


Q.1. What is the position and status of English in Global Scenario?
Ans. English : An International Language― English is the first language
of England. U.S.A., Australia and Canada. It is the second language of
many countries like Russia, France, Germany, India, Pakistan etc. One in ten
persons of the world knows English. 50% of the world’s newspapers, scientific
and technical periodicals, 60% of the world’s radio boradcasts and 75% of the
world’s mail are in English. The U.N.O. has given English the status of
being an official language. So F. G. French’s following statement seems quite
      “No language ancient or modern can be compared with English in the
number of geographical distributions of the homes, factories and offices in
which the language is spoken, written and read.”
   These days, every country needs other countries’ help in political, social,
economical and cultural matters. These comes English as a rescue. This
prompted U. K. Gatak to say:
      “It would be rash to cut ourselves off from the English language which
keeps us in continuous contact with the latest throughts in Europe, in every field
of life and culture.”
      In fact, in the words of Pt. J. L. Nehru, “English is our major window on
the modern world.”
          English : A Library Language-For maintaining the standard of
education and getting higher knowledge, the graduate students and research
scholars need to consult libraries. Good reference books are found in English
especially on science subjects. Therefore, a good knowledge of English is
      English : A Link Language-The Census of India (1971) revealed that
380 languages or dialects are spoken in India. These can be grouped in 14
languages (given in the Schedule vill of the Indian Constitution). Hindi
occupies the first place because it is spoken by nearly 30% of the population.
Next to it are Bengali, Telgu, Marathi and Tamil. English is the only language
which is known to the educated people all over the country. Therefore, for
having interstate links on the following matters, we need the knowledge of
      (i) Trade, (ii) Administration and Management, (iii) Social affairs and
(iv) Cultural and educational exchanges.
      The Place of English in Present DaysThese days― English is taught as
a second language as well as a foreign language. Now English is :
(1) It is no more the medium of instruction and examination. There
are some public schools and convents where the medium of instruction and
examination is still English.
(2) In lower primary stage, it is not being taught except in public
(3) Regarding its place in lower secondary stage, there is no uniform
policy. In Punjab and Haryana, teaching of English starts from the 6th class,
in Himachal Pradesh, from 4th class and in Gujarat, from 8th class.
(4) There is also no uniform policy about its place in the higher secondary
level in different States. English is compulsory for some students at this level
and optional for some.
(5) It is not a compulsory subject at the graduation level.
The place of English in present days clearly indicates the lack of uniform
policy about its place. A quick step must be taken to give an appropriate, that
is, an important place to this language in school-curriculum.
Q. 2. What is the Present position of English teaching in Bihar schools?
Ans. Educational attainment of a society is an important determination of
its level of economic development. If a poor stale Bihar wants to become rich.
it must ensure that its children are well educated.
     The Status of English in Bihar is very low in relation to other States of
      The level of English in Bihar in Primary level is at the last stage of a
20 states list.
      Bihar has a higher percentage of children not attending school.
    The 36% of students in class VI cannot read a paragraph taken from a class
Il text book. They even cannot write a complete sentence of English on their
Note Book
      The demand for English at the initial stage of schooling is evident in the
mushrooming of private ‘English medium schools and in the early introduction
of English as a subject across the Stales/UTs of the country. Though the
problems of feasibility and preparedness are still to be solved satisfactorily,
there is a general expectation that the educational system must respond to
people’s aspiration and need for English. Within the eight years of education
guaranteed to every child, it should be possible in the span of 5 years to ensure
basic English language proficiency including reading and writing.
Q. 3. Discuss the need of teaching English at Elementary state.
Ans. India was ruled by British rulers for over 200 years. We inherited
many aspects of British culture. English language is one of them. During British
rule the English occupied an important place in our country. It was the official
language of British Administration and also the medium of instruction, and a
subject of study in Indian Schools and Universities. Knowledge of English was
considered necessary social interaction and communication. Now, speaking
English has become a fashion. It has been enjoying a privileged status since pre
independence period in India.
      After independence we could not do away with English language due
obvious reason that it is an official language of library, a language of trade and
industry and a window of the modern world. Now it has become necessary that
English is to be taught right from the beginning in schools. Teaching of English
Occupies an important place in India due to other reasons also. They are
English as a link language―India is multi language country. The
constitution of India recognizes fifteen languages as provincial languages and
about eight hundred and fifty four spoken dialects in India. Though Hindi is
most widely spoken and understood language in India, we still require English
as the link language. Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru once said, “If you push out English,
does Hindi fully takes its place? I hope it will. I am sure it will. But I wish to
svoid the danger of one unifying factor being pushed out without another
unifying factor fully taking its place. In that event there will be a gap. I order
to avoid that gap at all cost I come to conclusion that English is likely to have
an important place in the foreseeable future.”
      It is for this reason that English serves the purpose of a link language
among all people of India from far east regions of Meghalaya. Tripura, Manipur
to Southern most part of India i.e. Kerala and Chennai.
     English as a unifying language―Linguism in one of the factors that has
created disturbance and note causing disintegration of India. It is linguistic
frenzy that tends to lead disharmony and disintegration of our nation. English
can act as a unifying factor in multilingual country like India. It can help in
emotional and national integration by calming down the linguistic passions.
     It was, therefore, thought necessary that Chief Ministers Conference in
1956 recommended a three-language formula to be followed in all schools all
over India. According to this, a child must learn (i) Mother tongue or regional
language, (ii) National language or any other Indian Language in case of those
whose mother tongue is the same as the national language and (iii) English. The
Education Commission (1964-66) has, however, modified three-language
formula, which provides for the study of English as an important subject of
Q. 4. What are the Aims of Teaching English as a Second Language in
Ans. In India English should not taught as first language but as a second
language. It should be taught as a living language and not as a literature. If
teaching of English literature is the aim take the child in English and teach him.
English as a mother tongue or bring English to India. The main aim of teaching
English to Indian children should be linguistic and practical and not literary or
aesthetic so as to help students to have a practical command of English. This
means that students should be able to understand spoken English, speak
English, read and write English.
    Like every other languages English is a skill. The subject and involves four
language skills viz. listening, speaking, reading and writing. According to
Thompson and Wyatt, The aim of teaching English at school level are :
I. To understand spoken English
II. To speak English correctly
III. To understand written English
IV. To write correct English.
1. To Understand Spoken English― Language is learnt by imitation.
Child listens others speaking and then try to imitate him. At school level the
teacher should talk in English with his students as much as possible and try to
make them understand it. He should exchange greetings, give them orders
and directions. He should encourage them to listen to the lectures, talks,
running commentaries on matches, news bulletins etc. on radio or televisions
    To achieve this aim students should be given maximum opportunities to
listen to spoken English, Gramophone, Tape recorders can be used for this
purpose so that they should respond to English sound.
II. To Speak English Correctly―After understanding spoken English
they should learn to speak English. Speaking in English is easier than reading
and writing. Language is learnt by speaking. A habit has to be developed for
using a language. While speaking the students learnt where and when to stress
or to intonate. It is the base of learning. At the end of five or six years child
is expected to talk fluently in English provided he is provided an environment
of speaking English. The ability to speak English is required in big cities for
interaction. People speaking different languages generally communicate with
one another and foreigners in English. To encourage speaking proper exercises
like debates, declamation contests, dramatics must be taken.
