blind. The swallow promised to stay with him forever. The Happy Prince asked him to fly over the city and tell him what he saw. The swallow told the Happy Prince about the hungry children and the poor people. As desired by the Happy Prince, the swallow took leaf after leaf of the fine gold over his body and gave them to the needy and helpless. As a result, the children played and the poor laughed.

Then winter set in and snow and frost appeared. The poor little swallow grew colder and colder but kept staying with the Happy Prince. However, he felt that his death was near. The swallow asked the Happy Prince to let him kiss his hand. The Prince asked him to kiss on the lips before going to Egypt. The swallow apprised him that he was going to the house of Death. Just then, he fell down dead.
Then a crack appeared inside the statue. The heart of the Happy Prince broke into two. The dead swallow lay on his feet. The Mayor and the Town Councillors happened to pass that way, the next morning. They declared that the Happy Prince was no longer beautiful and useful. They ordered to destroy it melting in fire.

The broken heart of the Happy Prince did not melt in the furnace. The Mayor declared that his own statue must be made with metal. The town Councillors disagreed and started quarrelling among themselves.

The broken lead heart was thrown away in the dust-heap near the swallow. God asked one of His Angels to bring him the two most precious things in the city. The Angel obeyed. God said that the little bird would sing for Him forever in the Garden of Paradise. The Happy Prince would praise him forever in the city of gold.

The Happy Prince Summary in Hindi

नगर के बीच, एक ऊँचे स्तम्भ पर हैप्पी प्रिंस का बुत था। वह सुनहरे पत्तों से ढका हुआ था। उसकी आँखों के स्थान पर दो बड़े नीलम लगे हुए थे और उसकी तलवार के ऊपर एक मरकत मणि चमक रहा था। प्रिंस ने चारों तरफ नजर डाली और निर्धनों की दयनीय दशा देखी। . एक रात एक छोटा अबाबील शहर के ऊपर से उड़ा। उसके मित्र पहले ही मिस्र में पहुंच गए थे। वह पीछे ठहरा रहा क्योंकि वह एक सर्वाधिक सुन्दर नरसल से प्यार करता था। समूची गर्मियों में उसका प्रेम चलता रहा। पतझड़ आने पर कोई नरसल नहीं रही। सभी अबाबील उड़ गये।

अकेला अबाबील आया और बुत के ऊपर बैठ गया। वह वहाँ रात बिताना चाहता था। ज्यों ही वह सोने वाला था त्यों ही पानी की एक बड़ी बूंद उसके ऊपर गिरी। अबाबील को हैरानी हुई क्योंकि बादल नहीं थे। जब उसके ऊपर पानी की दूसरी बूंद गिरी तो अबाबील ने उड़ने का निर्णय लिया। जब तीसरी बूंद गिरी तो उसने बुत की तरफ देखा। उस ने हैप्पी प्रिंस को रोते हुए देखा।

बुत ने अबालील को बताया कि जब तक वह जीवित था उसे आँसुओं के बारे में कुछ पता नहीं था। अब वह काफी ऊँचाई पर स्थित है और उसे नगर का दुख दिखाई पड़ रहा है। हैप्पी प्रिंस ने अबाबील को एक दर्जिन के बारे में बताया। वह रानी की दासियों के साटिन के गाउनों पर फूलों की कढ़ाई कर रही थी। उसका बेटा ज्वर से पीड़ित था। हैप्पी प्रिंस ने अबाबील से कहा कि उसकी तलवार की मूठ से मरकत मणि निकालकर उसे दे दे। ___अबाबील उड़कर उस महिला के घर गया और उसने उसके अंगुस्ताने के पास मरकत मणि रख दी। उसने लड़के के माथे पर हवा भी की। थोड़ा बेहतर महसूस करता हुआ बालक गहरी नींद में सो गया हालाँकि ठण्ड थी परन्तु अबाबील के नेक काम के कारण उसने गर्मी महसूस की। हैप्पी प्रिंस ने अबाबील से एक रात और ठहरने के लिए कहा। उसने एक नाटककार के बारे में उसे बताया जो इतनी ठण्ड महसूस कर रहा था कि रंगमंच के निर्देशक के लिए लिखे जाने वाले अपने नाटक को समाप्त नहीं कर पा रहा था। उसे भूख भी लग रही थी। उस ने अबाबील से कहा कि उस की आँख से एक नीलम निकाल ले और उसे नाटककार को दे आए। अबाबील ने उसकी इच्छानुसार काम किया।

