RBSE Solutions for Class 9 Social Science Chapter 19 Book-Keeping: Accountancy

RBSE Solutions for Class 9 Social Science Chapter 19 Book-Keeping: Accountancy

Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 9 Social Science Chapter 19 Book-Keeping: Accountancy


Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Question 1.
The most scientific method of book-keeping and accounting is
(a) Single Entry System
(b) Cash Book System
(c) Mahajani System of Accounting
(d) Double Entry System

Question 2.
Double entry means transaction of
(a) doing entry on both sides of an account
(b) doing entry in personal account of both
(c) doing entry in depositing of two accounts
(d) doing entry in one’s personal account and doing entry in favour of deposit of other side

Question 3.
At which stage in double entry system from the financial position of business is known?
(a) Classification
(b) Summary
(c) Original record
(d) Ledger posting

Question 4.
At the starting of starting business, the owner invests amount which is called:
(a) Property
(b) Withdrawn
(c) Capital
(d) Responsibility

Question 5.
The Mahajani system of accountancy (Indian entry method) is based on:
(a) Single Entry System
(b) Cash System
(c) Double Entry System
(d) None of these

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
How many sals (folds) are there in Mahajani Book keeping system?
6, 8, 12, or 16.

Question 2.
Pakki Rokar Bahis are made from which book?
Pakki Rokar Bahi are made from Kachchi Rokar Bahi.

Question 3.
What is entry in account book called?
Entry in the Account book is called debit and credit.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Write the three merits and two demerits of Double Entry System of Book Keeping.

  1. It is complete and scientific.
  2. Reliable
  3. Information of Profit and loss.


  1. It is very difficult to find wrong entries.
  2. It is a costly method.

Question 2.
Write the names of books of the first stage of the Double Entry System of book keeping.
Books of the first stage of Double Entry System of book-keeping:
Purchase book, Sales book, Purchase return book, Sales Return book, Bills receivable books, Cash book and main jounals.

Question 3.
Give the definition of accounting.
According to R.N. Anthony, “Accounting system is a source or tool to collect informations related to business in monetary words, summarization and information regarding them.

Question 4.
Give any three objectives of accountancy.
The three objective of accountancy are:

  1. To write the monetary transactions of all business dealings financially.
  2. Classification of transactions and presenting them in a summarised way.
  3. To analyse and decide profit and loss.

Question 5.
Give the definition of principle of accounting.
In each transaction, two sides are involved-one gives and other takes. Hence, at the time of accounting, both sides are affected, and it is called the principle of accounting.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is Accountancy? Write its main objectives.
Accounting is an art of recording, classifying and summarising in a significant manner and in terms of money, transactions and events which are in part at least, of a financial character and interpreting the results there of.
Accounting begins after book-keeping. In this, business transactions are recorded, analysed and interpreted. It interprets profitability and the financial position of the firm.

Accounting is done to achieve the following objectives-

  1. To maintain the systematic record of business transactions.
  2. To calculate net profit/loss of the business.
  3. To as certain the financial position of the business.
  4. To make available business information to various interest groups.
  5. To facilitate planning and quick decision-making.

Question 2.
According to the principles of Double Entry system one is debited and the other is credited for same amount. Explain the statement and describe various stages.
Double Entry system is based on the principle that every financial transaction has two parties. One party gives something and the other party receives. So every such dealing is entered into two accounts. One is entered in debit side and the other in credit side of the accounts. This it is called the Double Entry System.
Its various stages are:
(a) Original Records:
The stage of recording immediately just after the transaction, is known as the stage of original records. The books in which the original records are entered are called the original books of records. A small businessman enters all his dealings in one book that is known as Journal. But big businessmen make their entries in many subsidiary books like purchase book, sales book, purchase return book, sales return book, bills receivable books, bills payable book, cash book and the main journal.

(b) Classification and Ledger Posting:
Original record is only a means of making immediate entries for keeping in memory the business transactions. It does not inform how much money is to be taken, from or given to a particular businessman, how much money was spent on a particular item or how much was earned and so on. It is because the entries are made in the original book date wise not the transactions or parties wise. The main entry book of the second stage is called Ledger. All the transactions are scrutinised and entered in their concerned accounts.
The acts of scrutiny and writing then in their accounts are called classification and posting in Ledger respectively.