III. To Understand Written English-The third stage is to understand
Written English. Training in reading is very important for students. It enable
then to know the latest informations of their subjects of study. Teacher should
be able to adopt English as the medium of instruction
      Reading the comprehension the written material in English is an important
aim. It should begin with the loud reading followed by silent reading. The
teacher should stress upon correct pronounciation, stress, intonation and
comprehension. Passive vocabulary of student, should be increased to enable
them to read them to read English with comprehension. They should be to able
to recognise new words and sentence patterns and establish relationship
between pronounciation of words and their spelling.
IV. To Write Correct English―Writing correct English is the most
difficult aspect of learning English. One of the aims of teaching English should
be to enable the students to write in English simple letters, applications,
descriptions and accounts of events. The ability to write in English is required
in almost all spheres of life. Students should be able to write correctly and
legibly with correct spelling and pronounciation.
      Thomson and Wyatt have suggested the following paints for coordinating
the skills of English language.
(a) Practice in hearing should proceed and provide matter for practice in
(b) Speaking should precede and provide matter for reading practice.
(c) Reading should precede and provide matter for writing.
(d) Reading should precede and matter for elucidating rules and setting
exercises in grammar.
Aims of Teaching English at elementary and junior level at which English
is taught.
(a) Elementary level (from upper K.G. to V Classes)
(b) Junior level (From Class VI to VIII Class)
Q. 5. How can the use of mother-tongue help the pupils in acquiring
proficiency in English ? Discuss and give examples.
Or, To what extent does the mother-tongue create difficulties in,
learning English ?
Or, What is the place of the mother-tongue in the teaching of English ?
Or, Discuss the exact scope of the use of mother-tongue in the teaching
of English.
Or, How far is the use of mother-tongue justified, in the teaching of
English ? Indicate the particular occasion on which you think it should be
Ans. Mother-tongue is the language that a child learns from his mother. He
begins the learning of this language in his infancy. Mahatma Gandhi has
written—”The mother-tongue is as natural for the development of the man’s
mind as mother’s mind is for the development of the infant’s body.” It is
through the skill achieved in mother tongue that the child expresses all his
feelings and desires and understands the feelings and desires of others.
Communication through mother-tongue begins at the earliest stage of life.
    Mother-tongue helps the child in all kinds of thinking. With his growth, the
spirit of inquiring, reasoning, analysing, elaborating, discussing and discerning
grows, all these mental operations are carried on in the mother tongue. The
child begins to learn new words, their use in their proper context and thus
acquires an ability of expression with clarity, case and correctness. All this
happens in a natural way. The child acquires linguistic skills by constant use und
practice at home, in and outside the class-room, in the circle of his friend with
whom he plays and wherever he goes. The acquisition of these skills
learning process in the mother-tongue is unconscious but gradual.
     Mother-tongue is greatly helpful for the teaching of Foreign language,
specialty English language.
     The use of the mother tongue in the teaching of English differs. The
supporters of the Direct Method forbid the use of mother-tongue in the teaching
of English. Some teachers say that the use of mother-tongue is an obstacle to
the learning of English. Others regard the co-ordination of the teaching of the
mother-tongue and English as one of the cardinal principles of the teaching
method. This is the opinion of Ryburn too, who says that the question of the
place of mother-tongue in the teaching of English is not that of subordination,
but that of co-operation or co-ordination. Hence the co-operation of the mother-
tongue should be sought in the teaching of English.
       Justification of the use of mother-tongue―The use of the mother-tongue
in the teaching of English has been justified by many educationists such as:
(i) “if sufficient attention is paid to the teaching of mother -tongue and if
it is well-taught, habits may be formed in the class-room which will
be of greatest value in connection with the learning of English.”
(ii) “A severe training in the use of mother-tongue is not a vital but a
necessary preliminary to training in the use of English.”
                                                         ―Calcutta University Commission
(ii) “A teacher may explain by means of lines and drawings, using English
all the time, the word, ‘long’ and short’. When he speaks and draws
lines on the black-board, his pupils say to themselves in their own
language. “Our word for that is.” Translation is taking place, even
though the pupil has said nothing aloud.”            ―Menon and Patel
(iv) “Experiments and enquiries into the matter have shown that other
things equal, strength in the vernacular will mean strength in English
Improvement in the standard of work in the vernacular has shown
corresponding improvement in that of English.”
                                                                               ―Bhatia and Bhatia
The above opinions bring us to the conclusion that the use of mother
tongue is justified in the teaching of English, Prof. Frisby has quoted his
opinion in the context of the learning of English as a foreign language-“I have
found it true in the case of the learning of the mother tongue also. The process
of learning of all languages is almost alike.” Thus, the skill acquired in the
learning of mother-tongue helps in acquiring skill in a foreign language. “Any
emphasis laid on the mother-tongue will have a good effect on the standard of
English.” The teaching of mother-tongue and the teaching of a foreign language
can support and assist each other” says P. Gurrey. The methods, which we
select and apply in the teaching of English as a foreign language. The principles
that underlie the methods of teaching mother-tongue
the methods
of English teaching also.
   Therefore, we may be sure, that if the mother tongue is well taught, that
teaching will help in the learning of a new language and if a foreign language
is taught on sound lines, the training that it gives the pupil will promote a better
understanding and a better use of the mother tongue. At the school stage,
specially devised practice in the use of their mother tongue in order to acquire
ability to express themselves with clarity, case and correctness is to be given to
them. In this way, the child will acquire skill in the mother tongue and will be
prepared for acquiring similar skill in the learning a foreign language.
    This, however, does not mean that we should make an extreme use of the
mother-tongue and translate each and every word phrase, and sentence into the
mother-tongue, nor should we totally avoid the use of mother-tongue, The best
thing for us to do is to follow the middle path.
            Precautions in the use of mother-tongue :
When a teacher uses the mother-tongue in an English lesson, he should
take the following precautions :
(i) The use of mother tongue should be restricted to the teacher as far as
possible. Students must not be encouraged to use it in the class-room
without need.
(ii) After giving an equivalent in the mother tongue, he should get quickly
into English.
(iii) To test the pupils’ comprehension, he can sometimes ask the meaning
of a word in the mother-tongue. He should, however never do so in the
case of phrases and sentences.
(iv) He should use English speech, objects, pictures, sketches and other
possible means to communicate the idea represented by the word. He
should use the mother-tongue only when all his methods fail,
(v)  If necessary, he should explain the grammatical points in the mother-
tongue, but he should not forget to get back quickly into English.
  Occasions for the use of Mother-tongue :
(i) In the occasion of oral work P. Guliey writes—”If a speaker talks
freely and fluently in his own language he can soon learn to speak well and
easily in another language. This means that oral expression in English very
greatly depends upon oral expression in the mother tongue. Hence, it is
necessary that before the students are taught
English they should have thorough
grounding in oral conversation in the mother tongue, before they are asked to
relate it in the mother tongue.
(ii) In the occasion of composition―Composition in English
presupposes the ability of collecting and organising ideas. All subject matter for
written composition in English can be borrowed from the mother-tongue.
