MP 7 English

MP Board Class 7th Special English Solutions Chapter 3 The Wheat is Cheaper-I

MP Board Class 7th Special English Solutions Chapter 3 The Wheat is Cheaper-I

In this article, we will share MP Board Class 7th Special English Solutions Chapter 3 The Wheat is Cheaper-I Pdf, These solutions are solved subject experts from the latest edition books.

MP Board Class 7th Special English Solutions Chapter 3 The Wheat is Cheaper-I

The Wheat is Cheaper-I Text Book Exercise


A. Answer the questions given below:

Question 1.
Where did the merchant live?
The merchant lived in an”Indian town.

Question 2.
Where was he going one day?
He (the merchant) was going to a town one day.

Question 3.
Whom did he see on his way?
He (the-merchant) saw a farmer on his way.

Question 4.
What did they agree to tell each other?
They agreed to tell the wildest possible tale to each other.

Question 5.
What had each to pay the other, if one cast a doubt on the other’s story?
Each of them had to pay the other a hundred rupees if he cast a doubt on the other’s story.

Question 6.
What was the maid doing?
The maid was combing the hair of the princess.

Question 7.
What fell into the princess’s eye?
The train of camels fell (right) into the princess’s eye.

Question 8.
What happened in the end?
The farmer did not cast any doubt on the merchant’s story. He went on every part of the story till its end. The merchant felt disappointed.

B. Read the following sentences and tick true or false

  1. There lived a farmer in a village. T / F
  2. The merchant was greedy. T/ F
  3. The merchant told an incident T / F
  4. The maid was combing the princess’s hair. T / F
  5. The farmer cast a doubt on the merchant’s story. T / F


  1. True
  2. True
  3. True
  4. True
  5. False

C. Tick the correct option:

(i) Who was an Englishman?
(a) Ravi
(b) Mr. Smith
(c) Ashok
(b) Mr. Smith

(ii) Who wants to become a writer or a story teller?
(a) Ravi
(b) Ashok
(c) David
(a) Ravi

(Hi) There was a long train of
(a) kites
(b) camels
(c) dogs
(a) kites

Word Power

A. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:

  1. A monkey has a long……… (tale/tail)
  2. Bubal’s…………are famous for their wit. (tales/tails)
  3. Ladies like to go to a…………… (Sail/sale)
  4. Vivekhas a……….. boat of his own. (sail/sale)
  5. The Milkmaid had a……….. of milk. (pail/pale)
  6. The patient looked…………. (pail/pale)
  7. Wounds ………… fast if bandaged properly. (hael/heel)
  8. He got hurt in his……….. (heal/heel)


  1. tail
  2. tales
  3. sale
  4. sail
  5. pail
  6. pale
  7. heal
  8. heel.

B. Rearrange the letters to make words

  1. stwan – w………
  2. Yotrs – s ……….
  3. riwse – w……….
  4. hrai – h……..
  5. leamc – c……..
  6. tiek – k………
  7. daim – m…….
  8. rfame – f………


  1. wants
  2. story
  3. wiser
  4. Hari
  5. camel
  6. kite
  7. maid
  8. frame

Grammar in Use

A. Fill in the blanks with prepositions ‘by’, ‘of’, ‘for’, ‘to’ ‘on’.

  1. The boy listened…………. me carefully.
  2. I am fond………… milk.
  3. She learnt the poem…………heart.
  4. I was waiting………….my friend.
  5. The book is………… the table.


  1. to
  2. of
  3. by
  4. for
  5. on

B. Use ‘as’ in place of ‘because’ or ‘so’. Two sentences are done for you.

1. (a) Because it was raining, we stayed at home.
(b) As it was raining, we stayed at home.

2. (a) I felt tired, so I went to bed.
(b) As I felt tired, I went to bed.

3. Because I had already seen the film, I did not go to the cinema.
4. Because the train was late, I went by bus.
5. I am going to Indore, so I can take your parcel with me.
6. The princess suffered from great pain, so she cried.
3. As I had already see. the film, I did not go to the cinema.
4. As the train was late, I went by bus.
5. As I am going to Indore, I can take your parcel with me.
6. As the princess suffered from great pain, (so) she cried.

Read the following examples and notice how ‘used to’ describes things that happened regularly in the past.

  1. My brother goes to work on bicycle now.
  2. He used to go to work by bus.
  3. My father does not play tennis now.
  4. He used to play tennis when he was a young man.

write five sentences from the following table:


  1. When we lived in Delhi, we used to go to picture twice a week.
  2. When I stayed with my sister, we used to go for swimming every week.
  3. When we were younger, we used to visit Agra quite often.
  4. When I stayed with my sister, we used to visit Agra.
  5. When we were younger, we used to go to picture twice a week.

D. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verb given in bracket.

  1. He……………. at 7 O’clock yesterday, (get up)
  2. She…………… till 11 O’clock now a days. (study)
  3. She………… in the next party, (sing)
  4. Ravi………….. cricket now. (play)


  1. got up
  2. studies
  3. will sing
  4. is playing.

Let’s Talk

B. Ramu the farmer wants to buy quality seeds. He goes to the village co-operative store. There Ramu is talking to the stock keeper. Look at the picture given below and complete the conversation using the picture clues:

Ramu : Hello! Are there quality seeds available here?
The store-keeper : Yes Sir, What seeds do you want?
Ramu : I want wheat, rice and maize.
The store-keeper : They are all available here
Ramu : What are their rates per kg.?
The store-keeper : They are Rs. 10,12 and 15 per kg.
Ramu : Give me four kilos of each
The store-keeper : Pick up the packets from there.
Ramu : How much money should I pay?
The store-keeper : Rs 148/- Total.
Ramu : Here is the money. Give me the receipt.

Let’s Write

Write a funny incident with the help of the words given below:
1. wore socks
2. spoke foolishly
3. carried a bicycle in his hands.
4. tried to ride the bicycle backward but fell again and again
5. wore his tie as his belt
6. peeled the banana from its centre.
The Muddle Head
There was a muddle head. He reversed the socks and wore them. He spoke foolishly. He carried a bicycle in his hands. Some times he rode the bicycle backward. He fell again and again and got injured. He wore his tie around his waist like a tie. He wore his shoes around his neck. He peeled the bananas from the centre. He ate the skin and threw away the pulp. He sneezed on the back of a fellow passenger.

let’s Do It

Find a funny story from your library book and tell it to your class.
Class-Room Activity.

The Wheat is Cheaper-I Word Meanings

Page 15 to 17: Widely – to distant places – दूर-दूर तक, A lot of – a great number of – ढेर सारी, Perhaps – possible – सम्भवत, of course – in fact – निस्संदेह, Distance – space between two points – दूरी, Opportunity – chance – अवसर, Believe – think – सोचना विशवास करना, Stranger – lacking knowledge of – अजनबी, Fair – just proper – उचित, Wildest – odd – अटण्टी, Tale – story – कहानी, Cast – show – प्रकट करना, Bargain – agreement – सौदा, Wiser – more intelligent – अधिक बुद्धिमान, Train – line – कतार, Together – with one another – एक साथ, Disappointed – full of despair – निराशा, Attempt – effort – प्रयत्न, Continued – carried on – जारी रखा, Happened – chanced – अनायास होना, Carefully – attentively – ध्यानपूर्वक, Lifted – raised – उठाया

MP Board Class 7th English Solutions

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