MP 9TH English

MP Board Class 9th English Solutions Chapter 2 The Sound of Music

MP Board Class 9th English Solutions Chapter 2 The Sound of Music

MP Board Class 9th English Solutions Chapter 2 The Sound of Music


Evelyn At Royal Academy of Music
It was the first day of a seventeen year old girl at the famous royal academy of music in London. She was deaf. So she was facing too hard challenge in life.
Evelyn’s Deafness Detected
Evelyn Glennie lost her hearing gradually. Her mother noticed when Evelyn was only eight-year-old. Evelyn hid this growing weakness from her Friends and teachers. At eleven the headmistress told her mother to take her to a specialist. It was known that her hearing loss was due to gradual nerve damage. She was advised to wear a hearing aid.
How Evelyn ‘Hears’ And Pursue Her Interest
But Evelyn was determined to lead a normal life. She wanted to pursue her interest towards music. One day she saw a girl playing xylophone. She too decided to play it. Ron Forbes recognised Evelyn’s talent in it. He said her to listen it not through ears but sense it some other way. Evelyn said that suddenly she could feel the higher and lower drums differently. She could also sense certain notes in different parts of her body. She could open her mind and body to different types of sounds.
Evelyn’s Success
Evelyn never looked back. She toured the United Kingdom with a youth orchestra. She made music her life. She auditioned for the Royal Academy of Music in London by playing the xylophone. She moved from orchestral work to solo performances. After her three-year course she had got most of the top awards.
The World’s Most Wanted Multi Percussionist She was not proud of her achievements. According to her if one knows one’s goal, one can get it. She is now at the top. She is the world’s most wanted multi percussionist. She has mastery over 1,000 instruments.
Evelyn’s Other Interest
Without hearing she function with ease. She speaks fluently with a Scottish lilt. She learnt French and mastered basic Japanese.
Evelyn’s ‘Hearing’ The Music
She says that music pours in through every part of her body. At times, she plays the xylophone. She can sense the sound passing in her fingertips. She feels the sound of the rums when she leans on them. She removes her shoes on a wooden platform. She does so to feel the vibration in her body.
God’s Blessing The Evelyn
In 1991, she was awarded the Soloist of the Year Award. It is the most famous award of the Royal philharmonic Society. Master percussionist James Blades says that God may have taken her hearing. But he has given her something extraordinary.
Evelyn As Inspiration For The Handicapped
Evelyn was a workaholic. She worked more harder than classical musicians. She gave regular concerts. She also gave free concerts in schools and hospitals. She gave priority to young musicians. Ann Richlin told that evelyn was a shinig inspiration for deaf children.
History of ‘Shehnai’
Emperor Aurangzeb banned the playing of pungi in the palace. Due to its had a sharp and unpleasant sound. A barber throught to improve it. He chose a pipe with a natural hollow stem. He made seven holes on its body. It produced a sweet sound. He played it before the royalty. So it was named after the player. He was a ‘nai’ (barber). It was first played in the Shah’s chambers.
Bismillah Khan 
The sound of the shehnai brought shehrai on the classical stage is considered auspicious. So it is considered auspicious. So it is played in temples and at weddings in north India. Earlier it was part of the traditional music groups. The made of Bismillah Khan.
Bismillah Khan’s Childhood.
Bismillah Khan was born on March 21, 1916 in family of musicians in Bihar. His grand father Rasool Bux Khan was the shehnai-nawaz of the Bhojpur king’s court. His father Paigambar Bux and other ancestors were great shehnai players.
Upbringing of Bismillah Khan
At the age of three, Bismillah’s mothers took him to his maternal uncle’s house in Benaras. He was towards his uncle’s practise of the shehnai. He started going with his uncle Ali Bux to the Vishnu temple in Varanasi to play the shehnai. Soon he started practising the play the shehnai. Soon he started practising the playing of the instrument. He Practised shehnai at the temple of Balaji and Mangla Maiya and the banks of the Ganga.