(iii) Use in pronounciation―Clear pronounciation in English is possible
only when the pupils’ pronounciation in the mother tongue is clear. As English
is a foreign language, its sounds are quite peculiar for an Indian child. For
example, the sound of ‘z’ in ‘zero’ is not the same of ‘G’ in Hindi. English
has a complex system of vowels, particulary the dipthongs, which are not
sounds in any Indian language. Hence, before giving pronounciation drill of
certain words, a comparison and contrast of the articulation and intonation of
English sounds with those of vernacular sounds will help the students to become
(iv) Use in Translation―The mother tongue has a very important place in
translation. It gives the students ample practice in expressing in English the
nearest obtainable equivalents presented in the mother-tongue, in the words of
Menon and Patel, Translation of passage’s has its objects the securing of an
exact parallel. Its aim is to ascertain to what degree of perfection the art of
paralleling has been pursued.”
(v) Use in reading―P. Gurrey writes. “Children who have been taught
to read in their mother-tongue well, can quickly learn to read English after one
or two years of oral English. Indian conditions, not being very favorable,
pupils may take more time. But ultimately they are sure to be benefitted by their
practice in the mother-tongue. Hence, reading attention, reading posture and
reading habits are to be developed in them through reading exercises in the
(vi) Use in Grammar―Ryburn says. “If pupils were given a through
grounding in the grammar of their mother-tongue, it would make things much
easier for the English teacher.” The grammar learnt by a child in the mother-
tongue forms the back ground of the English grammar For example, if he has
a good, knowledge of ‘Sarvanam’ (pronoun), and the words used as such, their
Person and their function, he will very casily leam their English equivalents.
This makes the work of the English teacher very easy, in case, he finds that
some complexities of English grammar are still left, he can explain them in the
mother-tongue. He can also present a comparison and contrast between the
grammatical form in English and those in mother-tongue.
     Conclusion―Hence, we can say that the mother tongue is of great use, in
teaching each and every aspect of English. Whenever ; the teacher feels that
there is a danger of misunderstanding or misinterpretation or waste of time and
energy, he should not hesitate to use the mother-tongue. It is, therefore, the use
of mother-tongue in the occasion of teaching English should be encouraged.
The teacher, however, should make a very judicious use of it and only when
there is a real need for it. He would do well to bear in mind these words of
Ryburn, “The strength of the mother-tongue will mean strength in English.”
So the teacher should be careful from the beginning that their students should
pronounce and write English words correctly. Correct habits of speech and
writing habits in learning English.
      If a teacher talks freely and fluently in his own language, their pupils will
try to do so. This will effect on the learning of English also. The English teacher
will give his pupils sufficient practice in speech and writing. He will provide
them with sufficient opportunities in which they speak and write. He will
introduce them with the similarity of sounds in two languages. Pronounciation
drills, reading aloud of structures, sentences and paragraphs, either from the
black-board on which the teacher writes, or from their texts and conversation
and discussion at a later stage are devices of developing speech habi The
same is true with, writing.
     In order that our children acquire proficiency in speaking, reading and
writing, sufficient practice in speaking, reading and writing in their mother-
tongue must be given to them.
          A regular practice in speech, debates, story-telling and dramatics, recitation
of poem etc., in their mother-tongue will help in forming correct habits of
writing in English. Thus, the teaching of mother-tongue will continue to help in
forming their speech and writing habits in English. It will also help and train
them in expressing through English. Mother-tongue is the constant source of
supply of ideas and thoughts and inspires the children in thinking and
expressing in English.
Q. 6. How Skill of Listening and Speaking (Oral) English can be
developed ?
Ans. Language is a system of vocal symbols. It is primary vocal or speech
It starts with listening followed by speech. Soon after the birth the infant simply
listens before he begins to utter sound. He learns certain sound and structures
unconsciously. To learn any language first tre infant listen then he starts
speaking. So listening is the foundation to learn speaking. Therefore, dae
emphasis should be laid on the development of skill of listening. Mothers sing
lullaby to make the crying body quict or to make him sleep. They
tell stories,
and baby enjoys lullaby and stories. Then the baby tries to express himself first
by using Sybille sounds and by speaking. Reading and writing
come after a long
time. So learning of language beings with listening . someone when he or she
speaks. Therefore listening and speaking plays an important role in learning a
language whether it is mother tongue or a second language. This ability to
understand spoken English is needed in ordinary conversation, listening, songs.
rhymes, stories calls, directions speech, lectures, talks, running commentary,
news bulletins etc. The ability to speak English is needed in expressing his
needs and communicating with foreigners and people of other state of the
      Listening and speaking English usually go together. That is why these two
skills are grouped together. The first requisite for understanding and speaking
a language is the ability to discriminate the sounds in the language. Sounds of
English language are different from the sounds of mother tongue. So, the first
step in developing skills of listening and speaking in training the learner to
listen to the characteristics English speech sounds, including stress and
intonation patterns. The teacher to train students’ ears to discriminate sounds
may do activities of the following types.
(a) Teacher can say pair of words or sentences and the students say
whether they are the same or different e.g. ship/sheep, born/borne.
Students will say that they are different.
(b) Teacher writes pairs of word of minimum difference in spelling and
pronounciation such as wash/watch, or tape/ tap and asks to identify
the item.
(c) The technique in (b) above can also be used for stress and intonation
pattern c.g. advice/advise, capital/capital, cite/ sight, council/counsel,
principal/principle etc.
(d) Teacher gives various commands and students perform activities e.g.
come here, open the door, bit down, stand up, bring your copy, go out
(e) Teacher displays various pictures, makes the statement about one of
them and students identify the picture.
  In addition to these activities, the students can be trained in listening to
connected speech at normal conversational speed. For such listening practice,
records or pre-recorded cassettes can be used or the teacher himself can speak
the passage at normal conversational speed with proper stress and intonation.
    For the development of the skill of speaking English, the teacher’s own
pronounciation should correct with proper stress and intonation. The students
always imitate their teacher. They learn to speak in the same way they hear their
teacher. To improve his own spoken English the English teacher should listen
to lingua-phone, recorded cassettes,. radio and T. V. and refer to English
pronouncing dictionary. Adequate practice in English speech should be given to
develop the skill of speaking with among students. Pronounciation exercise
should be integrated with the oral practice of pattern or structures. It can also
be provided with composition work such as dialogues and loud reading.
       Speaking practice should be given in meaningful situations through
repetition drills to form speech habits. It can be done through speech exercise.
substitution drills, addition drills, transformation drills and integration drills.
Role-playing and language gains can also be used to provide speaking practice.
Teaching Elements of Language : Vocabulary :
    Teaching of English is based upon two elements viz. (a) vocabulary and
structure. Through regional language has been adopted as medium of instruction
at the higher level yet English is still a key to store house of knowledge.
    The latest techniques of teaching English as a second language is learning
of structure. It is more important than acquisition of vocabulary. But structure
cannot be learnt without vocabulary. So we must have sufficient vocabulary to
learn the structures. Therefore for Icarning a language one must have to master
its vocabulary which means stock of words. English language has a vast
    Nature of words-The following aspects help us to understand the nature
of words.
1. Most of the words have more than one meaning. Meanings of words
change with the context. It is surprising to note that the word ‘Table’ has
91 meanings in English. Generally in English a word has twenty
2. Words have a number of meanings. A word conveys it’s meaning in the
context in which it is used. For example word ‘Get’ changes its meaning
in the expression ‘Get down. “Get-into’. Get rid off. The word ‘get’
changes it’s meaning in different context.
3. No exact synonyms within a language. Exact synonyms within the
language are not there. We cannot substitute one word for the other e.g.
sea and ocean, chest and breast, handsome and beautiful may appear to
be synonymous but each of them is used for a particular effect which
cannot be created by the other, though they have the same meaning. For
example (right) has a synonym ‘correct’. But when ‘right’ is used as
‘This is my right hand’ or ‘I have a right of to purchase property’ we
cannot use the word ‘correct’ here.
