English 9

UP Board Solutions for Class 9 English Supplementary Reader Chapter 4 On A Winter’s Night

UP Board Solutions for Class 9 English Supplementary Reader Chapter 4 On A Winter’s Night

UP Board Solutions for Class 9 English Supplementary Reader Chapter 4 On A Winter’s Night


Answer the following questions in about 25 words : 
(निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर लगभग 25-25 शब्दों में लिखिए 🙂
Q.1. How much money did Halku have? How did his wife want to spend it?
(हल्कू के पास कितना धन था? उसकी पत्नी उसे कैसे खर्च करना चाहती थी ? )
Ans. Halku had only three rupees. His wife wanted to spend it in buying a blanket.
(हल्कू के पास केवल तीन रुपये थे। उसकी पत्नी इन्हें एक कम्बल खरीदने में खर्च करना चाहती थी।)
Q. 2. Why did Halku not buy a blanket?
(हल्कू ने कम्बल क्यों नहीं खरीदा ? )
Ans. Halku did not buy a blanket because he had to repay the debt of the money-lender. He did not have enough money with him for both the purposes.
(हल्कू ने कम्बल इसलिए नहीं खरीदा क्योंकि उसे महाजन का कर्ज चुकाना था। उसके पास दोनों कार्यों के लिए पर्याप्त धन नहीं था। )
Q. 3. Why did Halku want to give the money to Sohna?
( हल्कू सोहना को धन क्यों देना चाहता था ? )
Or What did Halku want to do with the money and why?
( हल्कू धन का क्या करना चाहता था और क्यों ? )
Ans. Halku wanted to give the money to Sohna because he did not want that Sohna should abuse him. He wanted to get rid of him.
(हल्कू सोहना को धन इसलिए देना चाहता था क्योंकि वह यह नहीं चाहता था कि सोहना उसे गालियाँ दे। वह उससे छुटकारा पाना चाहता था।)
Q. 4. What did Halku’s wife want him to do after giving up farming?
( हल्कू की पत्नी उससे खेती छोड़ने के बाद क्या कराना चाहती थी ?)
Ans. As a farmer Halku worked very hard but he had no comfort. Halku’s wife wanted him to become a labourer after giving up farming.
(किसान रहते हुए हल्कू कठिन परिश्रम करता था परन्तु उसके जीवन में आराम नहीं था। हल्कू की पत्नी चाहती थी कि वह खेती का काम छोड़कर मजदूर बन जाए। )
Q. 5. Why did Halku smoke his clay-pipe so often in the night?
( रात्रि में हल्कू बार-बार हुक्का क्यों पीता था? )
Or Why was Halku not able to sleep that night? What did he do?
( उस रात्रि को हल्कू क्यों नहीं सो सका? उसने क्या किया?)
Ans. It was a cold dark night. Wrapped in a cotton sheet Halku lay on his cot but could not sleep. He smoked his clay-pipe so often to keep the cold away.
(वह रात अँधेरी और ठण्डी थी। सूती चादर ओढ़े हल्कू खाट पर लेटा हुआ था, परन्तु उसे नींद नहीं आ रही थी। उसने ठण्ड से बचने के लिए कई बार हुक्का पिया।)
Q. 6. What did Halku think about the rich landowners?
(धनी जमींदारों के विषय में हल्कू क्या सोचता था ? )
Ans. Halku thought that the rich landowners got money to buy blankets from poor people like him who worked hard and suffered. The landowners kept on getting rich.
(हल्कू का विचार था कि धनी जमींदार कम्बल खरीदने के लिए धन उस जैसे गरीब लोगों से ही पाते हैं जो कठिन परिश्रम करते हैं और कष्ट उठाते हैं। इससे जमींदार और धनी होते जा रहे हैं।)
Q.7. Why could Halku not save his field from the cattle ?
(हल्कू अपने खेत को पशुओं से क्यों नहीं बचा सका?)
Ans. Halku could not save his field from the cattle because the severe cold had made him lazy. As it became colder his laziness increased.
