PSEB Class 9th English Note-Making & Messages
PSEB Class 9th English Note-Making & Messages
PSEB 9th Class English Note-Making & Messages
का अर्थ है किसी पैरे की मुख्य बातों को संक्षिप्त और साफ-सुथरे ढंग से प्रस्तुत करना। अच्छे Notes में निम्नलिखित विशेषताएं होती है –
1. वे संक्षिप्त होते हैं।
2. केवल प्रासंगिक बातें ही उनमें दी जाती हैं।
3. केवल शब्दों या वाक्यांशों का प्रयोग ही किया जाता है। पूरे वाक्यों की आमतौर पर आवश्यकता नहीं होती। अन्य शब्दों में हम कह सकते हैं कि Notes बनाते समय प्रयुक्त भाषा व्याकरण की दृष्टि से पूरी तरह सही नहीं भी हो सकती।
4. सूचना को सूचीबद्ध ढंग से प्रस्तुत किया जाता है। इसे विभाजित व उपविभाजित किया जाता है। विभाजन निम्न प्रकार से हो सकता है –
मुख्य खण्ड : 1, 2, 3, इत्यादि।
उपखण्ड : a, b, c, इत्यादि।
Passage 1:
If the young students in schools and colleges do not learn discipline, they will never be able to extract’ obedience from others in society. In fact, society will never accept them as persons fit for any responsible position in life. A school or college without discipline can never impart? suitable education to students.
Such a school or college is no better than a factory that turns out imperfect’ men and women. Sense of discipline plays a very important part in the playground and the battlefield. A disciplined team is likely to win the match in spite of its weakness but a very good team may not fare well for want of discipline. The rule of discipline equally applies to soldiers in the battlefield.
Read the above passage carefully and make notes on it in points only, using headings and sub-headings.
1. Need for discipline in schools and colleges for good education.
2. Indisciplined students fail’ to win any respect or position later on in their life.
3. Importance of discipline, for players on the playground
4. Importance of discipline, for soldiers in the battlefield.
Passage 2
Early rising leads to health and happiness. The man who rises late, can have little rest in the course of the day. Anyone who lies in bed late is compelled to work till a late hour in the evening. He has to go without the morning exercise which is so necessary for his health. In spite of all efforts’, his work will not produce as good results as that of the early riser. The reason for this is that he cannot take advantage of the refreshing hours in the morning.
Some people say that the quiet hour of midnight is the best time for working. Several great thinkers say that they can write best only when they burn the midnight oil. Yet it is true to say that few men have a clear brain at midnight when the body needs rest and sleep. Those who work at that time soon ruin their health. Bad health must, in the long run, have a bad effect on the quality of their work.
Read the above passage carefully and make notes on it in points only, using headings and sub-headings.
1. Advantages of early rising :
(i) health
(ii) Disadvantages
2. Disadvantages of late rising
(i) work till late in the evening
(ii) go without morning exercise
(iii) work not done properly.
(3) (i) Burning midnight oil bad for health.
(ii) Bad health, poor quality of our work.
Passage 3
Games, though essential, should not become the be-all and end-all of student life. Generally, the sportsmen waste too much time on them, and fail in their examinations. One must never devote more than an hour to sports and after that, one should not even think about them. Again, if a player plays a game rashly’, there is every danger of breaking bones.
If it is played without the spirit of sportsmanship, it can lead to bad blood and quarrels. In some of the colleges, there is a tradition that if the visiting team is winning a match, the home team plays foul, picks a quarrel and breaks the bones of the visitors. But in spite of these minor defects, sports are very useful in keeping the students busy and in developing their personalities.
India expects its citizens to have the qualities of true sportsmen. If we all acquire these qualities, there will be no narrow-mindedness, no corruption, and no injustice. There will be independence in the real sense of the word.
Read the given passage carefully and make notes on it in points only, using headings and sub-headings.
1. Sports essential for students, but not the be-all and end-all.
2. Wasting too much time → failure in examinations.
3. Playing rashly → breaking of bones.
4. Lack of sportsmanship → quarrels between teams.
5. True sportsmanship can end narrow – mindedness, corruption and injustice.
Passage 4
Of all amusements which can possibly be imagined for a hard-working man after his daily toil, there is nothing like reading an entertaining book. It calls for no bodily exertion of which he has had enough. It relieves his home of its dullness. It transports him to a livelier and more interesting scene, and while he enjoys himself there, he may forget the evils of the present moment.