4. Words have no exact equivalent in different languages. No two word
in different language have same meaning. For example table has
equivalent in Hindi (mez). But in expression Time Table’, ‘Table of
figures we cannot use (mez). It may be added that Table in English and
mez in Hindi carry the same meaning in one context but it has different
meaning in another context.
      False Assumptions :
(i) A word has only one meaning is a false assumption. A few words have
only one meaning. But all words have only one meaning and have different
meaning in different context. For example take a word ‘Fast’, it has different
meaning in different context e.g. ‘He is my fast friend’, He runs very fast’.
‘This color is fast’. “Today I am on fast’.
(ii) English words do not have exact equivalents in Hindi. Exact wonts in
any two languages are rarely available in other language. No words, except
highly technical words, in any language has exactly the same meaning and use
as those in Hindi. Hindi or another language e.g. the word ‘Table’ stands for
‘Mez’ in Hindi. But we cannot translate Time Table’ as samay Mez.
(iii) Words have exact synonyms within language. Another false
assumption about the nature of word is that words of a language have exact
synonyms within the language. That is not so. We may have words similar
meaning, but not the exact synonyms in a language.
(iv) Each word has a Basic Meaning. A word may have more meanings.
Most frequently used meaning is generally its basic meaning. Every words has
an area of meaning. A word gets its meaning from the context in which it is
        From the above discussion we come to conclusion that the meaning of a
words is understood either in its context or its function in a sentence.
     In English there are two types of vocabulary―Active vocabulary and
passive vocabulary
     The vocabulary that we use is active vocabulary and the vocabulary that we
recognize and understand is Passive Vocabulary.
    Active Vocabulary―We use some words quite frequently in our speech
and writing. One of the main aims of teaching English is to make the students
proficient in speaking and writing English. This aim can be achieved by active
vocabulary only. Active Vocabulary is essential for communication. It is the
productive side of language. Therefore it is called productive vocabulary. It
enables a person to recall words spontaneously for active use. He is able to use
them in right place.
      Passive Vocabulary―There are words which we do not use frequently in
our speech and writing. So passive vocabulary is the vocabulary, which helps
us in recognizing and understanding in listening and reading. It is called
recognition or receptive vocabulary. This means that the child should be able to
understand spoken English.
     In this way we can clearly understand the difference between Active
Vocabulary and Passive Vocabulary. Which we make gradation of vocabulary
we should be careful that the words we select should be simple, useful and
easily teachable and they have structural value.
Q. 7. Write about Teaching of Vocabulary.
Ans. Large vocabulary helps us to read with speed and comprehension and
prepare notes on the material studies by him. Words are the vehicles of ideas
the thoughts. Thoughts are impossible without words. In fact, words are the
essential tools in our daily conversation. If a person is a student, lawyer, doctor
or a politician, there is always a great need of knowing more and more of words
for progress in one’s career. So, words are an adventure. Words are fun.
According to Bloomfield, “A free form which is not a phrase, is a word”. And
Vocabulary is a list of words.
       Kinds of vocabulary :
1. Active Vocabulary―Words which are generally understood and
commonly used by the learners while speaking and writing come under
active vocabulary.
2. Passive Vocabulary―Words that are recognized and understood but
never or seldomly used in speaking and writing, Come under
passive vocabulary
            Kinds of Words :
1. Structural words―These words are also called unction words. we
speak with the help of these words. These words include
all prepositions, conjunctions, articles, auxiliaries and degree words etc.
2. Substitute words―These words are used as the substitute of other
words. For example: he, she. 1. we, everyone, none etc.
3. Content Words―These are the words we talk about. These can be
divided in three parts :
(a) Words for things : Table, Chair, Pen etc.
(b) Words for qualities : Beauty, Ugly, Honesty etc.
(c) Words for action : Departure, arrival, play etc.
4. Distributive words ―The words which have negative and affirmative
distributions are known as distributive words. As : Either, neither, any,
some of them, etc.
           Nature of Words :
1. Words have more than one meaning.
2. Words convey their meaning in the context in which they are used.
3. Words change their meaning
4. No exact synonyms within a language.
5. No exact equivalents between different languages.
           Gradation Selection of Vocabulary :
The principles of the gradation of vocabulary are:
1. Principle of usefulness―The teacher should be careful whether the
word is useful for the learner and suitable to his mental level.
2. Principles of Frequency and its popularity-The teacher should
prepare a frequency list to show the relative popularity of a word.
3. Principle of structural value-The words which are valuable
connecting the content words must be taught early.
4. Principle of universally-A word must be useful everywhere.
5. Principle of applicability-It shows in how man different senses a
word can be used.
6. Principle of Productivity –Words productivity deals with its value of
word-building by means of prefixes and suffixes.
7. Principle of regional value=There are some word which are useful
and prevalent in one area but may not be useful and prevalent another
        Principles of Learning words:
1. Listening―Hearing precedes speaking. The listener hears the sound
and watches the movements of the lips of the speaker. A deaf child
is also dumb. Such children can’t listen, therefore, they are unable to
speak also.
2. The object or the action of sight―The object or the action must be
done as the sound is made.
3. Listening to sentences― The new words must be taught in a sentence
pattern because this will make the meaning and the sense of the word
clear to the pupils.
4. Trial and Practice-The child learns the words by writing them many
times. Practice makes a man perfect. In the beginning, the child may use
the word incorrectly. But if he practises regularly in presence of a
teacher and the teacher cares and corrects it then he uses the words
5. Speaking proceeds Reading and Writing―The child first learns to
use the words in spoken language then he makes use of them in writing
Techniques/Methods of Teaching New Words.
      There are two steps in teaching new words. They are :
1. Presentation―In this techniques, demonstration, verbal context,
association and visual techniques are used. Demonstration technique
includes showing of the actual objects or performing actions by the
teacher as well as students. Verbal context means giving definition or
explanation of a word. Under association technique, the teacher tells the
synonyms or antonyms of words or simply gives their meanings in
mother-tongue. Visual technique includes pictures, charts and material
displayed on the flannel board etc.
Various methods can be used by the teacher for teaching of vocabulary.
They are :
1. Traditional Method : by means of role and memory
2. Translation Method : Drama, Poem
3. Usage Method : Peacock is our National bird.
4. Similar word Method : Admit – Permit
5. Contrast word Method : High – Low
6. Derivation Method : Pragmatism is derived from the word pragma.
2. Practice― The students should be given adequate practice in the use of
the words in their own sentences. They should be asked to have
command of the new vocabulary items and to solve some word exercises
like fill in the blanks, correct the jumbled letters etc.
Q. 8. Describe the various methods of developing Reading skill of
English at Elementary Level.
     Ans. Reading is the ability to understand from the printed page the
thoughts, facts and information that it possesses. Reading English language is
a process of looking at written or printed symbols and translating them into their
spoken symbols. The spoken symbols are associated with the objects, qualities
of actions for which they stand. Thus reading consists of three elements―the
symbol (written or printed), the spoken symbol and the sense.
       According to Dr. West, “Reading should be given the most important
place in the total scheme of teaching English as a foreign language”. Reading
of the ability to understand the written language is the most useful skill.
