MP 9TH English

MP Board Class 9th English Solutions Chapter 8 A House is Not a Home

MP Board Class 9th English Solutions Chapter 8 A House is Not a Home

MP Board Class 9th English Solutions Chapter 8 A House is Not a Home


Missing The Old School
After completing his junior level school, the author went to high school. The school building was reach bigger than the old school. He missed his classmates and teacher a lot. They advised him to take part in school activies so that he could meet the new people.
Fire Broke Out In House
One sunday after noon, the author was busy doing his home work. There was cold outside. To keep the room hot, her mother was stoking the fire. His small cat was sitting there. All of a sudden, he noticed rapidly. The author ran to the neighbours to call the fire department. His mother ran back into the house.
Author And Mother Caught In The Fire
When the fire books out in the house the author’s mother came out with some important document from the house. Again she enter into the house to take some memorable pictures and letters of her husband. The author ran after her. But the fireman caught him and wrapped in a blanket. Soon another fireman brought the author’s mother. She had inhaled some smoke. She was put on oxygen mask over her mouth. Now, she was alright. The house was completely burnt seeing this, the author was more disappointed.
Reaching At The School
Next day, the author went to school without school uniform and books. He had lost all his belongings in the fire. He sad all. He felt himself as on outcast. He just wanted to die.
The Author Visited His House
While returned from School, the author visited his house. Every thing was completely destroyed. Only the albums, documents remained safe. He was in frustration. It is mother took him from there because he had to buy clothes and books for school.
A Mother Day At School
Another day a 10th of friends come around and took him to the gymnasium. There was a table on which all kinds of things like notebooks, clothes, shoes, sweatsuits etc. were kept. The author was quite over whelmed a number of friends came and showed sympathy to him. A few of them he had not were met earlier. This way he made new friends also.
Life Returning To Normal track
After a some days, life became normal. The house was renovated. His friends came and visited him. He was now not alone. While people started visiting him, he realised that his life was returning to normal track.
Cat Given To Him By A Woman
while the author was planing about his bedroom, a woman walker up and asked if the cat belonged to him. She had seen the phone number on his caller. Althrough she faced much difficulty in tracing the author. Seeing the cat, the author became room enthusiastic. He hugged the cat.
Feeling of Joy
After such a tragedy. The author was feeling much happier. The feeling of loss and tragic event had diminished from his life. He was full of gratitude for his life and new friends.
पुराने स्कूल की याद 
जूनियर स्तर का स्कूल छोड़ने के बाद लेखक हाई स्कूल गया। स्कूल की इमारत पुराने स्कूल की तुलना के बहुत बड़ी थी। वह यदा कदा अपने पुराने स्कूल जाता और शिक्षकों से भी मिलता था उन्होंने उसे स्कूल की नई-नई गतिविधियों में शामिल होने की सलाह दी ताकि वह नए लोगों से मिल सके।
घर में आग लगना
एक रविवार की दोपहर को लेखक अपना होमवर्क करने में व्यस्त था। बाहर बहुत ठंडक थी। कमरे की गरम राखने के लिए उसकी माँ आग को ठीक कर रही थी। उसकी छोटी सी बिल्ली उसके पास बैठी हुई थी। अचानक उसके छत से आग लगा हुई देखी। थोड़ी ही देर में आग की लपटें उसके पास पहुँच गयी। यह बहुत उसने फैल रही थी। लेखक अपने पड़ोसी के पास अग्निशाकए दास्ते को बुलने के लिए दौड़ा उसकी माँ घर की ओर वापास दौड़ी।
लेखक और उसकी माँ आग मैं फंस गए
घर में जब आग लगी तो लेखक की माँ कुछ जरूरी कागजातों के साथ घर से बाहर निकली । पुन: वह अपने पति के पत्रों को लेने के लिए घर में गई। लेखक उसके पीछे भाग। लेकिन अग्निशमन कर्मचारियों में उसे पकड़ कर एक कंबल में लपेट दिया। इसके बाद जल्द ही उनके लेखक की माँ को लाया। उनके अंदर कुछ घुंए चला गया था। उसके मुँह पर ऑक्सीजन का मॉस्क रख गया। अब वह बिल्कुल सही थी। घर पुरी तरह जल गया था। इसे देखकर लेखक को बहुत निराशा हुई। अपनी बिल्ली को देखकर लेखक जोर रोन लगा लेकिन अग्निशसन कर्मचारियों ने उसे घर के अंदर प्रवेश करने से रोका।
स्कूल पहुँचना
दूसरे दिन लेखक बिना कोई युनिर्फोम, किताब इत्यादि लिए हुए स्कूल पहुँचा उसके सभी सामान आग में जल गए थे। उसने स्वयं को सबसे अलग-थलग पाया। वह अपने आप को अछूत समझने लगा। वह सिर्फ मरना चाहता था।
लेखक अपने घर पहुंचा
स्कूल से लौटते वक्त लेखक अपना घर पहुँचा। सभी चीजें पूर्णरूप से नष्ट हो गयी थी। सिर्फ दस्तावेज बच गए थे। वह बहुत उदास था। उसकी माँ उसे वहाँ से ले गयी। क्योंकि उसके स्कूल के लिए कपड़े और किताबे खरीदनी थी।
स्कूल का दूसरे दिन
दूसरे दिन बहुत से मित्र आए और उसो जिम्मा जियन ले गए। एक टेबल पर सभी जरूरी चीजें जैसे कॉपी, कपडे, जूते, गर्म कपड़े इत्यादि रखे हुए थे। इसे देखकर लेखक अभिभूत हो गया। बहुत सारे मित्र उसके पास आए और हमदी जातायी। उनमें से बहुत से वह पहले कभी नहीं मिला था। इस तरह से उसने अनेक गए दोस्त बनगए।
जिंदगी सामान्य होने लगी
कुछ दिनों के बाद जीवन सामान्य हो गया। घर पुनः बनाया गया। उसके कई दोस्त उससे मिलने आए। अब वह अकेला नहीं बचा था। जब लोग उससे मिलने आने लगे तो उसके महसूस किया कि जीवन सामान्य होता जा रहा है।
एक औरत द्वारा बिल्ली दिया जाना
जब लेखक अपने शयनकक्ष की भोजन बना रहा था तो एक औरत आ यी और उसने बिल्ली के बारे में पूछा, उसने उसके कॉलर पर टेलिफोन नंबर लिखा देखा, यद्यपि उसे लेखक को ढूंढने में काफी परेशानी हुई। बिल्ली को देखते ही लेखक अति उत्साही हो गया। उसने बिल्ली को गले से लगा लिया
खुशी की अनुभूति
इतने बड़े दुख के बाद लेखक बहुत खुशी का अनुभव कर रहा था। उसकी जिंदगी से दुख का खत्म हो गया था। वह अपनी जिंदगी के लिए नई दोस्तो का बहुत आभारी था।


