MP 10TH English

MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Solutions Chapter 9 If

MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Solutions Chapter 9 If

If Summary in English

A man can become a complete man if he has certain qualifications. He never loses his cool when others get angry and blame him. He has consideration for others’ doubts but trusts himself. He does not tell lies nor does he hate others. He does not boast of his goodness and wisdom. He is neither elated in prosperity nor depressed in adversity. He is tolerant and a patient spectator. He never loses heart on losing his achievements. He develops a strong will power. He never wastes time or his virtue. He always lives within his limits (periphery). He is neutral and uniform with his intimates or rivals. He is steadfast in his conduct. He is bold and persistent.

Summary in Hindi

मनुष्य पूर्ण मानव बन सकता है यदि उसके पास कुछ निश्चित योग्यतायें हैं। वह कभी अपना शील नहीं खोता है जब दूसरे व्यक्ति रुष्ट हो जाएँ और उसके ऊपर दोषारोपण करें। वह दूसरों के संशयों पर विचार करता है परन्तु स्वयं पर भरोसा रखता है, वह न तो झूठ बोलता है और न ही दूसरों से घृणा करता है। वह अपनी अच्छाई और बुद्धिशीलता का ढिंढोरा नहीं पीटता है।

वह न तो समृद्धि में बहुत खुश होता है और न ही विपत्ति के समय हतोत्साहित होता है। वह सहनशील होता है और धैर्यवान दर्शक होता है। अपनी उपलब्धियों के नष्ट होने पर वह कभी नहीं घबराता है। वह दृढ़ संकल्प को विकसित करता है। वह कभी समय या सदाचार (धर्मपरायणता) से मुख नहीं मोड़ता है। वह सदा अपनी सीमाओं (परिधि) के भीतर रहता है। वह अपने घनिष्ठों और प्रतिद्वंद्वियों के प्रति तटस्थ और समान रहता है। वह अपने आचरण में अडिग रहता है। वह चीर और सतत प्रयत्न वाला है।

In this article, we will share MP Board Class 10th English Solutions The Rainbow Chapter 9 If Pdf, These solutions are solved subject experts from the latest edition books.

MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Solutions Chapter 9 If (Rudyard Kipling)

If Textbook Exercises

If Vocabulary

I. Fill in either ‘if’ or ‘whether’ in the following sentences:
1. The question is ……………….. to go or stay.
2. It depends on ……………. he’s ready or not.
3. It’s your decision ………….. you go or stay.
4. I wonder ………we should tell her or not.
5. ………………. I were you.
6. ……………. you pour oil on water, it floats.
7. …………………. she should phone, tell her I’m out.

  1. whether
  2. whether
  3. whether
  4. if
  5. if
  6. if
  7. if.

II. Explain the meaning of the following words in the poem.
Triumph, Disaster, Will, The Earth, A Man.
Triumph—Great achievement or success.
Disaster—Loss through damage or death.
Will—Mental power by which one can direct one’s thoughts and actions or influence those of others.
The Earth—The planet on which we live.
A Man—A real human being; a complete man.

III. Write different meanings of the following words:
minute, second, head, allowance, deal, watch.
Minute—a moment; official note, careful and accurate in time, of similar quality; to support somebody.
Second—next in order of importance, size etc. to one other person or thing, another, a unit for measuring time.
Head—upper part of body, ability, side of a coin, device on tape recorder, prominent end of something.
Allowance—amount of something (money etc.); tax free money. Deal to distribute cards; to hit, to give somebody a shock, an agreement; boards of wood etc.
Watch—to look with attention, to guard or protect, an instrument for showing time


A. Answer the following questions in about 25 words.

Question 1.
Which of the following meanings fits the title of the poem “If”, give reasons.
(a) whether or not
(b) provided
(c) while
‘While’ fits the title of the poem ‘If. ‘While’ means ‘during the time’. Two diverse things are given in each couplet. The poet advises his son to choose either of the two alternatives to become a complete man.

Question 2.
What does the poet want his son to do by saying “keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you”?
The poet refers to the situation when people lose their cool. They get angry and start blaming someone for creating such a situation. A perfect man does not get irritated on such occasions.

Question 3.
How does the poet want his son to treat Triumph and Disaster? (M.P. Board 2016)
His son should treat victory and defeat on equal footing. In a nutshell, he should not be puffed up on gaining something. He should also not lose heart in the event of some loss or in the face of hardships.

Question 4.
How does the poet want his son to react to loss?
The poet wants his son to bear his loss cool headedly. He should not highlight his loss in public. He should have belief in the proverb ‘Weep and weep alone, laugh and everybody will laugh with you’. Nobody wipes the tears of a loser.

