MP 10TH English

MP Board Class 10th Special English Message Writing

MP Board Class 10th Special English Message Writing

MP Board Class 10th Special English Message Writing

1. Anil Verma was on his way to USA to spend the holiday with his aunt and uncle. At Delhi airport just before when his plane was due to depart, he remembered something important. It was his grandfather’s 70th birthday next week and although he had bought a present, it was still lying inside his wardrobe at home. He had forgotten to wrap it and send it. Anil decided to write a post card to his sister Anuja, asking her to send the present. He had only a few minutes before his plane left. Write the post card to Anuja using not more than 40 words. (M.P. Board 2012)


Do you remember grandfather’s 70th birthday falls next iveek? I had purchased a nice gift for him but forget to wrap it. It is in my wardrobe. Could you please send it urgently. It is just a few minutes with me.

Anil Verma


2. Read the following telephone conversation which took place when Suresh was staying with his uncle. Write the message from Suresh to his uncle, using not more than, 50 words. (M.P. Board 2012)
Seshu : Hello! Hello! This is Seshu from Lucknow. Can I speak to Mr. Rao, please? I am a friend of his Son, Madhav Rao.
Suresh : This is Suresh Rao. My uncle is not here at the moment. We heard about the earthquake. Is Madhav all right?
Seshu : Yes, yes, He’s okay now. But he had a bad fall during the earthquake and he broke his left leg. It was a fracture, but there’s nothing to worry about now.
Suresh : Is he in hospital?
Seshu : Yes, he’s at the Tata Memorial Hospital here. Would you please inform his family?
Suresh : Of course I will, thank you for calling.


Mr. Seshu, a friend of Madhav called upon you from Lucknow. He wanted to inform that Madhav had received an injury during the earthquake and is in Tata Memorial Hospital. It was a fracture but there is nothing to worry now.
Mr. Seshu has asked me to intimate you.


3. Karan had the conversation given below with his mother’s friend, Sheela. Since he was going out immediately afterwards, he left a message for his mother. Read the conversation and write out the message in not more than 40 words. Put the message in a box.
Sheela : Hello, this is Sheela speaking. Could I please speak to Usha?
Karan : I’m afraid she is not at home, aunty.
Sheela : When is she likely to come back?
Karan : Not before six in the evening. Could I give her a message?
Sheela : Yes, please. Could you tell her that I have been able to make the appointment with the editor of the magazine, The Child’s Universe. We have to meet her at 10 A.M. tomorrow. Since Usha doesn’t know the place I will come and pick her up at 9-30. She should bring the manuscripts she wants to show Mrs. Shekhar that is the editor’s name.


Mummy, Sheela Aunty had called to inform that an appointment for 10 A.M. tomorrow, has been fixed with Mrs. Shekhar, Editor of ‘The Child’s Universe’. She zvill pick you up at 9.30 tomorrow. Don’t forget the manuscripts you want to show to the editor.



4. Read the following telephonic conversation between Kavita and Karan. Karan will not be able to meet Avik. He leaves a message for him. Write this message in not more than 40 ivords. Put the message in a box.
Kavita : Hello! Helio! I am Kavita from Indore. Can I speak to Avik? I am his sister.
Karan : Hello! Kavita, I am Karan, Avik’s colleague. Avik will come in an hour or so. Can I take a message?
Kavita : Yes, Karan. I am coming to Mumbai tomorrow. Ask him to pick me up at the Airport. I have an interview for the post of Scientist at NPL on the day after tomorrow.
Karan : Which flight are you coming on?
Kavita : It is the Jetline flight which arrives there at 7-15 or so in the morning. I am bringing along with me that big box which contains his books. I hope it won’t be any trouble for you.
Karan : Not at all. I will leave a message on his table. Okay, Kavita.
Kavita : Thank you, Karan. Bye.


Your sister Kavita called from Indore. She will be arriving in Mumbai tomorrow by the Jetline flight at 7.15 A.M. zoith your big box of books. So you have to be at the airport to receive her. She has to appear for an interview for the post of Scientist at NPL the day after tomorrow.


5. Write a message to be left at the desk of Anu about a telephone call received for her wheh she was away. Write the message in not more than 50 words. Put the message in a box.
Karan : Hello. Is it 3319167? Could I talk to Anu, Anu Malik who works in purchase section?
Receptionist : That’s right. But I’m afraid Anu, Miss Anu Malik has not yet arrived.
Karan : Could you convey to her that her mother is quite serious in Chandigarh and she should leave for Chandigarh immediately. She is very critical, in the state of coma.
Receptionist : So sad. Anything else that I must convey.
Karan : Yes, that she should carry sufficient clothes. You never know about a patient in coma. I’m sure you will do this favour. Could you trace her?
Receptionist : Yes. I’ll. I can understand the urgency. I pray for her recovery. Bye. By the way whom was I talking to?
Karan : Karan, Karan Bhatia, her next door neighbour in Chandigarh.

Message For Miss Anu Malik

When you were away telephone from Karan Bhatia, your neighbour in Chandigarh, zvas received at the Reception. Your mother is critical, in a state of coma. Reach Chandigarh immediately with sufficient clothes as you never know how long you will have to stay there.