There are certain problems in learning to read English, for example there
is a problem of script, unfamiliarity with sounds, irregularity of spelling, subject
matter. So the teacher should properly guide the students in reading and give
correct demonstration with proper pronounciation. There are certain definite
stages in teaching reading to the beginners. We should begin with letter
recognition, like Cat. Bat, Rat. Then we should teach with the help of Black
Board Sketches and familiar objects (This is a chair. This is a desk. This is a
table), etc. Then we can use pictures, flash cards, action. I am standing. I am
sitting. I am opening the door or window. I am writing, etc. and word building
games and them come to comprehension reading.
          Methods of Teaching Reading―The teacher should follow definie
methods to teach reading. The method teaching reading can be divided into two
categories :
I. Letter method i.e. alphabetic and phonic method.
II. Non-Letter method i.e. word, phrase, sentence and story method.
      I. Letter Method :
Alphabetic Method―This method is most commonly used. The
alphabetic method children are told the names of letters in their alphabetic order
and teach them words by selling hem loudly. But alphabets of English in
themselves have no meaning. Thus learner becomes dull and monotonous
Another fact is that the pronounciation of English words is not the combination
of the sounds of various letters of constituting them. It is an unpsychological
method. While reading, we never see letters but word groups. So this method
is most defective and unmechanic for teaching reading.
        Phonic Method―Phonic Method is used to teach the sound of the setters,
instead of their names. When the pupil has learnt to recognize the letters and
associated them with sound, he is taught to read phonically simple words like
rat, cat, bat, mat etc. this, too, is a faulty method of teaching reading. Pupil may
lose the sense or meaning or word e.g. pot, rod. Because the eyes perceive the
whole word first, as a result the students who are taught reading through this
method do not acquire speed in reading.
     II. Non-Letter i.e. word, phrase, the sentence and the story method :
Look and Say Method—In this method the whole word is given for
reading from the beginning. The pupils are taught to read it at sight by
associating it with a picture. That is why it could look and say method. This is
letter way to teaching reading because the pupils unimmediately learn
meaning of word which they have read. Its main disadvantage is that is
encourages the bad habit of reading one world at a time. Human eyes move
along line, taking group of words at a time. Then, there are abstract words,
whose full meanings cannot be understood through single or separate words.
   Phrase Method – In this method complete phrase is taught instead of a
word . phrases are more interesting to read than the words and also have more
meaning. But then a phrase also does not express a complete idea and lacks
complete meaning.
  Sentence Method―In this method complete sentences are taught instead
of words or phrases. Sentence is the unit of speech. We think in the form of
sentence and try to express our idea in the form of sentence. Word as a unit of
speech has no meaning of its own. They are meaningful when used in
association with other words in the form of sentence. In this method children
first learn to read sentence then words and lastly letters. This method of
reaching reading lays the foundation of practically all the attitudes and skill for
good reading. Sentence method has many advantages. Sentence method helps
the students to understand meaning form the context. It helps to present word-
by-word reading. This method lays the foundation of all the attitudes and skills
required for good reading. The only criticism of this method is that it over
stresses memory in the process of learning.
       Story Telling Method― Story telling method is the improved form of
sentence method. Children are told a story in four or five sentence illustrated
ihrough pictures. The children first learn the story by heart and them read it.
Here they first recognize sentences and then individual word. This method is
based on the belief that children are interested in stories.
    Conclusion―Each method has its merits and demerits. None of these
methods is perfect in it self. So it is difficult to say which method is the best
to teach reading. Selection of a method depends upon the classroom situation
and the back ground of students. The teacher should adopt a flexible approach
using not one but two or three methods at the time according to need. Of course
the teacher should start with sentence method. But students should be led to
recognize groups of words in the sentence and then different individual words
and finally the details of words such a syllables, letters and their sounds. This
method of teaching reading ensures that the students read with understanding,
interest, ease and economy.
Q. 9. How the Reading Habit can be developed in students ?
Ans. Prof. Raja Gopalan is perfectly right when he say “We should
concentrate all our attention on pupil now in school and make more and more
book-minded. We should create in them a real love for books and good taste for
        Language is taught to develop the ability to express out selves orally and
in writing a develop reading habits.
       Reading is one of the most important and useful skills in learning a foreign
language. Good reading habit promotes self-education. Reading is an activity,
which is not restrict to school life alone. It is an activity, which become a part
of out life. Good reading habit helps a student for both pleasure and profit.
Generally school going children do not develop the habit of reading. The fear
of examination stands in the way of development of reading habit among out
students. Unfortunately most of our teachers neither have nor do they take pains
to cultivate the reading habit among students. There are a number of difficulties,
which stand in the way of development of the reading habit. We can promote
the development of reading habit among school going children in the following
         1. Teacher should be good reader―Example is better then
precept. Teacher himself should be a good reader. Only then be can
inspire his student to read books. He should talk about new books in the
Class whenever there is an OPportunity to do so. Teacher should
recommend some extra books to them, Keeping in view their age and
2. Proper Guidance―The teacher should guide his students about the
SOurces of getting good books according to their age and capabilities.
3. Library Services―Facilities should be proviaea tO students to read
freely in library. At least three to four periods in the timetable of each
section of each class should be provided, so that students may get
maximum advantage of library.
4. Organizing Reading Programmes and Competitions―In library
periods students should be given extra bookS to read. These books
should be attractive interesting and easy to understand. The school
should arrange book fairs in school premises periodically to develop
interest among students for reading books. Similarly competitions can
be held on extra reading with provision of prizes.
5. Use of Bulletin Boards―The class boards, can promote interest in
extra reading among students. IIlustrated material like picture, cut outs
from magazines and even an interesting paragraph rnay be pasted on the
bulletin boards for developing habit of reading.
6. Assessing Reacding Interests―Assessment of students reading interest
can be heip in diagnosing the reading interest among the student’s
reading interest can be achieved with the help of questionnaire,
interview and visits to their homes. In this way reason can be found out
that stand in the way of students interest in reading.
7. Organizing Reading Clubs―A reading club can be organized in the
school to develop reading interest among students. The books dealing
with particular activities may be collected and placed at the dispsal of
students keeping in mind their age, ability and interest.
8. Follow up Activities―Creative activities such as recitation of poems or
reading of plays and dramatization in school will motivate the students
and develop reading habit. Students can be inspired to read more with
help of such activities.
    In short all effort should be made to develop reading habit among-School-
going children. We should create in them a real love for books; we can never
hope to improve the standards of English of our students unless reading habit
is formed among them.
Q. 10. Discuss the ways of developing writing skill.
Ans. Developing of writing skill in an important aspect of teaching
languages. Writing should be introduced just after word recognition exercise.
Writing skill reinforces oral and reading work. The language items already
learnt become firmiy ixed in the minds of students. Writing provides a change
of activity to do some homework. Student should be helped to write
correctly and legibly.
Writing skill includes (i) making letters of right shape and size. (ii) proper
spacing between letters, words and lines. (iii) using capital letters and other
punctuation marks where necessary, (iv) and controlling small muscles of
fingers and wrist to have fluent movement on writing.
      Writing is art F. G. French has said. Training in writing should begin with
training in muscular control through fairy large movements using fingers in
sand. The movements should include drawing of lines of various lengths and
directions, half circles, circles, strokes etc. The child hand should involve fully
various movements. Teaching the mechanics of writing normally has three
stages :
(i) Preparation Stage
(ii) Script Writing Stage
(iii) Mastering Stage
(i) Preparation Stage :
    (a) Free hand drawing―At this stage the learner is motivated write and
progress step by step. The writing work should begin as free hand drawing. The
child should think he is having practice in art. The teacher should allow them
to draw big shapes of various sizes on the chalkboard or on large sheets of
     (b) Controlled Drawing―Line notebooks should be taken and different
shapes should be drawn within lines on paper to give controlled practice to
children. This will help in controlling the finger movements.
