PSEB Class 9th English Grammar Determiners
PSEB Class 9th English Grammar Determiners
PSEB 9th Class English Grammar Determiners
किसी Noun (संज्ञा) से पूर्व-स्थित ऐसे शब्द को Determiner कहा जाता है जो उस Noun को निर्धारित करता हो; जैसे
A book, an inkpot, the Ramayana, some boys, any book, a few difficulties, a little rest, आदि।
Determiner एक प्रकार से विशेषण (Adjective) ही होता है। अन्तर केवल इतना है कि Adjective
किसी संज्ञा की व्याख्या करता है जबकि Determiner किसी संज्ञा को निर्धारित करता है।
अध्ययन की सुविधा के लिए Determiners को मुख्य रूप से निम्नलिखित भागों में बांटा जा सकता है:
Kinds Of Determiners
1. Possessive | My, our, your, his, her, its, their. |
2. Demonstrative | Definite : The, this, that these, those such, same, Indefinate : A, an, any, some, other, certain, etc |
3. Quantitative | Much, more, less, little, no, some, any, enough, sufficient, all, whole, half, etc. |
4. Numeral | : One, two, three, first, second, third, etc. : All, some, no, many, few, several, etc : Both, each, every, neither, either, etc. |
5. Articies | Definite : The. Indefinite : A, an. |
6 Wh-Words | What(ever), which(ever), whosoever, Whose. |
The Use Of Some Determiners
Some तथा Any का प्रयोग
Some तथा Any ये दोनों शब्द मात्रा-वाचक भी हैं और संख्यावाचक भी।
Some का प्रयोग निम्नलिखित प्रकार के वाक्यों में किया जाता है :
(a) Affirmative
वाक्यों में।
1.There are some children outside.
2. Some people say that money makes the mare go.
(b) Interrogative वाक्यों में
(किन्तु जब वक्ता को affirmative उत्तर की इच्छा अथवा आशा हो)।
1. Arent there some stamps in the drawer ?
2. Didn’t he give you some money ?
Any का प्रयोग निम्नलिखित प्रकार के वाक्यों में किया जाता है :
(a) Negative वाक्यों में।
1. I didn’t buy any bread.
2. He has not solved any question.
(b) Interrogative वाक्यों में (किन्तु जब वक्ता को negative उत्तर की आशा हो)।
1. Have you any problem ?
2. Are there any stamps in my drawer ?
(c) ऐसे Affirmative वाक्यों में जिनमें निषेध अथवा मनाही अन्तर्भूत (Implied) हो।
इस तरह के वाक्यों में प्रायः निम्नलिखित शब्दों का प्रयोग होता है :
Prevent (verb), Without (preposition), Hardly / Scarcely (adverb)
1. We did the work without any difficulty.
2. I have hardly any leisure nowadays.
3. Please try to prevent any loss of goods on the way:
(d) Any का प्रयोग निम्नलिखित अर्थ में भी किया जाता है :
no matter which’ = ‘चाहे किसी भी’ (in any case ; at any rate ; on any day ; at any hour.)
1. Come any day you like.
2. You can come to me at any hour of the day.
(e) Clauses of Condition (शर्तवाचक उपवाक्यों) में भी any का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
1. You can come to me in case of any difficulty.
2. I shall help you if you have any problem.
नोट : Not any = no
यह बात ध्यान रखने योग्य है कि not के साथ any का प्रयोग किया जा सकता है किन्तु no के साथ any का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है।
I bought no any apple. (✗)
I bought no apple. (✓)
Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners (some or any) :
1. I bought ………… honey.
2. He did not buy …………….. honey.
3. Did he buy ……………. honey?
4. He gave me ……………… money.
5. He did not give me ……………. money.
6. Did he give you …………….. money ?
7. ……………… girls were playing in the ground.
