English 9

UP Board Solutions for Class 9 English Suplementary Reader Chapter 1 Gandhi Ji And A Coffee Drinker

UP Board Solutions for Class 9 English Suplementary Reader Chapter 1 Gandhi Ji And A Coffee Drinker

UP Board Solutions for Class 9 English Suplementary Reader Chapter 1 Gandhi Ji And A Coffee Drinker


Answer the following questions in about 25 words: 
(निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर लगभग 25-25 शब्दों में लिखिए 🙂
Q. 1. Why was Gandhiji a first class nurse to the sick?
Or Why was Gandhiji able to nurse the sick well?
(गाँधी जी रोगियों के लिए एक सर्वोत्तम परिचारक क्यों थे ? )
Ans. Gandhiji was a first class nurse to the sick because he visited the sick daily and looked after them well. All sick persons came directly under his eye.
(गाँधी जी रोगियों के लिए सर्वोत्तम परिचारक इसलिए थे, क्योंकि वे प्रतिदिन रोगियों से मिलते थे और उनकी भली प्रकार देखभाल किया करते थे। सभी रोगियों पर उनकी स्पष्ट निगाह होती थीं । )
Q. 2. How did Gandhiji learn nursing?
(गाँधी जी ने नर्स ( परिचारक) का काम कैसे सीखा ? )
Or Where did Gandhiji pick up nursing?
(गाँधी जी ने परिचारक का काम कहाँ सीखा ? )
Ans. Gandhiji did not pass through a nursing school. As many other things, when nursing became necessary to him in life, he learned it the hard way of experience.
( गाँधी जी ने नर्सिंग किसी स्कूल से पास नहीं किया। अन्य चीजों की तरह जब जीवन में नर्सिंग की आवश्यकता हुई, उन्होंने कठिन अनुभव के आधार पर ही नर्सिंग सीख ली।)
Q. 3. How did Gandhiji humour his patients in the Sabarmati Ashram?
( गाँधी जी साबरमती आश्रम में अपने रोगियों का मन कैसे लगाते थे ? )
Or How did he attend the patients everyday?
( गाँधी जी प्रतिदिन अपने रोगियों की देखभाल कैसे करते थे ? )
Ans. Gandhiji knew that a patient needed something more than medicines. So he visited the sick everyday and never failed to crack a joke or two with the patient.
(गाँधी जी का मानना था कि एक रोगी को दवा से अधिक किसी और वस्तु की आवश्यकता होती है। अत: वे प्रतिदिन रोगी के पास जाते थे और उन्हें एक-दो चुटकुले सुनाने में कभी नहीं चूकते थे।)
Q. 4. Why did the young lad fail to accustom himself to Ashram food?
( नवयुवक आश्रम के भोजन की आदत क्यों नहीं डाल पाया ? )
Ans. The young lad failed to accustom himself to the Ashram food because he was South Indian. He had a great liking for coffee which was not available there.
(नवयुवक आश्रम के भोजन की इसलिए आदत नहीं डाल पाया, क्योंकि वह दक्षिण भारतीय था। उसे कॉफी अत्यधिक पसन्द थी, जो वहाँ उपलब्ध नहीं थी । )
Q. 5. Why did Gandhiji call the lad an old sinner?
(गाँधी जी ने नवयुवक को पुराना अपराधी क्यों कहा? )
Ans. Gandhiji called the lad an old sinner as he had requested him a cup of coffee, which was not allowed in the Ashram.
(गाँधी जी ने उस नवयुवक को पुराना अपराधी इसलिए कहा क्योंकि उसने गाँधी जी से एक कप कॉफी के ` लिए विनती की, जबकि आश्रम में कॉफी के प्रयोग की आज्ञा नहीं थी । )
Q. 6. What thing of the lad’s great liking was not allowed in the Ashram?
(उस लड़के की अत्यधिक पसन्द की कौन-सी वस्तु की आश्रम में स्वीकृति नहीं थी ? )
Ans. Coffee which the lad liked most was not allowed in the Ashram.
(कॉफी, जो लड़के की अत्यधिक पसन्द की वस्तु थी उसकी आश्रम में स्वीकृति नहीं थी । )
Q.7. What did Gandhiji promise the young lad?
(गाँधी जी ने नवयुवक से क्या वायदा किया?)