नीलम को देखकर नाटककार प्रसन्न हो गया। यह उसे नाटक को समाप्त करने में सशक्त बनाएगा। अबाबील हैप्पी प्रिंस के पास उसे अलविदा कहने के लिए लौट आया। हैप्पी प्रिंस ने एक रात और ठहरने के लिए उससे प्रार्थना की। हैप्पी प्रिंस ने अबाबील को नीचे आँगन में माचिस बनाने वाली एक छोटी लड़की के बारे में बताया। उसकी माचिसें नाले में गिर गई थीं। यदि वह खाली हाथों घर लौटेगी तो उसके पिता उसे दण्ड देंगे। इसलिए वह रो रही थी। उसने अबाबील से कहा कि उड़कर उसके पास जाए और उस की आँख का नीलम उसे दे आए। अबाबील ने छोटी लड़की के हाथ में नीलम रख दिया। अबाबील लौटकर हैप्पी प्रिंस के पास आया जो अंधा हो चुका था। अबाबील ने हमेशा उसके साथ ठहरने का वचन दिया।

हैप्पी प्रिंस ने उसे कहा कि वह नगर के ऊपर उड़े और उसे बताए कि उसने क्या देखा है। अबाबील ने भूखे बच्चों और निर्धन व्यक्तियों के बारे में हैप्पी प्रिंस को बताया। हैप्पी प्रिंस की इच्छानुसार उसने उसके शरीर से सुन्दर सोने के सारे पत्ते निकाल लिये और उन्हें उनके लिए दे दिया। बच्चे खेलने लगे और निर्धन लोग हँसने लगे।


फिर सर्दी शुरू हो गई और बर्फ तना कोहरा पड़ने लगे। बेचारे छोटे अबाबील को अधिक सर्दी लगने लगी परन्तु वह वहीं ठहरा रहा। परन्तु उसने महसूस किया कि उसकी मृत्यु नजदीक है। अबाबील ने हैप्पी प्रिंस से कहा कि उसे उसका हाथ चूमने दे। हैप्पी प्रिंस ने मिस्र में जाने से पहले उसे उसके होठों का चुम्बन लेने के लिए कहा। अबाबील ने उसे बताया कि वह मृत्यु के दरबार में जा रहा है। तभी वह गिरकर मर गया।

फिर बुत के भीतर एक दरार आ गयी। हैप्पी प्रिंस का हृदय टूटकर दो टुकड़ों में हो गया। मरा हुआ अबाबील उसके कदमों में पड़ा था। अगली प्रातः महापौर तथा नगर पार्षद उधर से गुजरे। उन्होंने घोषणा की कि हैप्पी प्रिंस अब न तो सुन्दर है और न ही लाभकारी। उसने उसे आग में गलाकर खत्म करने का आदेश दिया। हैप्पी प्रिंस का टूटा हुआ हृदय भट्ठी में नहीं पिघला। महापौर ने घोषणा की कि उस (हैप्पी प्रिंस) की धातु से उसका अपना बुत बनाया जाए। नगर पार्षद इस बात पर असहमत हो गए और एक-दूसरे के साथ लड़ने लगे।

टूटे हुए हृदय को अबाबील के पास धूल-मिट्टी में फेंक दिया गया। परमात्मा ने अपने देवदूतों में से एक देवता को नगर में से दो सर्वाधिक बहुमूल्य वस्तुएँ लाने को कहा। देवदूत ने आज्ञा का पालन किया। परमात्मा ने कहा कि छोटा पक्षी स्वर्ग के उद्यान में सदा उसके लिए गाएगा। हैप्पी प्रिंस उसके सोने के शहर में सदैव उसकी प्रशंसा करेगा।

In this article, we will share MP Board Class 10th English Solutions The Rainbow Chapter 2 The Happy Prince Pdf, These solutions are solved subject experts from the latest edition books.

MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Solutions Chapter 2 The Happy Prince (Oscar Wilde)

The Happy Prince Textbook Exercises

The Happy Prince Vocabulary

1. Make a list of words ending in -logy. example: Ornithology
List of words ending in -logy
Anthropology – Physiology
Biology – Radiology
Cardiology – Venerology
Dermatology – Zoology
Geology – Gynecology
Microbiology – Ophthalmology
Pathology – Pharmacology

II. (a) Collect the synonyms of the following words by consulting a dictionary:
admire, happy, famous, lovely, see, walk, slumber.
Words – Synonyms
Admire – praise, appreciate, esteem
Happy – pleased, delighted contented, felicitous
Famous – renowned, distinguished, noted
Lovely – pleasant, pretty, charming, enchanting
See – look, behold, view Walk wander, stroll, tread, move
Slumber – repose, nap, sleep

(b) Collect the antonyms of the following words by consulting a dictionary:
love, friend, beautiful, precious, day.
Words – Antonyms
Love – hatred, contempt
Friend – enemy, foe, adversary
Beautiful – ugly, obnoxious, vulgar,
Precious – cheap, inferior
Day – night

III. English spelling is not phonetic, as there are many silent letters in English words,
e.g.: know, column
Now select such words from the lesson and pronounce them.
Bridge, white watch man etc.

The Happy Prince Comprehension

A. Answer the following questions in about 25 words.

Question 1.
What made the Swallow stay behind, even after his friends had gone away to Egypt?
The swallow was in love with the most beautiful reed. He was deeply attracted by her slender waist. The reed also responded to his love. His courtship (love-affair) lasted all through the summer. Therefore he stayed behind even after his friends had gone away to Egypt.

Question 2.
What was the statue of the Happy Prince adorned with?
The statue of the Happy Prince was gracefully adorned. It was gilded (covered) all over with thin leaves of fine gold. He had two bright sapphires for his eyes. A large red ruby glowed on his sword-hilt.

Question 3.
How did the people admire the beauty of the statue of the Happy Prince?
The people admired the beauty of the statue of Happy Prince in the following ways: One of the Town, Councillors said, “The Happy Prince is as beautiful as a weathercock.” The charity children said, ‘The Happy Prince looks just like an angel.”

Question 4.
Where did the swallow put up at night?
One night, a little swallow flew over the city. All day long he flew. He got tired at night and flew down. The town had gone to sleep. He sat at the statue. He decided to put up at night there. He spent the night just between the feet of the Happy Prince. It was like a golden bedroom.

Question 5.
When the third drop of water fell, the swallow looked up. What did he see?
Two large drops of water fell on the swallow. He called it a curious thing because there was no cloud in the sky. Soon the third drop of water fell. The swallow looked up. He saw the eyes of the Happy Prince filled with tears and tears were running down his golden cheeks.

Question 6.
Why was the Happy Prince weeping?
When the Happy Prince was alive, he had not known what tears were. He lived in the palace where life was sorrow free. The courtiers called him the Happy Prince. When the Happy Prince died, they set him very high. Now he was able to see the ugliness and miseries of the city. Therefore, he was weeping.

Question 7.
Why did the Happy Prince not know the sufferings of his people?
When the Happy Prince was alive, he used to live in the palace. There were no sorrows and sufferings in the lives of the people living there. He led a joyful life. He had no contact with his people. Therefore, he did not know about their sufferings. Everything around him was beautiful.

Question 8.
To whom did the Happy Prince give the ruby and why?
There was a seamstress, far away in a little street. Her little son lay ill in the bed. He was suffering from fever. He was asking for oranges. He was crying because his mother could not afford to give him anything but river water. Seeing her miseries the Happy Prince gave her the ruby.

Question 9.
What were the Happy Prince’s eyes made of? What did he do with them?
(M.P. Board 2011)
The Happy Prince’s eyes were made of two bright sapphires. He gave one sapphire to a playwright. He was feeling cold and was hungry. He gave the other sapphire to a little match- girl. She had let her matches fall in a gutter and was crying

Question 10.
‘He is little better than a beggar’, said the Mayor, looking at the statue. Why did he say so?
The Mayor looked at the statue. The leaden heart of the Happy Prince had broken into two. Its golden leaves were stripped off. His eye had gone. His sword was looking ugly. It was neither beautiful nor useful. It was so shabby that the Mayor said, “He is little better than a beggar.

