MP Board Class 9th English Solutions Chapter 7 Packing
MP Board Class 9th English Solutions Chapter 7 Packing
MP Board Class 9th English Solutions Chapter 7 Packing
The Narrator Decides To Pack For Holiday Jerome, the narrator, felt pride on his packing. Three friends decided to go on a holiday for regaining health. He offered to do packing. George and Harris, his friends, were impressed by that. They relaxed by lighting a cigar and pipe respectively that the narrator would do the packing. However, he experted them to pack
Jerome Had Intended It Otherwise
Jerome, the narrator had intended that George and Harris would pack. And he would boss over them. But it didn’t happen. When they relaxed, he was irritated. People’s not doing anything greatly irritated him. He couldn’t sit still and see others working. He would enjoy getting up and overseeing others working. He hated seeing people doing nothing when he was working.
Unwillingly Jerome Packed But Many Things Forgotten
The narrator started the packing. He had finished packing in a short time. Harris told him that he had forgotten to put the boots in. He opened the bag and packed the boots in. He was going to close it. Just then he had an idea : had he packed his toothbrush? He had some wild memories with his toothbrush.
Searched For Toothbrush
He turned everything inside out. But he could not find the toothbrush. He found tooth brush of George and Harris more than eighteen times over. But he couldn’t find his own. So he put the things back one by one. Then he found the toothbrush inside a boot. He repacked the things once more.
Packing Done And Undone
The narrator finished packing the bag. Soon George asked him if Jerome had packed the soap. But the narrator was in anger. He won’t open the bag again. However, he found that he had packed his tobacco-pouch in it. So he had to re-open the bag. Then George and Harris undertook to do the rest of the packing.
Things Become Exciting
Harris and George were not good packers The narrator could see piles of plates, cups, kettles, cakes, tomatoes, etc. Soon the packing became insulating. Cups were broken. Harris packed the strawberry jam on top of a tomato and squashed it. George walked over the butter. The narrator sat and saw them packing. This irritated George and Harris. They stepped on things. Then they didn’t find what they wanted to find. They packed the pies at the bottom of the bag. They squashed like a trod them after putting heavy things on them.
Excitement Over Packing Continues
George and Harris upset everything. George trod on the butter, while packing. George got the butter off his slipper. Then they tried to put it in the kettle. It won’t go and what was in wouldn’t come out. They at last got it. They put it down on a chair. Harris sat on it. It stuck to him. Then they went looking for it over the room.
Montmorency Adds To The Confusion