Ans. Gandhiji promised the young lad a cup of light coffee with warm toast which would soothe his stomach.
(गाँधी जी ने नवयुवक से कॉफी और गर्म टोस्ट का वायदा किया जो कि उसके पेट को भी आराम पहुँचाएगी।)
Q. 8. How did Gandhiji arrange coffee for the lad?
(गाँधी जी ने नवयुवक के लिए कॉफी की व्यवस्था किस प्रकार की ? )
Ans. Ba was taking rest and the kitchen was closed. It was an untimely hour. So Gandhiji went to the kitchen and made the coffee himself.
(बा आराम कर रही थीं और रसोईघर बन्द था। यह उचित समय नहीं था। अतः गाँधी जी रसोईघर में गये तथा स्वयं कॉफी तैयार की। )
Q. 9. Why did Gandhiji prepare coffee himself for the lad?
(गाँधी जी ने नवयुवक के लिए स्वयं काफी क्यों बनायी ? )
Ans. Gandhiji prepared.coffee himself for the lad because his wife ‘Ba’ was resting at that time and he did not want to trouble her.
(गाँधी जी ने नवयुवक के लिए स्वयं कॉफी इसलिए बनायी, क्योंकि उनकी पत्नी बा उस समय आराम कर रही थीं और वे उन्हें कष्ट देना नहीं चाहते थे । )
Q. 10. Why was the young lad overwhelmed (dazed) when Gandhiji brought coffee to him?
(जब गाँधी जी नवयुवक के लिए कॉफी लाये तो वह क्यों भाव-विभोर हो उठा ? )
Or How did the young lad feel when Gandhiji brought him a cup of coffee?
(जब गाँधी जी नवयुवक के लिए कॉफी लाये तो उसने कैसा महसूस किया ? )
Ans. When Gandhiji prepared coffee and brought it to him, the young lad was overwhelmed by his greatness because Gandhiji was not supposed to make and send coffee.
(जब गाँधी जी ने नवयुवक के लिए कॉफी तैयार की और उसे लेकर आये तो नवयुवक उनकी महानता से भाव-विभोर हो गया; क्योंकि गाँधी जी से कॉफी बनवायी और पहुँचायी नहीं जा सकती थी।)
Q. 11. What was the joke about Gandhiji among young people in the Ashram at Sabarmati?
( साबरमती आश्रम में युवकों में गाँधी जी के विषय में क्या मजाक था ? )
Ans. Among young people at Ashram the joke was, “If you want to see Gandhiji everyday and talk to him, you have only to be ill and get into bed.”
(आश्रम के युवकों में यह मजाक किया जाता था, “यदि तुम गाँधी जी को प्रतिदिन देखना और उनसे बातें करना चाहते हो तब बीमार हो जाओ और बिस्तर में लेट जाओ।”)
Q. 12. Why could the young lad not believe that he would get coffee?
( नवयुवक को क्यों विश्वास नहीं था कि वह कॉफी पा सकेगा? )
Ans. The young lad could not believe that he would get coffee because it was not allowed in the Ashram. Then it was a late hour and the kitchen would be closed.
( नवयुवक को यह विश्वास नहीं था कि वह कॉफी पा सकेगा, क्योंकि आश्रम में इसकी अनुमति नहीं थी। इसके अतिरिक्त बहुत देर हो चुकी थी और रसोई बन्द हो चुकी होगी।)
Q. 13. Why was the lad troubled after having the coffee?
(कॉफी मिल जाने के बाद नवयुवक क्यों व्याकुल हो गया ? )
Or Why did the lad feel sorry ? What did his mind’s eye see?
( उस लड़के को पश्चात्ताप क्यों हुआ? उसके मानसिक नेत्र ने क्या देखा? )
Ans. After having the coffee the lad was troubled because he realised that Gandhiji had to work for him at such an odd hour.
(कॉफी मिल जाने के बाद नवयुवक इसलिए व्याकुल हो उठा, क्योंकि उसने महसूस किया कि गाँधी जी को उसके लिए असमय में कितना कष्ट उठाना पड़ा। )
True/False Statements
Q. Point out True or False statements:
1. The young lad went down with malaria.
2. Gandhiji looked after all the sick persons in the Ashram.
3. In the Ashram coffee was allowed twice a day.
4. Gandhiji prepared the coffee and toast himself.
5. Gandhiji visited the sick in the Ashram whenever he found time.