      (c) Acquaintance with Writing Forms―Students should be introduced
to written forms before practice in writing begins. The teacher may write the
names of the pupils on their books, copies, desk etc. This will create interest
among students writing.
(ii) Script Writing Stage :
      Initial training in learning to write starts with script writing in English.
After some drawing practice, the child should start the letters of alphabets. He
learns small letters first and capital letters afterwards. To start with the child
does not learn to but by groups, which contain letters of similar shape. For
example :
(i) Letters made by strokes viz. I k 1t w x y z can be taught in one group.
(ii) Letters formed on circle viz. c. e. o m another group.
(iii) Letters formed y circle and strokes viz. A b d p g in third group.
(iv) And letters formed by curves viz. f, g, m, n, r, s, u in the forth group.
The teacher should give demonstration on the black board regarding letters.
He can write, in the students note books also. The students will carefully
observe the teacher’s demonstration and then imitate. They practice writing the
letters on four lined copybooks the teacher should pay individual attention and
correct the mistakes. Capital letters can be taught like this:
(i) Capital letters formed by stokes viz. AILEFMNVWXYZ
(ii) Capital letters based on circle viz. O, C, Q.
(iii) Capital letters based on curves viz. BDGPRSUY
There is no hard and fast rube for selecting a particular group for teaching
writing alphabets. The teacher can form his own groups depending upon his
need and convenience. After sufficient practice, script writing should be
practiced in the alphabetical order.
(iii) Mastering Stage :
  Gradually cvery individual child follows a particular style. The same style
should continue under due care and guidance of the teacher, The chief purpose
of teaching writing during this period is to help pupils to acquire adult style of
handwriting. Before changing to cursive i.e. running writing students should be
given sufficient practice to become familiar with it. The quality of handwriting
should continuously improve. Special attention should be given to its legibility.
After learning the letter formation the students should be taught to combine
letters. They may be asked to copy the text. Transcribing a set of words can be
given sufficient practice. There can be dietitian work also which should be duly
Writing Script :
   There are two major types of script. (1) Printed script and (2) Cursive
writing. The script writing consists of plan letter forms usually based on straight
lines and curves. The cursive writing consists of running letters forms joined
together by links and loops.
    Print Script―Textbooks contain print script. Students read it therefore
cannot write in that script. The letters in this script are no joined together and
easier to learn. The common practice is to start with script and turn to cursive
writing after a year or two. The advantages claimed for beginning with script
writing are :
(i) No stokes are needed to join the letters. Letters in print script have
simpler form than cursive script.
(ii) Print script is common in books and children at early stage casily
recognize it. It is difficult for them to learn two scripts at a time.
(iii) Children can compare their writing with printed one and, can find their
errors easily in formation of letters.
(iv) Physical strain is less in the learning of print script.
(v) Print script is suited to the muscular and motor development.
(vi) There is lesser need for supervision of the children.
In spite of this. Print Script has some drawbacks also. Though letters in
print script can be written speedily and it is easy to write at pre schooling stage,
but later on they have to write in cursive print. Therefore cursive script has to
be learnt at later stage. So habit has to be developed to adopt cursive script.
    Cursive Script―All English knowing people write in cursive script all
over the world. It is always letter to help the students to write in cursive style
as soon as they reach the age of four or years. If once they form the habit of
writing in cursive style they will be able write speedily.
        The teacher should be careful about the writing material. Broader surface
should be provided to the children to start their initial writing for acquiring
regulated movement of arms and hand. The initial writing consists of free lines,
strokes. curves, circle, dots etc. The children can start with sort chalk. At the
later stages they can learn to write on paper with large sized soft lead pencil and
later on with ink pen.
      Posture is the other factor, which needs attention. When at their desk, they
should sit comfortably with their legs rested on floor. The body should lean
slightly forward, but should not touch desk. The head should be so held at the
eyes are about 12 inches away from the paper. The chest should be away from
the desk. Both forearms should be written two or three inches of elbow and
should rest lightly on desk.
      Proper guidance should be given to the children to write legibly. There
should be uniformity in writing letter. Proper space should be given between
letters and words. Similarly lines on a page should not be unevenly close to
each other letters should be written clearly and carefully. They should be of
appropriate size. In the beginning the children should write slowly but they
should cultivate the habit of writing beautifully at reasonable speed.
Q. 11. What are the Causes of Bad Handwriting ? What methods can
be adopted to improve Handwriting?
Ans. Inspite of best efforts, some students write very badly. There are
many causes of their poor handwriting. Some of the causes are a follows:
1. Teacher’s poor handwriting―Teacher’s handwriting serves as a model
for his students. He himself should demonstrated good handwriting viz.
The style, the formation and size of letters. A teacher whose handwriting
is poor and illegible cannot inspire his students to write good and legible
2. Physical Causes―Some physical causes like keeping the arms too near
the body, thumb not mobile enough, arms too far from the body, fingers
too near the nib, index finger guiding pen. pressing heavily, thumb too
stiff, hand too slow, faulty gripping, defection eye sight otc. all cause
poor handwriting.
3. Improper Posture―Improper sitting posture causes bad handwriting. It
leads to handwriting defects like too much slant, too straight, writing too
heavily, too angular and too irregular etc. Therefore the teacher should
guide the students to have proper sitting posture.
4. Too Tight or too Loose hold on pen—Holding the pen is very
important. If a student hold his pen too tightly or too loosely, it causes
bad handwriting. The writing too tight, too heavy or too angular.
5. Lack of Practice―Good handwriting require continuous practice.
Enough time should be given to students for practice. The writing
material should be proper. Suggestions for improving poor handwriting.
Handwriting is a matter of habit. Once the habit of bad handwriting is
developed in the beginning it is difficult to get removed or replaced at the later
stage. So the care of writing correctly and beautifully must be take from the
beginning. Even then some methods are to adopted to improve the handwriting.
          Methods of Improve Handwriting :
1. Use of four-line exercise books―The use of four-lint notebook is
extremely useful. If teacher and parents in the very beginning pay
proper attention to the size and spacing of letters, four-line notebooks
results in good handwriting.
2. Teacher’s handwriting as model― The teacher’s handwriting can serve
as a model for the students. When he writes on black board, he should
ask the students to look at the black board attentively and watch the
movements of his hands and fingers. Students should be made to see the
making of strokes, uniform size and proper spacing.
3. Individual Attention-The teacher in schools and parents at
home should pay individual attention to the students in improving
their handwriting, students posture and holding of pen should be
attended to.
4. Adequate practice―Adequate practice in writing should be given to
students particular to those whose handwriting is poor and illegible.
5. Use of proper writing material-The use of proper writing material at
different stages is important for good handwriting.
6. Handwriting competition-English teacher should arrange frequent
competitions of good handwriting. Good handwriting should be
rewarded and displayed in the classroom.
    Adequate exercises in writing in the form of transcription, dictation and
composition should be given to students.
Q. 12. What are the aims of teaching spelling? Discuss the devices you
would adopt in teaching spelling.
