MP Board Class 9th English Solutions Chapter 7 The Last Leaf
MP Board Class 9th English Solutions Chapter 7 The Last Leaf
MP Board Class 9th English Solutions Chapter 7 The Last Leaf
Two Young Artists
There were two young artists Sue and Johnsy. They were budding artists and lived together in a small flat on the third story of a house.
Illness of Johnsy
All of a sudden, Johnsy got seriously ill. She had been suffering from pneumonia. She was very disappointed. The doctor was called in. But the doctor told that now she will not recover from medicine. Because she had lost the will to live.
Sue, Her Friend Helped Her
The Best friend of Johnsy, sue helped her a lot to come out of this situation. she tried to divert her attention from illness. She talked about clothes and fashion and also brought drawing board into Johnsy room for painting.
Johnsy’s Imagination
Johnsy lay by the window side of her room. She only gazed through the window. A green creeper was hung along the wall. It being an autumn season, leaves started falling one by one. She told sue that she would die. With the falling of last leaf. She also started backward counting from Twelve… Eleven… Ten and so on she had really lost her faith in life. But sue told her that there is nothing like that. She would get alight room. But it did not affect him.
Old Painter Helped Johnsy
Behrman was an old painter who lived on the ground floor. He dreamt that one day he would make a masterpiece painting. Sue told him about Johnsy’s strange imagination. Both went to Johnsy’s room where she was sleeping. The ivy creeper had only one leaf left on it she thought that she would die with the falling of last leaf. Suddenly, Johnsy awoke from her sleep. She looked at the last leaf, it was green and lively. She watched it every hour. In spite of the heavy rain, the leaf did not fall. Johnsy accused, herself it is a sin to want to die I am a bad girl. Saying this, she embraced Sue.
Death of Behrman
In the next morning, Sue told Johnsy that Behrman is now no more. He was ill for two days. He had pneumonia. Last night, he was shivering from cold, his clothes and shoes had become wet. He had painted the last leaf on that night on the wall. It was one of his masterpiece paintings. It proved to be very useful for Johnsy’s survival.
दो युवा कलाकार
स्यू और जॉन्सी दो युवा कलाकार थे। वे उभरते हुए कलाकार थे और एक छोटे से फ्लैट में रहते थे जो कि तीसरी मंजिल पर था।
जॉन्सी की बीमारी
अचानक जॉन्सी बीमार हो गयी । वह न्यूमोनिया से पीड़ित हो गयी थी। वह बहुत निराश थी। डॉक्टर को बुलाया गया। लेकिन डॉक्टर का कहना था कि उसकी बीमारी दवाई से ठीक नहीं होगी। क्योंकि उसके जीवन जीने की इच्छा शक्ति खत्म हो गयी थी।
उसकी दोस्त स्यू ने मदद की
जॉन्सी की दोस्त, स्यू ने उसे इस स्थिति से निकलने में काफी मदद की। उसने उसका बीमारी की ओर से ध्यान हटाने की कोशिश की। उसने कपड़े और फैशन के बारे में बात करनी शुरू की और जॉन्सी के कमरे में चित्रकारी करने के लिए ड्राइंग बोर्ड ले आयी।
जॉन्सी की कल्पना
जॉन्सी अपने कमरे की खिड़की की ओर पड़ी रहती थी। वह खिड़की की ओर ताकती रहती थी । दीवार के बगल में बेल के पेड़ था। पतझड़ का मौसम होने के कारण, पेड़ के पत्ते एक-एक कर गिरते जा रहे थे। उसका कहना था कि अंतिम पत्ते के गिरने के साथ ही उसकी जीवन लीला समाप्त हो जाएगी। उसे उल्टी गिनती बारह – ग्यारह-दस करनी भी शुरू कर दी। उसने जीवन में अपना विश्वास खो दिया था। लेकिन स्यू ने उसे दिलाशा दिलाया कि इस तरह की कोई बात नहीं है। वह जल्द ही ठीक हो जाएगी। लेकिन इसका उस पर कोई प्रभाव न पड़ा।
बूढ़े चित्रकार ने उस जॉन्सी की मदद की .