6. The following is a telephone conversation between John and David. After this call, Mr. John receives an urgent telephone call from Mumbai. Before leaving, he leaves a message for Mr. Leslie. Write the message in not more than 50 words. Put the message in a box.
David : Hello! Is it Ahmedabad 632392?
John : Yes, it is.
David : Can I talk to Mr. Leslie?
John : Sorry, he is not in the office. May I know who is on the line?
David : I am David, a friend of his.
John : Would you like me to convey a message?
David : Yes. Inform him that the interview scheduled for 5th October has been postponed to the 7th. So he can reach Delhi by 6th evening. The inconvenience is regretted.
John : I will surely convey this message to him.
David : Thank you!


Mr. Leslie
Mr. David had called from Delhi. The interview scheduled for 5″‘ October is postponed to the 7″‘ October. So you have to reach Delhi by 6lh evening. He regrets the inconvenience caused to you.



7. You are Soni. You have received a telephone call from your mother’s friend, Deepa. She tells you to pass on the message to your mother and you write down the following points on a notepad. You too are to leave for a party, so you decide to write the message.
• Deepa auntie called
• Unable to visit – evening
• Her brother arriving – Mumbai
• Shopping trip to be planned tomorrow
• Confirm on phone tonight
Write down the message in not more than 50 words.


Deepa Auntie had called. She has postponed her visit in the evening as her brother is arriving from Mumbai. She said the shopping trip can be planned for tomorrow and that to confirm the same on the phone tonight.


8. Read the following notes from the notepad of Mr. Philip, the Secretary of Fine Arts Club of Indira Nagar. He tells his assistant to type out a message to be sent to the President of the club. Taking relevant information from the notepad write the message. Put the message in box. Your answer should not be in more than 50 words.

  • Meeting to be held
  • At the Guest House at 4 P.M.
  • Discuss the club’s annual celebration
  • Decide the data, the chief guest and other details



20th February, 20xx

A meeting will be held at the Guest House at 4 p.m. 23rd February, 20xx to discuss the Club’s annual celebration. During this meeting, the date, the chief guest and other details of the annual celebration will be discussed. Please make it convenient to attend this meeting.

Fine Arts Club

9. Mr. Ujwal, the Managing Director of Ceramics India Ltd. asks his P.A. to draft a message for Mr. Ramesh, the P.R.O. of his company. Lise the following information in the M.D/s notepad to draft the message. Put the message in a box.
Your answer should be in not more than 50 words.

  • Two dignitaries arriving from Delhi on 4th April.
  • Accommodation to be booked in a five-star hotel.
  • Show them around the factory.
  • Book return tickets on the 6th April.



2nd April, 20xx

Mr. Ramesh
Two dignitaries will be arriving from Delhi on 4th of April. Please book accommodation for them in a five-star hotel. Show them the factory and book return tickets for them on the 6th April.

Managing Director
Ceramics India Ltd.


10. Read the following telephonic conversation which took place between Sheela and Raghu. As Raghu’s sister Rani is not at home and he himself has to go out of his house immediately, he writes a message for his sister.

Write the message from Raghu to his sister Rani in not more than 50 words. Put the message in a box.

Sheela : Hello ! Could I speak to Rani?
Raghu : May I know who is speaking? Rani has gone out. This is her brother, Raghu speaking.
Sheela : I am her friend, Sheela. Could you tell her that one of our friends, Tina has met with an accident and is admitted in St. Mary’s hospital?
Raghu : Oh, how unfortunate!
Sheela : Tell her that I am leaving for the hospital as the visiting hours are between 4 pm and 6 pm.
Raghu : I’ll definitely convey the news.
Sheela : Also tell her to inform Balu whose telephone number I am not sure of.
Raghu : I’ll do that.
Sheela : Thank you.

Sheela had called to inform you that your friend Tina has met with an accident and is admitted in St. Mary’s hospital. She was leaving for the hospital and said the visiting hours are between 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Sheela wants you to inform Balu whose telephone number she is not sure of.Raghu

11. Write a message to be left at the desk of Shammi, about a telephone call received for her when she was away, in not more than 50 words. Put your message in a box.
Message Received
Kishore : Hello! Is it 5789533? Could I talk to Shammi, who works in the Sales Department?
Receptionist : Sorry, Shammi has not yet arrived.
Kishore : Could you convey to her that her brother is quite serious in Bhubaneshwar and she should leave for Bhubaneshwar immediately? He is in hospital in an intensive care unit. He met with an accident.
Receptionist : Oh, so sad. Should I convey anything else?
Kishore : Yes. She should bring both her children. I am sure you will do this favour.
Receptionist : : Yes, sure. I pray for his speedy recovery. By the way, may I know who I am talking to?
Kishore : Oh ! Sorry ! I was in a hurry and did not introduce myself. I am Kishore, a neighbour of Shammi’s brother.


Your brother’s neighbour, Kishore had called from Bhubaneshwar to inform you that your brother has met with an accident and is quite serious. He is admitted in the Intensive Care Unit. You must leave for Bhubaneshwar immediately along with your children.


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