(हल्कू अपने खेतों को पशुओं से इस कारण नहीं बचा सका क्योंकि प्रचण्ड ठण्ड ने उसे आलसी बना दिया था। जैसे-जैसे ठण्ड बढ़ रही थी, वह अधिक सुस्त हो रहा था।)
Q. 8. Name three things that Halku did to keep himself warm that night.
(उन तीन बातों का वर्णन कीजिए जो हल्कू ने उस रात स्वयं को गर्म रखने के लिए की । )
Ans. Halku smoked his clay-pipe again and again to keep himself warm. He made his dog sleep near him. He collected dry mango leaves from the orchard and burnt them.
(हल्कू ने स्वयं को गर्म रखने के लिए बार-बार हुक्का पिया। उसने अपने कुत्ते को अपने पास सुलाया। उसने बाग में आम की सूखी पत्तियाँ इकट्ठी की और उन्हें जलाया ।)
Q. 9. Why did Jhabra start barking at night?
(झबरा रात को क्यों भौंकने लगा?)
Ans. Jhabra rted barking at night because some animals had entered the field.
(झबरा ने रात को भौंकना आरम्भ कर दिया क्योंकि खेत में कुछ पशु घुस आये थे। )
Q. 10. Give one example to show that Jhabra loved Halku.
(यह दर्शाने के लिए कि झबरा हल्कू से प्यार करता था, एक उदाहरण दीजिए । )
Ans. In the icy cold night Jhabra barked and ran from one corner of the field to another. He tried to save Halku’s field from the cattle. This shows that Jhabra loved Halku.
(बर्फीली ठण्डी रात में झबरा भौंका और खेत के एक कोने से दूसरे कोने तक दौड़ा। उसने हल्कू के खेत को पशुओं से बचाने की कोशिश की। यह बात प्रदर्शित करती है कि झबरा हल्कू से प्यार करता था।)
Q. 11. What occurred when Halku and Jhabra were about to sleep?
( जब हल्कू और झबरा सोने वाले थे तब क्या हुआ?)
Ans. When Halku and Jhabra were about to sleep, Jhabra started barking because some animals had entered the field.
(जब हल्कू और झबरा सोने वाले थे तभी झबरा ने भौंकना आरम्भ कर दिया क्योंकि कुछ पशु खेत में घुस आये थे।)
Q. 12. What did Halku’s wife tell him when he woke up ?
(जब हल्कू जागा तब उसकी पत्नी ने उसे क्या बताया?)
Ans. When Halku woke up, his wife said to him, “Look, the cattle have eaten up all the crop, you should have kept watch.”
(जब हल्कू जागा तब उसकी पत्नी ने उससे कहा, “देखो, मवेशी (पशु) सारी फसल खा गये हैं, तुम्हें चौकसी रखनी चाहिए थी । ” )
Q. 13. “I had a severe stomach-ache !” Why did Halku say this to his wife?
( “मेरे पेट में तेज दर्द था ! ” हल्कू ने यह बात अपनी पत्नी से क्यों कही ? )
Ans. Halku said these words to calm down the anger of his wife because he could not guard his field from the cattle at night due to laziness and bitter cold.
( हल्कू ने ये शब्द अपनी पत्नी के क्रोध को शान्त करने के लिए कहे, क्योंकि रात को वह अपने खेतों को सुस्ती और ठण्ड के कारण पशुओं से नहीं बचा सका था।)
Q. 14. Halku didn’t look unhappy when he saw that the cattle had eaten up the standing crop. Why?
(हल्कू ने जब यह देखा कि पशु उसकी खड़ी फसल को खा गये हैं तब भी वह दुःखी नहीं हुआ। क्यों?)
Ans. Halku didn’t look unhappy when he saw that the cattle had eaten up the standing crop because he thought he would not have to sleep in the open on a cold night.
(हल्कू दुःखी नहीं दिखायी दिया जब उसने देखा कि पशु उसकी खड़ी फसल को खा गये हैं, क्योंकि उसने सोचा कि अब उसे ठण्डी रात में खुले में नहीं सोना पड़ेगा। )
Q. 15. When did Halku take a sigh of relief?
(हल्कू ने चैन की साँस कब ली ? )
Ans. When Halku’s wife told him that he would have to work as a labourer, Halku took a sigh of relief.
(जब हल्कू की पत्नी ने कहा कि अब तुम्हें एक मजदूर के समान काम करना पड़ेगा तब हल्कू ने चैन की साँस ली।)
True/False Statements