8. Have you read …………….. new novel ?
9. There is not …………… oil in the bottle.
10. Will you please give me …………… milk ?
11. We must find an excuse; ……………. excuse will do.
12. This bucket is useless; it hasn’t ……………. handle.
13. I must have this book at ……………. rate.
14. The railway station is at …………….. distance from the village.
15. I shall be away for …………….. time.
1. some
2. any
3. any
4. some
5. any
6. any
7. Some
8. any
9. any
10. some
11. any
12. any
13. any
14. some
15. some.
Few तथा Little का प्रयोग
Few – यह एक संख्यावाचक शब्द है।
Few, a few, the few का प्रयोग :
1. Few-यह एक Negative विशेषण है।
Few = not many = अधिक नहीं।
2. A few—यह एक affirmative विशेषण है
A few = some at least = थोड़े-से।
3. The few-यह एक ऐसा विशेषण है जिससे negative तथा affirmative दोनों अर्थों का बोध होता
The few = the whole of any particular number = थोड़े बहुत जो भी हों।
उदाहरण :
1. He makes few mistakes. | वह अधिक गलतियां नहीं करता है। |
2. He makes a few mistakes. | वह कुछ ग़लतियां कर देता है। |
3. I corrected the few mistakes he had made. | जो थोड़ी-बहुत ग़लतियां उसने की थीं, वे मौने ठीक कर दीं |
नोट : वाक्य
(3) के अर्थ को दो भागों में बांटा जा सकता है –
(a) Negative तथा
(b) Affirmative.
(a) The mistakes he had made were not many.
(जो ग़लतियां उसने की थीं, वे अधिक नहीं थीं।)
(b) I corrected all the mistakes he had made.
(मैंने वे सारी ग़लतियां ठीक कर दी जो उसने की थीं).
Little, a little, the little का प्रयोग:
1. Little – यह एक Negative विशेषण है।
Little = not much = अधिक नहीं।
2. A little – यह एक affirmative विशेषण है।
A little = some at least = थोड़ा-सा।
3. The little – यह एक ऐसा विशेषण है जिससे negative तथा affirmative दोनों अर्थों का बोध होता
The little = the whole of any particular quantity = थोड़ा बहुत जो भी हो।
उदाहरण :
He had little milk. | उसके पास अधिक दूध नहीं था। |
He had a little milk. | उसके पास थोड़ा-सा दूध था। |
He drank the little milk I had. | मेरे पास जो थोड़ा-बहुत दूध था, वह सी गया। |
नोट : वाक्य (3) के अर्थ को दो भागों में बांटा जा सकता है-
(a) Negative तथा
(b) Affirmative.
(a) The milk I had was not much.
(मेरे पास जो दूध था वह अधिक नहीं था।)
(b) He drank all the milk I had.
(उसने सारा दूध पी लिया जो मेरे पास था।)
Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners
(few, a few, the few, little, a little, the little) :
1. …….. money is better than nothing.
2. I need ………………….. days’ rest.
3. His condition is so serious that there is ……………….. hope of his recovery.
4. …………… women can keep a secret.
5. ……………………… knowledge is a dangerous thing.
6. I want ……………………. sugar for tea.
7. He read ……………………. books he had.
8. He spent ……………….. money he had.
9. Only…………………….. boys were present in the meeting.
10. Hurry up! We have only …………………… time left.
11. You should stay here …. ……………….. days longer.
12. ……. remarks he made, were very meaningful.
13. He was very sorry to find that he had ……….. money left.
14. Bring me ………… water to drink.
15. He is a fool and has ………….
1. A little
2. a few
3. little
4. Few
5. A little
6. a little
7. the few
8. the little
9. a few
10. a little
11. a few
12. The few
13. little
14. a little
15. little.
