Gujarat Board Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 1 सं वदध्वम्
Gujarat Board Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 1 सं वदध्वम्
Gujarat Board Textbook Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 1 सं वदध्वम्
सं वदध्वम् Introduction
This first three Mantras in this lesson have been taken respectively from ऋग्वेद, यजुर्वेद and अथर्ववेद। The last. two verses are popular prayers called शांतिमन्त्रs।
ऋग्वेद is the first among the Vedas. It is most ancient collection of hymns addressed to gods and deities. The verse in this book is called ऋक, ऋग्वेद consists of ten chapters that are called मंडलs।
Hoots contains the mantras that are useful for sacrifices. Each mantra is called Hi There are 40 chapters (अध्यायs) and 1975 mantras. The two collections (संहिताs) of यजुर्वेद are known as शुक्लयजुर्वेद and कृष्णयजुर्वेद।
अथर्ववेद is the last among the Vedas. अर्थवेद contains many forms of imprecations for the destruction of enemies, and also prayers for safety and averting mishaps, evils, sins and a number of hymns addressed to gods. For more information about the Vedas, search ‘Google’. You can listen to these Mantras on You-tube. Type the first two, three words in the search box for this.
सं वदध्वम् Prose-Order, Translation And Glossary
1. सं गच्छध्वं सं वदध्वं सं वो मनांसि जानताम्।
देवा भागं यथा पूर्वे सं जानाना उपासते॥ ऋग्वेद
Separation of words: सम् । गच्छध्वम् । सम् वदध्वम् / सम् / वः । मनांसि / जानताम् । देवाः / भागम् । यथा / पूर्वे / सम् / जानानाः / उपासते / – ऋग्वेदः
Prose-order: पूर्वे यथा सं जानानाः देवाः भागम् उपासते (तथा यूयम्) सम् गच्छध्वम्, सम् वध्वम्, वः मानांसि सम् जानताम्।
Translation: May you move in harmony, speak together (in one voice) let your minds be all of one accord; just as the ancient gods shared their portion of the sacrifice.
Explanation: The verse is addressed to the priests who perform a sacrifice (हे होतारः) and it explains the importance of unity. Do we not say “United we stand and divided we fall?”
Glossary: पूर्वे – in the past, यथा – just as, सं जानानाः – living in harmony agreeing together, the adjective of the noun, देवा: जानाना: – is a present active participle of the root, ज्ञा – it means those who know, भागम् – portion, a part (of offerings made is a sacrifice), share; object of the verb, उपासते – so in the accusative case, उपासते – (they) accept, consume, the verb of the subject, देवाः उप + आस् – present tense, (लट् लकार) – third person plural, सम् गच्छध्वम् – move together (in harmony). Note that a prefix (सम्) is written separately in Vedic literature, सम् गच्छध्वम् is the verb of the subject यूयम् that is understood.
The root गम् is परस्मैपदs but with the prefix सम् it is used in आत्मनेपद, सम + गम् (I.A.) imperative mood (लोट् लकार) second person plural, गच्छध्वम्, वध्वम् – In modern or classical Sanskrit, this imperative mood, second-person plural forms would be गच्छत and वदत ‘गच्छध्वम् and ‘वध्वम्’, the आत्मनेपद forms are peculiar to avoid Sanskrit, सम् वदध्वम् सहवदत/परस्पर विरोध परित्यज्य एकविधम् एव वाक्यं ब्रूत। – Speak-together or unanimously, वः – युष्माकम् – your, मनांसि – minds, सम् जानताम् – may your minds known similarly, जानताम्-ज्ञा – (Qu.) An imperative mood third person plural; the verb of the subject, वः मनांसि – your minds, सम् जानताम्-समानम् एकरूपम् एव अर्थम् अवगच्छन्तु।
2. विश्वानि देव सवितर्दुरितानि परा सुव।
यद्भद्रं तन्नऽ आ सुव॥ 2 ॥ यजुर्वेद॥
Separation of words: विश्वानि / देव / सवितः / दुरितानि / परा / सुव / यद्भद्रम् / तन्न / आ / सुव / -यजुर्वेदः।
Prose-order : (हे) देव सवितः, विश्वानि दुरितानि परा सुव। यद् भद्रम् तद् नः आ सुवः। त्रिष्टुप)
Translation: O Sun-god, remove all evil deeds or vices (from us and) bless us with all that is good.
Explanation: The prayer is addressed to the sun-god who according to Vedas is the creator of the universe. Like the sun is the sky removes darkness and brings light, the sun-god will remove the vices and bring auspicious, good things.