(c) Summary or Preparation of Final Accounts:
In Ledger there are many accounts which cannot tell how much profit or loss was earned or what is the financial position of the business. For this, the trial balance is prepared by drawing the balance of all the accounts of ledger, with the help of this trial balance. Trading account, Profit and Loss accounts and Balance sheet are prepared, which are called the final accounts.

Question 3.
Describe the merits and demerits of Double Entry System of Accountancy.

  1. Complete and Scientific:
    As it is based on definite principles and rules hence scientific. There is no chance of error because every transaction is entered twice. If any errors is left it is easily depicted.
  2. Basis of Account is Reliable:
    It is completely accountable as every entry is done twice in two books – once in Debit, other in Credit.
  3. It gives the information of profit and loss:
    Separate ledgers are made for every type of transaction. Hence, at any time businessman can get status of profit and loss of particular period.
  4. Easy in providing informations:
    As separate accounts are made for sale purchase, payment and received, and hence everything could be calculated easily.
  5. Less possibility of cheating and fraud:
    If any person does any fraud, he could be caught easily.
  6. Comparative study:
    At the end of financial year, final ledger is prepared which could be compared with the ledger of last year.
  7. Legal Authenticity:
    It is legally recognised by Company Act, bank, insurance, MNCs. Hence, all big companies are bound to keep their accounts act to this method.


  1. If any entry is left in journal, it could not be found. It would not affect balance sheet.
  2. If wrong amount is entered at initial stage, it would not be tally and there would be no effect on balance sheet.
  3. If any difference is entered in debit as well as credit side it would not be able to «. find if.
  4. It is a costly method as many heavy registers have to be maintained. But such expenditure is negligible for big business houses compared to its utility.
  5. Specially trained and skilled people are required to maintain such records.

Question 4.
What do you understand by book keeping and accounting? Differentiate between them.
Maintenance of books of income and expenditure on regular basis and in a systematic order is Book-Keeping. It is a science and an art of recording in the books of accounts all those business transactions that are monetary in nature. It facilitates to have up to date knowledge of the income and the expenditure and also the exact financial position of the business. Book keeping is an essential part of accounting.

Accounting is a means of collecting, classifying, summarizing analyzing and reporting in monetary terms, information about the business. Accounting records only those transactions and events in terms of money which are of financial nature. There are basically three methods prevailing as the popular systems of book-keeping.
Distinction between Book-keeping and Accounting

S.No Basis Accounting Book-Keeping
1. Nature It is mainly concerned with recording, classifying and summarising the recorded data. It is mainly concerned with the recording of financial data relat­ing to business operations in an ordery and systematic manner.
2. Clerical work It does not require much clerical work. It involves and requires lot of clerical work.
3. Scope Its scope is large as it in­volves the work of book-keep­ing as well. Its scope is narrow as it is a part of accounting.
4. Knowl­ edge It requires high level of knowledge, conceptual under standing and analytical skill. It requires only elementary knowledge of accounting to carry out the function of Book­Keeping.
5. Financial
Exact financial position is not shown by Book-Keeping. Financial position can be known by final accounts.

Question 5.
Discuss the functions of accounting in detail.
Trade, commerce and business are part of man’s life from ancient time. As man become more civilized these also expand and as transactions were crossed the Boundaries in the form of export, import now a need arose to write them as record as so many transactions could not be remembered.

  1. It is used to show business relations with others, to enlist the properties to conduct business for payments, receives.
  2. It is greatly in demand due to increase in production, competition, market extension, technical changes etc.
  3. It is a continuous process by which those transactions can be presented which are monetary in nature.
  4. It helps in providing financial informations.

