MP 9TH English

MP Board Class 9th English Solutions Chapter 10 The Beggar

MP Board Class 9th English Solutions Chapter 10 The Beggar

MP Board Class 9th English Solutions Chapter 10 The Beggar


A beggar Appears Before Sergei
One day, a beggar appears before Advocate Sergei. He asked for something to eat. Because he had nothing to eat. He had been a village school tracker for eight years but due to some reasons he lost the job.
Physical Appearance Of A Beggar
The beggar had torn clothes. He had dull and drunken eyes. He had the red spot on his cheek. He wore one high and one low shoe.
Beggar recognises by sergei
The work offered to the beggar Sergei recognized the beggar because he had met him in sadovya street. After being threatened by the police he told him the truth. The beggar was offend some work by Sergei. He was told to chop wood. Under compulsion, he did that work. Because he was not interested in doing work..
The Beggar Gets Really For Work
The beggar was given an axe to chop wood. He put the wood between his feet. He struck the wood but it fell. Seeing this, Sergei disappeared. He felt sorry why he had given the work to a weak, hungry and drunken man.
The Beggar Offered Another Work
The every month he would also clean the dust of the rugs and mattresses. The beggar was also told to pack up the furniture and other household items. After doing this job, the beggar was called by Sergei and told him to go to his friend. He would be given some writing work. Now, Sergei was happy that he had given him proper work.
Meeting after two years
After two years, Sergei and Lushkoff met at a theatre where Lushkoff was paying money for a ticket. Sergei recognized him and asked how he was Lushkoff told that he was a notary then and got 35 roubles a month. He was too satisfied to hear him. He also thanked Sergei for the co-operation that he had done for him. Had Sergei not helped Lushkoff he would still have been telling lies.
Lushkoff tells more about Olga
Olga, the cook transformed Lushkoff’s life Lushkoff was much indebted to Sergei. He told Sergei that it was olga who transformed his life from a beggar to an honest gentleman. It was olga who chopped wood for him and prayed the God to make him a gentleman. He would never forget olga in his life.
एक भिखारी सरजई के सामने आ जाता है
एक दिन, एक भिखारी सरजई को सामने आता है। उसने खाने की कुछ चीजें माँगी। क्योकि उसके पास खाने की कोई वस्तु नहीं थी । वह किसी स्कूल में आठ वर्ष तक अध्यापक के पद पर था लेकिन किसी कारण वश उसकी यह नौकरी छूट गयी ।
भिखारी की शारीरिक आकृति
भिखारी के फटे हुए कपड़े थे। उसकी आँखे शराबी जैसी और सूजी हुई थी। उसके चेहरे पर लाल घब्बे थे। उसने एक बड़े और एक छोटे जूते पहने रखे थे।
भिखारी को काम दिया गया:
सरजई भिखारी को पहचाना गया क्योकि उसने उसे सदोवय स्ट्रीट में मिला था। पुलिस के धमकाने के बाद उसने उसे सच बात बताई। सरजई ने भिखारी को कुछ काम करने के लिए दिया। उसे लकड़ियों को काटने कहा गया। हालाँकि इस काम में उसकी कोई दिलचस्पी नहीं थी। लेकिन विवशता में उसे यह काम करना पड़ा
भिखारी काम के लिए तैयार हो जाता है
भिखारी को एक कुल्हाड़ी से लकड़ी काटने को कहा गया। उसके लकड़ी को दोनों पेरों के बीच में दबा दिया। उसने लकड़ी को फँसाया लेकिन यह गिर गया। ऐसा देखकर सरजई वहाँ से चला गया। उसे बहुत अफसोस हुआ कि क्यों उसने इस काम को एक कमजोर भूखे और शराबी व्यक्ति को सौप दिया।
भिखारी को दूसरा कार्य सौपा गया
प्रत्येक महीने की पहली तारीख को भिखारी लकड़ी काटेगा। वह गददों और गलीचों के धूल की सफाई करेंगा। उसे फर्नीचर पेक करने और अन्य घरेलू सामानों को ठीक से व्वस्थित रखने का कार्य सौंपा गया। गया। इस कार्य को करने के पश्चात सरजई ने उसे बुलाया और एक भिग के यहाँ जाने को कहा। उसे कोई लेखक कार्य दिया जाएगा अब सरजई खुश था कि उसे कोई उचित कार्य दिया गाया है।
दो वर्षों के पश्चात भिखारी से मुलाकात
दो वर्षों के पश्चात सरजई और लशकॉफ एक थियेटर में मिले जहाँ लशकॉफ अपने लिए टिकट खरीद रहा था। सरजई ने उसे पहचान लिया और उसका हाल-चाल पूछा। लशकॉफ ने कह कि अब वह नोटरी का कार्य करता है और इसके लिए उसे 35 रूबल प्रति माह मिलते हैं। ऐसा सुनकर वह बहुत संतुष्ट था। लशकॉफ ने सरजई को उसकी मदद के लिए धन्यवाद ज्ञापित किया। अगर सरजई ने लशकॉफ की मदद न की होती तो शायद लशकॉफ अभी भी बोल रहा होता।
रसोइया ओल्गा में लशकॉफ की जिंदगी बदल दी
लशकॉफ, सरजई का बहुत आभारी थी। उसके सरजई से कहा कि ओल्गा के कारण ही उसकी जिंदगी बदल गई और वह एक भिखारी से ईमानदार व्यक्ति बन गया और वह एक भिखारी से ईमानदार व्यक्ति बन गया। ओल्गा ने ही उसके बदले में लकड़ियाँ काटी और उसके लिए इश्वर से एक अच्छे इंसान बनने की प्रार्थना की। वह अपने जीवन में ओल्गा को कभी नहीं भूलेगा।


