MP 10TH English

MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Workbook Solutions Chapter 15 Journey of the Atlantic on a Papyrus Boat

MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Workbook Solutions Chapter 15 Journey of the Atlantic on a Papyrus Boat

In this article, we will share MP Board Class 10th English Solutions The Rainbow Workbook Chapter 15 Journey of the Atlantic on a Papyrus Boat Pdf, These solutions are solved subject experts from the latest edition books.

MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Workbook Solutions Chapter 15 Journey of the Atlantic on a Papyrus Boat

Journey of the Atlantic on a Papyrus Boat Vocabulary

I. Write the names of some European languages.
English, French, German.

II. Use the following words in the beginning of your sentences, moreover, once, next, now, however, often, only, even
Moreover : Moreover, I. will go to visit the place.
Once : Once I had gone to Kolkata.
Next : Next to you comes Hera’s number.
Now : Now I will start my work.
However : However, he is quite right.
Often : Often I meet my friend.
Only : Only seeing is believing.
Even : Even the girls began to shout.

III. Say the following words: launch, lunch, boat, boot, but
Pronounce the above words clearly.

Listening Skill

Listen carefully the text about two explorers.

See Workbook pages 120-121

Now tell whether the following sentences are true, not true, or can’t tell.

1. Columbus lived in Italy.
2. Vasco da Gama lived in Portugal.
3. Both of them sailed from Europe.
4. Both of them travelled across the Atlantic Ocean.
5. In 1492, Columbus sailed across the Pacific Ocean.
6. Vasco da Gama made trips to China.
7. Vasco da Gama had farty sailors in his ship.
8. Vasco da Gama made three trips to India in all.
9. Columbus reached South America on his second trip.
10. Both of them lived until they were 75 years old.

  1. True
  2. Not true
  3. true
  4. Not true
  5. Not true
  6. Not true
  7. Cant tell
  8. True
  9. Not true
  10. Cant tell.

Fill in the blanks:

Question 1.
(a) Asif was walking on the beach, when he …………… a lovely pink shell.
(b) The sea route to India from Europe was …………. long ago. (Found/discovered)
(a) found
(b) discovered.

Question 2.
(a) We are planning a to Munnar over a long weekend.
(b) The first of the Titanic was an unlucky one. (tri p/voyage)
(a) trip
(b) voyage.

Question 3.
(a) It is a road from my school to Nehru Nagar.
(b) The storm knocked the tree down. Only the stump is left standing (straight/upright)
(a) straight
(b) upright.

Speaking Skill

I. Study the way people ask for information on the telephone.

See Workbook page 122
Do yourself.

II. Work with a partner and role play the following situations.
Remember you are asking for information on the phone.

Question 1.
You are planning a trip to Guwahati you are ringing the travel agent to find out the cost of a return air ticket.
Do yourself.

Question 2.
You are calling the local railway station to find out if the trains are running on time after yesterday’s heavy rains.
Do yourself.

III. Have you ever been on a long railway journey. Have a class discussion on this.
Do yourself.

IV. Suppose you were one of the companions of the journey of the Atlantic on a Papyrus Boat. Tell about your adventure and your opinion about other companions.
Do yourself.

Reading Skill

Read the extract carefully.

See Workbook pages 123-124

A. Now answer the following questions:

Question 1.
Each year scores of yachts from the different countries scurry to New Zealand. Why?
To seek shelter from the Pacific cyclones spinning over the area from October to April.

Question 2.
Where do they sail during the month of May and June?
In search of the Zephyrs that will blow them to isles.

Question 3.
What climatic condition most of the sailors long for?
Blue skies, gentle winds and balmy temperature.

Question 4.
Why had Dana and Paula preferred to make New Zealand as a cruising base?
For exploring the South Pacific.

Question 5.
What did the weather fax show?
A weak depression was forming between Fiji and Vanuatu.

Question 6.
What was the radio report?
The gale might reach 74 kmph , but was nothing sinister and should pass in the night.

Question 7.
Write about the fury of the gale.
It snapped the metal pole holding the boat’s generator.


Active and Passive voice:

See Workbook pages 124-126

Change the voice of the following sentences:

Question 1.
He grows wheat in his field.
Wheat is grown in his field.

Question 2.
I do not know the reason of his coming.
The reason of his coming is not known to me.

Question 3.
Does Rhea sing a song?
Is a song sung by Rhea?

Question 4.
What does he say?
What is said by him?

Question 5.
They don’t understand him.
He is not understood by them.

Simple Past:

See Workbook page 127

Change the voice of the following sentences:

Question 1.
We refused them admission.
They were refused admission by us.

Question 2.
They took no notice of me.
I was not noticed by them.

Question 3.
Where did you find this book?
Where was that book found by you?

Question 4.
The carpenter repaired my furniture.
My furniture was repaired by the carpenter.

Question 5.
Did the shoemaker mend your shoes?
Were your shoes mended by the shoemaker?

Simple Future:

See Workbook page 127

Change the voice of the following sentences:

Question 1.
The police will look into the matter.
The matter will be looked into by the police.