Question 6.
What is Mahajani method (Indian method) of Accounting? Write its characteristics.
Mahajani System of Accounting:
It is thousands of years old system in India. The old businessmen keep their accounts in this system. It is one of the oldest systems of the world. The accounts are kept in large sized folded books, bound in red colour cloth.
Its main characteristics are:

  1. It is a complete and scientific method.
  2. The principles of Double Entry system are followed in this system.
  3. Bahis are used to keep accounts. They are large sized folded books, bound in thin red colour cloth, having a strong string at one end.
  4. Lines are not sketched as in registers but the leaves of Bahis are folded to divide the pages.
  5. Mostly, the entries are made in black ink.
  6. Accounts can be written in Hindi, and other Indian languages as Gujarati, Marathi, Sindhi, Urdu, Gurumukhi, etc.
  7. Both the Hindi Tithi’ and the English ‘dates’ are used.
  8. Amount is written in the ‘Hindustani style without making columns for rupees, and paise.
  9. On the left hand side ‘Credit’ and on the right hand side ‘Debit’ are written.
    Types of Bahis used
  10. Closed Bahi or Rojnamcha.
  11. Cash Bahis-
    1. Credit Nakal Bahi
    2. Purchase Return Nakal Bahi
    3. Debit Nakal Bahi
    4. Sales Return Nakal Bahi
    5. Petty Nakal Bahi
    6. Other subsidiary Bahis

Question 7.
“Mahajani system of accounting is a completely scientific method”. Give your views on it.
Mahajani system of accounting is an ancient. Indian method and one of the oldest systems of the world. Like method of modern ledger, in this double entry is made of each transaction.

  1. At the initial stage detail entry is made date wise for memory.
  2. Secondly, by dividing the accounts serial wise entry is made, which is called posting.
  3. Like modern ledger method, three types of accounts are made in this –
    1. Personal account
    2. Material cost accounts, and
    3. Profit/Loss accounts. Also, to know profit/loss and financial status, final accounts are made.
  4. By preparing trial balance, mathematical accuracy can be checked of accounts. If wrong amount is entered, it would be rectified.
  5. Like modern ledger, rules of deposition are same in it. Hence, it is clear that Mahajani system of accounting is a completely scientific method.


Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Question 1.
The first profounder of the Double Entry system was
(a) Huge Old Castle
(b) Lucas Pacioli
(c) Batali Boi
(d) William Picalls

Question 2.
Business transactions mean
(a) Credit transactions of goods
(b) Cash transactions of goods
(c) Exchange of services for fixed charges
(d) All the above

Question 3.
The rule ‘Debit the receiver and credit the giver’ relates to
(a) Real Account
(b) Nominal Account
(c) Personal Account
(d) None of the above

Question 4.
In Double entry system every transaction involves
(a) Single party
(b) Two parties
(c) More than two parties
(d) More than one party

Question 5.
Incomplete Entry is another name for
(a) Double Entry System
(b) Single Entry System
(c) Cash System
(d) Mahajani System

Question 6.
Account records can be produced in a court of law as
(a) Statement of accounts
(b) Record of financial institutions
(c) A method of Book keeping
(d) Evidence (Proof)

Question 7.
Which is not one of the Nakal Bahis?
(a) Petty Nakal Bahi
(b) Pakki Cash Bahi
(c) Debit Nakal Bahi
(d) Credit Nakal Bahi

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Which are the final accounts in the Double Entry System?
Trading-account, profit and loss accounts and balance sheet prepared are the final accounts.

Question 2.
To which sides are the entries of Debit and Credit made in accountancy?
Entry of Debit (Dr) is made to left side and entry of Credit (Cr) is made to the right side.

Question 3.
By which method of book-keeping can the exact financial position not be known?
Exact financial position can not be known by Single Entry System.

Question 4.
Who does the work of book-keeping in the initial stages?
The work of book keeping is done primarily by some clerk who is known as the Book-keeper.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
How is book-keeping a science?
Science is a systematic, ordered and lawful study of knowledge. As book¬keeping is based on certain rules, universal principles and concepts, it is, therefore a science.

Question 2.
How is book-keeping an ‘art’?
Art means the way of doing some work in the appropriate manner. In book keeping, a book keeper applies rules and principles to the best of his knowledges and enforces them with his’ability and skill. Therefore, book¬keeping is also an art.

Question 3.
Why could the Mahajani system of accounting not make much headway?
Mahajani System of accounting could not develop because of:

  1. lack of its literature and research.
  2. its failure to match with the high status of the English system.
  3. Paucity of good, books to impart knowledge to the businessmen, about this system of accountancy.