It accompanies him to his next day’s work and if the book he has been reading be anything above the very idlest and the dullest, it gives him something to think about besides the drudgery of his everyday occupation. If I were to pray for a taste which should stand me in good stead under every variety of circumstances and be. a source of happiness and cheerfulness through life, it would be a taste for reading.
Give a man this taste,.and the means of gratifying it, and you can hardly fail to make him happy unless indeed you put into his hand a most perverse selection of books.
Read the above passage carefully and make notes on it in points only, using headings and sub-headings.
1. Reading of an interesting book a good diversion after the day’s hard work.
2. (i) Removes dullness of home,
(ii) Transports one into a livelier world.
3. (i) A good book food for thought.
(ii) Stands in good srcad under every circumstance.
4. Taste for reading, a source of great happiness.
Passage -5
English is important not because a number of people know it in India, although it is a factor to be remembered. It is not important because it is the language of Milton and Shakespeare, although that has to be considered. English is important because it is the major window for us on the modern world. And we dare not close that window. If we close it, we imperil our future. We think of Industrialisation, scientific development, research and technology.
But every door of modern knowledge will be closed if we do not have one or more foreign languages. We need not have English : we can have Russian, French or German, if you like, but obviously it is infinitely simpler for us to deal with a language which we know than to shift over to Russian, French or German which will be a tremendous job.
Certainly, we want to learn foreign languages, because we deal with the people of those languages in business, trade and science. So in the present stage of our development, we cannot go ahead without English and other foreign languages.
Read the above passage carefully and make notes on it in points only, using headings and sub-headings.
1. Mistakes do little harm
- when admitted.
- set tight before they a do any carnage
2. Delay in admitting mistakes
- harmful for the task in hand.
- harmful for the reputation.
3. Person who admits his mistakes
- is liked by everybody
- wins the confidence and respect of others.
4. Person who hides his mistakes
- is considered a fool.
- nobody likes him
Passage – 7
Teachers have a great responsibility at this time when our society is undergoing transformation. The future of the teaching profession in India will depend on the decision which the teachers take on vital questions relating to social change. In normal times, when society is comparatively more stable, the teachers’ primary task is transmitting culture. But in a period of transition, like the one through which we are passing, they have sometimes to set aside the culture in which they live, make a proper appraisal9 of it, pick out its salient features and reinterpret them for the new generation. The oncoming generations can rise to a high level of wisdom and cultivation only when teachers guide them carefully during this period of change.
Read the given passage carefully and make notes on it in points only, using headings and sub-headings.
A. Teachers’ role in normal times :
- transmitting culture.
B. Modern rimes :
- not normal
- a period of transition.
C. teacher roles:
- proper appraisal of old culture
- pick out its salient features
- re-interpreting them for future generations.
Passage – 8
Each one of us must realize that the only future for India and her people is one of tolerance and co-operation, which have been the basis of our culture for ages past. We have laid down in our constitution that Indians a Secular State. This does not mean irreligion. It means equal respect for all faiths and equal opportunities for those who profess different faiths. We have, therefore, always to keep in mind this vital aspect of our culture which is also of the highest importance in India today. Those who put up barriers between one Indian and another and who promote disruptive tendencies do not serve the cause of India and her culture. They weaken us at home and discredit us abroad.
Read the above passage carefully and make notes on it in points only, using headings and sub-headings.
(A) Tolerance and co-operation
- basis of our past culture
- pillars of our future
(B) Secularism
- equal respect for all faiths
- equal opportunities
- of highest importance in present-day India.
(C) Disruptive tendencies
- serve no cause
- discredit the country
Passage – 9
As a result of a long series of discoveries, mans life has been altered more radically and more rapidly during the last one hundred and fifty years than during the whole of the preceding two thousand years. In what ways does this alteration chiefly show itself ? In the first place, most of the external enemies to which our species in the past had been exposed are either overcome or are in a fair way to being overcome.
Look back over mans life in the past and you cannot but realize what sordid, meagre, frightened affair it must have been. His crops and, therefore, his livelihood have been at the mercy of forces which he could neither understand nor control; forces of fire and flood, of earthquake and drought; his communities were swept by pestilence and famine; and with the sweat of his brow, he wrung meager sustenance from nature. Today, thanks to science, all these enemies to man’s well-being have either disappeared or have been reduced to comparative impotence.
Read the above passage carefully and make notes on it in points only, using headings and sub-headings.
1. Discoveries of science during the
2. Man’s life completely changed.
3. External enemies overpowered :
- floods and fires
- earthquakes
- famines.
- pestilence
4. Now getting one’s livelihood not so difficult as it used to be.