RBSE Class 8 English Vocabulary Word Formation
RBSE Class 8 English Vocabulary Word Formation
Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 8 English Vocabulary Word Formation
Look at these words: निम्न शब्दों को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़ें
- Postman (Post + man) – Compound Word संयुक्त शब्द
- Choose (from ‘choice”) – Primary Derivative मौलिक व्युत्पन्न शब्द
- Unkind (un + kind) – Secondary Derivative with Prefix गौण व्युत्पन्न शब्द उपसर्ग के साथ
- Painter (paint + er) – Secondary Derivative with Suffix गौण व्युत्पन्न शब्द प्रत्यय के साथ
व्याख्या- प्रथम शब्द, दो अलग-अलग शब्दों (post + man) को जोड़कर (संयुक्त कर) बनाया गया नया सार्थक शब्द है। अतः इस विधि से बनाए गए शब्द Compound Words कहलाते हैं। द्वितीय शब्द, choose है। इसे Choice शब्द से बनाया गया है। मौलिक शब्द choice की spelling (वर्तनी) में कुछ परिवर्तन कर नया सार्थक शब्द, choose बनाया गया है। अतः इस विधि से बनाए शब्द Primary Derivative कहलाते हैं । तृतीय शब्द, un + kind से बना है। इसमें शब्द kind से पहले उपसर्ग ‘un-‘ लगाकर नया सार्थक, शब्द बनाया गया है। अतः इस विधि से बनाए शब्द Secondary Derivative with Prefix कहलाते हैं। चतुर्थ शब्द, paint + er से बना है। इसमें शब्द paint के पीछे प्रत्यय ‘-er’ लगाकर नया सार्थक शब्द बनाया गया है। अतः इस विधि से बनाए शब्द Secondary Derivative with Suffix कहलाते हैं।
नोट- यहाँ हम Prefix तथा Suffix से form होने वाले Words की विधियाँ दे रहे हैं
Uses of Prefixes (उपसर्गों के प्रयोग)
1. कुछ prefixes मूल शब्द के अर्थ को reverse (विलोम) या negate (नकारात्मक) कर देती हैं, जैसे
2. कुछ prefixes, degree (कोटि) या size (आकार) बताती हैंI
3. कुछ prefixes, number (संख्या ) बताती हैं
Uses of Suffixs ( प्रत्ययों के प्रयोग)
1. Nouns (संज्ञा) बनाने के लिए प्रयुक्त suffixes
2. Adjectives (विशेषण) बनाने के लिए प्रयुक्त suffixes
3. Verbs (क्रिया) बनाने के लिए प्रयुक्त suffixes
4. Adverbs (क्रिया विशेषण) बनाने के लिए प्रयुक्त suffixes
Exercise: 1
(Based on the textbook)
Make new words by adding age and all to the following words properly:
(a) stop + ……………… = ………………
(b) dismiss + ………………. = ………………
(a) stoppage
(b) dismissal
Exercise: 2
(Based on the textbook)
Make new words by adding -ance and – ar to the following words properly:
(a) attend +………………. = ………………
(b) beg +……………… = ………………
(a) attendance
(b) beggar
Exercise: 3
(Based on the textbook)
Make new words by adding-er and -or to the following words properly:
(a) teach +…………….. = ………………
(b) act + ……………… = ………………
(a) teacher
(b) actor
Exercise: 4
(Based on the textbook)
Make new words by adding -ation and – dom’ to the following words properly:
(a) explain +………………. = ………………
(b) king +……………… = ………………
(a) explanation
(b) kingdom
Exercise: 5
(Based on the textbook)
Make new words by adding -ion and y to the following words properly:
(a) act +……………… = ………………
(b) discover +……………… = ………………
(a) action
(b) discovery
Exercise: 6
(Based on the textbook)
Make new words by adding -ment and – ness to the following words properly:
(a) pay +……………… = ………………
(b) happy +……………….. = ………………
(a) payment
(b) happiness
Exercise: 7
(Based on the textbook)
Make new words by adding-ship and ity’ to the following words properly:
(a) friend +……………… = ………………
(b) rapid +……………… = ………………
(a) friendship
(b) rapidity
Exercise: 8
(Based on the textbook)
Make new words by adding-hood and – ry’ to the following words properly:
(a) child +…………….. = ………………
(b) bake +……………….. = ………………
(a) childhood
(b) bakery
Exercise: 9
(Based on the textbook)
Make new words by adding -ary and – ery to the following words properly:
(a) diction ……………… = ………………
(b) fish + ……………… = ………………
(a) dictionary
(b) fishery
Exercise: 10
(Based on the textbook)
Make new words by adding an and -ian’ to the following words properly:
(a) republic +………………. = ………………
(b) music + ……………… = ………………
(a) republican
(b) musician
Exercise: 11
(Based on the textbook)
Make new words by adding -able and all to the following words properly:
(a) read + ……………… = ………………
(b) magic +……………… = ………………
(a) readable
(b) magical
Exercise: 12
(Based on the textbook)
Make new words by adding-ful and -ic’ to the following words properly:
(a) use +……………….. = ………………
(b) hero +……………….. = ………………
(a) useful
(b) heroic
Exercise: 13
(Based on the textbook)
Make new words by adding uive and -ish’ to the following words properly:
(a) attract + ……………….. = ………………
(b) boy + ……………….. = ………………
(a) attractive
(b) boyish
Exercise: 14
(Based on the textbook)
Make new words by adding -ous and -ious to the following words properly:
(a) virtue + ……………… = ………………
(b) ambition + ……………. = ………………
(a) virtuous
(b) ambitious
Exercise: 15
(Based on the textbook)
Make new words by adding ‘-eous and -ly to the following words properly:
(a) gas + ……………… = ………………
(b) world + ……………… = ………………
(a) gaseous
(b) worldly
Exercise: 16
(Based on the textbook)
Make new words by adding-less and like to the following words properly:
(a) care + ……………… = ………………
(b) child +……………… = ………………
(a) careless
(b) childlike
Exercise: 17
(Based on the textbook)
Make new words by adding some and y’ to the following words properly:
(a) quarrel +…………… = ………………
(b) sand +……………….. = ………………
(a) quarrelsome
(b) sandy
Exercise: 18
(Based on the textbook)
Make new words by adding -en and -ify to the following words properly.
(a) beauty +………………. = ………………
(b) glad +………………. = ………………
(a) beautify
(b) gladden
Exercise: 19
Question 1.
Make new words by adding ‘hood, ship’ to the following words properly:
(a) Child + ……………… =
(b) Citizen + ……………… =
(a) Childhood
(b) Citizenship
Question 2.
Make new words by adding ‘ful’, ‘ness to the following words properly:
(a) kind + ……………… = ………………
(b) wonder+ …………….. = ………………
(a) kindness
(b) wonderful