6. Gandhiji asked Ba to prepare coffee.
7. The sick in the Ashram were attended by doctors.
8. Gandhiji passed through a nursing school.
9. All sick persons came directly under eye and care of Gandhiji.
10. Gandhiji never cracked jokes with the patients.
11. Gandhiji offered the lad uppama and thosai.
12. Gandhiji’s cottage was at the other end of the Ashram.
13. The coffee was light but excellent.
1. False, 2. True, 3. False, 4. True, 5. False, 6. False, 7. False, 8. False, 9. True, 10. False, 11. False, 12. True, 13. True.
Select the most suitable alternative to complete each of the following statements :
(उपयुक्त विकल्प चुनकर निम्नलिखित कथनों को पूरा कीजिए 🙂
1. Gandhiji was able to nurse the sick well because he …………
(a) picked up nursing at a nursing school.
(b) was interested in nursing.
(c) learned nursing through experience when nursing became necessary for him in life.
2. Gandhiji visited the sick in the Ashram ……….
(a) whenever he found time.
(b) everyday.
(c) every alternate day.
3. Gandhiji promised the young lad for …………
(a) a cup of coffee only.
(b) warm toast and coffee.
(c) coffee and uppama or thosai.
4. Gandhiji prepared the coffee himself because ………
(a) only he knew how to prepare good coffee.
(b) it was an untimely hour and so he did not want to trouble Ba.
(c) he liked to do the work himself.
5. Gandhiji’s cottage was ………
(a) in the centre of the Ashram.
(b) just across the road.
(c) a long way across the road, at the other end of the Ashram.
6. Gandhiji arranged coffee for the lad by …………
(a) preparing it himself.
(b) requesting Ba to prepare coffee for the lad.
(c) asking one of the inmates of the Ashram to prepare it.
7. When Gandhiji gave the lad the coffee, he ………
(a) trembled with fear.
(b) sipped it with pleasure.
(c) was overwhelmed.
8. The care of the sick in the Ashram was arranged by ………
(a) the doctors
(b) Kasturba
(c) Gandhiji
(d) none
9. Gandhiji never failed to crack jokes ………
(a) with doctors
(b) with patients
(c) with Kasturba
(d) with none
10. The young lad pined for a cup of ……….
(a) tea
(b) milk
(c) water
(d) coffee
11. The young lad had ………. with the coffee.
(a) bread
(b) toast
(c) uppama
(d) thosai
12. The young lad was sorry because the coffee ……..
(a) was light
(b) was too sweet
(c) was prepared by Gandhiji
(d) was not tasty
1. Gandhiji was able to nurse the sick well because he learned nursing through experience when nursing became necessary for him in life.
2. Gandhiji visited the sick in the Ashram every day.
3. Gandhiji promised the young lad for warm toast and coffee.
4. Gandhiji prepared the coffee himself because it was an untimely hour and so he did not want to trouble Ba.
5. Gandhiji’s cottage was a long way across the road, at the other end of the Ashram.
6. Gandhiji arranged coffee for the lad by preparing it himself.
7. When Gandhiji gave the lad the coffee, he was overwhelmed.
8. The care of the sick in the Ashram was arranged by Gandhiji.
9. Gandhiji never failed to crack jokes with patients.
10. The young lad pined for a cup of coffee.
11. The young lad had toast with the coffee.
12. The young lad was sorry because the coffee was prepared by Gandhiji.

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