NCERT 8 Social Science

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Civics Chapter 7 Understanding Marginalisation

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Civics Chapter 7 Understanding Marginalisation

Understanding Marginalisation Class 8 Questions and Answers Provided helps you to answer complex Questions too easily. You can use them while preparing for board exams and all of them are given by subject experts. Reading NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Civics Chapter 7 Understanding Marginalisation familiarizes you with the kind of questions appearing in the board exams. Students are advised to read these solutions on a regular basis to score well.

Understanding Marginalisation Class 8 Questions and Answers Civics Chapter 7

Make your learning experience enjoyable by preparing from the quick links available on this page. Use the Class 8 SST Civics Chapter 7 NCERT Solutions and get to know different concepts involved. All the Solutions are covered as per the latest syllabus guidelines. Knowing the NCERT Class 8 Civics Chapter 1 Questions and Answers helps students to attempt the exam with confidence.

Civics Class 8 Chapter 7 NCERT Textbook Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Write in your own words two or more sentences of what you understand by the word ‘marginalisation’.
Marginalisation can be done with any group or individual in small or large way. It is basically a situation in which these groups with differences from the majority are sidelined and in many cases they are ill- treated.

Question 2.
List two reasons why Adivasis are becoming increasingly marginalised.
Adivasi are getting marginalised because:

  • They still have beliefs in their old rituals and they are still orthodox in their behaviour.
  • They are used to the place where they had been from the very past. So, they do not want to leave the forest and all.

Question 3.
Write one reason why you think the Constitution’s safeguards to protect minority communities are very important?
Constitution provides safeguards because there is an insecurity in the minority community and Constitution is committed to protecting India’s cultural diversity and promoting equality as well as justice.

Question 4.
Re-read the section on Minorities and Marginalisation. What do you understand by the term ‘ minority?
Minority refers to communities that are usually numerically very small or small in numbers in compari-son to other communities of the society.

Question 5.
You are participating in a debate where you have to provide reasons to support the following Statement: ‘Muslims are a marginalised community. Using the data provided in this chapter, list two reasons that you would give.
The Muslims are a marginalised community because:

  • Muslims lack in basic amenities.
  • Muslims have the lowest literacy rates.

Question 6.
Imagine that you are watching the Republic Day parade on TV with a friend and she re¬marks, “Look at these tribals. They look so exotic. And they seem to be dancing all the time”. List three things that you would tell her about the lives of Adivasis in India.
The lives of Adivasis in India can be summarised as:

  • The unique style of dressing which they had opted from the past.
  • They are the original caretakers of the forests.
  • Indian history can still be in some of their lifestyles.

Question 7.
In the storyboard you read about how Helen hopes to make a movie on the Adivasi story. Can you help her by developing a short story on Adivasis?
Do it yourself. Students are requested to frame the best story on their own.

Question 8.
Would you agree with the Statement that economic marginalisation and social marginalisation are interlinked? Why?
Yes, economic and social marginalisation are interlinked because:

  • When in any case, a group is socially marginalised they will not be having equal access to education and other resources and this will lead to their improper economic development and concluding in economic marginalisation.

Class 8 Civics Chapter 7 NCERT Intext Activity Questions and Answers

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Question 1.
Explain at least three different reasons why groups may be marginalised.
The 3 different reasons why the groups may be marginalised are as follows:

  • The people of that group might be the speaker of a different language.
  • They follow different customs or belong to a different religious groups from majority community,
  • One reason can also be Stated that they might be poor, considered to be of ‘low’ social status and viewed with hostility and fear.

Question 2.
Why was Dadu forced to leave his village in Orissa?
Dadu was forced to leave his village in Orissa because the company wallah came to the place he stayed and said that there was iron ore under Dadu’s land and they wanted to mine it. So they forced Dadu out and when Dadu did not agree to leave even after the several promises laid down by the company wallahs.

Question 3.
In your own city or village, who would you think are the marginalised groups? Discuss.
Do it by yourself.

Question 4.
Can you name some Adivasi communities that live in your State?
Do it by yourself.

Question 5.
What languages do they speak?
Do it by yourself.

Question 6.
Do they live close to the forest?
Do it by yourself.

Question 7.
Do they migrate to other regions looking for work?
Yes, they are mostly forced to migrate from forests.

Question 8.
What metals are important in present-day India? Why? Where do they come from? Are there Adivasi populations there?
Metals ore like iron and copper are important in India.
They all come from forests. Yes, Adivari’s depend heavily on forest.

Question 9.
List five products that you use at home that come from the forest.

  • Rubber
  • Copper
  • Honey
  • Paper
  • Wood

Question 10.
By whom were the following demands being made on forest land?
(a) timber for construction of houses and railways
(b) forest land for mining. Forest land for agriculture by non-tribal people
(c) reserved by government as wildlife parks
These all demands were being made on forest land from the people who belongs to the particular forest lands as they were the original care taker of all these from the very beginning and it would be unjust not to ask them before taking away their land.

Question 11.
In what ways would this affect tribal people?
The following mentioned demands will make the tribal people lose their originality and in some case it may also lead to displace them from their actual place.

Question 12.
What do you think this poem is trying to convey?
This poem reflects the hopes of migrants and the reality they faced in Assam.

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Question 13.
In your opinion, why is it important that Adivasis should have a say in how their forests and forest lands are used?
It is important that Adivasis should have a say in how their forests and forests lands are used because they were the original care taker of those lands from the very past and they lived in the lap of that land and had an emotional relation with them.

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Question 14.
Why do we need safeguards for minorities?
In order to make possible the security of minority and stop the dominance that is created from the majority, it is important to provide safeguards for minorities.

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Question 15.
Read the data related to schooling provided by the Sachar Committee Report:
• 25 per cent of Muslim children in the 6-14 year age group have either never been enrolled in school or have dropped out. This percentage is much higher than that of any other socio-religious community.
Do you think special measures are required to address this situation?
Yes, special measures are required to address the situation as it is still less percent 25 percent only.

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