Or, A serious shortcoming in pupils acquisition of English today is
their poor spelling. Examine the various causes of this with particular
reference to the modern methods of teaching English.
Ans. To know English language, it is very essential to learn the spellings
of words. To write correct words is solely dependent upon the knowledge of
      Difficulties of spelling is English language―It is universally admitted
that English spelling is full of difficulties.
    Max Muller writes―English spelling is a national misfortune to English.
an international misfortune to the rest of the world, yet it can not be denied that
the spelling ability is an important acquisition. The reason is that it is anomalous
and in consistant. Moreover, it does not correspond to the pronounciation. For
example, see-sea: die-dye; are differently spelt although their pronounciations
vary much the same. The unreasonable and unsystematic nature of English
spelling makes the students confront very serious difficulties.
            Aims of teaching spelling:
(i) To teach correct spellings,
(ii) To make students spell automatically.
(iii) To develop in pupils a consciousness,
(iv) To enable them to spell words they use and words they come across
in their day-to-day life.
(v) To develop in them an awareness of the need of correct spelling.
Causes of poor spelling :
1. The peculiarities of English spelling is mainly responsible for bad
2. Some new methods like word method, sentence method, story method
do not emphasise upon spellings.
3. Very less time is devoted to reading.
4. The written work of students is rarely thoroughly corrected.
5. Lack of motor balance in students can also cause poor spelling.
6. Students possess less ability of retention.
7. In our school, an over emphasis is given to oral work. This hinders good
8. Generally teachers use drill method for teaching spelling. This method
is not much effective.
9. Most of the teachers are indifferent to pupils, spelling. The main aim is
to finish the course in time and make the pupils cram up important thing
for the examination. They do not lay a stress on dictation, transcription
and written composition which go a long way to improving spelling.
           Suggestions for improving spelling:
1. Extensive reading can help in improving spelling.
2. Wrong pronounciation leads to wrong spelling. It is a thing of
common experiences that pupils whose pronounciation make several
mistakes in spelling. Hence, it is necessary that the habit of correct
pronounciation should be formed.
3. Children should be encouraged to keep small note-books. In them;
they should write the correct spelling of words in which they make a
4. Different method of teaching spelling should be employed.
S. Spellings should be graded according to the needs and interest of the
6. While teaching spelling of words, they should be grouped on the basis
of meaning of spelling or pronounciation.
7. Students should not be encouraged to keep pocket dictionaries.
8. The teacher should pay attention to each students individually.
9. The teacher should make a list of words which most of the students
10. Use of different type of audio-visual aids can help a lot.
11. Students should be encouraged to use spelling exercise books.
12. The more closely spelling is connected with composition and
composition with reading, the more effectively with children be taught
to spell.
13. Spelling games are very useful in teaching spelling to junior classes.
These games stimulate pupils to healthy competition, provide
recreation and help in learning spelling.
14. Spelling is a matter of motor habit and therefore, transcription should
be made the basis of spelling. Transcription is very useful in teaching
spelling, because it trains the eye to observe carefully the forms of
different words.
15. Dictation is as valuable as a device of teaching and testing spelling. It
fixes the spelling of words more firmly in the mind. It tests whether,
a pupil can hear properly what is said. Whether he can recognise the
words that the teacher uses, and whether he can spell those words.
Q. 13. Show that writing as a process vs. product by an activity.
Or, What do you mean by writing as a process and product ? Explain
with some examples.
Ans. Activity―Tell your students to write an application to the Head.
master asking for two days’ sick leave.
        Writing as a process vs. product Activity
Activity―Let us look how Mr. Anand, an English teacher, prepares her
learners for writing an essay in her class.
Step 1―He first writes the word ‘Animals’ on the board and asks the
learners to brainstorm to elicit ideas on Animals. This is what the students
Step II ―He, then asks them to choose any one of the ideas/ items and
brainstorm on it further. For instance, in this case, he writes the word ‘Dog’ on
the blackboard. He keeps writing on the blackboard whatever ideas about the
‘Dog’ are mentioned by the students.
Step III― Next he asks the students to compose/ put these ideas together
Here, he gives more emphasis on writing without focusing on grammar
punctuation, spelling, etc. He simply encourages her students to write
Step IV―After a short discussion with the students, he asks them to work
in groups of 4 or 5 and write their sentences in the correct order.
Step V―Finally, he looks at the final draft of each student and makes
whatever changes/corrections (including spelling and grammar) are needed. The
students then write their final draft.
Feedback―You notice that Mr. Anand followed the following steps:
He elicited ideas and asked the students to organize them. Then, he then
asked the students to prepare their first draft and helped them revise it. Then the
students prepared their final draft. After this the teacher looked at the final draft
and made necessary editing. Now the final produet was ready.
      Classroom activity―Do the same activity in your class. First, select some
topic. ask the students to brainstorm on it and write their ideas on the
blackboard. Tell the students to write their individual compositions. Help them
revise their composition, after some discussion. Ask the students prepare their
final draft… You can now do the final editing and return it to the students as the
final product.
      Summary―As far as the skill of writing is concerned the responsibility of
the teacher is to understand the problems and levels of the learners. They have
to devise activities for them from the very beginning. The journey of writing
starts from drawing pictures, strokes, letters, words and sentences. For this they
adopt many processes and finally make the learner become able to write freely
their own on any given topic. For this the teachers provide an opportunity to
articulate their ideas, organize them and put them on a paper.
     Conclusion―To sum up. it can be said that writing is an exact activity
which demands precision and correctness. This sub-unit will help you plan your
teaching writing skill effectively at different levels.
Q. 14. Make a list of words in which Gender can be changed by using
suffixes. Discuss the pattern.
Ans. (A) The suffix ‘-ess’ is the commonest suffix used to form feminine
nouns from the Masculine and is the only one which we now use in forming
a new feminine noun.
Masculine                                  Feminine
1. Author                                    Authoress
2. Baron                                      Baroness
3. Count                                      Countess
4. Giant                                       Giantess
5. Heir                                         Heiress
6. Host                                        Hostess
7. Jew                                         Jewess
8. Lion                                         Lioness
9. Manager                                 Manageress
10. Mayor                                   Mayoress
11. Patron                                   Patroness
12. Peer                                       Peeress
13. Poet                                       Poetess
14. Priest                                     Priestess
15. Prophet                                 Prophetess
16. Shepherd                              Shepherdess
17. Steward                                Stewardess
18. Viscount                               Viscountess
(B) The following ‘ess’ is added after dropping the vowels of the
Masculine ending.
Masculine                      Feminine
1. Actor                           Actress
2. Benefactor                 Benefactress
3. Conductor                  Conductress
4. Enchanter                   Enchantress
5. Founder                      Foundress
6. Hunter                        Huntress
7. Instructor                   Instructress
8. Negro                         Negress
9. Abbot                         Abbess
10. Duke                         Duchess
11. Emperor                   Empress
12. Preceptor                Preceptress
13. Prince                      Princess
14. Songster                 Songstress
15. Tempter                  Temptress
16. Seamster                Seamstress
17. Tiger                        Tigress
18. Traitor                     Traitress
19. Waiter                      Waitress
20. Master                     Mistress
21. Murderer                 Murderess
22. Sorcerer                  Sorceress
(C) By adding a syllable (-ine, -trix. -a etc.) as
Masculine                      Feminine
1. Hero                           Heroine
2. Testator                    Testatrix
3. Czar                           Czarina
4. Sultan                       Sultana
5. Signor                       Signora
6. Fox                            Vixen
Q. 15. Define Suffix with suitable examples. Make a list of words in
nouns can be changed to Adjective by using suffixes.