‘The First Indian’ To Greet The Nation
Bismillan Khan became the first Indian to greet the with his shehnai on August 15, 1947. He played Raag Kafi from Red Fort people like Mahatma Gandhi and Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.
His Effect on Celluloid World
Bismillan Khan has given many memorable performances both in India and abroad. His first trip abroad was to Afghanistan. King Zahir Shah was deeply impressed by his shehnai after the instrument. The film Gunj Uthi Shehnai after the instrument. The film was a hit and his composition Dil ka khilona hai toot gaya became a record breaker.
Bismillah Khan’s Awards To Khan Saab
Khan Saab became the first Indian to perform at the Lincoln Centre Hall in the USA. He took part in the World Exposition in Montreal, in the Cannes Art Festival and in the Osaka Trade Fair. An auditorium in Teheran was named after him ‘Tahar Mosiquee Ustaad Bismilla h Khan’. National awards like the padmashri, the Padma Bhushan and the padma Vibhushan were conferred on him. He was awarded India’s highest civilian award the ‘Bharat Ratna’ in 2001.
Bismillah’s Life- A Great Inspiration.
Ustad Bismillah Khan’s life is a perfect example of the rich cultural heritage of India.
इवलीन का रॉयल अकादमी ऑफ म्यूजिक में होना
यह 17 वर्ष की एक छोटी सी लड़की के लिए लन्दन की प्रतिष्ठित रॉयल अकादमी ऑफ म्यूजिक में पहला दिन था। वह बहरी थी। इसलिए वह जीवन में अधिक बड़ी चुनौती का सामना कर रही थी ।
इवलीन के बहरेपन का पता लगना
इवलीन गलेनी ने धीरे-धीरे श्रवण शक्ति खो दी। उसकी माँ ने इसे तब देखा जब वह मात्र आठ वर्ष की थी। इवलीन ने इस कमजोरी को अपने मित्रों और अध्यापकों से छिपाकर रखा । ग्यारह वर्ष की अवस्था में प्रधानाचार्या ने उसकी माँ को उसे एक विशेषज्ञ के पास ले जाने के लिए कहा। सर्वविदित था कि उसकी श्रवण शक्ति का चला जाना क्रमश: किसी नस की चोट के कारण था। उसे एक श्रवण शक्ति एड् पहनने की सलाह दी गई ।
इवलीन कैसे ‘सुनती है
परन्तु इवलीन सामान्य जीवन जीने के लिए निश्चयी थी। वह संगीत में अपनी रूचि को आगे बढ़ाना चाहती थी। एक दिन उसने एक लड़की को जलतरंग बजाते देखा। उसने भी इसे बजाने का निर्णय लिया। रॉन फोब्र्ज ने इसमें इवलीन की प्रतिभा पहचान ली। उसने उसे कानों द्वारा सुनने के लिए नहीं अपितु किसी और तरीके से उसे ‘सुनने के लिये कहा। इवलीन ने कहा कि वह अचानक ऊँचे और नीचे ढोलों को भिन्नता से अनुभव कर सकती थी। वह अपने शरीर के अलग-अलग भागों में खास धुनों का अनुभव भी कर सकती थी। वह भिन्न-भिन्न आवाजों के लिये अपने दिमाग और शरीर को खोल सकती थी।
इवलीन की सफलता
इवलिन ने कभी पीछे मुड़कर नहीं देखा। वह युवा ऑरकैस्ट्रा के साथ यूनाइटिड किंगडम गई। उसने संगीत को अपना जीवन बनाया। उसने लन्दन में रॉयल अक. दमी ऑफ म्यूजिक में बजाकर ध्वनि परीक्षण दिया। वह ऑरकैस्ट्रा से एकल अभिनय की तरफ चली गई। अपने तीन वर्षीय कोर्स के पश्चात् उसने लगभग सभी उच्चतम इनाम जीत लिये थे।