Question 2.
Will your cousin pay your school fees?
Will your school fees be paid by your cousin?

Question 3.
What will you do after getting through the examination?
What will be done by you after getting through the examination.

Question 4.
She will meet you at the railway station.
You will be met by her at the railway station.

Question 5.
When will you commence your journey to the south?
When will your journey to the south be commenced?

Present Continuous:

See Workbook page 128

Change the voice of the following:

Question 1.
The boys are learning their lessons.
Their lessons are being learnt by the boys.

Question 2.
She is catching fish right now.
Fish is being caught by her right now.

Question 3.
Who is sending you this message?
By whom is this message being sent to you?

Question 4.
Whose notebook is the teacher correcting?
Whose notebook is being corrected by the teacher?

Question 5.
They are holding a camp this summer.
A camp is being held by them this summer.

Past Continuous:

See Workbook page 129

Change the voice of the following sentences:

Question 1.
Why weren’t you taking your class?
Why your class was not being taken by you?

Question 2.
The President was giving away the prizes.
The prizes were being given away by the President.

Question 3.
She was drawing a picture.
A picture was being drawn by her.

Question 4.
The driver was driving the car speedily.
The car was being driven speedily by the driver.

Question 5.
Were the weakers doing their exercise?
Was exercise being done by the weakers?

Present Perfect:

See Workbook page 129

Change the following sentences into passive.

Question 1.
The farmers have reaped the harvest.
The harvest has been reaped by the farmers.

Question 2.
We have spent all the money.
All the money has been spent by us.

Question 3.
Why have you sent for the doctor?
Why has the doctor been sent for by you?

Question 4.
Who has switched off the television?
By whom has the television been switched off?

Question 5.
The man has rung the bell.
The bell has been rung by the man.

Past Perfect:

See Workbook page 130

Change the voice of the following sentences:

Question 1.
He had received your letter when I met him.
Your letter had been received by him when I met him.

Question 2.
Our team had played two matches by 6 p.m.
Two matches had been played by our team by 6 p.m.

Question 3.
Renu had met my sister earlier also.
My sister had been met by Renu earlier also.

Question 4.
Why hadn’t you prepared your lesson?
Why had your lessons not been prepared by you.

Question 5.
None of them had seen a helicopter till then.
A helicopter had not been seen by anyone till then.

Future Perfect:

See Workbook page 131

Change the sentences into passive voice.

Question 1.
He will have cleared the account.
The account will have been cleared by him.

Question 2.
The magistrate will have sent him to jail.
He will have been sent to jail by the magistrate.

Question 3.
I shall have watered the plants before sunset.
The plants shall have been watered by me before sunset.

Question 4.
She will have gathered all the flowers.
All the flowers will have been gathered by her.

Question 5.
Farmers will have grown a lot of wheat in the Punjab.
A lot of wheat will have been grown in the Punjab by farmers.

Imperative Sentences:

See Workbook pages 131-133

Change the voice of the following sentences:

Question 1.
Post this letter at once.
This letter should be posted at once.

Question 2.
Tell him to leave the room.
Let the room be left by him.

Question 3.
Kindly do this much for me.
You are requested to kindly do this much for me.

Question 4.
Don’t laugh at others.
Others should not be laughed at.

Question 5.
Play the game and play it well.
The game should be played and it should be played well.

Change the following sentences into Active voice:

Question 1.
Why should I be laughed at by you?
Why should you laugh at me?

Question 2.
By whom was this letter written?
Who wrote this letter?

Question 3.
The road to heaven is paved with good intention.
Good intention paves the road to heaven.

Question 4.
This is a suitable time for the old account to be closed.
This is a suitable close the old account.

Question 5.
He was helped by one of his faithful followers.
One of his faithful followers helped him.

Writing Skill

Question 1.
‘Critical situations make us strong.’ Explain it in the light of the lesson ‘A Journey of the Atlantic in a Papyrus Boat’. (50 Words)
Critical situations make us strong. We learn to tackle them. Facing them enhances our confidence as such situations test us. Sometimes they come so suddenly that we can’t understand them. We get nervous. But we should have confidence and patience, otherwise we will lose the battle. There are testing times in life. If we overcome them we will learn a lot.

Question 2.
Write a letter to your friend telling him how you got stuck in a house surrounded by flood water and had a narrow escape with the help of rescue workers. (150 words)
Rose Garden
19th Sept. 20xx
Dear Raj
I wish to share my brave experience. You know last month I had been to Rahul who hails from Bihar. His native place is on the Bihar Nepal border. Suddenly on the 18th August 2Qxx there was a roaring sound and the whole of the area was submerged under water. The level of water began to increase. We were caught in water. There was no way out. The whole of the family took shelter on the roof. But the level increased so high that it was not safe even there. On the third day the Indian army came to rescue the victims. We were also brought to a safe place. I was so scared that I fell from the boat. An armyman saved me. I had never seen such a scene. So, I was very upset. However, now I feel normal and safe.

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