Much, many, many a, more, fewer तथा less का प्रयोग नोट :
(1) Much तथा less मात्रावाचक विशेषण हैं।
(2) Many तथा fewer संख्यावाचक विशेषण हैं।
(3) Much का प्रयोग uncountable nouns के साथ किया जाता है।
Many का प्रयोग countable nouns के साथ किया जाता है।
(4) Much और many का प्रयोग निम्नलिखित प्रकार के वाक्यों में किया जाना चाहिए
(a) Negative वाक्यों में
(b) Interrogative वाक्यों में
(c) Affirmative वाक्यों में (किन्तु केवल तभी जब इन शब्दों का प्रयोग कर्ता अथवा कर्ता
की व्याख्या करने वाले शब्द के रूप में किया गया हो)। शेष सभी प्रकार के Affirmative वाक्यों में much तथा many की जगह निम्नलिखित phrases का प्रयोग किया जाना बेहतर समझा जाता हैa lot of, lots of, plenty of, a large number of, a large quantity of, a good (great) deal of, आदि।
(5) Many a–कई बार ‘Many’ के साथ ‘a’ का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
अर्थ की दृष्टि से ‘many’ तथा ‘many a’ में कोई अन्तर नहीं है। अन्तर केवल इतना है कि
- Many के साथ बहुवचन संज्ञा और बहुवचन क्रिया का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
- Many a के साथ एकवचन संज्ञा और एकवचन क्रिया का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
- Many a man = many x one man = Many men.
1. Many a boy is absent today.
2. Many boys are absent today.
(6) More का प्रयोग uncountable singular nouns के साथ तथा countable plural nouns के साथ किया जाता है।
1. I need some more water today.
2. More boys were called in to help.
(7) Fewer को few की comparative degree के रूप में प्रयोग किया जाता है; किन्तु
Less को little की comparative degree के रूप में बहुत कम प्रयोग किया जाता है।
यह एक स्वतन्त्र comparative है। वास्तव में इसकी कोई positive degree नहीं होती है।
Much (मात्रावाचक)
1. There is not much food in the house.(Negative)
2. Did you have much difficulty in finding it ? (Interrogative)
3. Much of what you say is true. (Affirmative)
4. He never eats much breakfast. (Negative)
5. Does your cow give much milk? (Interrogative)
6. Much of it is useless. (Affirmative)
Many (संख्यावाचक)
1. I don’t have many friends. (Negative)
2. Were there many people at the meeting ? (Interrogative)
3. Many people left early. (Affirmative)
4. He does not know many things. (Negative)
5. Have you done many sums? (Interrogative)
6. Many of them think so. (Affirmative)
1. No fewer than twenty workers were absent.
2. There were fewer men than women.
3. Few know and fewer care.
4. Today I bought fewer eggs.
1. Less size means less weight.
2. He had less difficulty with his work.
3. Don’t think it has less importance.
4. I have less money than you.
Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners
(much, many, fewer, less, many a) :
1. ……………. people came to see the fair.
2. The students made ……………… noise in their vacant period.
3. She knows …………… languages.
4. There aren’t …………….. schools in this town.
5. Don’t spend ………………. time in games.
6. There isn’t ……………….. sugar in the cup.
7. You must take ……………… meals a day.
8. This work is lighter, so I can do with …… manpower.
9. I don’t need ……………….. money.
10. …….. butter and ………………… eggs will serve the purpose today.
11. Did he make ……………….. mistakes in his essay ?
12. You will have to pay …… money for this house.
13. Were there ……………… boys in the playground ?
14. I have seen her ……………… time.
15. I had to face ……….. trouble.
1. Many
2. much
3. many
4. many
5. much
6. much
7. fewer
8. less
9. much
10. Less, fewer
11. many
12. much
13. many
14. many a
15. much.
Each, Every, Neither, Either तथा Both का प्रयोग
नोट : (1) Each का प्रयोग ‘दो’ अथवा ‘दो से अधिक’ वस्तुओं में से प्रत्येक के लिए किया जाता है।
1. He was sitting with a child on each side of him.
2. I helped him on each occasion.
(2) Every का प्रयोग केवल ‘दो से अधिक’ वस्तुओं में से प्रत्येक के लिए किया जा सकता है।
1. Not every horse can run fast.
2. Every child likes sweets and chocolates.
(3) Every के प्रयोग से पूरे समूह पर ध्यान केन्द्रित किया जाता है किन्तु Each के प्रयोग से