Question 11.
What happened to the statue of the Happy Prince at last? (M.P. Board 2017)
The Mayor and the Town Councillors saw the ugly statue. They got it pulled down as it was no longer useful. Then they melted the statue in a furnace. It was decided that the Mayor’s statue should be made out of its metal. The broken lead heart did not melt in furnace. Hence it was thrown in a dust-heap.

Question 12.
Did the Swallow go to Egypt? Give reason. (M.P. Board 2009, 2016)
The swallow did not go to Egypt. He had resolved to stay with the Happy Prince for-ever because he had gone blind. He would not leave the Happy Prince out of his deep love and regard for him. Moreover, he had lost his strength to fly and died at the feet of the Happy Prince.

Question 13.
What were the two most precious things in the city that the angel brought to God?
The angels brought two things from the city to God. They were the leaden heart of the Happy Prince and the dead swallow. They had done something good for the poor and the needy. Both the angel and God considered them as most precious things (for haven).

B. Answer the following questions in about 50 words

Question 1.
How did the Happy Prince compensate his ignorance of his people’s sufferings?
The Happy Prince used to live in a palace while he was alive. Sorrow was not allowed to enter his palace. Therefore, he was ignorant of the people’s sufferings. He never cared to ask about what lay beyond the garden wall. He lived and died in pleasure and happiness. He compensated his ignorance. He said that he got the first view of misery and suffering in the city after his death. He was set up so high as a statue. Now he could see misery and ugliness of the city around him.

Question 2.
The Swallow narrated to the Happy Prince the things he had seen in the city. Re-narrate it in your own words.
The Happy Prince asked the swallow to fly over his city and tell him what he saw there. The swallow saw the rich making merry in their beautiful houses while the beggars were sitting at the gates. He saw the white faces of hungry children in dark lanes. He saw two hungry little boys shivering with cold. They were lying in each other’s arms under the archway of a bridge to keep themselves warm. The watchman drove them out into the rain. The swallow flew back and narrated to the Happy Prince what he had seen.

Question 3.
How was the Swallow instrumental in lessening the miseries of the people?
The Happy Prince (statue) saw all the ugliness and misery of his city. He found a helpmate in the swallow. The swallow followed the orders of the Happy Prince. First, The Happy Prince told him (swallow) to take a ruby from his sword-hilt and give it to the seamstress. The seamstress with the help of the ruby bought oranges for her son suffering from fever. Then he sent a sapphire to a playwright. The playwright removed his cold and hunger with it. Later, he sent a sapphire to a match girl. She exchanged it with money. It stopped her from crying and saved her from being beaten by her father. In this way, the swallow proved instrumental in lessening the miseries of the people.

Question 4.
“The story of the Happy Prince is an indirect criticism” of the insensitivity, selfishness and shallow thinking of men, Critically analyse this statement quoting examples from the story. (M.P. Board 2012)
The swallow saw the rich people living in luxury. They were least bothered about the beggars sitting at their gates. Poor children lived in dark streets. Their faces were white due to starvation. Nobody showed any concern for them. It was raining but the watchman drove away two little boys who had found shelter under the archway of the bridge. Nobody helped the poor seamstress, the playwright and the little matchgirl. It justifies the statement that the story of the Happy Prince is an indirect criticism of the insensitivity, selfishness and shallow thinking of men.

The Happy Prince Grammar

A. Study the following sentences.

1. He is as beautiful as a weathercock.
2. I am glad there is someone in the world who is quite happy.
3. He looks just like an angel.
4. How do you know?
5. Who are you?

The underlined verbs are in Simple Present Tense. Now put the verbs given in brackets into the Simple Present Tense.

Question 1.
He (determined) to fly away.
He determines to fly away.

Question 2.
I (lived) in the palace of Sans-souci.
I live in the palace of Sans-souci.

Question 3.
My courtiers (called) me Happy Prince.
My courtiers call me Happy Prince.

Question 4.
The Happy Prince (looked) so sad that the little swallow (was) sorry.
The Happy Prince looks so sad that the little swallow is sorry.

Question 5.
The Swallow (flew) away with the great ruby in his beak over the roofs of the town.
The swallow flies away with the great ruby in his beak over the roofs of the town.

B. Study the following sentences:

1. The Mathematical Master frowned and looked very severe.
2. One night there flew over the city a little Swallow.
3. Then another drop fell.
4. Ah! What did he see?
5. I played with my companions in the garden.