Montmorency Nas a very trouble e some dog. more The dog, Montmorency, had an ambition in life. It was to get in the way and be a nuisance. Montnorencythe dog. added to the confusing. He felt that his day was not wasted if he had made people mad. He had a high aim. It was to get somebody stumble over him and curse him. So Montmorency came. He sat down on things when these were to be packed. He put his leg into the jam. He pretended the lemons were rats and put those into the hamper. Harris said that the narrator only made the dog do all that. But it was natural for a dog to do like that. He used to go where he was not wonted. In this way. Montmorency disturbed the packing
Decide To Sleep After Packing Was Done
The packing was done. Harris said that he hoped nothing would be found broken. Then they decided to sleep. Harris asked the narrator if he preferred to sleep inside or outside the bed. George asked when he should wake them. They started to argue over the time. Finally, they decided to wake up at 6.30
वर्णनकर्ता सामान बाँधने का निर्णय लेता है छुट्टी पर जाने के लिए
वर्णनकर्ता जैरोम ने अपनी पैक करने की कला पर गर्व महसूस किया। तीनों मित्रों ने छुट्टी पर जाने का निर्णय लिया ताकि स्वस्थ ठीक रहे। उसने पैकिंग करने का प्रस्ताव किया। उसके दोस्त जॉर्ज और हैरिस इससे प्रभावित हो गये। उन्होंने सिगार और पाईप जलाते हुये आराम महसूस किया कि वर्णनकर्ता पैकिंग करेगा। जब वे चिाहता था वो भी पैकिंग करे।
जैरोम ने उसकी दूसरी तरह से इच्छा की थी
जैरोम ने इच्छा की थी कि जॉर्ज और हैरिस पैकिंग करेंगे। और वह उन पर रौब जमायेगा। पर ऐसा कुछ नहीं हुआ। जब उन्होंने आराम किया तो वह चिढ़ गया। उसे कुछ काम नहीं करने वाले लोग बहुत उत्तेजित करते थे। वह स्वयं चुपचाप बैठा हुआ दूसरों को काम करते हुए नहीं देख सकता था। वह खुद को खड़े हुए और दूसरों को काम करते हुए निरीक्षण करने में आनन्दित होता था। जब वह स्वयं काम कर रहा हो तो दूसरे व्यक्तियों को कुछ न करते हुए देखकर घृणा करता था।
पैकिंग कर दी परन्तु कई चीजों को ( पैक करना ) भूल गये
वर्णनकर्त्ता ने पैकिंग शुरू कर दी। उसने थोड़े से समय में पैकिंग समाप्त कर ली। हैरिस ने उसे बताया कि वह जूतों को पैक करना भूल गया था। उसने थैला खोला और जूतों को पैक करना भूल गया था। उसने थैला खोला और जूतों को अन्दर पैक कर दिया वह इसे बन्द करने जा रहा था। तभी उसे एक विचार आया: क्या उसने अपना टूथब्रश पैक कर लिया था? उसकी अपनी टूथब्रश के साथ कुछ असभ्य (बेकार) यादें थीं।
टूथब्रश की खोज
उसने सब चीजें बाहर निकाल दीं। परन्तु वह टूथब्रश नहीं ढूँढ़ सका। उसे जॉर्ज और हैरिस की टूथब्रश अठारह बार से अधिक मिली। परन्तु वह अपनी नहीं ढूँढ़ सका। इसलिए उसने एक-एक करके चीजें वापस रख दीं। तब उसने टूथब्रश को एक जूते के अन्दर पाया। उसने एक बार और चीजों की पैकिंग की।
पैकिंग की गई और खोली गई
वर्णनकर्ता ने बैग की पैकिंग समाप्त कर ली। शीघ्र ही जॉर्ज ने पूछा क्या साबुन अन्दर है। परन्तु वर्णनकर्ता गुस्से में था। वह दोबारा बैग नहीं खोलेगा। फिर भी उसने पाया कि उसने अपनी तम्बाकू की थैली उसमें पैक कर दी थी। इसलिए उसको दोबारा बैग खोलना पड़ा। तब जॉर्ज और हैरिस ने बाकी की पैकिंग करने की जिम्मेवारी ले लीं।
चीजें उत्तेजक होने लगती हैं
हैरिस और जॉर्ज अच्छी पैकिंग करने वाले नहीं थे। वर्णनकर्त्ता प्लेटों, कंपों, केतलियों, केकों, टमाटरों आदि के ढेर देख सकता था। जल्दी ही पैकिंग उत्तेजक बन गयी। कप तोड़े गये। हैरिस ने स्ट्रॉबैरी जैम को एक टमाटर के ऊपर पैक कर दिया और उसे कुचल दिया। जॉर्ज मक्खन के ऊपर गुजर गया। वर्णनकर्ता बैठा था और उसने उन्हें पैकिंग करते हुए देखा। इससे जॉर्ज और हैरिस उत्तेजित हो गये। उन्होंने चीजों के ऊपर पैर रख दियें। तब वे उन चीजों को नहीं ढूँढ़ सके जो वे ढूँढ़ना चाहते थे। उन्होंने कचौड़ियों को बैग की तली में पैक कर दिया। उन्होंने उनके ऊपर भारी चीजें रखने के बाद उनकों कुचल दिया।