Glossary : (हे) देव सवितः – O Sun-god, सवितः – the vocative singular of the noun सवित् विश्वानि दुरितानि – all evil deeds, vices or sins, परा सुव – remove, verb of the subject त्वम् which is understood, यद् भद्रम् – whatever is good, auspicious, तद् नः – the same, for us, आ सुव – grant, secure, verb of the subject त्वम्।
3. अनुव्रतः पितुः पुत्रो मात्रा भवत् संमनाः।
जाया पत्ये मधुमती वाचं वदतु शान्तिवाम् ॥3॥ अथर्ववेद
Separation of words : अनुव्रतः / पितुः / पुत्रः / मात्रा । भवतु / संमनाः / जाया / पत्ये / मधुमतीम् / वाचम् / वदतु / शान्तिवाम्। -अथर्ववेदः
Prose-order : पुत्रः पितुः अनुव्रतः मात्रा संमनाः भवतु, जाया पत्ये मधुमतीम् शान्विाम् वाचम् वदतु। (अनुष्टुम्)
Translation : May son follow the vow of father (and) be of the same thinking as that of mother. May wife speak sweet and peaceful words with (her) husband.
Explanation: Vedic civilization was patriarchal. Families were ruled by male members. The son was expected to act in accordance with the father’s wishes and to be of one mind with the mother as well. The wife was expected to set on example before her children by talking to her husband in soothing words as sweet as honey.
Glossary: अनुव्रतः – one who follows the vow (व्रत) attached, devoted. This adjective is used with genitive so, पितुः मात्रा संमनाः – having the same (समान) mind (मनः) as that of mother, जाया-भार्या, wife, पत्ये – with husband, dative singular of पति, मधुमतीम् – sweet; adjective of the feminine noun वाचम्, शान्तिवाम् – peaceful, soothing, the adjective of वाचम्, वदतु – may speak; the verb of the subject जाया।
4. सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः।
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद् दुःखभाग् भवेत्॥4॥
Prose-order : सर्वे सुखिनः भवन्तु, सर्वे निरामयाः सन्तु, सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु। कश्चित दुःखभाग् मा भवेत्। (अनुष्टुम्) 63 संस्कृत-x –
Translation : May all (human beings, living beings) be happy here. May all be healthy. May all see good things. May no one be unhappy.
Explanation: Man is a social animal. He cannot be happy without the company of others. So it follows that one should wish for the happiness of all mankind. If any person in the family is unhappy, other cannot be happy. If the whole world is our family (वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम्), should we not pray for the happiness of all?
Glossary: सर्वे – all human beings or living beings, सुखिनः – happy; adjective of the pronoun, सर्वे निरामयाः – free from disease or illness, healthy, भद्राणि – good things, पश्यन्तु – let (them) see; verb of the subject सर्व, दु:ख भाग् – unhappy; adjective of कश्चित्-मा भवेत् – may not become; verb of the subject (कश्चित)
5. काले वर्षतु पर्जन्यः पृथिवी सस्यशालिनी।।
देशोऽयं क्षोभरहितो मानवाः सन्तु निर्भयाः॥5॥
Prose-order: पर्जन्यः काले वर्षतु, पृथिवी सस्यशालिनी (अस्तु) अयम् देशः क्षोभरहितः (भवतु)। मानवाः निर्भयाः सन्तु।
Translation: May rainfall at the right time. May the earth look beautiful with crops. May this country be free from disturbance. May human beings be free from fear.
Explanation: Not the significant order of the wishes. If the rain falls at the right time, there will be good crops. If the crops are good, people will be happy. Similarly, if the country is without disturbance people will be fearless.
Glossary: पर्जन्यः – rain, काले – at the right time, वर्षतु – may shower; verb of the subject पर्जन्यः, पृथिवी – the earth, सस्यशालिनी – rich with crops; adjective of the noun, पृथिवी, अयम् देशः – this place country, क्षोभरहितः – devoid of turbulence; adjective of the noun देश:, निर्भया: – fearless; adjective of the noun मनान मन्तु – let (them) be.
GSEB Class 10 Sanskrit सं वदध्वम् Textbook Questions and Answers
1. अधोलिखितेभ्यः विकल्पेभ्यः समुचितम् उत्तरं चिनुत –
Choose the correct answer from the given
1. पूर्वे के सं जानानाः भागम् उपासते?
(क) मनुष्याः
(ख) असुराः
(ग) देवाः
(घ) सर्वे
(ग) देवाः
2. कविः किं याचते?
(क) भद्रम्
(ख) दुरितम्
(ग) सुखम्
(घ) धनम्
(क) भद्रम्
3. जाया कीदृशीं वाचं वदतु?