Q.1. Has Lushkoff become a beggar by circumstance or by choice?
Ans. Lushkoff has become a beggar by choice not by circumstances. His obsession with alcohol make him extremely weak and sick physical labour was not his cup of tea. begging appeared to be an easy way for him that could fulfill all his needs.
Q.2. what reasons does he give to Sergei for his telling lies?
Ans. Lushkoff, the beggar gives out the reasons that he can’t live without telling lies. If somebody knows the truth about him, nobody will give him anything. That is why he can’t anything except telling lies.
Q.3. Is Lushkoff a willing worker? Why, then, does he agree to chop wood for Sergei?
Ans No, Lushkoff is not a willing worker, He is an idler. He agrees to chop wood for Sergei not willingly. He even sits idle and the cook olga chops wood for him. He does so because he had been trapped he his own words.
Q.4. Sergei says” I am happy that my words have taken effect” why does he say so?. Is he right in saying this?
Ans. Sergei says this because his words are soothing and more effective. His work completely transform him into a good human being. From a Shirker, he becomes a worker. Because Sergei had imbibed this Spirit in him. His words had Proved more effective on him. Yes, he is right in saying this.
Q.5. Lushkoff is earning thirty five roubles a month. How is he obliged to Sergei for this?
Ans. Lushkoff did not believe in hard labour. That is why he begged. Begging is not a good thing but a curse upon humanity. But Sergei brought the remarkable changes in his life. Now, he earns his livelihood working in a notary. for this he gets thirty five roubles a month. He is obliged to Sergei for this because it is he who brought all these changes in his life
Q.6. During their conversation Lushkoff reveals that Sérgei’s cook, Olga, is responsible for the positive change in him. How has Olga saved Lushkoff?
Ans. Sergei’s cook, Olga behaved like a real mother. He knew that Lushkoff would not work. She even rebuked him for his drunkenness. He was just regaining his life. Even then She helped her a lot. She chopped the wood and gave him the money. Her noble words had a magical effect on him. It completely transformed him into a good human being. Now, Lushkoff started working.
Q.1. How can we help beggar/abolish begging?
Ans. Begging is a curse. It is a blot on humanity. Those who beg should think twice before begging. This system should be eradicated at any cost. Those who give beggars some thing is more responsible than beggars. If someone is crippled, physically handicapped, they should not choose the easy resort of beggary. But they should be given financial, moral and social support by the govt. as well as voluntary organizations. They should be involved in some sort of work which they can do in easy way In spite of being given sympathy, the should not be looked upon with pity. But they should be given some support so that they can do something at their own. Some people choose begging as an easy way. They just do not do hard work. This type of people should be tough to stop begging. It we must lend them helping hands in their proper adjustment in the society. We should change their mental state. Only then we can stop begging from this universe. So, this curse of humanity should be eradicated at any cost. They should be brought into the mainstream of society.

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