समूह की अलग-अलग इकाइयों पर ध्यान केन्द्रित किया जाता है।
1. Every boy (All the boys) in the class passed the examination.
2. Each boy in the class was given three tries.
(4) Either का प्रयोग दो अर्थों में किया जा सकता है –
(a) दो में से कोई एक
(b) दो में से प्रत्येक, अर्थात् दोनों।
किन्तु Either का प्रयोग केवल उन्हीं दो चीज़ों के लिए किया जा सकता है जो एकदूसरी की पूरक हों।
1. You can take either side.
2. The river overflowed on either side.
(5) Neither का प्रयोग either के negative के रूप में किया जाता है। होता है – न यह , न वह
1. You should take neither side.
2. Neither house suits me.
(6) Both का प्रयोग बहुवचन nouns के साथ किया जाता है। इसका प्रयोग एक determiner तथा एक pronoun के रूप में भी किया जा सकता है | एक pronoun के रूप इसका इस्तेमाल किए जाने पर इसके बाद of लगाया जाता है।
1. My both sisters live in Delhi.
2. There are shops on both sides of the street.
3. Both of his brothers have failed. (pronoun)
Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners
(each, every, either, neither or both)
1. …………….. book is useful to me.
2. He is blind in ………………. eyes.
3. ………… answer is correct.
4. He has ………… third day off.
5. …………… the brothers have passed.
6. ………………. answer is worth 20 points.
7. …………….. team liked the arrangements.
8. They visit us ………………. other week.
9. ……………. player was given some prize.
10. The offices on ……………… side were empty.
11. I could hear …………… word they said.
12. …………….. of us could understand German.
13. ……………. day seems the same to me.
14. She knows ………………. student in the school.
15. You can park on ……………. side of the street.
16. There were trees on ……………… side of the road.
17. …………… Reena nor Pooja could comfort me.
18. We enjoyed …………….. day of our summer vacation.
19. There is a door at ……………… end of the corridor.
20. There are ten girls in this class. ……………… girl has this book.
1. Either
2. both
3. Neither
4. every
5. Both
6. Each
7. Neither
8. every
9. Each
10. either
11. every
12. Neither
13. Every
14. every
15. either
16. each
17. Neither
18. every
19. either
20. Each.
Wh- शब्दों के कुछ उदाहरण
इन शब्दों का प्रयोग एक विशेषण अथवा एक योजक के रूप में किया जा सकता है। जैसे
1. Whose books are these ?
2. You can have whichever book you want.
3. Which book do you want ?
4. What books did you buy ?
5. I have read whatever book I had.
The Use Of Articles
अंग्रेजी भाषा में a, an तथा the को Articles कहा जाता है। The को प्रायः Definite Article कहा जाता है। A तथा an को Indefinite Articles कहा जाता है। Articles के प्रयोग सम्बन्धी नियम
(1) An का प्रयोग किसी स्वर (Vowel : a, e, i, o, u) से पूर्व अथवा silent b से पूर्व किया जाता है; जैसे
An apple; an egg; an ink pot; an ox; an umbrella;
An honest man; an M.A.; etc.
(2) A का प्रयोग किसी व्यंजन (consonant) से पूर्व किया जाता है। ऐसे स्वर जिनका उच्चारण किसी व्यंजन की भांति किया जाए, उनसे पूर्व भी a का ही प्रयोग किया जाता है; जैसे
A kite; a cart; a monkey; a unit; a useful thing;
a one-eyed man; a European country; etc.
(3) साधारण रूप से नियम यह है कि यदि कोई Common Noun एकवचन में हो, तो उससे पूर्व किसी
न किसी Article का प्रयोग किया जाना चाहिए; जैसे
1. I saw dog in street.
(यह वाक्य अशुद्ध है।)
2. I saw a dog in the street.
(यह वाक्य शुद्ध है।)
3. I saw the dog in a street.
(यह वाक्य भी. अशुद्ध है।)
The का प्रयोग निम्नलिखित स्थितियों में किया जाता है
1. किसी विशेष व्यक्ति अथवा पदार्थ का वर्णन करने के लिए।
(He is the man who beat me.)