Question 5.
How does the poet want his son to deal with crowds, kings and commoners?
The poet wants that his son should keep his virtue while talking to the crowds. He should be aware of his position in society while he walks with a king. He should not lose his touch with commoners.

Question 6.
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And which is more you’ll be a Man, my son!
He should not remain idle even for a single second. He should achieve his objective in piece-meals. Then he will become the sole possessor of Earth or a complete (perfect/man) human being.

B. Answer the following questions in about 50 words.

Question 1.
“If is a poem with a clear-cut moral message.” Explain.
‘If gives a clear-cut message which resembles the message of the Gita. One should be like a lotus which lives in dirty water (mud) but is not affected by it. Man should be neutral. Loss and gain, friendship and enmity should neither affect nor infect him. He should neither be elated in prosperity nor depressed in adversity. He should trust the voice of’ his conscience. He should not show himself off. He should keep his cool amidst uproar. He should be self-sacrificing.

Question 2.
“If you can dream and not make dreams your master.” Discuss with reference to the dreams of modem youth.
A sound body alone sleeps soundly and views dreams. However, dreams are neither real nor reliable. He, who is guided by dreams is misguided. He loses both his present and his future. The modern youths are very dreamy. They aspire to grow rich and earn fame overnight. They aspire to build a good body and sound mind. They wish to get a good wife and a lofty career. They spend beyond their capacity to achieve them and lose their precious time, health and hard earned money. They also lose their cool and get shaken. Dreams leave them frustrated and worthless.

Speaking Skill

Question 1.
Divide the class into two groups. Group 1 will put up a proposal and Group 2 will put up a condition to the proposal. An example is given below.


Question 2.
Now group 2 will put up a proposal and group 1 will put a condition to it. You may try your own proposals too.

Writing Skill

Question 1.
Write a short note on ‘modesty and politeness’. (50 words)
‘Modesty’ means ‘not talking much or boasting about one’s abilities, qualities’ etc. ‘Politeness’ means the quality of having or showing that one has good manners and consideration for other people. We should be modest in our mind, word and deeds. If a person works modestly, he shines in life. He is liked by the society. Politeness is also a noble quality of the heart. Politeness means gentle behaviour towards others. A polite person always takes care not to hurt the feelings of others by his actions or words. Through politeness, one spreads an environment of friendliness and pleasantness around him.

Question 2.
Write a motivational speech on ‘Victory favours the brave’ for’ morning assembly of your school. (150 words)
Respected Principal, teachers and friends, I am here to tell you that ‘victory favours the brave’. Cowards do not start an undertaking for fear of defeat. They leave the undertaking in between when some hurdles crop up. The brave people are their reverse. They start an undertaking, make struggles and achieve victory in the end. He, who wins, is called ‘Sikandar’ and he, who loses the battlefield is labelled as unmanly and coward. Nothing succeeds like success. Victory is the offshoot of good preparation and unfailing strategy. Only those brave persons seek victory who fight bravely without caring for obstacles and scarifices.

Think It Over

Question 1.
You find what you look for, good or evil, problems or solutions. A loving person lives in a loving world. A hostile person lives in a hostile world.
Think it over and write two traits of good persons.
The two traits of good persons:

  • Helpful nature.
  • Forbearance.

Question 2.
Do you sometimes envy people who seem to have made it without even trying? They have the money, looks, talent, connections, and they succeed. But you may seem to plod along making slow progress. It is important to remember that it doesn’t matter what you have, but what matters is that what you do with that. Ponder.
Everybody is endowed with some qualities. What one should do is to identify those qualities and utilise them in positive direction. One should not be ill at ease to see people with more power and money. Instead one should concentrate on one’s potential and do accordingly.

Things To Do

Write what you and your friend do when caught in a situation given below. Draw a grid in your notebook. Ask your friend and make an entry in his column.

S.No. Situation What you do What your friend does
1. You receive a guest when
2. your parents are out. You fail to answer a
3. question in examination. Someone blames you for
4. thieving a book. You are about to lose a


S.No. Situation What you do? What your friend does?
1. You receive a guest when your parents are out. I offer him tea and snacks. He does not allow them to enter the house.
2. You fail to answer a question in examination. I attempt it right or wrong. He copies it from other candidate.
3. Someone blames you for thieving a book. I make him realise his folly. He get’s angry and beats him.
4. You are about to lose a match. I urge my player to play carefully. He plays more energetically.