Ans. Suffix―A suffix is a letter or a group of letters added at the end of
a word to make a new word. The new word form is often a different word class
from the original word.
For example :
Word                         Suffixed word              Changed class
Forget, use             Forgetful, useful         Verb to Adjective
State                       Statement                    Verbs to Noun.
Govern                   Government
Complicate           Complication                Verbs to Noun
Create                    Creation
List of words in Nouns changed to Adjective :
1. Adding ‘ful suffix with required changing. For example :
Noun                Adjective
Awe                 Aweful
Duty                 Dutiful
Fear                 Fearful
Beauty             Beautiful
Faith                Faithful
Fruit                 Fruitful
Play                 Playful
Law                 Lawful
Truth               Truthful
Mercy             Merciful
Will                  Wilful
Peace             Peaceful
Use                 Useful
Youth             Youthful
2. Adding ‘y’ suffix with required changing. For example :
Noun                     Adjective
Air                         Airy
Blood                   Bloody
Brass                   Brassy
Fish                      Fishy
Ease                    Easy
Haze                    Hazy
Flower                 Flowery
Silver                   Silvery
Ice                        Icy
Hunger                Hungry
Milk                     Milky
Star                     Stary
Sun                     Sunny
Worth                Worthy
3. By adding ‘al’ suffix with required changing. For example :
Noun                   Adjective
Accident            Accidental
Ancestor            Ancestral
Brute                   Bruttal
Centre                Central
Condition          Conditional
Crime                 Criminal
Emperor             Imperial
Habit                   habitual
Nation                National
Ornament          Ornamental
Navy                   Naval
Practice             Practical
Society               Social
Tribe                   Tribal
Verb                    Verbal
4. By adding-ly’ suffix with required changing. For example :
Noun              Adjective
Body               Bodily
Day                 Daily
Coward          Cowardly
Earth               Earthly
Dead               Deadly
Friend             Friendly
Hour                Hourly
Love                Lovely
Man                 Manly
month             Monthly
year                 Yearly
Week               Weekly
5. By adding ‘ous’ suffix with changing. For example :
Noun                       Adjective
Courage                Courageous
Adventure             Adventurous
Danger                   Dangerous
Merit                      Meritorious
Glory                      Glorious
Nerve                     Nervous
Space                    Spacious
Zeal                       Zealous
Labour                  Laborious
Study                    Studious
6. By adding able’ suffix. For example :
Noun                     Adjective
Advice                  Advisable
Favour                  Favourable
Profit                     Profitable
Service                  Serviceable
Value                     Valuable
Comfort                Comfortable
Memory                 Memorable
Sense                     Sensible
Terror                     Terrible
Respect                 Respectable
7. By adding-less’ suffix. For example :
Noun                  Adjective
Use                     Useless
Care                   Careless
Fruit                    Fruitless
Harm                  Harmless
Life                     Lifeless
Help                   Helpless
Mercy                Merci
War                    Warlike
Burden              Burdensome
Trouble             Troublesome
North                Northern
West                 Western
Q. 16. Explain the role and important of Grammar in language
Ans. Grammar is the nucleus of English language learning. So, the
students were taught articles and different parts of speech. It prescribed rules
for the language. We must realize the role and importance of grammar. It is
imperative for us to know that a teacher should be clear in his conception
while teaching any topic of grammar. Even though grammar is necessary for
English Language, yet a teacher is not bound to walk with a Yardstick of
traditional grammar in his hand to check all the time whether the language use
is correct or not. Grammar and context are often so closely related that
appropriate choices can only be made with reference to the context and
purpose of the communication. Now-a-days. contextual grammar has created
a new interest in the teaching and learning of grammar. There are several
approaches to teacher grammar which not only help the learners to learn
grammar but also help them to be fluent in the language. Contextual grammar
will play a very important to achieve the target. It gives the learners a chance
to read, think and rectify their crrors. The role of grammar is to help the
learners to learn to write the language correctly, effectively and appropriately.
It is the integral part of language.
    Grammar is the rule which makes a language. It means grammar is the
culture of language. It is guide and guardian of language. It is the science of
language. Chapman has given a comprehensive definition of Grammar,
“To establish the rules and principles which are followed more or less
unconsciously or instinctively by the native speakers.”
    Children learn the grammatical patterns of their language before they
study grammar in school. As we know language is the vehicle of our thoughts
and feelings and of our stories and grammar is the machinery by which that
vehicle is set in motion. Motive power is the mind and speech sounds are air
and space through which the movement of vehicle take place.
     Grammar develops the understanding about the rules of grammar. It
develops a scientific attitude towards language and language skills. It enhances
the insight into the structure of English language and systematic knowledge of
the language. It develops their mental abilities of reasoning and correct
observation. It enables the students to assimilates the correct patterns of the
language. Grammar teaching is essential if we want to proceed from concrete
to abstract
      So far correct expression in a language is concerned, Grammar is
essential. It is a systematized knowledge of languages.
      To concludes, grammar should not be taught for grammar sake. It should
be taught for the sake of teaching language. The role of grammar is to make
language correct and effective and not to check its flow. It is taught only to
monitor the correct use of the language in the real life situations. It should not
obstruct the free flow of the language.
Q. 17. Discuss the communicative approach for Grammar teaching.
Give an activity.
Ans. In the communicative approach learners learn acquire the grammar
of the language through activities that involve the use of language in real life
authentic contexts.
Mrs. Sunita Kumari is a teacher in a Middle School, Nargada, Bhojpur. She
enters the class, greets the students and talks to the children. She teachers how
to use affirmative and negative sentences in the simple present tense.
Mrs. Sunita asks one of the students.
Teacher : I think you like tea?
Student : Yes, miss, I like tea.
Teacher : I think you like coffee ?
Student : No, I don’t like coffee.
Teacher : I believe you like fish ?
Student : Yes, I like fish.
Complete the table to indicate what your best friend likes.
Actions                                          My Guesses
                                                 Likes Does not like
1.  Like Tea
2.  Like Coffee
3.  Like Football
4.  Like Cricket
5.  Like Pepsi
6.  Like Milk
7.  Like Fish
8.  Like horror movie
9.  Like Reading English Newspaper
She divides the whole class into pairs. She tells the students as follows:
* Make a chart in your notebook as shown on the board below the target
* Stand face to face with your partner.
* Guess your partner’s likes and dislikes and complete ‘My guesses’
column in your notebook.
* Talk to your partner and find out about his or her likes and dislikes.
* Say things like ‘Do you like football ?’ If he likes, he will reply, “Yes
I do”. If he dislikes, he will reply ‘No, I don’t like’.
* Ask your partner about all the nine “likes’ and ‘dislikes’ as indicated in
the ‘Action’ column.
* The partner will also find out about your likes and dislikes and will
repeat the same process.
The learners follow the instructions and do the activity. They guess about
their partner and raise questions using the target language written on the board.
This activity shows grammar teaching using the communicative approach.
The activity shows that the class of Mrs. Sunita Kumari is very
interesting. She is teaching grammar but does not impose rules of grammar on
the learners. She creastes an atmosphere to talk with one another. Through the
conservation the students learn the present in definite tense. affirmative
sentences and negative sentences. This method of teaching grammar is taught
through the Communicative method.

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