2. नदियों के नामों के साथ।
(The Ganges ; the Yamuna.)
3. पर्वत-श्रृंखलाओं के नामों के साथ।
(The Himalayas ; the Vindhyas.)
4. समुद्रों के नामों के साथ।
(The Indian Ocean ; the Arabian Sea.)
5. प्रसिद्ध पुस्तकों के नामों के साथ।
(The Gita ; the Quran.)
6. प्रकृति की अद्वितीय रचनाओं के साथ।
(The sun ; the moon ; the earth.)
7. Superlative Degree के साथ।
(The best ; the noblest ; the youngest.)
8. किसी जाति अथवा वर्ग के नाम के साथ।
(The English ; the Indians ; the French.)
9. उस विशेषण से पूर्व जिसके साथ लगने वाली संज्ञा understood हो।
(The rich should help the poor.)
10. निम्नलिखित प्रकार के मुहावरों के साथ।
(The higher, the better. The deeper the well, the cooler the water.)
The का प्रयोग निम्नलिखित स्थितियों में प्रायः नहीं किया जाता है
1. किसी नगर, शहर अथवा गाँव के नाम से पूर्व।
2. किसी देश के नाम से पूर्व।
3. किसी महाद्वीप के नाम से पूर्व।
4. किसी अकेले द्वीप के नाम से पूर्व।
5. किसी अन्तरीप (Cape) के नाम से पूर्व ।
(Cape Comorin, कुमारी अन्तरीप)
6. किसी झील के नाम से पूर्व।
7. किसी अकेली पहाड़ी के नाम से पूर्व।
8. किसी व्यक्तिवाचक (Proper) अथवा भाववाचक (Abstract) संज्ञा के साथ।
निम्नलिखित स्थितियों में किसी भी Article का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है —
1. किसी नामलेख (title) के साथ।
(Queen Victoria ; King George.)
2. किसी सकर्मक (Transitive) क्रिया वाले मुहावरे में Verb के बाद लगे हुए Object के साथ।
(Send word ; shake hands ; catch fire.)
3. किसी मुहावरे में Preposition के बाद लगी हुई संज्ञा के साथ।
(By hand ; at sea ; by night.)
4. विशालतम अर्थ में प्रयोग की गई किसी संज्ञा के साथ।
(Man is mortal.)
5. द्रव्यवाचक संज्ञा (Material Noun) के साथ।
(Iron is a very useful metal.)
Fill in the blanks with suitable articles
(a, an, the)
1. I heard …………………… loud noise in …………………… next house.
2. Ink is ……. useful article.
3. His brother is …………………… university professor.
4. Yesterday I saw …………………… European riding on ………………….. elephant.
5. He gave me … ………………. one-rupee note.
6. Have you read …………………… Ramayana?
7. He was struck by …………………. arrow.
8. ………………. Ganga is …………………. sacred river.
9. He drives …………………… motor car at …… uniform speed.
10. He is ………………… taller of ……………… two boys.
11. …………………. Taj Mahal is …………………. most beautiful building.
12. ……………… Bible is ………………. sacred book of Christians.
13. ………………. ewe is standing in ……………….. field.
14. He was …………………… African by birth, not …………………… European.
15. It was ………… unique sight.
1. a, the
2. a
3. a
4. a, an
5. a
6. the
7. an
8. The, a
9. the, a
10. the, the
11. The, the
12. The, a, the
13. A, the
14. an, a
15. a.
Fill in the blanks with suitable Determiners :
1. Jack was seven years old. His sister Jill was one year old. Their house was on …………. hill. One day Jack and Jill were playing with ………… ball. ………… ball rolled down ………. hill. Jack ran after it. Jill rolled down after Jack. There was ………… road at ……….. foot of ………… hill. ………… ball stopped there.
2. When Edison was 12 years old, he became ………… newsboy on ………… train that left Port Huron in ………… evening. Edison set up a laboratory in …………. baggage car of ………… train because he did not want to waste ………. time. Later, he bought …………. printing press and set it up in his laboratory on wheels. He published ……….. weekly paper, which he sold for three cents ………… copy. At …………. same time, Edison spent …………. of his free hours reading in …………. public library.
