MP 10TH English

MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Workbook Solutions Chapter 3 Of Expense

MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Workbook Solutions Chapter 3 Of Expense

In this article, we will share MP Board Class 10th English Solutions The Rainbow Workbook Chapter 3 Of Expense Pdf, These solutions are solved subject experts from the latest edition books.

MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Workbook Solutions Chapter 3 Of Expense

Of Expense Vocabulary

I. The word ‘disadvantage’ has a prefix as well as suffix. Write other such five words having prefix as well as suffix.
e.g. dis honour able
I dis respect able
I dis taste ful
I un work able
I up right ness
I un objection able

II. Note the difference between ‘certainly’ and ‘Surely’. Now use these words properly in a dialogue.
e.g. Mohan : “He’s a brilliant student, isn’t he?”
Rani : “Well, he certainly works very hard.”
Mohan : “He’s also a good painter.”
Rani : “Surely this can’t be true.”

III. The world ‘but’ is being used in the beginning of a sentence as well as in the middle of a sentence. Use the world ‘but’ in the same manner in some sentences and notice the difference in the pronounciation of this word also.
Do it yourself.

Listening Skill

Listen to the following poem twice.

See workbook page 15

A. Now, answer the following questions:
Fill in the blanks using the missing lines of the poem.

Question 1.
Money is our madness; our vast collective madness.
And of course, if the multitude is mad.

Question 2.
Money has got us down, we grovel before it in strange terror.
And no wonder, for money has a fearful cruel power among men.

Question 3.
Has he no money? They let him eat direct and go cold.
And if I have no money, they will give me a little bread.

Question 4.
We must have some money to save us from eating dirt.
And this is all wrong.

Question 5.
Bread should be free
Shelter should be free.

Question 6.
to all and anybody, all and anybody
All over the world.

Question 7.
We must regain sanity about money
before we start killing one another about it.

8. It’s one thing or the other.

Speaking Skill

Look at this situation where you want to give some suggestion for saving money.

See Workbook pages 17-18

Do yourself.

Reading Skill
Read the passage carefully.

See Workbook pages 18-19

I. Now answer the following questions:

(a) What is the author talking about?
The author is talking about whether it is dishonest to rob one’s own money box.

(b) Who are the two selves in each one of us?
The self that wishes to save and the self that wishes to spend.

(c) How different are they?
One of them differs as much from the other as a man does from his first cousin.

(d) Do they trust each other?
No, they do not trust each other.

(e) Which self acts as a watch guard?
The self that saves acts as the watch guard.

(f) Whose position becomes tragic?
The position of both of them (the self that saves and the self that spends) becomes tragic.

II. The author has given two comparisons in the given extract. Write them.

  1. One of them differs as much from the other as a man does from his first cousin.
  2. As unable to escape from his neighbours as one of the Siamese twins.

III. There ¡s one metaphor used in the end of the extract. Write down the whole sentence.
I do not remember at what date the self that spends won a complete victory in my bosom over the self that saves, but I know
that it was a Waterloo.

IV. Match words of similar meanings:
1. ethics – (a) clearly
2. hostile – (b) frustrate
3. obviously – (c) principles
4. grudging – (d) a tool
S. stealthily – (e) opposed
6. chisel – (f) secretly
7. thwarted – (g) reluctantly
1. (c), 2. (e), 3. (a) 4. (i), 5. (f), 6. (d), 7. (b).


See Workbook pages 20-24

Fill in the blanks with the suitable modals given in brackets.
1. We …………….. to serve our nation. (should/may/ought)
2. She ………….. to go for a walk miles together. (should/used/could)
3. You ………….. have taken all that trouble. (needn’t/ought/used)
4. ………………… I come into the classroom, sir? (can/may/need)
5. The candidates …………….. to appear for an interview after the written test. (will/must/have)
6. If you pass the exam, you ………….. get a certificate.(might/ could/will)
7. You . pay your fees before Saturday. (ought /dare/need)
8. How he ask such a question? (must/dare/need)
9. There are clouds in the sky. It ……… rain today. (can/may/should)
10. I solve this problem very easily. (ought/dare/can)

  1. ought
  2. used
  3. needn’t
  4. May
  5. have
  6. will
  7. ought to
  8. dare
  9. may
  10. can.

Writing Skill

Question 1.
What is more valuable, the money we spend on the luxuries or the necessities we use? Write your views. (50 words)
I think money spent on the luxuries is not as much valuable as that spent on our necessities. It is:’ because luxuries give us comfort for a moment. it can’t feed us or satisfy us for long. Luxuries are momentary attractions. But necessities are for the survival of our life. We can’t do without them. So money spent upon them is more valuable.

Question 2.
‘Expenses should be limited to income.’ Keeping this in view, prepare a monthly budget of your family. (150 words)
It is a very old proverb cut your coat according to your cloth. It is true. If one cuts ones coat over the size of the cloth it is sure to disfigure the coat. So one should always plan one’s monthly budget as per ones fixed monthly income. One should not depend upon any extra income for it is not fixed or certain. I, therefore, prepare my monthly budget keeping these facts in mind. My monthly income is Rs. 10,000/-. My budget for a mouth is as follows:


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