RBSE Class 9 Social Science Solutions Civics Chapter 5 Democratic Rights

RBSE Class 9 Social Science Solutions Civics Chapter 5 Democratic Rights

RBSE Class 9 Social Science Democratic Rights InText Questions and Answers

Question 1.
If you were a Serb, would you support what Milosevic did in Kosovo? Do you think his project of establishing Serb dominance was good for the Serbs?
If I were a Serb, I would not support what Milosevic did in Kosovo. I think his project of establishing Serb dominance was not good for the Serb. This is because, fanning hatred is not good for one, either for Serbs or AlbaniAnswer:

Page No. 78

Question 2.
What are the examples of elected governments not protecting or even attacking the rights of their own citizens? Why do they do that?
The examples of elected governments not protecting or even attacking the rights of their own citizens are :

  • Ethnic massacre of Albanians in Kosovo
  • Policy of apartheid in South Africa
  • Rule of PRI party in Mexico
  • Rule of Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe

They do that to control their citizens and to remain in power.

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Question 3.
Everyone knows that the rich can have better Lawyers in the courts. What is the point in talking about equality before law?
(i) Our constitution says that the government will not deny any person in India for equality before the law or the equal protections of the laws, regardless of the person’s status. Every citizen of the country from the Prime Minister to a small farmer in a remote village is subject to the same laws.

(ii) For example, a few years ago a former Prime Minister of the country faced a court trial on charges of cheating. The court finally declared that he was not guilty. But as long as the case continued, he had to go to the court, give evidence and file papers, just like any other citizen. Thus, there is a point in talking about equality before law.

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Question 4.
Should this freedom of expression be extended to those who are spreading wrong and narrow-minded ideas? Should they be allowed to confuse the public ?
(a) No, the freedom of expression should not be extended to those who are spreading -wrong and narrow-minded ideas.
(b) No, they should not be allowed to confuse the public. Check Your Progress Are these cases instances of violation of right to freedom? If yes, which constitutional provision does each of these violate?

(i) The government of India banned Salman Rushdie’s book ‘Satanic Verses’ on the ground that it was disrespectful to Prophet Mohammed and likely to hurt the feelings of the Muslim community.
Yes, this case is an instance of violation of right to freedom. It violates freedom of thought and expression.

(ii) Every film has to he approved by the Censor Board of the government before it can be shown to the public. But there is no such restriction if the same story is published in a book or a magazine.
Yes, this case is an instance of violation of right to freedom of thought and expression. The restriction is applied to films because it gives psychological impact on a wider section of people which includes both the literate and the illiterate classes. But books are primarily meant for the educated and the literate class.

(iii) The government is considering a proposal that .there will be industrial zones or sectors of economy where workers will not be allowed to form unions or go on strike.
Yes, this case is an instance of violation of right to freedom to form associations and unions.

(iv) City administration has imposed a ban on use of public microphones after 10 p.m. in view of the approaching secondary school examination.
This case is not an instance of violation of right to freedom because our constitution guarantees a particular freedom to its people until that freedom does not affect or hamper any other freedom assured to someone else. Moreover, the ban is imposed in the larger interest of the people.
Check Your Progress

Question 5.
On the basis of the news reports write a letter to the editor or a petition to a court highlighting the violation of right against exploitation.
The Chief Judicial Magistrate,
Tis Hazari District Court,

Subject: Regarding violation of right against exploitation.
There are various news reports according to which children from the age of 7 to 12 are employed to carry out various hazardous activities like digging, breaking stones, loading, dumping, transporting and processing of iron ore with no safety equipment, fixed wages and working hours. The number of child labour per thousand of worker population is on the rise in both rural and urban areas. This is an age when children should study, instead they are forced to drop out from schools to add to the income of their families.

Our Constitution prohibits child labour. No one can employ a child below the age of years to work in a factory or mines or hazardous work. So, the honourable court is requested to release an order to government to take appropriate action.

Yours sincerely

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Question 6.
The constitution does not give people their religion. Then how can it give people the right to practice their religion?
In a secular democratic country the constitution does not give people their religion. But it gives the people the right to choose and practice the religion of their choice under the fundamental right called the right to freedom of religion.

Question 7.
Read these news reports and identify the right that is being debated in each of these cases:
An emergency session of the Shiromani Gurdwara Prabandhak Committee (SGPC) rejected the proposal to form a separate body to manage the affairs of Sikh shrines in Haryana It warned the government that the Sikh community would not tolerate any interference in their religious affairs. (June, 2005)

The Allahabad high court quashed the central law which gave Aligarh Muslim University its minority status, and held illegal the reservation of seats for Muslims in its postgraduate medical courses. (January, 2006) – The Rajasthan Government has decided to enact an anti-conversion law. Christian leaders have said that the bill would aggravate the sense of insecurity and fear in the minds of minorities. (March, 2005)
The right debated in the first case is that every religious group is free to manage its religious affairs under the right to freedom of religion.
The right debated in the second case is Right to Equality.
The right debated in the third case is Right to Freedom of Religion.

Question 8.
Can the president of India stop you from approaching the supreme court to secure your fundamental rights?
No, the President of India cannot stop me from approaching the Supreme Court to secure my Fundamental Rights because the Fundamental rights have been enshrined in our constitution. This means that our constitution provides and protects these rights and they can not be taken away or violated by any person or government action or law which also includes the President of India. The Right to Constitutional Remedies is a Fundamental Right, according to which we have the right to approach the Supreme Court in case of violation of rights by a person or a government law.

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Question 9.
Are these rights only for adults? Which of these rights are available to children?