Q. Point out True or False statements :
1. Halku was not poor.
2. Halku did not like Sohna to curse him.
3. She did not give three rupees to her husband.
4. Halku had woollen clothes.
5. Neither Halku nor Jhabra could sleep.
6. Jhabra loved his master very much.
7. He was awakened from his sleep in the morning by his wife.
8. The rich landowners got the money from poor people.
9. Jhabra started barking as some animals had entered Halku’s field.
10. Halku’s wife wanted Halku to buy a blanket with the little money they had.
11. Halku’s wife wanted him to invest money in land.
12. Halku had enough money to buy woollen clothes, quilts and blankets.
13. Halku could not sleep because the cattle were eating away his crop.
14. Halku decided to buy a blanket first.
15. In order toward off the cold, Halku made Jhabra sleep next to him.
16. Halku could not sleep because his dog was making sounds.
17. Halku became sad when he saw that the cattle had eaten up all the crop.
18. Everything was lost, yet Halku and his wife did not go to their fields.
1. False, 2. True, 3. False, 4. False, 5. True, 6. True, 7. False, 8. True, 9. True, 10. True, 11. False, 12. False, 13. False, 14. False, 15. True, 16. False, 17. False. 18. False.
Q. Select the most suitable alternative to complete each of the following statements :
( उपयुक्त विकल्प चुनकर निम्नलिखित कथनों को पूरा कीजिए 🙂
1. Halku asked his wife to give him three rupees to ………
(a) purchase the blanket.
(b) buy bread.
(c) pay the debt he owed to the money-lender.
2. Halku’s wife gave the three rupees to Halku because ………
(a) she wanted to invest them in the land.
(b) she wanted to eat her bread in peace.
(c) Halku wanted to buy some bread with them.
(d) Halku was ill-treated by the money-lender.
3. Halku’s wife wanted him to ……….
(a) pay all his debts.
(b) give up farming
(c) invest money in the land.
(d) work hard.
4. Halku went out unwillingly because ……..
(a) he had no money to buy a blanket.
(b) his wife had not treated him well.
(c) he did not want to part with his savings.
(d) he wanted to pay his debts.
5. Halku could not sleep because ……..
(a) Jhabra lay under his cot.
(b) he had only an old cotton sheet to wrap himself with.
(c) the dog was barking.
(d) the cattle were eating his crops.
6. Halku could have easily bought a cheap blanket but he ………..
(a) did not wish to buy it.
(b) had no money to buy it.
(c) wanted to pay his debts first.
(d) did not feel the need of it.
7. Jhabra went on barking because ……..
(a) the cattle had entered the field.
(b) the thieves had entered the house.
(c) it was shivering with cold.
Answers :
1. Halku asked his wife to give him three rupees to pay the debt he owed to the money-lender.
2. Halku’s wife gave the three rupees to Halku because Halku was ill-treated by the money-lender.
3. Halku’s wife wanted him to give up farming.
4. Halku went out unwillingly because he did not want to part with his savings.
5. Halku could not sleep because he had only an old cotton sheet to wrap himself with.
6. Halku could have easily bought a cheap blanket but he wanted to pay his debts first.
7. Jhabra went on barking because the cattle had entered the field.

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