Question 4.
Write three weaknesses of Single Entry System of book-keeping.

  1. It has no certain rules and principles. Rules may vary in different • institutions as per their requirements.
  2. Exact financial position cannot be known through this system.
  3. No trial balance can be made for examining the mathematical accuracy in this system.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Give the limitation of accounting.
The limitation of accounting are:

  1. It is not exact as it is based on different estimates made by different people.
  2. It ignores the price level changes and records all the items at historical value.
  3. It records only monetary transactions thus ignoring the important non¬monetary transactions.
  4. It may make manipulations in the Balance Sheet.
  5. It omits qualitative information such as efficiency and capability of management, quality of products etc.
  6. It is based on rigid concepts and conventions.
  7. It may be influenced by personal judgement.
  8. It requires knowledge of English language.
  9. It needs specific training, knowledge and skill to maintain the books of accounts.
  10. The layman cannot understand accounting system.

Question 2.
Write the main characteristics of single entry system.
The main characteristics of single entry system are:

  1. It has no fixed rules and principles, hence it may vary in different institutions.
  2. Only cash book is kept, in which both personal and business entries of cash transactions are made.
  3. Only personal accounts are opened in it.
  4. One has to depend on original documents for getting information for various dealings.
  5. No trial balance can be made for examining the mathematical accuracy.
  6. Due to incomplete accounts the estimated profit or loss cannot be called accurate or exact.
  7. Exact financial position cannot be known through this system.
  8. As it is incomplete it cannot be presented as an authentic proof in any court.
  9. It is more suitable for smaller businessmen as it is single and time saving.

Question 3.
What are the terminologies used in Mahajani Bahi khata system? Exmpain them.
The terminologies used in Mahajani Bhai knata system are as follows:
(a) Bhaians:
In Indian accountancy system books in which enteries are made are called Bhaia. These books are different from the registered English Accountancy System.

(b) Jama and Naam:
In Indian accountancy system pages of Rokar bahi and Khata bahi are divided into two equal parts on left hand part of four sals is called Jama Paksh while right hand with four sals is called Naam Paksh. It is totally against English system of accountancy.

(c) Sira and Peta:
The first column of each bahi of Jama and Naam paksh is called Sira. Rest three are called Peta. In Sira amount is written while in Peta detail of transaction is written. Formate of Mahajani Bahi Khata

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Sira Peta Peta Peta Sira Peta Peta Peta

(d) Sal Fold:
In Indian accountancy system, business bahis are made of smooth, white and yellow paper. These paper are folded according to need are called Sals. There are six, eight, twelve and sixteen sals which are used to write amount of transactions and their detail.

(e) Entry of Sira:
The column of Sira amount is written and action is called entry.

(f) Deposit and Spend:
Writting of transaction of business according to rules in Bahis.

(g) Satedi:
It is a kind of symbol which is used between rupee and paisa.

(h) Widh Milana:
Every day business man enters cash related transaction in Rokar bahi. In the evening he tells the amount the defence of deposit and cash in the cash box. It is called widh milana.

(i) Dyodha Kama:
In cash bahi, both accounts are totalled and closed or transfered into final accounts. It is called Dyodha Kama.

(j) Rokar Pote Baki:
Everyday when shop is closed whatever the cash comes in the cash box is called Rokar Pote.

(k) Valta:
Such a transaction which is entered in both sides is called Valta. In english system it is called entry.

(l) Padat:
The meaning of Padat is cost of goods or rate of goods.

(m) Bharat: In the container in which goods is filled the weight of goods is called Bharat.

(n) Band Bahi:
It is also called as Rojnamcha. Sometimes due to rush of customers a business man forgets to write transactions in the mean time, hence all transactions he writes at one page and transfers in the concerning books when he gets time. It also has two parts Jama and Naam.

(o) Krishna Paksh and Shukla Paksh:
In every hindi month has two paksh. Each paksh has fifteen days called tithi, Krishna paksh is called Budi, Shukla paksh is called Sudi.

(p) Miti:
Presentation of date according to Indian system is called miti. It is written before the name of the month.

(q) Mel :
Before entering the daily transaction in account book the businessman writes the tithi of that day, month and samvat. As well as name of Isht dev and name of the bahi.

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