MP 7 English

MP Board Class 7th Special English Solutions Chapter 14 The Country Faith

MP Board Class 7th Special English Solutions Chapter 14 The Country Faith

MP Board Class 7th Special English Solutions Chapter 14 The Country Faith

The Country Faith Text Book Exercise

Listen and Repeat


A. Answer the questions given below:

Question 1.
What does the poet mean by country’s heart?
‘By country’s heart the poet means the green grass in the villages of India. (Rural area)

Question 2.
Is life sweet as it has been earlier?
The country life is ever sweet.

Question 3.
When does the bell ring?
The bell rings in the morning.

Question 4.
Do the villagers trust in God?
Yes, the villagers trust in God.

Question 5.
Whom do the villagers give credit for their prosperity?
The villagers give credit to God (who sends rain)

Question 6.
Does the rain in villages begin with the mercy of God?
Yes, the rain in villages begins with the mercy of God.

Question 7.
What is the best of all the country- people?
The country faith is the best of all for the country-people.

B. Read the following and tick true or false:

  1. Life is never the same sweet life. T / F
  2. Trust in God starts with the morning bell. T / F
  3. The villagers believe the growth of crops is due to God’s mercy. T / F
  4. God disappears when the rain starts. T / F


  1. False
  2. True
  3. True
  4. False

Word Power

Find the opposites of the words in column (A) from the words given in Column (B) and match them:

1. → (h)
2. → (g)
3. → (d)
4. → (i)
5. → (a)
6. → (b)
7. → (c)
8. → (j)
9. → (e)
10. → (f)

Let’s Talk

Sit in a group and ask your friend to answer the questions:

Let’s Write

Read the following table carefully and write answers to the questions given after it:

Why is Varanasi Famous?
Varanasi is famous for the Viswanath Temple.

Question 1.
What is the name of the famous monument at Agra?
The famous monument is called Taj Mahal.

Question 2.
Where is the Victoria Memorial situated?
The Victoria Memorial is situated in kolkata.

Question 3.
Which famous gurudwara is in Amritsar?
The famous Gurudwara is the Golden Temple.

Question 4.
Which famous fort is in Delhi?
Delhi’s famous fort is Red fort.

Let’s Do It

Recite the poem in the class and go to school library to find a poem based on God’s importance.
Class-room Activity

The Country Faith Word Meaning

Page 86: Country – rural area – ग्रामीण क्षेत्र, Sweet – pleasant – सुहावना, Ever – always – सदा, Trust – faith, belief – विशवास भरोसा, Still – even now, yet – अभी तक, Floats – swims, waves, – बहाना लहराना, Thought – idea – विचार, Rising – growing – उगती हुई, Corn – grain – अनाज, Faith – belief – विशवास

The Country Faith Stanzas for Comprehension

Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow each:

1. Here in the country’s heart
Where the grass is green
Life is the same sweet life
As it e’er hath been.

Question 1.
Where does the country’s heart live?
The country’s heart lives in the green grass.

Question 2.
What type of life is there in the country?
The life there is sweet.

Question 3.
Use the word ‘some’ and ‘ever’ in your sentences.
(i) Rangu is the same man as was beaten yesterday.
(ii) Kamesh has even been a thief.

Question 4.
What is the meaning of the word ‘country’ here?
‘Country’ here means the villages or the rural area.

2. Trust in God still lives.
And the bell at mom
Floats with a thought of God
O’er the rising corn.
God comes down in the rain,
And the crop grows tall-
This is the country faith,
And the best of all!

Question 1.
Where does trust in God still live?
Trust in God still lives in the rural area.

Question 2.
What is the morning bell full of?
The morning bell is full of a thought of God.

Question 3.
What floats over the rising corn?
The ringing of the bell floats over the rising corn.

Question 4.
Use the word ‘corn’ in a sentence.
The crops produce com.

Question 5.
Who comes down on earth in rain?
God comes down on earth in rain.

Question 6.
What causes the growth of com?
The rain causes the growth of corn.

Question 7.
Which is the best of all the faiths?
The country faith is the best of all.

Question 8.
Use the phrase ‘come down’ in your sentence.
Jag Mohan has come down to the position of a beggar.

MP Board Class 7th English Solutions

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