RB 8 English

RBSE Class 8 English Grammar Conditional Clauses

RBSE Class 8 English Grammar Conditional Clauses

Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 8 English Grammar Conditional Clauses

1. If Clause or Adverb Clause of Condition

RBSE Class 8 English Grammar Conditional Clauses 1

उपर्युक्त sentence का नाम Conditional Sentence है। इसके दो भाग हैं। जिस part ( भाग)/clause (उपवाक्य) में ‘if’ का प्रयोग हुआ है उसे if clause या subclause यी dependent clause कहते हैं क्योंकि इस clause की sense (अर्थ) अधूरी रहती है, यह Sense (अर्थ) तब पूरी होती है जब main clause | (मुख्य उपवाक्य) की sense से इसे जोड़ा जाता है। इस conditional sentence के दूसरे part को Main Clause/Principal Clause/Independent Clause कहते हैं क्योंकि इस clause की sense अपने आप में पूरी (complete) होती है। यह if clause पर निर्भर (depend) नहीं करता है। ध्यान रखें, यह जरूरी नहीं है। कि if clause पहले लिखा जाए और Main Clause बाद में। Main Clause पहले भी लिखा जा सकता है। किन्तु फिर comma नहीं लगाना है।

2. Kinds of If Clauses or Conditional Sentences
2.1. Probable/Open (संभावित/खुले) Conditional Sentences
2.2. Improbable and Hypothetical (असम्भावित/काल्पनिक) Conditional Sentences
2.3. Impossible (31142) Conditional Sentences
[नोट-चूँकि आपकी पाठ्यपुस्तक में केवल 22 व 2.3 ही दिये गये हैं, अत: यहाँ केवल इन्हें ही विस्तार से समझाया जा रहा है।]
2.2. Improbable ( fa) a Hypothetical ( काल्पनिक) Conditional Sentences
2.1. Basic Structure: If + Simple Past, would + infinitive

RBSE Class 8 English Grammar Conditional Clauses 2

Improbable Conditional Sentence if-clause का action reality (वास्तविकता) में पूरा होना असम्भावित (Improbable) है, यह केवल कल्पना में पूरा हो सकता है।

2.2.2. Possible Variations in the Main Clause (मुख्य उपवाक्य में सम्भावित भिन्नताएँ)
(a) If + Simple Past, might + infinitive (Possibility (सम्भावना)
if, you tried again, you might solve it, (possibility)

(b) If + Simple Past, could + infinitive (ability or permission)
if, you had a ticket, you could enter the Hall (ability ni permission)

(c) If + Simple Past, another Simple Past (to express automatic or habitual reactions in the past (भूतकाल की स्वत: या आदतन प्रतिक्रिया बताने के लिए)
If, you wrote her, she always replied
2.2.3. Variations of the If-Clause (if-Clause की भिन्नताएँ)
(a) If + Past Continuous, would/could/ might + infinitive (indicates past action or past future arrangement etc. refer hr भूतकाल की भावी व्यवस्था आदि को इंगित करता है) If you were working hard, you could be the topper
(b) Imaginary Condition If + were ( for all the subjects) would + infinitive
If I were a king, I would live happily.
(c) Were को आरम्भ में लिखना व if को हटा देना। Were she rich, she would help everyone. (Hypothetical)

2.3. Impossible ( THva) Conditional Sentence
2.3.1. Basic Structure If + Past Perfect, would have + past participle

RBSE Class 8 English Grammar Conditional Clauses 7

Impossible Conditional Sentence #if-clause का action पूरा होना असम्भव हैं क्योंकि यह समय जा चुका है इसीलिए वह कार्य अब किसी भी स्थिति में पूरा | हो ही नहीं सकता है।
2.3.2. Possible Variations in the Main Clause (मुख्य उपवाक्य में सम्भावित भिन्नताएँ)
(a) If + Past Perfect might have + past participle (Possibility–संभावना)
If you had run faster, you might have caught the bus.

(b) If + Past Perfect could have + past participle (ability or permission- TUT अनुमति) If we had bought the tickets, we could have entered the Hall. (ability or permission)
2.3.3. Variations of 1f-Clause
(a) If + Past Perfect Continuous, would/ could/might have + past participle (indicates past actions/ability/possibility, etc. कार्य/योग्यता/सम्भावना आदि दर्शाता है)
If she hadn’t been practicing regularly, she wouldn’t have won the championship.

(b) Had को आरम्भ में लिखना व if को हटा देना Had you worked hard, you would have passed

Exercise: 1

(Based on the textbook)
Choose the correct answer :

Question 1.
If Huttu, the owl were a lion, he……….. solve the problems of the 300 animals.
(a) would
(b) might
(c) can
(d) may
(a) would

Question 2.
If Anmol were healthy, he………..visit Curlew Island.
(a) might
(b) can
(c) would
(d) may
(c) would

Question 3.
If my father were kind-hearted, he…….not fell the banyan tree.
(a) can
(b) might
(c) may
(d) would
(d) would

Question 4.
If Anushka were a boy-child, she………not study in K.G.B.V.
(a) might
(b) would
(c) may
(d) can
(b) would

Question 5.
If the brave lady were not patriotic, she………. not give poison to the enemy soldiers.
(a) would
(b) might
(c) can
(d) may
(a) would

Question 6.
If Chanakya were PM today, he………have lots of wealth.
(a) might
(b) can
(c) would
(d) may
(c) would

Question 7.
If Sangeeta were not a brave girl, Adhi Shri……… drown.
(a) can
(b) might
(c) may
(d) would
(d) would

