MP 9TH English

MP Board Class 9th English Solutions Chapter 4 In the Kingdom of Fools

MP Board Class 9th English Solutions Chapter 4 In the Kingdom of Fools

MP Board Class 9th English Solutions Chapter 4 In the Kingdom of Fools


The Kingdom Of Fools
The king and the minister were foolish in the kingdom of fools. Under their rule they ordered all the things to be vice versa. They decided to change day slept at day time and worked at night. They had to follow the order of their master. It they did not do so, they would have to face the punishment of death.
Guru And His Disciple Visited
Once a guru and his disciple visited that city there was no activity in the day time. It amazed them. They wondered till evening. Then the people woke up. They started doing their nightly business. The guru and his disciple were hungry. So, they decided to purchase something but each item cost a single diddle. it was really a wonderful experience for them. By seeing this, the guru decided to leave the city. But his disciple did not do so. He remained there only to get food at cheap rate. He ate upto his full and become very fat.
Theft Done In A House
One day, a thief brake into a house and store the things. All of a sudden, the wall of the old house fell on his head. He was killed. Now, the brother of the thief went to the king. He blamed the owner of the house for his brother’s death
The Owner Of The House Was Called
The king called the owner of the house. He was accedes of killing the thief. But he denied it. He said that the bricklayer made the weak wall The king called the bricklayer. He told he could not concentrate on his work while building the wall. Because while he was building the wall, a dancing girl moved into the street. she was responsible for his death.
The king summers the daring
The king summonsed the daring girl. She told that she had given gold to the jeweller to make some jewellery. He was very lazy. So, he did not make the jewellery on time. That is why she had to wake down the street. It was but goldsmith’s mistake.
Plea of the goldsmith
The goldsmith told that there was a wedding in the rich man’s house. So he was preparing jewellery for him. That why is way he could not deliver the jewellery to the dancing girl on time.
The king called the rich man
The king called the rich man and declared him to be the murderer of the thief. He was also the owner of that house. Said that his father had order the jewellery. Who is no now mow. So, he decided to punish the house owner in his place. So, the stake was pre-paned for him. But, the owner’s neck was very thin. So, he was not fit for the execution. Then he ordered to search a man who way fit for the stake.
The disciple is trouble
Now the disciple was found fit for this purpose. Eating excessively his neck had become too fat. The disciple was very anxious. He contacted his guru to help him in this matter. The guru had magical and supernatural power. So, he appeared before him for his help.
Guru advice to protect his disciple
The fight between guru and the disciple started. The guru wanted to die at first. Because this was the stake of god of justice, it had never been used before. whoever died on it first, would be born as a king. The next man to die would be a minister.
The king takes a decision
seeing the entire-case, the king takes a decision. He wants to die in temptation of kingdom even in the next birth. He even talked to his minister. The king said that firstly he and then his minister would go for the stake to become king and minister in the next birth. The guru and his disciple were released. The king and his minister executed themselves in their place.
The kingdom got a new king and minister
After the execution of the king and his minister, the people mourned at their death. The guru and his disciple became the king and minister of the kingdom. They carry the law of the kingdom. Everything was set alright. People now started working in day and slept at night. The duddu system was eliminated. Normalcy returned to the kingdom and the people started enjoying their lives
मूर्खों का रज्य:
मूर्खों के राज्य में राजा और दसके मंगी दोनो ही मूर्ख थे। उनके राज्य में सारी चीजें उल्टी करने का आदेश राजा देते थे उन्हो ने रात को दिन में और दिन को रात में बदलने का निर्णय किया। लोग दिन में सोते और रात में काम करते थे। अगर कोई ऐसा नहीं करता तो उन्हे मृत्युदंड दिया जाता था।
गुरु और उसके शिष्य शहर घूमने गए 
एक बार गुरु और शिष्य दोनो शहर में घूमने आए। दिन में किसी भी तरह की गतिविधि नही थी। प्रत्येक लोग दिन में सोते रहते थे। लोग रात में जगते थे और अपना सारा काम करते थे। गुरु और उसके शिष्य बहुत भूखे थे। उन्होंने कुछ खरीदने का निश्चय किया । प्रत्येक सामान की कीमत सिर्फ एक डड्डू थी । यह उनके लिए बड़ा ही अनूठा अनुभव था। इसे देखकर गुरु ने उस शहर को छोड़ने का निश्चय किया। लेकिन उसके शिष्य ने ऐसा नही किया। वह वहाँ पर सिर्फ सस्ते खने के चक्कर में रह गया। उसने खूब भोजन किया और परिणाम स्वरूप: बहुत मोटया गया।
एक घर में चोरी हुई .
एक घर में चोर ने घसकर चोरी किया। अचानक ही घर दीवार टूटकर उसके सिर पर गिर गई। उसकी मौत हो गई। अब चोर का भाई न्याय पाने के लिए राजा के पास गया। उसने उस घर के मालिक को अपने भाई का हत्यारा बताया।
घर के मालिक को बुलाया गया
राजा ने घर के मालिक को बुलाया और उस व्यक्ति की मौत का जिम्मेवार ठहराया। लेकिन उसने ऐसा मानने से इंकार कर दिया। उसने कहा कि राजमिस्त्री ने कमजोर दीवार बनाई। राजा ने राजमिस्त्री को बुलाया। उसने वोला कि दीवार बनाते समय उसने स्वय को काम पर एकाग्र नही कर पाया। क्योकि जब वह दीवार बना रहा था एक नाचने वाली लड़की गली में घुम रही थी इसलिए उसकी मोत की जिम्मेवार वह लड़की है ।
राजा ने नाचने वाली लड़की को बुलाया
राजा ने उस लड़की को बुलाया। उसने बोला कि उसने कुछ जेवरात बनाने के लिए सोनार को दिया थे। वह बहुत आलसी था। इसलिए उसने समय पर जेवरात नही दिया। इस कारण उसे गलियो मे आना-जाना पड़ा। यह किसी और की नही बल्कि सोनार की गलती थी।
सोनार का तर्क
सोनार ने बताया की एक अमीर व्यक्ति के घर में शादी थी। इसलिए वह उसके लिए जेवरात तैयार कर रहा था। इसी कारण वह नाचने वाली लड़की समय पर जेवरात नही दे पाया।
राजा ने अमीर व्यक्ति को बुलाया
राजा ने अमीर व्यक्ति को बुलाया और उसे चोर का हत्यारा घोषित कर दिया वह घर का मालिक था। उसके कहा कि उसके पिता ने जेवरात का आदेश दिया था। जो कि अब इसदुनिया में नही है। इसलिए उसने उस घर के मालिक को दंडित करने का आदेश दिया। इसलिए उसके लिए फांसी का फंदा तैयार किया। लेकिन उसकी गर्दन बहुत पतली थी। लेकिन वह फंद के लिए उपयुक्त नही थी। तब राजा ने एक ऐसे व्यक्ति की तलाश करने की बात बोली जो उस फंसी के लिए उपयुक्त है।
शिष्य की चिन्ता बंढी
अब शिष्य को इस कार्य के लिए उपयुक्त ठहराया गया अत्यधिक खाना खाकर वह बहुत अधिक मोट हो गाया। शिष्य बहुत चिंतित था। उसने अपने गुरु की मदद इस कार्य के लिए मागी। गुरु को जादुई और दैवीय शक्ति प्रात थी। इसलिए वह उसके सामने मदद के लिए आया ।
गुरु को अपने शिष्य को बचाने का तरीका 
गुरु और शिष्य के बीच संघर्ष शुरु हुआ सबसे पहले गुरु मरने के लिए तैयार हुआ। लेकिन यह ईश्वर के लिए के न्याय का फंदा था। इसका प्रयोग पहले कभी नही हुआ था। जो भी इसमें पहले मरेगा वह एक राजा के रुप में जन्म लेगा। दूसरा व्यक्ति जो मरेगा वह मंत्री होगा।
राजा एक निर्णय लेता है
पूरे मामले को देखकर राजा एक निर्णय लेता है । वह दूसरे जन्म में भी राज्य पाने के लोभ में मरना चाहता है। उसने अपने दूसरे मंत्री से बात की राजा ने कहा कि सर्वप्रथम वह और उसके मंत्री फांसी के फंदे पर चढेगे जिससे कि वह अगले जन्म में राजा और मंत्री बन जाए | गुरु और उसके शिष्य को मुक्त कर दिया गया। राजा और उसके मंत्री को उसकी जगह पर फांसी दी गई ।
राजा और उसके मंत्री को राज्य मिला
राजा और उसके मंत्री की फंसी के बाद जनता ने उसकी मृत्यु पर शोक जताया। वे उस राज्य के राजा और मंत्री बन गए। उन्होने राज्य का नियम बदल दिया। सभी चीजें व्यवस्थित हो गयी। लोगो ने अब दिन में काम करना और रात में सोना शुरू कर दिया। डड्डू व्यवस्था को खत्म बरा गाया। राज्य में शांति कायम हो गई और लोगों ने अपनी जिंदगी व्यतीत करना शुरू कर दिया


