RB 11 Biology

RBSE Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 32 Grades of Body Organisation

RBSE Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 32 Grades of Body Organisation

Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 11 Biology Chapter 32 Grades of Body Organisation

RBSE Class 11 Biology Chapter 32 Multiple Choice Objective Questions

Question 1.
Animals of phylum protozoa exhibit :
(a) Cellular grade
(b) Protoplasmic grade
(c) Tissue-organ grade
(d) Organ-system grade

Question 2.
Basis of Classification of animals into protozoa and metazoa is :
(a) Symmetry
(b) Cleavage
(c) Number of cells
(d) Body shape

Question 3.
The grade of body organisation in phylum coelenterata :
(a) Protoplasmic level
(b) Cellular level
(c) Tissue-organ level
(d) Cell-tissue level

Question 4.
Body organisation in human being is :
(a) Organ-System level
(b) Tissue-Organ level
(c) Cell-Organ level
(d) Cell-Tissue level

Question 5.
The grade of organisation in tape worm is :
(a) Tissue-Organ
(b) Organ-System
(c) Protoplasmic
(d) Cellular

Answer :
1. (b)
2. (c)
3. (d)
4. (a)
5. (a)

RBSE Class 11 Biology Chapter 32 Very Short Answer Questions

Question 1.
Which perform vital activities in the protozoan?
Answer :
Cell organelles

Question 2.
Give example of protoplasmic grade of organisation.
Answer :

Question 3.
Which grade of body organisation is found in sponges?
Answer :
Cellular grade of organisation

Question 4.
Performation of any function by a group of organs is an example of which body organisation?
Answer :
Organ-System grade of organisation

Question 5.
Which type of body organisation is found in phylum cnideria?
Answer :
Cell-Tissue grade of organisation

RBSE Class 11 Biology Chapter 32 Short Answer Questions

Question 1.
What do you mean by organ system grade of organisation?
Answer :
In this type of body organisation, specific organ systems are formed to perform specific functions. Such as alimentary canal and digestive glands together form digestive system to perform digestion of food. Similarly, respiratory, excretory. Reproductive etc systems are formed. It is found in the members of phylum-Aschelminathese to phylum-Chordata.

Question 2.
Write the salient features of body organisation in the animals of phylum cnederia.
Answer :
It is also called “low grade of tissue organisation”. There is no formation of definite tissues and organs but distinct cell layers are formed. It is exhibited by the animals of phylum Coelenterata.

Question 3.
Write the grades of body organisation as per evolutionary sequence.
Answer :

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Question 4.
Differentiate protoplasmic and cellular grades of organisation.
Answer :
Protoplasmic Grade of Organisation :
It is found in the members of phylum Protozoa. Their body is unicellular and their all the vital activities are performed in the protoplasm with the help of various orgenelles. Hence, it is called as “protoplasmic grade of organisation”. The division of labor is found among the cell organelles.

Cellular Grade of Organisation :
The sponges (phylum-porifera) exhibit, cellular grade of organisation. Their body is multi cellular but the cells are not similar. They are differentiated to perform specific functions such as pinacoderm, choanoderm etc. Tissues and organs are absent. The cells exhibit division of labor. Hence, their body organization is called as cellular grade of organization.

Question 5.
Explain the basis of grades of body organisations in animals.
Answer :
In higher animals, the cells organises to form tissues, organs and organ systems.

Question 6.
Draw a schematic diagram to exhibit various levels of body organisation.
Answer :
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RBSE Class 11 Biology Chapter 32 Essay Type Questions

Question 1.
What do you mean by grade of body organisation. Explain types of body organisation with examples.
Answer :
Grades of Body Organisation –

Protoplasmic Grade of Organisation :
It is found in the members of phylum Protozoa. Their body is unicellular and their all the vital activities are performed in the protoplasm with the help of various orgenelles. Hence, it is called as “protoplasmic grade of organisation”. The division of labor is found among the cell organelles.

Cellular Grade of Organisation :
The sponges (phylum-porifera) exhibit, cellular grade of organisation. Their body is multi cellular but the cells are not similar. They are differentiated to perform specific functions such as pinacoderm, choanoderm etc. Tissues and organs are absent. The cells exhibit division of labor. Hence, their body organization is called as cellular grade of organization.

Cell-Tissue Grade of Organisation :
It is also called “low grade of tissue organisation”. There is no formation of definite tissues and organs but distinct cell layers are formed. It is exhibited by the animals of phylum Coelenterata.

Tissue-Organ Grade of Organisation :
It is found in the animals of phylum Platyhelminthese. The body tissues organized to form organs to perform specific functions but specific organ systems are not formed.

Organ-System Grade of Organisation :
In this type of body organisation, specific organ systems are formed to perform specific functions. Such as alimentary canal and digestive glands together form digestive system to perform digestion of food. Similarly, respiratory, excretory. Reproductive etc systems are formed. It is found in the members of phylum-Aschelminathese to phylum-Chordata.
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