बैरमैन एक बूढा चित्रकार था जो कि निचले फ्लॉर पर रहता था। उसका सपना कि था कि एक दिन वह एक बेहतरीन चित्र बनाएग। स्यू ने उसे जॉन्सी की विचित्र कल्पना के बारे में बताया। दोनों जॉन्सी के कमरे में गए जहाँ वह सो रही थी। बेल के वृक्ष पर केवल एक ही पत्ते बचे हुए थे। उसकी सोच थी कि इस पेड़ के अंतिम पत्ते के गिरते ही उसकी भी मौत हो जाएगी। जॉन्सी की नींद अचानक खुल गयी। उसने अंतिम पत्ते को देखा। वह हरी और जीवंत थी। हर एक घंटे पर वह इसका निरीक्षण करती थी । मूसलाघर बारिश होने के बावजूद भी पत्ता नहीं गिरा। जॉन्सी ने स्वयं को कोसते हुए कहा, मृत्यु की चाहत रखना सबसे बड़ा पाप है। मैं एक गंदी खराब लड़की हूँ। इतना कहकर उसने स्यू को गले से लगा लिया।
बैरमैन की मृत्यु
अगली सुबह, स्यू ने जॉन्सी से कहा कि बैरमैन अब इस दुनिया में नहीं रहे। वह दो दिनों से बीमार था। उसे न्यूमोनिया हो गया था। पिछली रात वह ठंड से काँप रहा था। उसके कपड़े और मौजे गीले हो गए थे। उसने उस रात दीवार पर अंतिम पत्ती का एक खूबसूरत पेन्टिंग बनाया था। यह बेहतहीन चित्रकारी में से एक था। यह जॉन्सी की जिंदगी के लिए बहुत उपयोगी सिद्ध हुआ।
Q.1. What is Johnsy’s illness? what can cure her, the medicine or willingness to live?
Ans. Johnsy fell seriously ill. Pneumonia had gripped her. The doctor told that her disease is psychological. No medicine can cure her illness. She had last the will to live. Strong will power and willingness to live can cure her illness.
Q.2. Do you think the feeling of depression Johnsy has is common among the teenagers?
Ans. In today’s world, the feeling of depression like Johnsy is common among the teenagers have very high expectations from their live of they just go into depression. If the teenagers four the Johnsy’s conditions, they will certain feel such type of problem. At this jurture, the co-operation of family and friends can help them in coming out of this situation.
Q.3. Behrman has a dream, what is it? Does it come true?
Ans. Behrman is an old man of 60 years. He is a painter. His only dream was fulfilled when he painted the last leaf of ivy creeper. It was really a masterpiece painting, he lost his life.
Q.4. What is Behrman’s masterpiece? What makes Sue say so?
Ans. Behrman’s masterpiece is the painted leaf on the wall. The leaf looks green and healthy in spite of the stormy winds. It does not even fall. The last leaf creates a willingness to live in Johnsy. Now she has taken a vow to live. Sue call it Behrman’s masterpiece. The last leaf saved. Johnsy’s life.
Q.1. Have you ever Fell depressed and dejected? How did you over come such feeling? share your experience with your classmate.
Ans. In today’s world depression and dejection has become the affair of the day. People have a lot of expectations from their lives. They dream very high. They just want to achieve anything within a very short span of time whatever they expect, they want to see them fulfilled at any cost. This type of notion is totally wrong. It they do not achieve that, they go into depression. They feel depressed and dejected.
I have also gone through such a stage in class six, I appeared for NTSE exam, My parents told me about good result i tried my best whatever I can do in the best possible manner. But i could not succeed i really felt frustrated and depressed. I thought that I have lost my each and everything. I have shortened the dream of my parents. Further I will not be able to do anything in my life my Johnsy ends here. It was really a frustrating moment of my life..
Seeing this situation my father support me a lot. He told that your journey does not end here. But it starts now. Do whatever you can do only give your 100 percent. Do your work with enthusiasm, commitment and zeal. Failures are pillar of success concentrate on your studies. Result will automatically come. It was really a turning point in my career in the annulled exam of class. It gave class-8,9 topped in my class. It gave me more confidence. My father was instrumental in bringing me out of depression. Now i do my work with positive attitude and get the result also. So, don’t get disheartened even in adverse circumstances. Have faith in god and keep patience. Success will touch your feet.