  1. No, these rights are not only for adults, some of these are available to children as well.
  2. The rights available to children are – Right to Life, Right to Equality, Right against Exploitation, Educational Rights, Right to Freedom of Religion, etc.

RBSE Class 9 Social Science Democratic Rights Textbook Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Which of the following is not an instance of an exercise of a fundamental right?
(a) Workers from Bihar go to the Punjab to work on the farms
(b) Christian missions set up a chain of missionary schools
(c) Men and women government employees get the same salary
(d) Parents’property is inherited by their children
(d) Parents’ property is inherited by their children

Question 2.
Which of the following freedoms is not available to an Indian citizen?
(a) Freedom to criticise the government
(b) Freedom to participate in armed revolution
(c) Freedom to start a movement to change the government
(d) Freedom to oppose the central values of the Constitution
(b) Freedom to participate in armed revolution

Question 3.
Which of the folio wingrights is available under the Indian Constitution?
(a) Right to work
(b) Right to adequate livelihood
(c) Right to protect one’s culture
(d) Right to privacy
(c) Right to protect one’s culture

Question 4.
Name the Fundamental Right under which each of the following rights falls:
(a) Freedom to propagate one’s religion
(b) Right to life
(c) Abolition of untc uchability
(d) Ban on bonded labour
(a) Right to freedom of religion
(b) Right to freedom (personal liberty)
(c) Right to equality
(d) Right against exploitation

Question 5.
Which of these statements about the relationship between democracy and rights is more valid? Give reasons for your preference.
(a) Every country that is a democracy gives rights to its citizens.
(b) Every country that gives rights to its citizens is a democracy.
(c) Giving rights is good, but it is not necessary for a democracy.
Statement ‘a’ is more valid. Every country which provides rights to its citizens not be a democracy but it is essential for a democracy to provide rights to its citizens.

Question 6.
Are these restrictions on the right to freedom justified? Give reasons for your answer.
(a) Indian citizens need permission to visit some border areas of the country for reasons of security.
(b) Outsiders are not allowed to buy property in some areas to protect the interest of the local population.
(c) The government bans the publication of a book that can go against the ruling party in the next elections.
Restriction ‘a’ is justified to protect the citizens from loss of life or property, but ‘b’ and ‘c’ are not justified as ‘b’ infringes on the right to freedom and ‘c’ violates the right to freedom of speech.

Question 7.
Manoj went to a college to apply for admission into an MBA course. The clerk refused to take his application and said “You, the son of a sweeper, wish to be a manager! Has anyone done this job in your community? Go to the municipality office and apply for a sweeper’s position”. Which of Manoj’s fundamental rights are being violated in this instance? Spell these out in a letter from Manoj to the district collector.
In this case Manoj’s fundamental right to freedom is being violated. Under the Right to Freedom, every citizen enjoys the right to practice any profession or to carry on any occupation, trade or business, until or unless it is not prohibited under the law of the country. It implies that no one can be forced to do or not to do a certain job. Hence, people of deprived or lower castes cannot be kept to their traditional occupations.
Letter from Manoj to the District Collector
20th June, 20_ _
The District Collector
Distt. Rewari

Sub. Refused to accept admission from by State College of Administration, Rewari
With a heavy heart, great grief and sorrow I am forced to write the letter to you.
I, the undersigned, passed my graduation this year from Govt. College Rewari securing 72% marks. To continue my studies further I went to State College of Administration Rewari to apply for MBA with my application form duly filled in all respects along with requisite testimonials required alongwith.

But to my utter surprise and shock the dealing clerk refused to accept my application form on the grounds that I am from backward community and passed derogatory remarks. As a fundamental right, each and every citizen of this country has the right to pursue studies in any field of his/her choice whether the citizen is of any caste, creed, colour, or sex.
Hope you will take necessary action regarding the matter, punish the guilty under appropriate laws of the land and instruct the authorities to accept my application as per the norms of the course.

Thanking you
Yours faithfully

Question 8.
When Madhurima went to the property registration office, the Registrar told her, “You can’t write your name as Madhurima Banerjee d/o A. K. Banerjee. You are married, so you must give your husband’s name. Your husband’s surname is Rao. So your name should he changed to Madhurima Rao.” She did not agree. She said “If my husband’s name has not changed after marriage, why should mine?” In your opinion who is right in this dispute? And why?
In this dispute, Madhurima is right. The Registrar, by questioning and interfering in her personal affairs, is violating her right to freedom. Also, the social question of adopting the husband’s surname has roots in a religious practice which treats women as weaker and inferior. In lieu of this, forcing Madhurima to change her name is an infringment on her right to equality and right to freedom of religion.

Question 9.
Thousands of trihals and other forest dwellers gathered at Piparia in Hoshangabad district in Madhya Pradesh to protest against their proposed displacement from the Satpura National Park, Bori Wildlife Sanctuary and Panchmarhi Wildlife Sanctuary. They argue that such a displacement is an attack on their livelihood and beliefs. Government claims that their displacement is essential for the development of the area and for protection of wildlife. Write a petition on behalf of the forest dwellers to the NHRC, a response from the government and a report of the NHRC on this matter.
To be done by students.

Question 10.
Draw a web interconnecting different rights discussed in this chapter. For example, right to freedom of movement is connected to the freedom of occupation. One reason for this is that freedom of movement enables a person to go to place of work within one’s village or city or to another village, city or state. Similarly this right can be used for pilgrimage, connected with freedom to follow one’s religion. Draw a circle for each right and mark arrows that show connection between or among different rights. For each arrow, give an example that shows the linkage.

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