पैकिंग के ऊपर उत्तेजकता जारी रहती है
जॉर्ज और हैरिस ने सभी चीजों को अस्त-व्यस्त कर दिया। पैकिंग करते समय जॉर्ज का पैर मक्खन के ऊपर पड़ा। जॉर्ज नने अपने स्लीपर पर से मक्खन उतारा । फिर उन्होंने उसे केतली में डालने का प्रयत्न किया । यह अन्दर नहीं गया और जो अन्दर था वह बाहर नहीं आया। आ. खिर में उन्होंने इसे पा लिया। उन्होंने इसे एक कुर्सी के ऊपर रख दिया। हैरिस इसके ऊपर बैठ गया । वह इससे चिपक गयी। तब वें इसे ढूँढ़ने के लिए कमरे में गये।
मोंटमोरन्सी परेशानी बढ़ा देता है
कुत्ते मोंटमोरन्सी की जीवन में एक इच्छा थी। यह थी। बीच में आने और शरारती बनने की। वह महसूस करता था यदि उसने व्यक्तियों को पागल किया तो उसका दिन व्यर्थ नहीं होगा। उसका उच्च लक्ष्य था। यह था उसके ऊपर किसी द्वारा ठोकर खाकर गिरना और उसे श्राप देना। इसलिए मोटंमोरन्सी आया । वह वस्तुओं पर बैठ गया जब उनको पैक करना था। उसने जैम में अपनी टांग डाल दी। उसने बहाना किया कि नीबूं चूहे थे औश्र उनको उसने छोटी टोकरी में डाल दिया। हैरिस ने कहा कि वर्णनकर्त्ता ने ही कुत्ते से यह सब कुछ करवाया। परन्तु कुत्ते के द्वारा ऐसा करना स्वाभाविक था।
पैकिंग होने के बाद वे सोने निर्णय करते हैं
पैकिंग हो गई। हैरिस ने कहा कि उसे आशा है कि कोई भी वस्तु टूटी नहीं मिलेगी। फिर उन्होंने सोने का निर्णय लिया। हैरिस मे वर्णनकर्त्ता से पूछा कि क्या वह बिस्तर के अन्दर या बाहर सोना पसन्द करेगा। जॉर्ज ने पूछा कि वह उन्हें कब जगायें। उन्होंने उन्होंने समय के ऊपर बहस करना आरम्भ कर दिया। अन्त में उन्होंने सुबह 6.30 बजे जागने का निर्णय लिया।
I. Discuss in pairs and answer each question below in a short paragraph (30-40 words).
Q.1. How many characters are there in the narrative ? Name them. (Don’t forget the dog!).
Ans. There are four characters in the narrative. Thy are
(i) Jerome, the narrator
(ii) Georgie
(iii) Harms
(iv) The dg named Montmorency
Q.2. Why did the narrator (Jerome) volunteer to do the packing?
Why did the narrator offer that he would pack? (CBSE)
Ans. The narrator thought that George and Harris would not let him do the packing out of formality. Therefore, he volunteered to do the packing as a formality. Then he would boss over the job. But it didn’t happen. On the other hand they relaxed and Jerome did the packing
Q.3. How did George and Harris react to this ? Did Jerome like their reaction ?
Ans. George and Harris at once agreed to the narrator’s suggestion to do the packing. Jerome did not liketheir reaction..
Q.4. What was Jerome’s real intention when he offered to pack ?
What was the author’s intention when he offered that he would pack everything for them? (CBSE)
Ans. His real intention was to boss the job while George and Harris did the packing. But their agreeing to his packing irritated him. Then Unwillingly Jerome packed but left many things unpacked.
Q.5. What did Harris say after the bag was shut and strapped? Why do you think he waited till then to ask ?
Ans. The bag was shut and strapped. Then Harris asked Jerome if he had put the boots in. It was Harris’s hSabit not to ay a word until the job was finished.
Q.6. What “horrible idea” occurred to Jerome a little later?