संसार की सर्वाधिक बहुमुखी तालवादक
उसे अपनी सफलताओं पर गर्व नहीं था। उसके अनुसार यदि एक व्यक्ति को अपना उद्देश्य मालूम है तो वह इसे प्राप्त कर सकता है। अब वह शिखर पर है। वह संसार की सबसे चाही जाने वाली बहुमुखी तालवादक है। उसे 1,000 यन्त्रों पर दक्षता प्राप्त है।
इवलीन की दूसरी रुचि
वह बिना सुने आसानी से कार्य करती है। वह स्कॉटलैंड की भाषा की लय में धाराप्रवाह बोलती है। उसने फ्रेंच भाषा सीख ली है और आरम्भिक जापानी भाषा पर आधि पत्य प्राप्त कर लिया है।
इवलीन का संगीत ‘सुनना’
वह कहती है कि संगीत उसके शरीर के हरेक भाग में प्रविष्ट है। कभी-कभी वह जलतरंग बजाती है। वह इसको अपनी उंगलियों के किनारों से बहती हुई आवाज को अनुभव कर सकती है। वह ढोलों की आवाज का अनुभव करती है जब वह इन पर झुकती है। वह लकड़ी के प्लेटफार्म पर अपने जूते उतार लेती है। वह ऐसा अपने शरीर में तरंगों का अनुभव करने के लिए करती है।
इवलीन को ईश्वर का आशीवदिर
1991 में उसे सोलोइस्ट ऑफ दी ईयर अवार्ड प्राप्त हुआ। यह रॉयल फिलहार्मोनिक सोसायटी का प्रतिष्ठित अवार्ड है। मास्टर तालवादक जेम्ज ब्लेड्ज कहता है कि परमात्मा ने उससे श्रवण शक्ति शायद छीन ली है। परन्तु उसने उसे कुछ असाधारण चीज दे दी है।
इवलीन विकलांगों के लिए प्रेरणा स्रोत
इवलीन निरन्तर कार्य करने वाली थी। उसे शास्त्रीय संगीतज्ञों से अधिक कठिन कार्य करना पड़ता था। वह निरन्तर संगीत गोष्ठियाँ कप्ी रहती थी। वह स्कूलों और हस्पतालों में मुफ्त संगीत गोष्ठियों भी देती थी। वह युवा संगीतज्ञों को प्राथमिकता देती थी। रिचलिन के अनुसार इवलीन बहरे बच्चों के लिये एक प्रेरणा स्रोत थी।
II. त्रिस्मिल्लाह खान की शहनाई
‘शहनाई’ की शुरुआत
सम्राट औरगंजेब ने महल में पुंगी बजाने पर रोक लगा दी क्योंकि इसकी आवाज तीखी और रूखी थी। एक नाई ने एक नली चुनी जिसका प्राकृतिक रूप से बना खोखला तना था। उसने इसके ऊपर सात छेद किये। इससे एक सुरीली आवाज निकली। उसने उसे शाही व्यक्तियों कें सामने बजाया। इसलिये इसका नाम इसके बजाने वाले के पीछे दिया गया। वह एक ‘नाई’ था। इसे सर्वप्रथम शाह के कमरों में बजाई गई।
बिस्मिल्लाह खान की शहनाई को शास्त्रीय स्टेज पर लाभ
शहनाई की आवाज शुरू मानी गयी। इसे उत्तरी भारत में शादियों में और मन्दिरों में बजाया जाता है। पहले यह पारम्परिक संगीत समूहों का भाग थी।
बिस्मिल्लाह खान का बचपन
बिस्मिल्लाह खान का जन्म 21 मार्च, 1916 को बि. हार के संगीतकारों के परिवार में हुआ। उसके दादा रसूल बक्स खान भोजपुर सम्राट के दरबार के शहनाई-नवाज हुआ करते थे। उसके पिता पैगम्बर बक्स और दूसरे पूर्वज महान शहनाई वादक हुआ करते थे।
बिस्मिल्लाह खान का पोषण पालन
तीन वर्ष की आयु में बिस्मिल्लाह खान कों उनकी माँ उन्हें बनारस में उनके मामा के घर ले गई। वे अपने मामा द्वारा शहनाई बजाने के प्रति आकर्षित हो गई। वे अपने मामा द्वारा शहनाई बजाने के प्रति आकर्षित हो गये। अपने मामा अली बक्स के साथ जाने लगा। वाराणसी में विष्णु मन्दिर में शहनाई बजाने के लिये जाने लगे। शीघ्र ही उन्होंने यन को बजाने का अभ्यास करना आरम्भ कर दिया। वह बाला जी का मन्दिर, मंगला मईया और गंगा के किनारे शहनाई अभ्यास करते थे। गंगा के लिये उत्साहित किया।