3. The old man was left with only …………. money in the bank. He didn’t spend ………….. on himself. He wanted to save ………………… for his rainy days…. of his three sons bothered to care for him. He didn’t want to be dependent on …………. of them, either.
1. a, a, The, the, a, the, the, The.
2. a, the, the, the, the, any, a, a, a, the, some, a.
3. a little, any a little, None, any.
Fill in the blanks with ‘few’, ‘a few’ or ‘the few :
1. …….. were the words Rama spoke.
2. ….. books she had were all destroyed.
3. He has read only ……………. poems.
4. ……………… friends she has are all insincere.
5. …………. men can resist this temptation.
6. …………… days’ rest will do you immense good.
7. ……………. suggestions he gave were all accepted.
8. ………….. people live to be 80.
9. He is a man of …………………. words.
10. ……….. words spoken in earnest will convince her to your side.
1. Few
2. The few
3. a few
4. The few
5. Few
6. A few
7. The few
8. Few
9. few
10. A few.
Read the following passage. There is an error in each line. Underline the error and write your correction in your answer sheet.
Corrections There lived the poor weaver in the village. He had a daughter who was always lost in his day-dreams. One day she was walking along the road.
Errors | Corrections |
There lived the poor weaver in the village. He had a daughter who was always lost in his day-dreams. One day she was walking along the road. She had the basket of an eggs on his head. She began to dream of a riches she would earn. Suddenly the cow hit her. His basket of eggs fell down on a road. All eggs were broken. She started crying. All the |
a a her a a, the her the a, Her the |
Fill in the blanks with suitable Determiners :
Why don’t you go and get (1) ………… medicine ? It is (2) ……… terrible disease. If you do not take (3) ……….. precautions, you will have to feel sorry. I know (4) ………. friend of mine who is (5) ……….. expert in treating (6) ……….. disease. He lives in (7)…………… house situated in the street opposite (8) ……….. Civil Hospital. Go and get (9) ……….. medicine before it is too late.
1. some 2. a 3. any 4. a 5. an 6. this 7. a 8. the 9 the.
Fill in the blanks with suitable Determiners :
1. Have you got ………………….. butter?
2. Will you give me ………………….. sugar ?
3. There were hardly mistakes in her essay.
4. ……… man wishes to be happy.
5. You can go by …………………… road.
6. We haven’t ………… books.
7. How …………………. do you want ?
8. He will pay ………………. price you asked.
9. She has bought …………………. pens.
10. Has he ….. friends in the town?
1. any
2. some I any I a little
3. any
4. Every
5. this
6. any
7. much
8. the
9. some
10. any
Fill in the blanks with suitable Determiners :
The day of (1)………… party drew near. Matilda said to (2) ……….. husband, “I haven’t (3) ………. jewellery to wear, not even (4) ………… brooch. I shall look like (5) ………… perfect beggar. I would prefer not to go to (6) ………… party.” “You can wear (7) ………. fresh flowers,” he suggested. But she was not convinced. “Why don’t you ask (8) ……… friend, Mrs. Forestier, to lend you (9) ………. jewellery ?”. he suggested. She at once went to (10) ………… friend’s house and returned home with (11) ……….. lovely necklace. She attended (12) ………… ball, and was (13) ……….. great success.
1. the 2. her 3. any 4. a 5. a 6. the 7. some 8. your 9. some 10. her 11. a 12. the 13. a.
Fill in the blanks with suitable Determiners :
1. He is a man of …………………… words.
2. ………… persons can keep a secret.
3. There are …………………. letters for you.
4. Give me a book; …………………. book will do.
5. What is ………………….. latest information ?
1. few
2. Few
3. a few / some
4. any
5. the.
Fill in the blanks with suitable Determiners :
1. ……….. doctor was called in to see ………… ailing old man. ………… doctor treated him so unskilfully that ……….. man died. Thereupon ………… family seized ………. doctor and tied him up to …………. post, intending to punish him.
