MP 7 English

MP Board Class 7th Special English Solutions Chapter 7 Akbar and Birbal

MP Board Class 7th Special English Solutions Chapter 7 Akbar and Birbal

In this article, we will share MP Board Class 7th Special English Solutions Chapter 7 Akbar and Birbal Pdf, These solutions are solved subject experts from the latest edition books.

MP Board Class 7th Special English Solutions Chapter 7 Akbar and Birbal

Akbar and Birbal Text Book Exercise


A. Answer the Questions given below:

Question 1.
What was the problem that the courtiers of Akbar were not able to solve?
Akbar drew a line on a piece of paper. He wished the courtiers to make the line shorter. The courtiers were not able to solve this problem.

Question 2.
How did Birbal solve the problem?
Birbal drew a longer line. It made Akbar’s line shorter. In this way, he solved the problem.

Question 3.
Why did Akbar put Birbal in prison?
One day Birbal remained absent from court without any information. Akbar, the great emperor became angry. He thought of punishing Birbal. Therefore. Akbar put Birbal in prison.

Question 4.
On what condition did Akbar say that he will set Birbal free?
Akbar laid down a condition to set/Birbal free. Birbal will have to bring him a horse which is neither black, nor brown, neither grey nor white in colour.

Question 5.
How did Birbal outwit the Emperor?
Birbal reported to the Emperor that he had found the desired horse. Akbar should send a man to fetch the horse on any day other than the week days. Akbar had to keep mum. In this way, Birbal out-witted the emperor.

B. State whether the following statements are True or False:

  1. Birbal was able to solve the problem. T / F
  2. Courtiers were known for their wisdom. T / F
  3. Akbar did not go to inspect the prison. T / F
  4. Akbar asked Birbal to bring a camel. T / F
  5. Akbar was talking with the courtiers. T / F


  1. True
  2. True
  3. False
  4. False
  5. False

Word Power

A. Tick the correct word:

  1. India wants piece/peace, not war.
  2. We went to the fare/fair.
  3. We pray/prey to God daily.
  4. I have forgotten my date of berth/ birth.
  5. Her eye site/sight is weak.
  6. Our principal/principle is a kind man.


  1. peace
  2. fair
  3. pray
  4. birth
  5. sight
  6. principal

B. Read the words given in triangles, work with your partner and write the words similar in meaning in the spaces given below with the help of clues given in the box:

Grammar in use

A. Fill in the blank spaces with the articles:

(a, an, the wherever necessary)
Question 1.
We live in ………… old house in …………. middle of ………. village. There is ………… beautiful garden behind ………… house. ………. roof of ……….. house is in very bad condition. My father is ………. mason. He is ……….. honest man. He called other masons to construct …………….. new house for us.
We live in an old house in the middle of a village. There is a beautiful garden behind the house. The roof of the house is in very bad condition. My father is a mason. He is an honest man. He called other masons to construct the new house for us.

B. Someone is talking about a party.

Fill in the blank spaces with ‘was’ or ‘Were’.
Question 1.
We really enjoyed the party. All the rooms ………. crowded with people. Everyone ………… enjoying a lot. All the people there ……….. very smart. One of the guests ………… quite well known for his witty jokes. He ………… the actor Tom Alter. Each guest …………. welcomed by the hostess.

It’s a lovely house, you know. A number of people ……….. swimming in the garden pool. Two of my friends …………. also invited. But neither of them ……….. there till 10’O’ clock.
We really enjoyed the party. All the rooms were crowded with people. Everyone was enjoying a lot. All the people there were very smart. One of the guests was quite well known for his witty jokes. He was the actor Tom Alter. Each guest was welcomed by the hostess.

It’s a lovely house, you know. A number of people were swimming in the garden pool. Two of my friends were also invited. But neither of them was there till 10’O’ clock.

Let’s Talk

Make a group of five students. Find some witty jokes of Birbal and Akbar and tell one joke from each group in the class. Answer: For self attempt.

Let’s Write

A. Write numbers in the boxes to show the correct order of the sentences and rewrite them in your notebook in correct sequence.

  1. The courtiers were perplexed. They didn’t know how to solve the problem.
  2. Birbal can’t you make this lie shorter?
  3. How can you make this line shorter?
  4. The great emperor was sitting on his takht-e-iaaus along with his courtiers
  5. Yes, your Majesty! I can
  6. Tell us your problem, your Majesty, we’ll try to solve it.
  7. They were known for their wisdom.
  8. n See, your Majesty, I’ve made your line shorter.
  9. Birbal you are really very clever.
  10. There is a problem in my mind that I am unable to solve.

The correct order of sentences is given below.
(4, 7, 10, 6, 1, 3, 2, 5, 8, 9)

  1. The great emperor was sitting on his takht-e-taaus along with his courtiers.
  2. They were known for their wisdom
  3. There is a problem in my mind that I am unable to solve.
  4. Tell us your problem, your Majesty, we’ll try to solve it.
  5. The courtiers were perplexed. They didn’t know how to solve the problem.
  6. How can you make this line shorter?
  7. Birbal can’t you make this line shorter.
  8. Ye, your Majesty! I can.
  9. See, your Majesty, I’ve made your line shorter.
  10. Birbal you are really very clever.

B. Write five sentences about each:

Question 1.
(i) Akbar
(ii) Birbal
(i) Akbar

  1. Akbar was a great Emperoir.
  2. He had witty and wise courtiers
  3. He was a jollyfellow
  4. He used to set problems before his courtiers.
  5. He both praised and punished his courtiers.

(ii) Birbal

  1. Birbal was one of Akbar’s Navratna
  2. He was witty by nature.
  3. He never got perplexed with any problem.
  4. He was a self-willed person.
  5. Akbar used to call him sharp, prompt and clever.

Let’s do it

Among a group of four students think of ideas to test each other’s intelligence as Akbar did with his courtiers.
For self attempt.

Akbar and Birbal Word Meanings

Page 40 to 41: Dynasty – the ruling family – रजवंश, Surrounded – encircled – घिरा हुआ, Wit – intelligence, talent – समझ बुद्धि कौशल, Intelligence – inborn understanding – चतुराई ज्ञान, Either – one of the two – दोनों में से एक भी, Perplexed – confused – परेशान, Corner – nook – कोना, Drew – sketched – खींची, Impressed – influenced – प्रभावित होना, Really – actually – वस्तव में, Prompt – quick in action – तेज, Reason – cause – कारण, Inspect – check – निरीक्षण करना, Glanced – cast a quick look – तेज नजर डाली, Condition – a thing on which another thing depends – शर्त, Fetch – to go for and bring back – जा कर लाना।

MP Board Class 7th English Solutions

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