The underlined verbs are in Simple Past Tense.
Now, put the verbs given in brackets into Simple Past Tense.

Question 1.
I (come) of a family famous for its agility.
I came of a family famous for its agility.

Question 2.
It (is) very cold here.
It was very cold here.

Question 3.
What (is) the use of a staute if it (can) not keep the rain off?
What was the use of a statue if it could not keep the rain off?

Question 4.
I (do) not think I (like) boys.
I did not think I liked boys.

Question 5.
I (come) to bid you good-bye.
I came to bid you good-bye.

C. Study the following sentences.

1. “Shall I love you?” said the swallow.
2. “Will you come away with me?” He said finally to her.
3. “I will wait with you one night longer”, said the Swallow.
4. I will stay with you always.
5. The ruby shall be redder than a red rose.

The underlined verb are in Simple Future Tense.
Now, put the verb given in brackets into the Simple Future Tense.

Question 1.
There (is) no Mystery so great as Misery.
There will be no mystery so great as misery.

Question 2.
In Egypt the sun (is) warm on the green palm trees.
In Egypt the sun will be warm on the green palm trees.

Question 3.
She (has) no shoes or stockings.
She will have no shoes or stockings.

Question 4.
You (tell) me of marvellous things.
You will tell me of marvellous things.

Question 5.
Happy Prince (praises) me.
Happy Prince will praise me.

Speaking Skill

Think of something nice that you did for someone or that someone did for you. Narrate your experience in the classroom.
You may start as directed below:
(The teacher is busy with the class. A student comes at the door.)
Student-May I come in, Sir?
Teacher-What is this Vishal? Why are you coming so late today?
Vishal-I’m sorry, Sir. Actually when I was coming to school I saw one poor boy meeting with an accident. So ….
The teacher is busy with the class. A student comes at the door.
Student: May I come in, Sir?
Teacher-What is this Vishal? Why are you coming so late today?
Vishal.-I’m sorry, Sir. Actually when I was coming to school I saw one poor boy meeting with an accident. So I desired to help him.
Teacher–How did you help him?
Student—I gave him first aid.
Teacher–How long did you stay with him? What happened then?
Student-I stayed there for about ten minutes, Sir. His leg did not stop bleeding.
Teacher-What did you do then?
Student—Then I took him to the DDU Hospital. I got him admitted there.
Teacher-You did a noble deed. You deserve all praise.

Writing Skill

Question 1.
‘God loves those who love others’, Justify. (50 words)
God loves those who love others—The swallow did not accompany other swallows to Egypt. He stayed behind as long as the reed responded to his love. Then he found another object of love. He loved the Happy Prince so much that he left the idea of going to Egypt. His service and sacrifice bore fruit after his death. The divine angel took him to heaven. God made him sing in his own garden of Paradise. Abou Ben Adam’s name was placed on the top of the list of those loved by God. It was because he loved others.

Question 2.
You are the secretary of the students’ welfare association of your school. Write down the aims and objectives of the association. (150 words)
Aims and objectives of welfare association-As the secretary of my school’s students’ welfare association, I shall look all the benefits of the students. I shall see that there is sufficient furniture in the staffroom as well as the classrooms. The rooms should be airy and wellventilated. The rooms are always kept clean. The blackboard is quite big and duly painted. The teachers are allotted separate cabins to meet the students and check the note-books.

The playground is spacious and there is sufficient games material. There is a reading room inside the library. There is a large collection of useful books. There is a big hall to hold functions. It has a raised platform and lecture stand. Periodical lectures are arranged in the school. Teachers are sufficient in number. They are highly qualified and experienced. Strict discipline is maintained. There is provision for clean and fresh water. The toilets are cleaned everyday. Poor students are exempted from payment of fees and get free books and clothes. Talented students are duly honoured.

Think It Over

Question 1.
The things that make us really happy cannot be bought. They are available free of cost. One can buy the most comfortable bed, but sound sleep cannot be bought.
One can buy the most delicious food, but appetite cannot be bought.
One can buy the costliest medicines, but health cannot be bought. Think and increase the list.
One can buy the most splendid house but peace cannot be bought.
One can buy the costliest jewellery but faith cannot be bought.
One can buy the costliest car but happiness and ease cannot be bought.
One can buy the best of juice but thirst cannot be bought.