पहले भारतीय
बिस्मिल्लाह खान, 15 अगस्त, 1947 को अपनी शहनाई से राष्ट्र का अभिनन्दन करने वाले पहले व्यक्ति बन गये। उन्होंने लाल किले से महात्मा गाँधी और पंडित जवाहरलाल नेहरू जैसे व्यक्तियों के सामने कैफी राग बजाया।
फिल्मी दुनिया पर भी अच्छे प्रदर्शन किए।
बिस्मिल्लाह खान ने भारत और विदेशों में बहुत अभिनय दिये हैं। उनकी पहली विदेशी यात्रा अफगानिस्तान की थी। सम्राट जाहिर शाह उनकी शहनाई से काफी प्रभावित हुये। उन्होंने फिल्म निर्देशक विजय भट्ट अपनी फिल्म का नाम ‘गूंज उठी शहनाई’ रख दिया। फिल्म हिट रही और उनकी ‘दिल का खिलौना हाये टूट गया और रचना रिकार्ड तोड़ने वाली बन गई।
खान साहब को पुरस्कार
खान साहब अमेरिका में लिंकन सैन्टर हॉल में कार्यक्रम देने वाले पहले भारतीय बन गये। उन्होंने मोनि ट्रयल में वर्ल्ड एक्सपोजिशन में, कान्ज आर्ट फैस्टीवल में और ओसाका ट्रेड फेयर में भाग लिया। उनके नाम पर तेहरान में एक सभागार का नाम ‘तहर मौसिकी उस्ताद बिस्मिल्लाह खान, रखा गया। उन्हें पद्मश्री, पद्मविभूषण जैसे पुरस्कारों से नवाजा गयी। 2001 में उन्हें भारत का उच्चतम नागरिक अवार्ड ‘भारत रत्न’ मिला।
एक महान उदाहरण
उस्ताद बिस्मिल्लाह खान का जीवन भारत की ध रोहर का पूर्ण उदाहरण है। सुबह शहनाई बजा सकता है।


I. Tick the correct answer:
Q.1. The (Shehnai, Pugwi) was a reeded noisemaker
Ans. Pungi
Q.2. (Bismillah Khan, A barber, Ali Bux) transformed the pungi into a shehnai.
Ans. A barber
Q.3. Bismillah Khan’s paternal ancestors were (barbers, professional musicians).
Ans. Professional musicians.
Q.4. Bismillah Khan learnt to play the shehnai from (Ali Bux, aigPambar Bux, Ustad Faiyaaz Khan).
Ans. Ali Bux
Q.5. Bismillah Khan’s first trip abroad was to (Afghanistan, USA, Canada).
Ans. Afghanistan
III. Answer these questions in 30-40 words.
Q.1. Why did Aurangzeb ban the playing of pungi?
Ans. Emperor Aurangzeb banned the playing of pungi due of its shrill and caeophoney sound.
Q.2. How is shehnai different from a pungi?
Ans. Shehnai is a hollow stem that is longer and broader. It has seven holes on its body. When it is played by placing the fingers and closing and opening the holes on its surface, soft and melodious sounds are produced.
Q.3. Where was the shehnai played traditionally? How did Bismillah Khan change this?
Ans. The shehnai was played traditionally in royal courts, temples and weddings. The flowing waters of the Ganga inspired Bismillah Khan to improvise and invent raagas these were earlier considered to be beyond the range of the shehnai
Q.4. How did Bismillah Khan get his big break?
