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Samacheer Kalvi 10th Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Ex 1.4

Samacheer Kalvi 10th Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Ex 1.4

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 10th Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Ex 1.4

Exercise 1.4 Class 10 Maths Samacheer Question 1.
Determine whether the graph given below represent functions. Give reason for your answers concerning each graph.


(i) It is not a function. The graph meets the vertical line at more than one points.
(ii) It is a function as the curve meets the vertical line at only one point.
(iii) It is not a function as it meets the vertical line at more than one points.
(iv) It is a function as it meets the vertical line at only one point.

10th Maths Exercise 1.4 Samacheer Kalvi Question 2.
Let f :A → B be a function defined by f(x) = x/2 – 1, Where A = {2, 4, 6, 10, 12},
B = {0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 9}. Represent f by
(i) set of ordered pairs;
(ii) a table;
(iii) an arrow diagram;
(iv) a graph
f: A → B
A = {2, 4, 6, 10, 12}, B = {0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 9}

(i) Set of ordered pairs
= {(2, 0), (4, 1), (6, 2), (10, 4), (12, 5)}
(ii) a table
Samacheer Kalvi 10th Maths Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Ex 1.4 4
(iii) an arrow diagram;

Ex 1.4 Class 10 Samacheer Question 3.
Represent the function f = {(1, 2),(2, 2),(3, 2), (4,3), (5,4)} through
(i) an arrow diagram
(ii) a table form
(iii) a graph
f = {(1, 2), (2, 2), (3, 2), (4, 3), (5, 4)}
(i) An arrow diagram.
10th Class Maths Chapter 1 Exercise 1.4 Samacheer Kalvi

10th Maths Exercise 1.4 Question 4.
Show that the function f : N → N defined by f{x) = 2x – 1 is one – one but not onto.
f: N → N
f(x) = 2x – 1
N = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5,…}
f(1) = 2(1) – 1 = 1
f(2) = 2(2) – 1 = 3
f(3) = 2(3) – 1 = 5
f(4) = 2(4) – 1 = 7
f(5) = 2(5) – 1 = 9
10th Maths Exercise 1.4 Answers Samacheer Kalvi
In the figure, for different elements in x, there are different images in f(x).
Hence f : N → N is a one-one function.
A function f: N → N is said to be onto function if the range of f is equal to the co-domain of f
Range = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9,…}
Co-domain = {1, 2, 3,..}
But here the range is not equal to co-domain. Therefore it is one-one but not onto function.

10th Maths 1.4 Exercise Question 5.
Show that the function f: N → N defined by f (m) = m2 + m + 3 is one – one function.
f: N → N
f(m) = m2 + m + 3
N = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5…..}m ∈ N
f{m) = m2 + m + 3
f(1) = 12 + 1 + 3 = 5
f(2) = 22 + 2 + 3 = 9
f(3) = 32 + 3 + 3 = 15
f(4) = 42 + 4 + 3 = 23

In the figure, for different elements in the (X) domain, there are different images in f(x). Hence f: N → N is a one to one but not onto function as the range of f is not equal to co-domain.
Hence it is proved.

10th Maths Ex 1.4 Question 6.
Let A = {1,2, 3, 4} and B = N .
Let f: A → B be defined by f(x) = x3 then,
(i) find the range of f
(ii) identify the type of function
A = {1,2, 3,4}
B = {1,2, 3, 4, 5,….}
f(x) = x3
f(1) = 13 = 1
f(2) = 23 = 8
f(3) = 33 = 27
f(4) = 43 = 64
(i) Range = {1,8, 27, 64}
(ii) one -one and into function.

10th Standard Maths Exercise 1.4 Question 7.
In each of the following cases state whether the function is bijective or not. Justify your answer.
(i) f: R → R defined by f(x) = 2x + 1
(ii) f: R → R defined by f(x) = 3 – 4x2
(i) f : R → R
f(x) = 2x + 1
f(1) = 2(1) + 1 = 3
f(2) = 2(2) + 1 = 5
f(-1) = 2(-1) + 1 = -1
f(0) = 2(0) + 1 = 1
It is a bijective function. Distinct elements of A have distinct images in B and every element in B has a pre-image in A.
(ii) f: R → R; f(x) = 3 – 4x2
f(1) = 3 – 4(12) = 3 – 4 = -1
f(2) = 3 – 4(22) = 3 – 16 = -13
f(-1) = 3 – 4(-1)2 = 3 – 4 = -1
It is not bijective function since it is not one-one

10th Maths 1.4 Question 8.
Let A = {-1, 1} and B = {0, 2}. If the function f: A → B defined by f(x) = ax + b is an onto function? Find a and b.
A= {-1, 1},B = {0, 2}
f: A → B, f(x) = ax + b
f(-1) = a(-1) + b = -a + b
f(1) = a(1) + b = a + b
Since f(x) is onto, f(-1) = 0
⇒ -a + b = 0 …(1)
& f(1) = 2
⇒ a + b = 2 …(2)
-a + b = 0

10th Maths Exercise 1.4 10th Sum Question 9.
If the function f is defined by
Relation And Function Exercise 1.4 Samacheer Kalvi 10th Maths
(i) f(3)
(ii) f(0)
(iii) f(-1.5)
(iv) f(2) + f(-2)
(i) f(3) ⇒ f(x) = x + 2 ⇒ 3 + 2 = 5
(ii) f(0) ⇒ 2
(iii) f (- 1.5) = x – 1
= -1.5 – 1 = -2.5
(iv) f(2) + f(-2)
f(2) = 2 + 2 = 4     [∵ f(x) = x + 2]
f(-2) = -2 – 1 = -3    [∵ f(x) = x – 1]
f(2) + f(-2) = 4 – 3 = 1

Samacheer Kalvi 10th Maths Exercise 1.4 Question 10.
A function f: [-5,9] → R is defined as follows:
10th Maths Exercise 1.4 8th Sum Samacheer Kalvi
f : [-5, 9] → R
(i) f(-3) + f(2)
f(-3) = 6x + 1 = 6(-3) + 1 = -17
f(2) = 5 × 2 – 1 = 5(22) – 1 = 19
∴ f(-3) + f(2) = -17 + 19 = 2

(ii) f(7) – f(1)
f(7) = 3x – 4 = 3(7) – 4 = 17
f(1) = 6x + 1 = 6(1) + 1 = 7
f(7) – f(1) = 17 – 7 = 10

(iii) 2f(4) + f(8)
f(4) = 5x2 – 1 = 5 × 42 – 1 = 79
f(8) = 3x – 4 = 3 × 8 – 4 = 20
∴ 2f(4) + f(8) = 2 × 79 + 20 = 178

10th Standard Maths Exercise 1.4 Samacheer Kalvi

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