Q.1. What does the author notice one sunday afternoon? What is his mother’s reaction? What does she do?
Ans One sunday afternoon the author noticed smoke getting in the room through ceiling. Within no time, the fire spread. He and his mother ran out into the house without caring the flames. She got a small metal box with some important documents. Then she ran into the house to get album and her husband’s letter who is row no more in this world.
Q.2. Why does he break down in tears after the fire?
Ans. The author did not find his cat whom he loved very much. He suffered a huge loss. He cried lovelly. Thus he broke down into tears after the fire.
Q.3. Why is the author deeply embarrassed the next day in school? Which words show his fear and insecurity?
Ans. When the author went to the school next day. He felt deeply embarrased because he was not properly dressed. He had no books and homework as well. His backpack was gone. He felt himself to be an outcast. He just wanted to die. There was fear and felling of insecurity. He was quite uncertain about his future. The words like “outcast”, geek”, “weird” etc. Show his fear and in security.
Q.4. The cat and the author are very fond of each other. How has this been shown in the story? Where was the cat after the fire? Who brings it back and how?
Ans. The author liked his cat very much. He rescued the cat while she was very small. She always moved in the author’s house purring lovely when the fire broke out, the entire house was completely burnt. The author searched her but found no where. He started weeping lovely. Actually the cat had run away after the fire. A woman saw her. She could recognise her only because there was the telephone number on her collar. Through telephone, she could be able to locate the real owner and handed the cat to him.
Q.5. What actions of the schoolmates change the author’s understanding of life and people, and comfort him emotionally? How does his loneliness vanish and how does he start participating in life?
Ans. The schoolmates were very co-operative when the author reached school, they took the author to the gymnasium. They kept notebooks, clothes, tops own sweatsuits for him on the table, these autions changed the author’s understanding of like and people and comforted him emotionally. He had many new eariler. This way his loneliness vanished and become into the mainstream of life.
Q.6. What is the meaning of “My cat was back and so was I”? Had the author gone anywhere? Why does he say that he is also back?
Ans. The author wants to say that with the coming back of his cat his life has returned to normally. Now he had lots of friends who helped them a lot. No, the author had not gone anywhere. He had become exhausted due to the huge loss of life. When he had changed his new school he was alone. He says so because he has many friends now. He is not alone. He is quite happy among his new friends.
Q.1. Have any of your classmates/schoolmates had an experience like the one described in the story where they needed help? Describe how they were helped.
Ans. Life is A saga of success and failure, victory and defeat, ups and downs. Nothing is permanent in life. We start any work’it does not mean that we will get success in the initial phase, perhaps we may get failed. But we should not get dishearten But is my firm belief and correction through which we over come our hurdles. One of my friends could not clear his NTSE examination. Through he was very brilliant and hard working. He did much/ about to crack the exam. But he could not succeed. He was quite dejected and depressed. He needed help teachers and friends also co-operated him a lot. He was given moral support. All the colleages were with him in this hour of crisis. But even then he was weeping. It seems as if there nothing remains in his life. We told him to labour hard with the same spirit and enthuiasm and take next attempt for a few months, he remained same. But later on he statred doing labour hard. And he clear the exam`in the next attempt. He was very happy teachers and his friends were also very happy. So, if the circumstances come as the author faced we should not get disheartend. But we should have it oldly. we will really fulfil our aim.

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