Ans. Jerome opened the bag. As he was going to close it, a horrible idea came to him. It was if he had packed his toothbrush. He had had problems always with his toothbrush.
Q.7. Where did the narrator finally find the toothbrush ?
Ans. Jerome unpacked the bag. the searched everything for his toothbrush. Then he finally found his toothbrush inside a boot. Then he repacked the things once more.
Q.8. Why did Jerome have to reopen the packed bag? (CBSE)
Ans. Jerome had packed his tobacco-pouch in the bag. So he had to reopen the packed bag. He reopened it to get the pouch. When he had finished packing, George had asked him if the soap was in. But he didn’t care for that.
Q.9. What did George and Harris offer to pack and why?
Ans. George and Harris offered to pack because the hampers were yet not packed. They thought that they had better do the rest. But they started breaking the things
Q.10. While packing the hamper, George and Harris do a number of foolish and funny things. Tick the statements that are true.
(i) They started with breaking a cup.
(ii) They also broke a plate
(iii) They squashed a tomato.
(iv) They trod on the butter.
(v) They stepped on a banana.
(vi) They put things behind them, and couldn’t find them.
(vii) They stepped on things
(viii) They packed the pictures at the bottom and put heavy things on top.
(ix) They upset almost everything.
(x) They were very good at packing. ..ns. The true statements are given below :
(i) ✓
(ii) X
(iii) ✓
(iv) ✓
(v) ✓
(vi) ✓
(vii) ✓
(viii) x
(ix) x
(x) X
II. What does Jerome say was Montmorency’s ambition in life? What do you think of Montmorency and why?
Ans. Jerome says that Montmorency’s ambition in life is to get in the way and be sworn at. He wants to be a perfect nuisance and make people mad. It is his habit to enjoy things being thrown at him. He then feels his day has not been wasted. He wants to get somebody to stumble over him and curse him for an hour. It is his highest aim and object in life.
Harris and George were packing Montmorency came and sat on the things. He felt that George and Harris were going to touch his wet nose. He thought the lemons were rats and ‘killed’ three of them.
It is the natural, original sin that is born
in him. It makes him do things like that.
III. Discuss in groups and answer the following questions in two or three paragraphs (100-150 words).
Q.1. Of the three, Jerome, George and Harris, who do you think is the best orworst packer? Support your answer with details from the text.
Ans. Both George and Harris are worse packers than Jeroe. The difference is of degrees only. As regards packing in a general way, the three of them create confusion and confusion only. First, take Jerome. He packs but forgets what he has packed, how and where. He packs his tobacco-pouch in the bag but forgets it. Then he remembers his toothbrush and opens the bag to find it. He finds it in the boot.
Take the case of George and Harris, the author himself says that Harris is “the worst packer in this world”. Both start packing. There are piles of plates, cups, kettles, bottles, jars, pies, stoves, cakes, tomatoes etc. They break cups. Harris packs the strawberry jam on top of a tomato and squashes it. He packs the pies at the bottom. Then he puts heavy things on top and smashes the pies in. George treads on the butter. He gets it off his slipper. He puts it in the kettle. But it doesn’t go in. It is put down on a chair. Harris sits on it. It sticks to him. Then they search for it. It is disorder everywhere as things after things get broken.
Q.2. How did Montmorency ‘contribute’ to the packing ?
Ans. Montmorency ‘contributed to the packing in a funny way. It was his ‘ambition’ in life to get in the way and be sworn at.
He would put himself in everybody’s way where he was not wanted. He wanted to be a perfect nuisance. He wanted people to go mad and have things thrown at his head. Then he would feel his day had not been wasted. He longed to get somebody to stumble over him and curse him for long.
Montmorency came and sat down on things which were to be packed. Harris and George reached out for things to pack. He felt that they touched his cold damp nose. He put his leg into the jam and worried the teaspoons. He pretended the lemons were rats. He got into the hamper and ‘killed’ three of them. But Harris landed him with the frying-pan.