Ans. Bismillah Khan got his big break with the opening of the All India Radio in Lucknow in 1938. He soon became a regular shehnai player on the radio.
Q.5. Did Bismillah Khan play the shehnai on 15 August 1947? Why was the event historic?
Ans. On 15 August 1947, Bismillah Khan played the shehnai from the ramparts of Red Fort. It was a historic day as India gained independence on that day. He became the first Indian to greet the nation with his shehnai and poured his heart out into ‘Raag Kafi.
Q.6. Why did Bismillah Khan refuse to start a shehnai school in the USA?
Ans. Bismillah Khan’s student had asked him to head a shehnai school in the USA. The student promised to recreate the atmosphere of Benaras by replicating the temples in the city. To this, Bismillah Khan asked him if he could also transport the River Ganga to the USA.
Q.7. Find at least 2 instances in the text which tell you that Bismillah Khan loves India and Benaras. ?
Ans. Bismillah Khan loves India and Benaras from the bottom of his heart. He says that he misses the holy Ganga and India when he goes abroad, While in Mumbai, he thinks only of the holy river and the holy city. He was so many times asked and request of his student to head the shehnai school in the USA.
I. Complete the following sentences. Beginning with a to-verb, try to answer the questions in brackets.
1. The school sports team hopes (What does it hope to do?)
2. We all want……… (What do we all want to do?)
3. They advised the hearing-impaired child’smother ……….. (What did they advise her to do?)
4. The authorities permitted us to (What did the authorities permit us to do?)
5. A musician decided to ………. (What did the musician decide to do?)
Ans. 1. The school sports team hopes to win the tournament.
2. We all want to attend the party.
3. They advised the hearing-impaired child’s mother to take her to a specialist for consultation.
4. The authorities permitted us to organise a cultural show.
5. A musician decided to play the flute.
II. From the text on Bismillah Khan, find the words and phrases that match these definitions and write them down. The number of the paragraph where you will find the words/phrases has been given for you in brackets.
1. The home of royal people (1)…..
2. The state of being alone (5)……
3. A part which is absolutely necessary (2)_________
4. To do something not done before (5)..
5. Without much effort (3)……
6. Quickly and in largequantities (9) and ……
Ans. 1. Royal residence
2. Solitude
3. Indispensable component
4. Improvise
5. Effortlessly
6. Thick and fast
III. Tick the correct answer
1. When something is revived, it (remains dead/lives again).
2. When a government bans something, it wants it (stopped/started).
3. When something is considered auspicious, (welcome/avoid it).
4. When we take to something, we find it (boiling/interesting).
5. When you appreciate something, you (find it good anduseful/find it of no use).
6. When you replicate something, you do it (for the first time/for the second time).
7. When we come to terms with something, it is (still upsetting/no longer upsetting).
Ans. 1. lives again
2. stopped
3. welcome it
4. interesting
5. find it good and useful
6. for the second time
7. no longer upsetting
IV. Consult your dictionary and complete the following table. The first one has been done for you.
“If you work hard and know where you’re going, you’ll get there,” says Evelyn Glennie. You have now read about two musicians, Evelyn Glennie and Ustad Bismillah Khan. Do you think that they both worked hard? Where did they want to ‘go’ ?
Answer these questions in two paragraphs, one on each of the two musicians.
Yes, I think they worked really hard in their lives. Evelyn became deaf in her early age. This could be a great physical hand cap. But She didn’t feel disheartened. She worked like a workaholic. She achieved worldwide recongnition. She herself admitted that she had to work often harder than a classical musician. While as a young girl, Evelyn noticed a girl playing a xylophone. She decided there a and then she wanted to play it too. Soon she realzed her wish. Through hard work she captured most of thetop awards.
Bismillah Khan too worked very hard. He used to sit practising throughout the day. He would sit at the banks of the Ganga and practise in solitude He felt inspired from the Ganga to invent new raagas. Bismillah Khan’s hard work brought him the country’s highest civilian award the ‘Hharat Ratna’.. This is the maximum that an artist can go to.

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