(क) ललिताम्
(ख) शान्तिनाम्
(ग) ज्ञानयुताम्
(घ) शोभनाम्
(ख) शान्तिनाम्
4. सर्वे कीदृशाः भवन्तु?
(क) योगिनः
(ख) मानिनः
(ग) सुखिनः
(घ) बलिनः
(ग) सुख
5. पर्जन्यः कदा वर्षतु?
(क) ह्यः
(ख) अद्य
(ग) श्वः
(घ) काले
(घ) काले
6. हे देव …….. दुरितानि परासुव।
(क) अग्ने
(ख) वरुण
(ग) सवित्
(घ) वायो
(ग) सवित्
7. पुत्रः “……….” अनुव्रतः भवतु।
(क) मित्रस्य
(ख) मातुः
(ग) पितुः
(घ) स्वसुः
(ग) पितुः
8. ……….. निरामयाः भवन्तु।
(क) पक्षिणः
(ख) जन्तवः
(ग) सर्वे
(घ) पशवः
(ग) सर्वे
9. सर्वे ……….. पश्यतु।
(क) दुरितानि
(ख) फलानि
(ग) धनानि
(घ) भद्राणि
(घ) भद्राणि
10. पृथिवी ……….. भवतु।
(क) बलशालिनी
(ख) सस्यशालिनी
(ग) जलपूर्णा
(घ) धनपूर्णा
(ख) सस्यशालिनी
2. एकवाक्येन संस्कृतभाषायाम् उत्तरं लिखत –
Answer in one Sanskrit sentence:
1. पूर्वे देवाः कथं भागम् उपासते ?
पूर्वे देवाः संजानानाः भागम् उपासते।
2. जाया कस्मै मधुमतीं वाचं वदतु?
जाया पत्ये मधुमतीं वाचं वदतु।
3. मानवाः कीदृशाः सन्तु?
मानवाः निर्भयाः सन्तु।
4. कः क्षोभरहितः भवतु?
अयं देशः (भारतदेशः) क्षोभरहितः भवतु।
3. रेखाङ्कितानां पदानां स्थाने प्रकोष्ठात् उचितं पदं प्रयुज्यं प्रश्नवाक्यं रचयत –
Choose the correct word from the brackets to replace the underlined word and make interrogative sentences: (कदा, कः, कीदृशी, का)
1. जाया मधुमती वाचं वदतु।
का मधुमती वाचं वदतु?
2. पुत्रः मात्रा, संमनाः भवतु।
कः मात्रा, संमनाः भवतु?
3. काले वर्षतु पर्जन्यः।
पर्जन्यः कदा वर्षतु?।
4. आज्ञार्थस्य अन्यपुरुष बहुवचनरूपाणि चिनुत
Choose the imperative mood third person plural forms:
भवतु सन्तु भवेत् पश्यन्तु वर्षतु भवन्तु
सन्तु, पश्यन्तु, भवन्तु
5. अधोलिखितानां प्रश्नानाम् उत्तराणि आङ्ग्लभाषायां लिखत –
Answer the following questions in English:
Question 1.
For what does the rishi request the Sun?
The rishi requests the Sun to remove the sins or vices and secure good, auspicious things for him.
Question 2.
In what way should a wife talk with her husband?
A wife should talk with her husband in a sweet and peaceful manner.
Question 3.
What does the rishi expect for all?
The rishi expects (wishes) all to be happy, healthy and lucky to see good things happening in their life. He expects that no one should be unhappy.
Question 4.
What does the poet make understood to do to remain united?
In order to be united the poet advises son to follow the father, to think like a mother. He wants wife to talk with her husband in a sweet and peaceful manner.
The poet advises us to move together in harmony, speak in one voice and think in a similar manner to remain united.
6. ”मा कश्चिद् दुःखभाग् भवेत्।
Express the spirit of this maxim in your own words.
No man is an island. We live in a society and our wellbeing or happiness is connected with the wellbeing and happiness of others.
So the poet rightly says. May all be happy, healthy. May all experience good things and let no one be unhappy. If any person around us in unhappy or suffering we cannot be happy in real sense of the term. ‘मा कश्चिद् दुःखभाग् भवेत्। is a magnanimous and noble sentiment expressed in a most simple manner.
7. श्लोकपूर्तिं कुरुत –
Complete the following verses:
1. सं गच्छध्वं “…………” उपासते।।
सं गच्छध्वं सं वदध्वं सं वो मनांसि जानताम्।
देवा भागं यथा पूर्वे संः जानाना उपासते।।
2. सर्वे भवन्तु ………… भवेत्।।
सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः।
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद् दुःखभाग् भवेत्।।