Question 2.
The real happiness lies in making others happy. Think and quote one example.
It was lunch time. I went to the public park with my tiffin. An old man came there. He begged some money from me. He told me that he had not eaten any food for two days. Good sense prevailed upon me. I gave my tiffin to him. He blessed me a hundred times. The kind act done by me left me happier.

Things To Do

Read at least one newspaper everyday. Select the news which highlights certain human values, such as honesty, patriotism, compassion, sympathy, kindness, righteousness etc. Make a collection of cuttings or photocopies of such news items. Read them frequently so that you may quote them whenever required.
Share your collection with your friends.
Do yourself.

The Happy Prince Additional Important Questions

A. Read the passages and answer the following questions:
1. “I have a golden bedroom,” he said softly to himself as he looked round, and he prepared to go to sleep but just as he was putting his head under his wing a large drop of water fell on him. “What a curious thing!” he cried; “there is not a single cloud in the sky, the stars are quite clear and bright and yet it is raining. The climate in the north of Europe is really dreadful. The Reed used to like the rain, but that was merely her selfishness.” (Page 5)

(a) Find a word opposite in meaning to ‘delightful’.
(b) Give the main form of the word ‘prepared’.
(c) Give a word similar in meaning to ‘strange’.
(d) What is golden bedroom for the swallow?
(a) dreadful
(b) preparation
(c) curious
(d) The Happy Prince’s feet are the golden bedroom for the swallow.

2. “The boy is so thirsty, and the mother so sad.” “I don’t think I like boys,” answered the Swallow. “Last summer, when I was staying on the river, there were two rude boys, the miller’s sons, who were always throwing stones at me. They never hit me, of course; we swallows fly far too well for that, and besides, I come of a family famous for its agility; but still, it was a mark of disrespect.” (Page 7)

(a) Find a word opposite in meaning to ‘strange’.
(b) Give noun form of the word ‘thirsty’.
(c) Give one word used for ‘in addition to’ in the passage.
(d) Why was the mother sad?
(a) famous
(b) thirst
(c) besides
(d) The mother was sad because she couldn’t buy orange for her ailing son.

I. Match the following:
1. The Happy Prince – (a) furnace
2. Swallow rested – (b) with town Councillors
3. Swallow wanted to go to – (c) at the Prince’s feet
4. The broken lead heart – (d) covered with golden leaves did not melt
5. Mayor came – (e) Egypt.
1. (d), 2. (c), 3. (e), 4. (a), 5. (b).

II. Pick up the correct choice:
(i) The Happy Prince is written by:
A. R.K. Laxman
B. R.K. Narayan
C. Oscar Wilde
D. M.K. Gandhi.
(C) Oscar Wilde

(ii) A. Statue of a prince – (stood/stand) in the city centre.
B. One night a swallow happened to rest ………….. (at/on) the Prince’s feet.
C. The statue could neither be melted ……………… (or/nor) broken.
D. The little swallow grew …………..(old and old/older and older)
E. The swallow…………(fly/flew) back to the Happy Prince, and told him what he had done.
A. stood
B. at
C. nor
D. older and older
E. flew

III. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’:
1. The statue of the Happy Prince stood in a museum.
2. The swallow’s tears fell on the prince’s feet.
3. The Prince asked the swallow to take out the ruby from his sword hilt and give it to a seamstress.
4. The swallow wanted to go to Hongkong.
5. God asked the angel to send the little bird and the Happy Prince to heaven.

  1. False
  2. False
  3. True
  4. False
  5. True.

IV. Fill in the following blanks:
1. For …………. the Happy Prince had two bright sapphires.
2. A red ……………. glowed on the Happy Prince’s sword-hilt.
3. How wonderful the ……………… are and how wonderful is the power of
4. A young man is trying to finish a play for the ……………… of the Theatre.
5. The swallow swooped past the ……….. and slipped the jewel into the palm of her hand.

  1. eyes
  2. ruby
  3. stars; love
  4. Director
  5. match-girl.

B. Short Answer Type Questions (In about 25 words)

Question 1.
How did the sapphire help the playwright?
The Happy Prince sent a sapphire to the playwright. He was shivering with cold and was hungry. He sold the sapphire to a jeweller. He would buy foodstuff with the money and fill his belly. He would buy firewood, get rid of cold and finish his play which was lying incomplete.