Question 8.
If the author were not upset in the bank, he……….. not withdraw the whole amount.
(a) might
(b) would
(c) may
(d) can
(b) would

Question 9.
If the water were elixir, nobody………waste it.
(a) would
(b) might
(c) can
(d) may
(a) would

Question 10.
If all the Rajput kings were united, the invaders……….be defeated completely
(a) might
(b) can
(c) would
(d) may
(c) would

Exercise: 2

(Based on the textbook)
Choose the correct option/answer :

Question 1.
If Sangeeta were selfish, she ……………….. Adhi Shri.
(a) will not save
(b) shall not save
(c) would not save
(d) should not save
(c) would not save

Question 2.
If Chanakya were greedy, he………all luxury
(a) would have
(b) should have
(c) will have
(d) shall have
(a) would have

Question 3.
If there weren’t KGBVs, how the girls……….quality education.
(a) will receive
(b) shall receive
(c) should receive
(d) would receive
(d) would receive

Question 4.
If Sangeeta were Roshni, she………….. anyone.
(a) would not help
(b) should not help
(c) will not help
(d) shall not help
(a) would not help

Question 5.
If Kuldeep weren’t gentle, how Sudeep………art in Jaipur.
(a) shall learn
(b) will learn
(c) would learn
(d) should learn
(c) would learn

Question 6.
If there were rainwater harvesting, we………..enough water.
(a) would have
(b) should have
(c) will have
(d) shall have
(a) would have

Question 7.
If animals were hard-hearted, they…………out.
(a) should come
(b) would come
(c) will come
(d) shall come
(b) would come

Question 8.
The young lady…………revenge if she were fearful.
(a) won’t take
(b) shan’t take
(c) wouldn’t take
(d) shouldn’t take
(c) wouldn’t take

Question 9.
The invaders…………Chittor if Rajput warriors were not brave.
(a) shall seize
(b) will seize
(c) should seize
(d) would seize
(a) shall seize

Question 10.
Amal………. there if Curlew Island were a reality.
(a) should live
(b) would live
(c) shall live
(d) will live
(b) would live

Exercise: 3

(Based on the textbook)
Choose the correct answer :

Question 1.
If Chittor hadn’t warriors, the invaders………..it.
(a) would seize
(b) should seize
(c) will seize
(d) shall seize
(a) would seize

Question 2.
If zoo animal had not shown anger, they…………more troubles.
(a) would face
(b) would have faced
(c) will face
(d) shall face
(a) would face

Question 3.
If Kuldeep had not financed, Sudeep………..his study.
(a) will not have completed
(b) should not have completed
(c) would not have completed
(d) shall not have completed
(c) would not have completed

Question 4.
If father had enough money, the siblings…………their dreams.
(a) will fulfill
(b) shall fulfill
(c) should fulfill
(d) would fulfill
(d) would fulfill

Question 5.
If Maa had more daughters. she…………them admitted in a KGBV.
(a) would get
(b) should get
(c) will get
(d) shall get
(a) would get

Question 6.
If the enemy soldiers found people, they……….them all.
(a) will kill
(b) would kill
(c) shall kill
(d) should kill
(b) would kill

Question 7.
If the villagers hadn’t poisoned the water and the eatables, the enemy……….them.
(a) will have used
(b) shall have used
(c) would have used
(d) should have used
(c) would have used

Question 8.
If Chanakya had luxurious life, the bhikshu………… surprised.
(a) won’t feel
(b) shan’t feel
(c) shouldn’t feel
(d) wouldn’t feel
(d) wouldn’t feel

Question 9.
If Sangeeta had both the legs, she………..more good acts.
(a) would do
(b) will do
(c) shall do
(d) should do
(a) would do

Question 10.
If the author had more money, he………in the bank.
(a) will deposit
(b) would deposit
(c) shall deposit
(d) should deposit
(b) would deposit

Exercise: 4

Choose the correct option—(उचित विकल्प चुनें)

Question 1.
If the train did not get late, we…………..in time.
(a) shall reach
(b) will reach
(c) would reach
(d) should reach
(c) would reach

Question 2.
Farmers…………..the land if there were rain.
(a) will cultivate
(b) would cultivate
(c) shall cultivate
(d) should cultivate
(b) would cultivate

Question 3.
If I were a cobra, I…………..the criminals.
(a) would frown
(b) shall frown
(c) will frown
(d) should frown
(a) would frown

Question 4.
If she. ………….(be) a queen, she would love her subject.
(a) was
(b) is
(c) are
(d) were
(d) were

Question 5.
If the teacher had completed the syllabus, the students…………..it.
(a) should revise
(b) would have revised
(c) shall revise
(d) will revise
(b) would have revised

Question 6.
If you…………..the watch, it would have run
(a) have wound
(b) has wound
(c) wind
(d) had wound
(d) had wound

Question 7.
If he were an engineer, he…………..the poor free of cost.
(a) would serve
(b) will serve
(c) shall serve
(d) should serve
(a) would serve

Question 8.
If you………….. bright colors, it would shine.
(a) use
(b) had used
(c) used
(d) using
(c) used

Question 9.
If she………….. sweetly, she would have won an award.
(a) sang
(b) sung
(c) singing
(d) had sung
(d) had sung

Question 10.
If he………….the drum well, he would get an appointment.
(a) played
(b) had played
(c) playing
(d) will play
(a) played

Question 11.
If I were you, I……….help him.
(a) will
(b) would
(c) shall
(d) should
(b) would

Question 12.
If I were a fish, ………Swim in a pond.
(a) would
(b) will
(c) should
(d) shall
(a) would

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