If Additional Important Questions

A. Read the stanzas and answer the following questions:

1. ‘If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming-it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting. (Page 76)

(a) The poet of these lines is
(i) Rudyard Kipling
(ii) William Cowper
(iii) Robert Frost
(iv) William Wordsworth
(i) Rudyard Kipling

(b) The one word used for ‘putting allegation’ in the above stanza is
(i) blaming
(ii) losing
(iii) doubting
(iv) waiting
(i) blaming

(c) What should we do when others lose their heads?
(c) We should keep our head when all others lose theirs.

2. If you can talk with crowds and keep you virtue,
Or walk with Kings-nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much. (Page 77) (M.P. Board 2011)

(i) Name the poet and the poem.
(ii) How does the poet want his son to deal with crowds, kings and all common men?
(iii) Give the noun form of ‘Lose’.
(i) The poet is Rudyard Kipling and poem is ‘If.
(ii) The poet wants his son to deal with crowd, kings and all common equally.
(iii) Loss.

I. Match the following:
1. Keep your head – (a) don’t deal in lies
2. Trust yourself – (b) nor talk too wise
3. If you are lied about – (c) when all others lose theirs
4. Don’t look too good – (d) and keep your virtue
5. If you can talk with crowds – (e) when all men doubt you.
1. (c), 2. (e), 3. (a), 4. (b), 5 (d)

II. Pick up the correct choice:
(i) ‘If’ is written by:
(a) William Shakespeare
(b) John Milton
(c) William Wordsworth
(d) Rudyard Kipling.
(d) Rudyard Kipling.

(ii) A. If you can dream and not make dreams your ……………. (master/lords).
B. If you can talk with ……….. (crowd/mobs) and keep your virtue.
C. If neither ………. (enemies/foes) nor loving friends can hurt you.
D. And …………. (still/yet) don’t look too good, nor talk too wise.
A. master
B. crowd
C. foes
D. yet.

III. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’:
1. You should also lose your head when all about you are losing theirs.
2. Don’t trust yourself when all men doubt you.
3. Don’t be tired of waiting.
4. Hate others if others hate you.
5. If you lose, never breathe a word about your loss.

  1. False
  2. False
  3. True
  4. False
  5. True.

IV. Fill in the following blanks:
1. Don’t look too good, nor ………….. too wise.
2. The truth you’ve spoken is sometimes ………….. by knaves to make a trap for fools.
3. If you walk with kings, don’t lose the …………… touch.
4. If all men ………………… with you, but none too much.
5. Make ……………… for others’ doubts.

  1. talk
  2. twisted
  3. common
  4. count
  5. allowances.

B. Short Answer Type Questions (In about 25 words)

Question 1.
What should you do when all men doubt you?
Men are suspicious by nature. They doubt anything and anybody. We should not get perturbed even if people start doubting us. We should not lose sight of the reasons behind their doubts. We should trust ourselves on such occasions.

Question 2.
What should we do if the people hate us?
The world is full of hatred. Hatred begets hatred. It assumes the form of quarrels, fights, enmity and wars. They prove disastrous for the entire humanity. We should remove the cause behind hatred.

Question 3.
Why should one not look too good, nor talk too wise?
We should be good because goodness has good returns. We should do good and forget. We should not display our goodness in public. We should also not show our wisdom in hollow words. Our goodness and wisdom should be known to the public through our deeds.

Question 4.
How should we hear the twisted truth?
Good persons always speak the truth. The knaves make it alloyed. They twist the truth to their own benefit. The speaker knows that the self-vested persons are trying to entrap and be fool him. He bears to hear the twisted truth unagitated.

Question 5.
What should one do on losing his winnings?
That which is attained (obtained) with great difficulty is also retained with great difficulty. If we happen to lose our winnings, we should not highlight our loss in the public. Rather we should start afresh to regain the lost heap.

C. Long Answer Type Questions (In about 50 words)

Question 1.
Give the central idea of the poem ‘If’.
‘If’ mentions certain qualifications and necessary conditions for becoming the master of the Earth and a complete man. Man has risen from the position of a beast but man is not a man yet. A coward bends like others. He is shaken when others start doubting him. He shows enmity for enmity and tells lies, exaggerates his wisdom. He boils with rage at slight opposition. He weeps over his loss and exults over his joy. He kills his own will. He perceives himself as great in the company of the great. He wastes his time. Such men are not complete men. For being complete men, people should overcome all the common weakneses of mankind.

If Introduction

This is a didactic poem. The poet Rudyard Kipling mentions certain qualifications and conditions which are essential for becoming a complete or perfect man.


Some Important Pronunciations

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