Question 2.
Give a short description of the playwright.
The playwriglit was a young man. He lived in a garret. His hair were brown and crisp and his lips were red. He had large and dreamy eyes. He was faint with hunger. He was too cold to finish the play for the Director of the Theatre.

Question 3.
Give a brief description of the seamstress.
The poor seamstress lived in a house in a little street. Her face was thin and warm. She had rough red hands pricked by the needle. She earned too little to buy oranges for her ailing son.

Question 4.
Why did the swallow want to go to Egypt? Why did he stay behind?
All of the swallow’s friends had gone to Egypt. It was cold here but warm in Egypt. Therefore he also wanted to go there. Initially he stayed behind out of his passionate love for a reed. Then he engaged himself in the service of the Happy Prince. He saw him getting blind and resolved to stay behind with him.

Question 5.
Why did the swallow not like boys?
The Happy Prince wanted to send a ruby through the swallow to a boy. He was thirsty and his mother was sad. The swallow replied that he hated boys. He cited his past experience. Once he was staying on the river. Two rude boys always threw stones at him. It was a mark of disrespect for him.

Question 6.
What did the swallow view while he flew over the roofs of the town?
The swallow wanted to send a ruby to a thirsty boy. He flew over the roofs of a town. He passed the cathedral tower. He saw the white marble angels sculptured there. He heard the sound of dancing in a palace. He saw Queen’s maid-of-honour on the balcony with her lover. The boy and his mother (the seamstress) lived beyond the river.

Question 7.
What important things did the Happy Prince tell the swallow? When did he tell them?
The Happy Prince told the swallow that of all the marvellous things in the world, the most marvellous thing is the people’s suffering. There was no mystery so great as misery. He told this when he had gone blind and the swallow had decided to act as his eyes.

Question 8.
The swallow told the Happy Prince about the poor and hungry children? What was the reaction of the Happy Prince to it? Why?
The swallow told the Happy Prince about the plight of the hungry children. The Happy Prince was shocked. He asked the swallow to take off the gold over his body leaf by leaf and give that to the poor. It would help them a great deal. The living beings always think that gold can make them happy.

Question 9.
What happened when the little swallow fell down dead?
The little swallow kissed the Happy Prince on the lips. Soon after he fell down dead. The very same moment, a curious crack sounded inside the statue. It seemed as if something had broken into two. It was nothing else than the Happy Prince’s lead heart.

C. Long Answer Type Questions (In about 50 words)

Question 1.
Give a brief character-sketch of the Happy Prince.
When the Happy Prince was alive, he lived in a palace. He led a happy and pleasant life. Sorrow was not allowed to enter his palace. On his death, his statue was set on a tall pillar in the city. He had a ruby on his sword-hilt. His eyes were of sapphire. His body was covered with leaves of gold. Now he could view the sufferings of men, women and children from the tall pillar. He was deeply moved. He vowed to help the poor. With the help of the swallow he helped the seamstress, a playwright and a matchgirl with the ruby and sapphires. He sent his gold leaves to the hungry children. His heart broke when the swallow was dead. He himself became ugly in serving the suffering humanity. He deserves all praise. The Mayor called him ugly and useless but God gave him a place in his city of gold.

Question 2.
Give a brief character-sketch of the swallow.
The swallow was a bird but had a human heart. He loved the reed passionately. He was aggrieved when she deserted him. He flew over the city and sought shelter at the feet of a statue. He got soaked but spent the night there. His heart melted when he saw tears in the Happy Prince’s (statue’s) eyes. He befriended the statue and engaged himself in his service. He followed his orders to the letter. He sacrificed his comforts. He felt cold but did not show any desire to reach Egypt and enjoy its warmth. He was true to his word. He was faithful and sincere. He deserves all praise. He could feel most of what a human heart experiences.

The Happy Prince Introduction

In this story, the author describes the miserable condition of the poor and the helpless. At the same time, he describes the selfish and inhuman behaviour of the rich. The author, through his story, conveys his message of love and compassion for the poor and the needy. One should have faith in good actions because only this will bring peace and happiness.

The Happy Prince Word-Meanings

The Happy Prince Some Important Pronunciations
MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Solutions Chapter 2 The Happy Prince 3

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