2. But during ………… night, he got loose from ……….. cord that held him, and escaped by swimming across ………… Ganges. On reaching his home, ………. doctor found his son studying some medical books. “My son,” said he, “do not be in ……….. hurry to study ………… books. ………… first and ………… most important thing for …. doctor to do is to learn to swim.”
1. A, an, The, the, the, the, a.
2. the, the, the, the, a, the, The, the, a. ..
Fill in the blanks with suitable Determiners :
1. ………… pen will do.
2. Did you see ……………….. girls there?
3. Are there ……………… pens in that drawer ?
4. She hasn’t ………….
5. How ……………….. pounds of sugar do you want ?
6. Delhi is farther from …… ……………. city than Surat.
7. The thief was taken to ………………. police station.
8. He does not sell………………….. than five kilograms of sugar.
9. He wasted ………………… money he had.
10. There are …………… books in the library.
1. Any
2. any
3. any
4. any
5. many
6. this
7. the
8. more
9. the little
10. many.
Fill in the blanks with ‘Each”, “Every’, ‘Either’ or ‘Neither’ :
1. …………….. of the two boys was fined.
2. …………… seat in the hall was occupied.
3. ……… man wants to rise in the world.
4. …………….. accusation is true.
5. …………. soldier was at his post.
6. ………………. side has won.
7. …………. man has some duties to perform.
8. She visited us …………. three days.
9. Five boys stood in …………………… row.
10. You can take …………….. side.
1. Neither
2. Each
3. Every
4. Every
5. Each
6. Neither
7. Every
8. every
9. each
10. either.
Fill in the blanks with suitable Determiners :
1. Gold is …………………. precious metal.
2. Ram is ………………….. pride of his parents.
3. Delhi is …………………… London of India.
4. Hari Das is ………………….. loyal servant.
5. Punjabi is ………………….. official language of Punjab.
6. He is ………….. man who stole my bicycle.
7. I have sent him ………… message.
8. …………….. umbrella is essential at ……… hill station.
9. I have ………………. Alsatian dog.
10. Gita is ………………….. intelligent girl.
1. a
2. the
3. the
4. a
5. the
6. the
7. the
8. An, a
9. an
10. an.
Fill in the blanks with suitable Determiners :
1. He is ……………….. one-eyed man.
2. Mumbai is ………………. biggest port in India.
3. He teaches me for ………………….. hour.
4. India wants peace all over …………………. world.
5. ……………. dog is …………………… faithful animal.
6. I bought ……….
7. I do not lend …………………. books to anyone.
8. ………………….. mother is a teacher.
9. One should do ………. duty
10. We love ……………….. motherland.
1. a.
2. the
3. an
4. the
5. The, a
6. an
7. my
8. My
9. one’s
10. our.
Fill in the blanks with suitable Determiners :
1. Is there ………………. body in the house?
2. The players had …………..layers had ………………….. practice.
3. I have …………………… work to do.
4. He lent me …………… books.
5. ………… people sleep on the footpaths.
6. He gave me …………………… bananas he had.
7. June is the ……………….. month of the year.
8. He has ………………… wealth than his brother.
9. …….. little knowledge is ………………… dangerous thing.
10. I borrowed ………………. few books from him.
1. any
2. much
3. much
4. some / many
5. Many
6. the few
7. sixth
8. more
9. A, a
10. a.
Fill in the blanks with suitable Determiners :
1. …………. novel is more interesting than ………………… one.
2. My friend is …………………. teacher.
3. She is ……………….. M.L.A.
4. He will leave by ……… next train.
5. The Principal gave him ………………. warning
6. …….. sun rises in …….. east
7. …….. eagle is a bird of prey.
8. ……… of the girls were present.
9. He was too modest to tell ………………….. lie.
10. He went to call on ………………….. friends of his.
1. This, that
2. a
3. an
4. the
5. a
6. The, the
7. The
8. Some
9. a
10. some.