Q.1. What are the two strange things the Guru and his disciple find in the kingdom of fools?
Ans. The guru and his disciple found in the kingdom of fools two strange things:
(a) The cost of every item was the same i.e; a single duddu :
(b) In the kingdom of fools, people slept during the day and worked at night
Q.2. Why does the disciple decide to stay in the kingdom?
Ans. The disciple decided to stay in the kingdom of fools, because the cost of living was very cheap there. The guru wanted to leave at the earliest. But the disciple remained there for food only. No, it is not a good idea This sort of work does not last long. No body knows about the next moment what may happen in the future.
Q.3. Name all the people who are tried in the king’s court, and give the reasors for their trial.?
Ans. Different persorrs were trial in the king’s court. They were the merchant, bricklayer dancing girl and the gold smith. when the merchant’s wall collapsed, the thief died. He called the merchant who blamed the bricklayer. He toly that the dancing girl dive rtes his attention. The diverts girl blamed the goldsmith for delaying her jewellery. He blamed the rich merchant. The rich merchant was the accused’s father.
Q.4. Who is the real culprit according to the king? Why does he escape punishment?
Ans. The rich merchant is the real culprit accoring to the king. His father died so the responsibility lies on his son. He should be executed for this. A new stake was made ready for the execution. But he was too thin. So, he escaped punishment because the stake can’t fit him. Later on, the search was started for the execution of a fat man.
Q.5. What are the guru’s words of when does the disciple remember them?
Ans. The guru told that we should never depend on fools. There is no guor antee of anyting. It is such a place where everything is sold at a single duddu. The disciple r membered him at the time when he was to be hanged without any rhyme or reason. At that time the disciple remembered him.
Q.6. How dos the guru manage to save his disciple’s life?
Ans. First, the guru whispered something. his ears. They started quarrelling. The guru told that he should executed first. Then the king told the guru to that whosoever died first would be the king in the next birth. The second one to die would be the minister. Then the foolish king and his minister got ready for the execution. And ultimately they were executed The people of the kingdom crowned guru the king and the disciple as the minister of the kingdom .
Q.1. How was the kingdom of fools quite different from other kingdom ?
Ans. Each and everything was quite peculiar in the kingdom of fools. People used to sleep in the day and worked at night. Every thing was cheap in the market. Each thing cost a single duddu. In this manner, the kingdom of fools was quite different from other kingdom.

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