Q.3. Do you find this story funny? What are the humorous elements in it? (Pick out at least three, think about what happens, as well as how it is described.)
Ans. The story is really funny. It is created by Jerome, Harris and George in creating fun’ while packing. The dog Montmo-. rency also contributes to this fun greatly. There are many humorous elements in it. The butter incident is one such element. George treads on it. It sticks to his slipper. Then it is put on the chair and forgotten. But Harris sits on it. It sticks to his bottom. The second element is that of the squashing of strawberry and tomatoes. Harris packs the strawberry jam on top of a tomato and squashes it. The third humorous element is caused by the dog Montmorency. Montmorency causes fun by his fixed belief. Harris and George reach for things to pack. They touch his cold damp nose everytime. Then he thinks the lemons as rats. He ‘kills’ three of them by getting into the hamper.histe
The description of all these elements is also humorous. We can visualise the fun in reading it. It creates lots of fun and laughter to see Harris’s bottom stuck with butter.
II. Use suitable words or phrases from column A above to complete the paragraph given below.
A Traffic Jam
During power cuts, when traffic lights go off, there is utter …….. at cross roads, Drivers add to the confusion by ……. over their right of way, and nearly come to blows. Sometimes passer-by, seeing a few policemen …….. at regulating traffic, step in to help. This gives them a feeling of having …….. something.
Ans. chaos, getting into a row, slaving, accomplished.
III. Look at the sentences below. Notice that the verbs (italicised) are all in the their bare form Simple commands:
-Stand up!
-Put it here!
Directions: (to reach your home) Board Bus No. 121 and get down at Sagar Restaurent. From there turn right and walk till you reach a book shop. My home is just behind the shop.
Directions: (to reach your home)
-Always get up for your elders.
-Don’t shout in class.
Instructions for making a fruit salad:
Orange – 2
Pineapple – One large piece
Cherries – 250 grams
Bananas – 2
Any other fruit you like
Wash the fruit. Cut them into small pieces. Mix them well. Add a few dropps of lime juice. Add sugar to taste. Now add some cream (or ice cream if you wish to make fruit salad with ice cream.)
Q.1. Now work in pairs. Give
(i) two commands to your partner.
(ii) two do’s and don’ts to a new student in your class.
(iii) direction to get to each other’s houses.
(iv) instructions for moving the body in an exercise or a dance, or for cooking something.
Ans. (i) Don’t waste time. Don’t spit here.
(ii) Do’s – Respect your teachers. Behave properly.
Don’ts – Don’t make a noise Don’t come late to the class.
(iii) Go straight on M.G. Road. Walk for 10 minutes. Look to the left. There is a park nearby. Across the park, there is my house. It looks like a bungalow with a Holy Cross structure..
(iv) One instance. Sit cross-legged. Raise yourpalm. Put the thumb on one nostril. Breathe into the air. Then close the open nostril with the tip of the first finger. Remove the thumb from the first nostril. Breathe out the air through the first nostril. This is the yoga called ‘Loin Vilom’.
Q.2. The table below has some proverbs telling you what to do and what not to do. Fill in the blanks and add a few more such proverbs to the table.
You have seen how Jerome, George and Harris mess up their packing, especially of the hamper.
From their mistakes you must have thought of some do’s and don’ts for packing. Can you give some tips for packing by completing the paragraph below?
First pack all the heavy items, especially the ones you don’t need right away. Then … Here are some words and phrases you can use to begin your sentences with :
• Then • Remember
• Next • Don’t forget
• Now • At last/Finally
Ans. Then put less heavy things on them. Now pick out small things. Put them in one corner or the other. Remember to put those things in the outer pockets. You may need these while traveling. These are toothbrush, soap, comb etc. Don’t forget to put all the things that are necessary and will be needed. At last, zip the bag. Also lock it at Ansappropriate places.